Infinity Chaos Event Energy Requirements [Merged Threads]



  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    If you do this event quest without refills you can't let your energy refill and you need all the help requests every 8 hours. It's a bit insane that it's not possible to walk a few daily cat quests here and there without being unable to complete the event quests (without refills). It's never been like that.

    We've all seen the "leaked" pictures with a higher energy count/level. It's possible that they intended to raise the energy cap and thus tune the eq to match it. Completely reasonable (and also the reason I prefer the energy cap to and stay how it is) wouldn't expect anything else. More energy means we'll get longer/more paths.

    It feels like kabam is doing things in steps. Just like with aq, switching some enemies but not the rewards. Or war, switching to a new map, but not adjusting rewards. But with war and aq at least they came out and said "we're planning to adjust the rewards in the near future". If this is a similar situation a simple message saying "energy requirements are indeed going up, soon your energy cap will follow" would stop most of the complaining.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    We were just talking about substantially larger, ergo 200 Energy. That Energy added can be justified by the Rewards given for Rifts.

    Not really when Rifts cost energy too.
  • ChickenChicken Member Posts: 160
    @GroundedWisdom You keep saying that the energy has increased because of the rift rewards but the rifts themselves cost energy. Because they cost energy we are already paying extra energy for the rewards. So why increase the eq energy as well?
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  • ChickenChicken Member Posts: 160
    edited April 2018
    Yes exactly the difficulty of the content determines the rewards not how much energy is needed to complete it. And as I mentioned before the rifts themselves already cost energy and time so to increase the energy for eq is not fair. The amount of energy required this month is absurd. If they were going to increase the amount of energy to complete eq because of the rift rewards then the rifts should cost no energy. That would be a justified change. Or they could have just not increased the energy by this much for eq and have the rifts cost energy either way you would still pretty much be using extra energy this month but doing both is dumb.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    MoiraD wrote: »
    Chicken wrote: »
    @GroundedWisdom You keep saying that the energy has increased because of the rift rewards but the rifts themselves cost energy. Because they cost energy we are already paying extra energy for the rewards. So why increase the eq energy as well?

    Agreed and Energy does not determine rewards. If anything increasing the skill needed for a quest warrants increasing the rewards, once again energy has nothing to do with it.

    Not solely, no. The level of difficulty has a large part. I said the Rewards are a factor, not that the Energy determines the Rewards.
  • ChickenChicken Member Posts: 160
    @GroundedWisdom you’ve already stated your a opinion so please stop now. This is a very important topic to a lot of people and we don’t want this thread getting closed. You are allowed to share your opinion and you’ve done that so stop now. Let’s keep this thread on subject and not argue with each other. I disagree with you but thanks for sharing your opinion.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    We appreciate everyone for providing their feedback and have passed it along to the rest of the team. While we welcome feedback and constructive conversation, remember to keep your comments civil and focused on the topic of discussion, not on other players or other topics.
  • PrimeSaviour_27PrimeSaviour_27 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    The energy requirement for this event is absolutely nuts.

    Shortest month with the highest amount of energy needed. Definitely a cash grab on Kabam part. Most the nodes in between fights are completely unnecessary.
  • PrimeSaviour_27PrimeSaviour_27 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    It wouldn’t be so bad if they put some full energy refills along some of the routes at least then it would take the edge of it a bit.

    Like they do in some of the longer routes in Quests.
  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 215
    @PrimeSaviour_27 that is another nice and interesting idea, maybe not a full one but a couple of small on each path, between that and time the energy unbalance could be handle @Kabam Zibiit please pass that along, lets hope something of this is more than heard
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  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 215
    @MoiraD while it may be a solution and even seem nice, it would only point us into the wrong direction to the future, what happened in this eq is something that shouldnt repeat itself, unless we can have a full run with our energy that is capped at 70, also there is this create your own energy deal video @ContestChampion uploaded on youtube if interested, it can help a bit while we wait for another solution
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  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 215
    @MoiraD i hope not, btw here is the link for anyone interested

    Is not the greatest, but it may help a bit
    Credits to @ContestChampion
  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 215
    Well, while we still wait(perhaps forever) for a fix, there is a deal on the unit store, for the price of 5 full recharges get 6 and 3 lvl 2 potions, again is not a real solution, but if you are buying refills this helps a lil bit
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Rodstein wrote: »
    Well, while we still wait(perhaps forever) for a fix, there is a deal on the unit store, for the price of 5 full recharges get 6 and 3 lvl 2 potions, again is not a real solution, but if you are buying refills this helps a lil bit

    I always buys this deal. I did buy one more then I usually do, but I always do it. It’s a really decent value for an item that’s already relatively cheap. With it I’m able to do some catalyst daily runs and act 5 without having to buy 30 unit refills. I do need to add I walk all difficulties every month regardless of scrap, valor or rift shards.
  • Nightwraith21Nightwraith21 Member Posts: 68
    Hey All,

    While the actual amount of energy to finish a Path in a certain Quest might change from Event Quest to Event Quest, the overall amount of Energy required to Master the entire Quest does not change too much. There will be a little bit of a discrepancy from month to month, with some requiring more energy, and some requiring less energy, but overall, it is not changing too much.
    Disclaimer: All completely my opinion.
    This event quest is garbage though. It costs much more energy than last months, we have less time to do it, and it's at least twice as difficult as previous quests in regards that: a) the Nameless Guillotine is a crock of sh*t, b) it doesn't force me to change up my play style( it's a cash grab and ya'll know it), c) the story is entirely pointless because it takes place in a mirror dimension in which nothing we do matters at all. I got to the end of heroic and felt completely disappointed in the writers for MCOC.
    Honestly, you'd think the great Dr. Strange himself should've figured that out super quick.
    To be entirely fair, this is the only event quest I've had an issue with since that awful update early last year. Otherwise, the game is running smoothly and all.
  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 215
    Firstly about the eq cost most of us seem to agree, sadly nobody at kabam does since it doesnt affect them.

    About difficulty it depends on each of us.

    On the story, is made as a build up arc ina wat connected to the whole promoting the film side, so i just play it and see how it unfolds since is not finished.

    Finally, bout the Strange figuring things out is not exactly easy, because comic wise Ebony Maw does a similar thing to him on infinity, plus you are talking about an infinity stone which in the right hands can do a lot mire than the other 5 on no so savy hands(aka reality stone and Adam Warlock)

    Ps i like your input @Nightwraith21 and i would like to hear on how you would suggest to maje the best of such an awful situatiin kabam put us through
  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 215
    So today we got an update on this subject of sorts, sadly is bad news, as you hesrd trials are coming this week and guess what energy is needed too, so we got the total extra from eq plus the cost per chaos rift, plus now the trials, it may be not that much, however taking into considerstion the entire sum it is and wasnt a totally f2p friendly month and by tendency i believe next eq should be the same if not worst
  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 215
    I understand this is a business, but would it hurt that in the bundles they throw more than one full energy, idk 3-5 perhaps
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