Alliance Wars Season 3 Discussion Thread



  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,594 ★★★★★
    Karakanli wrote: »
    Anyone noticed that new semi bosses are gone in AW. We play in Tier 5 and today those overdone buffs are no more... 🧐

    Still there in T1.
  • Fantasy_91Fantasy_91 Member Posts: 243
    Karakanli wrote: »
    Anyone noticed that new semi bosses are gone in AW. We play in Tier 5 and today those overdone buffs are no more... 🧐

    The nodes are actually tied to the map difficulties not war tiers. While there is a correlation that tier X should give X difficulty...its not always the case as it also seems dependant on who you are matched . Double check if you are on challenger or expert or this matchup
  • Fantasy_91Fantasy_91 Member Posts: 243
    Most comments from higher tiered alliances which is to be expected since you have more invested in the game and literally are being punished for being competitive and spending in game currency and/or money to 100%....but I want to chime in on the changes to the lower map difficulties.

    Kabam wants new members or smaller alliances to have a chance to 100% because while it still allows 10 members to place defenders, you only need 5 paths to get full exploration rewards or 7 paths for 100%. How many new or low level alliances have issues with members not joining the attack phase and earning rewards for others hard work? Now less members need to join but they will have a greater chance of winning because they can get 100% same as an alliance where everyone has joined and done their fair share of exploration. My alliance is on the edge of normal and intermediate...we have won alot of wars because everyone joins but the other alliance had 2 or 3 members not explore so we had the greater exploration. Our advantage of greater particapation is now gone and its completely unfair in my opinion.

    I'm all for helping new members out and believe they should be able earn rewards that give them a boost on getting higher rarity champs, but that easily could have been done by lowering the percantage needed to get full exploration rewards. Or find another way to change the map that doesnt allow 100% without a full team effort. Or maybe give points for joining the attack phase? I mean....kabam says the high tiers shouldnt 100% why do they think that the lower tiers should?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,477 Guardian
    Fantasy_91 wrote: »
    kabam says the high tiers shouldnt 100% why do they think that the lower tiers should?

    They don't. I believe they are datamining AW and seeing that the vast majority of high tier wars end in full exploration for both sides which they don't want to happen as often, so they are increasing difficulty to reduce that likelihood. They are seeing the majority of low tier wars end with far less exploration in general, so they are making the maps easier to increase the probability that the alliances will progress farther. But they don't expect those changes to cause all low tier alliances to start getting full exploration all of the time.

    At least, that is my current interpretation of what they are doing, having followed what they've been doing with AW since the beginning.
  • Glockoma1234Glockoma1234 Member Posts: 4
    Are we going to be given a copy of the map for lane assignments or node review?
  • Fantasy_91Fantasy_91 Member Posts: 243
    My alliance was 90% to 100% completion. I expect we will be able to consistently get 100% now with the new map. There are plenty of decent alliances in tier 10-13. Most of our opponents did comparable. Being able to get higher exploration with less people is just inflating the numbers. The intent should be to explore more with the same people. They could do that be decreasing the number of linked nodes on the same map. Granted they did that as well with the easier map so exploration gets even easier. They could have changed how the portals exited so people could have jumped to other paths to help someone out that was stuck. Its one thing to be stuck because of an incoming node or dying. It another for not joining at all. That is the point I'm trying to make.

    I believe the biggest problem is there is not enough information ingame on the best strategies to get ahead. I can't tell you how many times I've had to explain linked and/or local nodes to new alliance members...but I just have to laugh when a war opponent fights through an incoming node and keeps dying, revives and dies again. Or masteries or you name it. Improve training methods and/or tools available in game. Improve method of locating a decent active alliance in game by including various search options.

    Players shouldn't have to rely on the forum or reddit or youtube for the beginner to intermediate strategies.
  • WhowasthatmaskedmanWhowasthatmaskedman Member Posts: 81
  • WhowasthatmaskedmanWhowasthatmaskedman Member Posts: 81
    These mini boss nodes are redic. This node also has Aspect of something. 4-5 unique terrible boosts for mini bosses when 1 or 2 would do. These are mini bosses that only 1 person has to clear. I am just smh at this. Come on #Kabam.
  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    edited July 2018
    Node 27 with breakthrough and counter tactic is stupid. You might as well add unblockable on this node because everyone will just place an iceman there. My maxed r5 SS at poise #8 can't even make a dent on his armor let alone his health bar
  • GrubGrub Member Posts: 258 ★★★
    AW is a massive disaster right now with people dying to overheating and lag. I really hope you aren’t rolling out season 3 like this.
  • kmbell81kmbell81 Member Posts: 47
    PaytoPlay wrote: »
    Node 27 with breakthrough and counter tactic is stupid. You might as well add unblockable on this node because everyone will just place an iceman there. My maxed r5 SS at poise #8 can't even make a dent on his armor let alone his health bar

    That node is the single worst fight in the game right now. The current AW map has nothing to do with whether or not we finish and everything to do with forcing people to pay to play.

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  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    Mninobody wrote: »
    True strike easily solves that breakthrough issue.

    Yes agree, breakthrough alone I can bring a karnak but with counter tactic its just capitalizing on your skills... At least get rid of stun immune on that node
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    ASV27 wrote: »
    like the shorter season but the price to complete the maps just quadrupled. No more free fights and harder nodes.

    So, with the exception of those Nodes on Challenger and Expert that we mentioned, we haven't made any other nodes harder. The new Nodes are meant to make things more difficult, but will also be visible from the get go, so Attackers are able to bring in champions to specifically counter whatever Champion they see there.

    Given that you have extended the difficulty to both Challenger and Expert levels on AW, what about the poor sobs who dont have a wide selection of champions to counter said nodes ?
  • TsunaniTsunani Member Posts: 173
    First kabam makes aw a little easier and introduces diversity, but since it wasn't good for the top 1 alliance in kabam's heart, they came out with that lie that we were not supposed to do 100% exploration, now, once again, only the rich will have places in master and platinum 1. You disgust me.
  • GrubGrub Member Posts: 258 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Ad0ra_

    Can we please get some confirmation about the season start date? You can’t possibly plan to start the new season with the multitude of issues going on with the game right now.
  • MagiknightMagiknight Member Posts: 12
    Tile 30 is almost impossible to pass without dying alot, just try with a 5* r5 Dormammu full MD there, for example.
  • MagiknightMagiknight Member Posts: 12
    You say completing the map is supposed to be something extraordinary, but when you put AW as the only place you can get great stuff all at once, it's just like saying you're making everything harder just to force people to spend more on AW.
  • AsmodeyusAsmodeyus Member Posts: 217
    Delay season or bug fixes possible? This kinda needs addressed within 12 hours of season start
  • SligSlig Member Posts: 427 ★★★
    Looks like season 3 will be delayed.
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  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268

    As many of you have reported, we are currently experiencing some unexpected hardware and software issues. This is causing many of you to experience limited access to the game, as well as sub par performance in game.

    While we continue to investigate the issues and identify solutions, we will be delaying the start of Alliance Wars Season 3.

    At this time, we do not have a timeline for when we will be launching Season 3, but want to ensure that we have time to work to resolve any interactions that are causing problems on iOS devices before starting the next competitive season.

    We apologize for the delay, and appreciate your patience. We will update you all as soon as we have more information on these issues.
  • OmniOmni Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    womp womp
  • DiegoVDiegoV Member Posts: 39
    Rebalance nodes please
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