Alliance Quest Miniboss and Sentinel Refresh - April 2018 - Discussion Thread [Updated April 13]

We've just announced a small refresh of Alliance Quests that will start April 2nd. This will include new Minibosses, and a farewell to our Symbioid friends!
Read all about it, then ask your questions!
We've just posted an update in regards to your feedback on Alliance Quests. This post includes some adjustments to Sentinels and Alliance Quests that will be coming with the next series (Starting April 18th). Take a look right here:
We've just announced a small refresh of Alliance Quests that will start April 2nd. This will include new Minibosses, and a farewell to our Symbioid friends!
Read all about it, then ask your questions!
We've just posted an update in regards to your feedback on Alliance Quests. This post includes some adjustments to Sentinels and Alliance Quests that will be coming with the next series (Starting April 18th). Take a look right here:
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
As we said in that post, we are working on a full refresh. We are not at a place or time where we can increase the rewards or fully refresh the mode right now.
I understand that a refresh is on the way. But it just seems like we are being made guinea pigs while the game team figures out what to change. This announcement with even a small amount of a good faith gesture would have been better received. Instead it leaves the vast majority of us feeling like we are being cheated again. And I'm sorry if that offends you or anyone else.
If you aren't at a place or time to refresh the rewards then you shouldn't be at a place or time to refresh the difficulty. One should not go without the other. This is a great example of pure laziness
But how are you so sure that the difficulty has gotten worse?
Granted, Bleed and Poison champions may not be as effective in Alliance Quests as they were before, but Sentinels melt at the power of a Armor Break Champion, and a lot of the new Mini-Bosses have very common counters!
Is that different to just event quests that come every month? Will it be things coming that are permanent or what?
But you are at a place and time where you can increase difficulty for no obvious reason??
Then don't swap out mini and symboids with tougher defenders, hence making it more difficult.
Buff rewards then do some change’s,at this time you are doing nothing
It’s not a “small” change though...Sentinels are far more difficult to fight against, and since they don’t bleed or can’t be poisoned it’s even more difficult.
Not to mention, Morningstar, Void, Goblin and Nightcrawler are way tougher to fight against then what’s there now.
420sam is 100% right in asking for more rewards. Why make the content harder that 100% will require more resources to beat, but not even meet the players half way on the rewards?
I think 95% of the players would rather you leave everything unchanged if there’s no added benefit. Don’t believe me? Poll the question in that exact honest way, and see if the players would rather wait til the next season to get the refresh or play tougher map with no extra benefits