New 5* Crystal Change Clarification

To Kabam staff - I just want to clarify something with you all. This was a quote from the announcement: "From this point forward, when a 3-Star or 4-Star Previously Featured Champion is added to the Premium Hero Crystal we will also be adding the 5-Star version to the 5-Star Hero Crystal."
1) I'm assuming "From this point forward" is referring to May 30th, is that correct?
2) If that IS correct, does that also mean that Dormammu is the first champion this would apply to (on June 6th)?
3) Does that mean that from May 30th through June 5th, Dormammu will be in the "Sub-Featured" pool, and then moved to the "Basic Pool" on June 6th?
4) The Hood is being added to the PHC, 3*, and 4* crystals on May 25th, so he will be the final 5* champion on the "catch-up" roster?
Thank you!
1) I'm assuming "From this point forward" is referring to May 30th, is that correct?
2) If that IS correct, does that also mean that Dormammu is the first champion this would apply to (on June 6th)?
3) Does that mean that from May 30th through June 5th, Dormammu will be in the "Sub-Featured" pool, and then moved to the "Basic Pool" on June 6th?
4) The Hood is being added to the PHC, 3*, and 4* crystals on May 25th, so he will be the final 5* champion on the "catch-up" roster?
Thank you!
That's actually my point. The language is not precise. Hence why I'm asking someone from Kabam for clarification.
Sorry, but it was the weekend when this was posted, and Monday was a holiday here, so weren't able to get to your thread.
Now, to answer all of your questions. Starting with the first new featured Hero Crystal in June, you'll have a small chance at any Champion that is not already included in the Basic Hero pool. Starting in July, we'll be adding 6 Champions that are not in the Basic 5-Star Crystal, into the Basic 5-Star Hero Crystal. When they are added, they will be taken out of the sub-featured pool.
So, Dormammu will be available in the Sub-Featured pool until he is added to the Basic 5-Star Hero Crystal. That won't be for quite some time, since he is fairly new. It won't be until we have fully caught up with the previously released Champions that we start to add the newly released champions at the same time they are added to the Premium Hero Crystals.
EDIT: Corrected some information: The Yondu crystal is not the first the feature this, but the first New champion added in June.
Or from this point there will be only one chance to get a champion as a 5* feature?
Miike, a quick clarification since it was asked in another thread and not answered. Does this mean that Dormammu's FEATURED CRYSTAL 2 week RE-RELEASE (and others after him...Archangel, Iceman, etc.) will not have a chance at the "sub-feature" pool? And only champions released from Yondu forward will?
So, again, please see my correction above. Yondu's Crystal does not feature the Sub-Featured pool. But to answer your question, after the release of the First new featured Champion in June, all 5-Star Featured Crystals will have a chance at a Champion not currently in the base pool.
Yes. That has not changed, but now there is also a chance to score a Champion not added to the Basic Crystal yet.
Yondu's crystal will not, because I was mistaken as to which Champion would be the first. The new Champions adding to the 5-Star Crystal are not until NEXT week.
I had a question too. When the Champ is added to the regular pool, are they taken out of the sub-featured? As you can tell, my favorite character is Venom. He will be added to the sub-featured in June, and the regular pool in July. Does that mean in July there are greater odds to get him then? Are the sub-featured odds better than the normal odds? Will the sub-featured be in a regular crystal or *only* the featured crystal?
Haha, you're still being confusing by your word choice. Iceman is going to be in a FEATURED 5* crystal that is going to be re-released after June 6. It is a featured crystal, but a re-run of the featured crystal. Does this mean his crystal will have a chance at the "sub-feature" pool or not? Or is it only for NEW featured 5* crystals (and not re-releases)?
Okay Yondu was a bad example. Say the next featured after him. It will have the sub-pool but will it also have the same heroes that are in the basic crystal? Meaning it will have the 24 current basics, plus the 12 new, plus the sub pool and the featured?
And if the new champs are added May 31st there will be a day overlap where the yondu crystal will still be available but it won't have any additional champs other than the 24 that are in there as of right now?
When a Champion is added to the Regular Pool, they are taken out of the Sub-Featured pool. So Venom will only be in the sub-featured pool for a short time. The Sub-Featured pool is only available in the 5-Star Featured Hero Crystal, not the Basic crystal. From the featured Hero Crystal, you're still most likely to score a Champion from the Basic Pool, then the Featured Hero, and then the Sub-Featured Pool.
Any Featured 5-Star Hero crystal you get after the 8th of June. This includes new ones, and re-runs.
Yep! So the Crystal releasing on June 8th will have all of the Basic Pool, as well as the Sub Featured, and the Featured Champion.
As for the other question... I'm not quite sure how that will work. You might be able to get some of the new Champions being added if you open after the new ones are added, but I can't guarantee it. I will try and find out!
Thanks Miike. I'll be trying for Yondu but would love to have a shot at ultron or RR at the same time.
OK, so If I'm reading this correctly, my best chances to get Venom are in the basic crystal in July?
NOTE: Every mention of June 8th pertains to POST server maintenance.
Dormammu will be the 5* Crystal available from June 1st - June 15th (second run of champ).
Will that crystal have the sub Featured pool?
If so, will it only be available if you buy the crystal on June 8th?
What if you buy the crystal June 1st, and open it on June 8th?
According to this post:
.... Dormammu will be in the sub Featured pool.
SOOOOO... if you buy the crystal on June 8th but missed Dormammu from the Featured pool - there's a slight chance you could still get Dormammu from the sub Featured pool???
Looks like Miike added further clarification in the other thread here:
In short, the "sub-feature" pool will not apply to the Dormammu re-run because it comes out before June 8th.
Miike answered this somewhere else. The crystal changes will occur on June 8, starting with whatever featured crystal launches that day. Any crystals before June 8 (even June 7 at 11:59pm) won't contain the updated champions. I'm not sure what time so I'd probably just hold off until June 9 to be safe.