Alliance Wars Seasons Discussion Thread

We've just announced an exciting new addition to The Contest! Alliance Wars Seasons are coming! Alliance Wars Seasons are going to be the most competitive new mode in the game, and will be the go to place for all of the rarest items in the game!
Find out everything you need to know here.
We've just announced an exciting new addition to The Contest! Alliance Wars Seasons are coming! Alliance Wars Seasons are going to be the most competitive new mode in the game, and will be the go to place for all of the rarest items in the game!
Find out everything you need to know here.
We did take this opportunity to give a small bump to the Alliance Wars rewards. You'll see them in game when you update to the newest version coming later this week.
Seems that image was left out of the first post. I've updated it to include the image now!
You must complete 5 Wars with that Alliance before the end of the Season. If you leave the Alliance after completing 5 Wars, and then come back, that does not count. The counter resets every time you leave an Alliance.
Can't help but see how this is just something for the top ally's though, gonna be the invisible wall all over again for other players accessing such sought after materials.
Considering it's already been a case of the strong get stronger, no ones gonna be able to even overhaul them now too, too late.
(Especially when they break the law and are allowed back to claim all this 😒)
So, what would prevent a top alliance hypothetically from going undefeated through let's say the first 7 weeks and then stopping and holding knowing that there would be a very small chance for other alliances to catch them?
Then they would stop getting points and other alliances who keep doing wars would pass them on the leaderboard.
Season 1 kicks off on February 7th when Matchmaking returns, and runs through April 3rd. Not every season will be the same length though. Some may end up being longer, while some may end up being shorter!
for the top 300. everyone else, you are getting the same ol' stuff that you have in excess.
still an improvement .... I shouldn't complain.
You could do this if you wanted, but that would be a VERY risky maneuver. Remember, skipping Alliance Wars will decay your War Rating, which means you'll drop tiers, while others will rise to replace you. With the larger multiplier in higher tiers, you're definitely giving other Alliances a huge opportunity to overtake you.
You'll be continuing from where you currently are.
Or after about 4 weeks of wars I am pretty sure my alliance will have the ins and outs of the points and know what we can and cannot do. Even if top 3 cannot be guaranteed we can plan for top 20.
1.Alliances on the "cusp" will be forced to spend in order to keep up with their tiers. Great for the Kabam bottom line, not so good for the players.
2. Top 1% rewards are absolutely insane good, top 5% are good, everything else has a steep decline into meaningless rewards
I'm holding out judgement until a "season" goes by, but I'm not optimistic.
*grabs popcorn*