War seasons crystals [Merged Threads]



  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    The season prizes are down. Gold1 was 1650 points and suddenly gold2 was 1200 points. G1907 alliance was ignored. We want to fix the situation.f5rja0l5vk2p.png

    I don't think you know how seasons work, please leave this thread alone
  • FixxxFixxx Member Posts: 234
    Gabbros wrote: »
    Fixxx wrote: »
    Didn't count the T2A frags but I got 6k T5B frags from 6 war crystals. What a way to end this season
    Tats decent drop with 6 imo

    It's not. It's literally 1k T5B frags per crystal--I opened it one by one to see for myself
  • SuperFarzSuperFarz Member Posts: 166
    What a joke. Guy in my alliance got 114K t2a and 8.5K t5b and I get +-18K t2a and 10K t5b. Can’t believe this. Balanced...... from 10 chrystals.
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    When 30 people in one alliance average 12,000 less t5b it isn’t RNG it’s a nerf. Watch for that upcoming t5b “deal”
  • hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 629 ★★★★
    i hope this crystal was broken and we are compensated with t5b shards because everyone in my alliance got 10k from 10 crystals and it's way less than last season. something is wrong. if it's random, some people should have gotten a lot more. like a distribution. but something seems off
  • ASV27ASV27 Member Posts: 91
    It really sucks how the most rare items in the game are being handed out randomly to the players. One lucky or unlucky roll could be the difference of a few months of running Uncollected.
  • ill_ill_ Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2018
    yup everyone in my alliance got 12k from 12 crystals, these guys will never learn. Nerfs gain traction and the whole community sees it. Be transparent for once. Don't be surprised to see a T5B "deal" on July 1st for a ridiculous amount of money.
  • PurveyorPurveyor Member Posts: 201 ★★
    ill_ wrote: »
    yup everyone in my alliance got 12k from 12 crystals, these guys will never learn. Nerfs gain traction and the whole community sees it. Be transparent for once. Don't be surprised to see a T5B "deal" on July 1st for a ridiculous amount of money.

    It will be July 4th. 3600 shards for $100.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Some people will get better pulls than others. Why are people still surprised about that with this game. You can get 20k t2 alphas from 1 crystal. It’s just a small chance so fewer people will get it
  • AcanthusAcanthus Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited June 2018
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    Some people will get better pulls than others. Why are people still surprised about that with this game. You can get 20k t2 alphas from 1 crystal. It’s just a small chance so fewer people will get it

    People expect the rewards of a 2 month grind not being a RNG clown fiesta. I got less T2A total from my rank1 master than some platinum players. Great system
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    edited June 2018
    This whole game is an RNG fiesta. Not sure why you expect opening these crystals to be any different. Plus you got more t5 basic shards than plat1 guys did. I would rather have more of those but I was one of the guys that got lucky on his t2 alpha shards
  • 0chris9999999990chris999999999 Member Posts: 137
    shchong2 wrote: »
    Kabam thought that lowering those random rewards would make us aspire for more next season. They dont realize how much sacrifices were made just to get them only to open a dismal amount... tsk tsk

    Haha yea, from our Line chat room discussion just now, my alliance mates think starting AW Season 3, we NO longer want to spend any unit to buy revive/potion for AW. We may NOT even want to use Glory for alliance revive/potion anymore. BETTER USE GLORY to buy T2a crystals directly, and EARN T5a from events. If our champs died in the war, let them be.

    Looking at the { Time + Effort } / Reward, I think it makes alot of sense!! :D Totally not worth it.

    This is simple maths and economics, especially if we put our emotion aside, this makes complete sense, and it contains no ranting, but pure logics.

    That sounds like the best way to go...I always hated alliances and couldn’t wait until I got to point where I no longer needed them. I feel bad for you guys...to give up so much for so little...but even the fact that you are going to play season 3. GL 2 U
  • AcanthusAcanthus Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited June 2018
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    This whole game is an RNG fiesta. Not sure why you expect opening these crystals to be any different. Plus you got more t5 basic shards than plat1 guys did. I would rather have more of those but I was one of the guys that got lucky on his t2 alpha shards

    Cause it's different. This is like if they added a random amout of T2A and T5b rewards to Act 6. ****, I better not give them ideas..
  • UltimatheoryUltimatheory Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    They definitely modified it. Last season there was a chance you could get no T5B shards at all. Now it seems the base amount is 1k shards per crystal. However, the odds of pulling more than 1k shards seems to have gone down very significantly.
  • SuperFarzSuperFarz Member Posts: 166
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    This whole game is an RNG fiesta. Not sure why you expect opening these crystals to be any different. Plus you got more t5 basic shards than plat1 guys did. I would rather have more of those but I was one of the guys that got lucky on his t2 alpha shards

    I don’t mind a small difference in RNG but the difference in the rewards are way to large basicly putting people months behind.
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    edited June 2018
    I did well this season. 54k t2a and 9k t5b from 6 crystals. Last season, 12k t5b and I think 18k t2a
  • CoachLedCoachLed Member Posts: 355 ★★
    Yeah I got crapped on too. 16k and 6k from 6 crystals. Guess they figured they gave too much after season 1 and would rather us have to spend cash on that kind of stuff. Classic Kabam.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    The War Season's crystal description reads as follows: "This Crystal guarentees a minimum of 1000 Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst Fragments AND BONUS Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst Fragments or Tier 5 Basic Catalyst Fragments."

    Honestly that sounds more like T2A fragments are supposed to be guarenteed with a chance to get bonus T2A or T5B fragments. But the crystal seems to guarentee 1000 T5B fragments instead. It's very possible that this crystal was bugged since season 1 and it was never Kabam's intention for it to give 1000 T5B per War Season crystal. I know many were very shocked that it gave out that many T5B to begin with when first opening them. I also remember reading a reddit post some time back where someone had held onto their season 1 season crystals for a while and opened them recently, only to find them giving much less T5B than those who opened them right away got
  • SighsohardSighsohard Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    Guy in my alliance in gold 1 got 56000 t2a and 6000 t5b

    Nearly all the rest of us got 12000 t2a and 6000 t5b

    This is RIDICULOUS. These are SEASON rewards. The swing from 12k to 56k is insane.
  • SighsohardSighsohard Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    Hey All,

    We have not touched those crystals. They are random, so just because you got more last season does not mean that you will get the same this season, and just because you didn't get as much this season doesn't mean that you can't get more in the next.

    While it can be discouraging that these rewards are left to chance, these are still only one part of the overall Season Rewards that are not left to chance at all. That said, I will pass this feedback on to the team for consideration.

    I haven’t seen anyone get more than 1k t5b per crystal yet. However the t2a amount is random. And incredibly differing amounts. You guys need to check that out. The low end of the t2a amount is WAYYYY too low guys.
  • CoachLedCoachLed Member Posts: 355 ★★
    I just don’t like the disparity in the amount of T2A. Some people getting 12k from 6 crystals while others getting over 70k from the same number of crystals. Think about that....I earned the same rewards from the season as another guy but he gets 2 fully formed T2A while I get less than half of one..... These rewards shouldn’t be left to chance, or at least not with that much variance.
  • PurveyorPurveyor Member Posts: 201 ★★
    If they’re random, how is literally every person I’ve seen getting 1000 t5b shards a crystal?
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,447 ★★★★★
    CoachLed wrote: »
    I just don’t like the disparity in the amount of T2A. Some people getting 12k from 6 crystals while others getting over 70k from the same number of crystals. Think about that....I earned the same rewards from the season as another guy but he gets 2 fully formed T2A while I get less than half of one..... These rewards shouldn’t be left to chance, or at least not with that much variance.
    Even ther also say ther culd be a fully form fund more like form Them it so much how 6 cystal. Can gos and giv let alene. Every 2 much Master rank1 Can get 1 rank5 5 Stars ever 2 much arund ther.
  • Joey0480Joey0480 Member Posts: 126 ★★
    I am all for the random but something was not right this time around. Whole alliance recieves significantly less and then coming to the boards we see the same issue
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    edited June 2018
    I had 6 crystals from gold 1 tier, and I got 37k t2a fragments, and 6k t5b fragments. So I think there has to be a chance for more than 1k t5b fragments.
  • DroidDoesDroidDoes Member Posts: 411 ★★
    Werewrym wrote: »
    I had 6 crystals from gold 1 tier, and I got 37k t2a fragments, and 6k t5b fragments. So I think there has to be a chance for more than 1k t5b fragments.

    Yep, gold 1 also, so 6 crystals to open; got 15k t2a frags and 6k t5b frags. Vid is on my YT channel to prove it. Talk about the bare minimum! Waaaaay too much RNG with these
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    I’d believe it was random if I didn’t have a sample size of 30
  • BgpmpnBgpmpn Member Posts: 5
    Mike someone has misinformed you. It is not possible for it to be the same. Give us a serious response or I’m done spending on this game.
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