Day 1 map 5 aq GG mini stronger than normal?



  • StL_SuitsStL_Suits Member Posts: 68
    ESF wrote: »
    Did I just imagine that I read that they had added a bit more difficulty to AQ for the new season? I thought I read that in the announcement?

    Not criticizing anyone's technique or whatever. I honestly thought I read that they had tuned it a little tighter, were open about it. Maybe my memory is bad, though?

    They increased the difficulty cap by 20% - 25%, but that shouldn't be coming into play on Day 1. They even specifically stated that if your alliance never hit the cap, the changes would have no effect on your alliance whatsoever.


  • BirdReynoldsBirdReynolds Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    I disagree that it’s good business. Releasing that bundle during day 1 of a brand new season, our adjustment period, is strategic timing, but do it in a unit based offer. As a cash offer it just comes off as “oh well Kabam’s trying to shake us all down for our lunch money again with every little change” and a lot of players are gonna say NOPE. Big fat hairy nope. Some will buy it for sure, but constantly stepping on the toes of your customers just because you can isn’t good business.
  • MaddMatt05MaddMatt05 Member Posts: 286
    edited September 2018
    @ESF specifically what was said concerning mini-bosses was...
    - A new difficulty scaling system raises the ceiling on difficulty for the most powerful Alliances in the Contest, but will also yield more points to coincide with the addition of new Peak Milestones!

    Are the Minibosses being changed?
    The mini-bosses are NOT changing, but some adjustments have been made to the Buff Nodes (notably, many of the Champion Boosts)

    So this implies there could be some changes in difficulty sure, but 1) for the most part it shouldn’t be felt til days 4 and 5 and 2) adjustments to the buffs doesn’t imply going from easy solo kill to multiple time out fights.

    Furthermore, looking at the buffs on the nodes, they don’t seem to line up with the amount of hits and damage output GG was doing.
  • NoWayBroNoWayBro Member Posts: 153
    @Demonzfyre did you fight GG?
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,783 ★★★★★
    NoWayBro wrote: »
    @Demonzfyre did you fight GG?

    Whether or not I fought him has nothing to do with point or this conversation. My point is, dont go jumping the gun on "changes" based off a feeling.
  • NoWayBroNoWayBro Member Posts: 153
    @ESF as suits pointed out the difficulty shouldnt increase until your ally reaches its prestige plateau which for us was on day 4
  • NoWayBroNoWayBro Member Posts: 153
    @Demonzfyre did you fight GG?
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,783 ★★★★★
    NoWayBro wrote: »
    @ESF as suits pointed out the difficulty shouldnt increase until your ally reaches its prestige plateau which for us was on day 4

    Thats not true if the starting difficulty went up or alliance prestige increased.
  • NoWayBroNoWayBro Member Posts: 153
    I already told u our prestige dropped 70 pnts and i also included the word “was” not “is” on the day we plateaued. Now again did you r did uou not fight GG @Demonzfyre ?
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    Thanks for the responses, guys -- I couldn't remember exactly what I read, and I certainly am not making light of any tuning changes. I had the vague feeling that this cycle was going to be a little tighter, but you guys with more experience in the higher I always say, sometimes when you do things enough times, just a slight change makes the feel totally different
  • NoWayBroNoWayBro Member Posts: 153
    Np @ESF glad we could help
  • StL_SuitsStL_Suits Member Posts: 68
    edited September 2018
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    NoWayBro wrote: »
    @Demonzfyre did you fight GG?

    Whether or not I fought him has nothing to do with point or this conversation. My point is, dont go jumping the gun on "changes" based off a feeling.

    Actually, it has everything to do with the point of this conversation. @NoWayBro specifically asked, "Anyone else notice if the GG mini is alot stronger than normal on day 1?"

    Asking if you actually fought him is a fair question. We're all basing our opinion on real experience, and whether it was just 1 fight or not, players that have been playing for several years can definitely tell the difference from 1 fight. I don't think this post was started as a witch hunt as you've insinuated at all. Given the exponentially growing number of issues with the game in it's current state, I think asking the community if they too noticed a change in difficulty that may or may not be caused by a bug is completely fair.

    So, I'm curious as well. Did you fight GG, and if so, what was your experience during the fight? Did you experience anything that has been brought up in this thread so far, even if it ends up being "working as intended"?

  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,263 ★★★★★
    I don't ever remember getting 4/55 Hyperion KO at 100% health from a GG SP2 on day 1.
  • NoWayBroNoWayBro Member Posts: 153
    Thanks for the info @zuffy
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,783 ★★★★★
    I didn't fight him as the mini in my BG is taken down when I'm usually asleep. They didn't mention anything about it, no one timed out or had an issue with it. My BG is usually talkative if there is an issue or when something changes.
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  • PizzabeatPizzabeat Member Posts: 239 ★★
    edited September 2018
    Here we have the 1st GG mini on day 2 with over 7k attack. Is this working as intended?

    (Our alliance starting day prestige is around the 5900 mark)

    @Kabam Miike

  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    I recall in the announcement of the refresh/introduction of peak milestones (prior to the new season) that it was said that not all of the listed miniboss attack buffs were actually working, but they were going to leave it that way for now. My guess is that they went ahead and corrected this for the release of season 5. While I did enjoy the lower attack rating, I sort of expected this to happen. I'm not sure whether this was announced with the season 5 notes though.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    Though, I'll admit, it does seem a little harsh for a rank 4 champ to be knocked out from one special. I made fun of my alliance mate (friendly banter) when he lost a champ on him, but perhaps it's my turn to lose one this time and laugh at myself:)
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,428 Guardian
    The minibosses in Map 5 and lower used to have only a health boost due to a bug. That bug was incorrectly addressed in the middle of Season 4, which anyone that ran lower maps might have noticed (minibosses in maps lower than Map 5 saw ludicrously high attack boosts). In season five, the devs tried to address this correctly, adjusting the node buffs to be more in line with their original intent. In particular, Map 5 minibosses used to have a +450% health boost only, in season five they now have a +200% champion boost (which is attack and health) and a separate +200% attack boost. Their net boost is slightly lower on health, and much higher on attack (note: Nightcrawler will have a slightly lower champion boost).

    This was not directly addressed in the announcement, but was addressed in the FAQ:

    Are the Minibosses being changed?
    The mini-bosses are NOT changing, but some adjustments have been made to the Buff Nodes (notably, many of the Champion Boosts)

  • WhathappenedWhathappened Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    zuffy wrote: »
    I don't ever remember getting 4/55 Hyperion KO at 100% health from a GG SP2 on day 1.

    My 6* Proxima got taken out by sp2 from 100% health... missed my My first thought was the mini received a boost but didn't know for sure. We probably won't know for sure unless a person had screenshots prior to the change.
    StL_Suits wrote: »
    Voluntaris wrote: »
    I had no issue with GG mini.

    Mystery solved folks, @Voluntaris didn't have any issue with him, everyone can move along now.

    He definitely seemed more like a Day 3 mini. I went in with a full health Blade against the section 1 GG (with GR/Stark) and ate one 4 hit combo that took me down to 2%. Was lucky enough to regen back to about 30% and finished the fight, but his attack definitely seemed higher than normal for Day 1.


    edited September 2018
  • NoWayBroNoWayBro Member Posts: 153
    if you cannot add anything constructive to this conversation other than “wrong” and “NO HE IS NOT STRONGER THAN NORMAL STOP SPAMMING THE FORUM!” @STOPCRYING u can gtfo as well
    NoWayBro wrote: »
    if you cannot add anything constructive to this conversation other than “wrong” and “NO HE IS NOT STRONGER THAN NORMAL STOP SPAMMING THE FORUM!” @STOPCRYING u can gtfo as well

    Your Spam Post Violates ToS of Forums ok so you be constructive instead of trying to find gold where there is only dirt
  • Hey everyone,

    This post is starting to stray off topic. Please keep the discussion constructive and handle the argument in a mature manner.
  • AxeCopFireAxeCopFire Member Posts: 1,115 ★★★
    edited September 2018
    How have people not figured out yet that map 5 minbosses have a +200% attack node now?

    In previous seasons they had a +200% attack node but it actually wasn't working so Kabam removed the +200% attack from the node description (and then there was that time during season 4 when they accidentally added a working +200% attack node back in by accident).

    With the new season, they've taken the opportunity to add the +200% attack back in (and working this time) since they always intended for it to be there from the start.

    Edit: lol actually it looks like @DNA3000 figured this out also a few posts above me.
  • Smitty138Smitty138 Member Posts: 104
    He was way stronger.... Our prestige is 6500 day 2 and this fool was almost 7k attack and 150k health.... Doing massive damage through block....
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