The Epic Uncanny room boss is too much



  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    Hmm. All they really need to do is check the completion rate of the epic level up to this point, and compare it to the completion of the current uncanny. If there is a disconnect, they should consider making changes going forward. No big deal, certainly no reason to deride kabam. Definitely no reason to deride the skill set of other players. Lots of good reasons to just get some chill.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,010 ★★★★★
    Even if there was some display of the strength, Rarity, PI...either in the Announcement or on the Screen, that would be useful for people. When you work all week to gain limited Entries and find out after you enter it's a 30K 6*, you are forced to either burn through Resources, or lose your Entry. Very little ways to prepare. Had the Event given an indication through consistency, that would have been better. I'm all for harder content. There's a place for it. I just don't agree with the flow of the Event.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Didn't think it was bad at all. FAR easier than UC EQ. Burned all my epic and master tickets without using a single item.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,493 Guardian
    There really hasn’t been constistancy this week.

    There's been a lot of consistency in the danger rooms this past week. However, this is the first time we're seeing the Uncanny Danger Rooms which aren't required to be consistent with those, as the announcement explicitly stated they were going to be different.

    The Gwenpool event was a special case where the champions were deliberately nerfed below the typical degree of difficulty that the named difficulty level normally contains. You can't generalize from that: that was the special case where difficulty was far lower than normal, not the standard anyone should or reasonably could judge all other events by.
  • Shaun01Shaun01 Member Posts: 250 ★★
    Isn't another form of attempting to silence someone to continually push your own personal opinions over and over?

    Asking for a friend.....
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,010 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    I was displaying a point. The point was you can't ignore feedback from the Player Base, and if you generalize or become too cavalier, you're turning your back on a good portion of the reason you design to begin with.
    Quite frankly, I'm tired of people jumping in to silence any question of difficulty whatsoever. It's become entirely too dissociative and disrespectful.

    What about the feed back about RDTs for the MD nerf and the compensation "package" they gave out? Should they listen to that feed back too?

    They should listen to everyone. That doesn't mean they have to do everything people want. My quam is with being silenced by other people. Not petitioning for immediate action.

    No forum poster has the power to silence any other. Within the limits of the forum conduct rules, every poster is entitled to challenge, disagree, or dispute any other poster, and if someone isn't willing to be challenged to the fullest extent allowed by the rules then they should not be posting any controversial ideas on the forums inviting challenge. Interpreting being challenged as "being silenced" doesn't make it so.

    Yet we see it continually, in numbers. Most of the time people don't even stop to read what's being said before they've already formulated a generalized shut-down. I don't include you in this. One thing I really respect about you is the care you take in reading clearly and formulating responses. However, it happens too often. "Not all content is for the easier Quests....people are just's was easy...git don't have the skill...". I could go on. So many people jump in to counter them without even hearing them out. All it does is belittle someone's problems and feedback. For some, it's their first experience on the Forum. I get that people sometimes want to help, and other times people just like to give someone who is already frustrated a hard time, and all the other Human Behaviors that come with that, but let's face it. It's become an Art Form here. There's a difference between healthy debate, and overshadowing someone's issues.
  • Captain_KandiceCaptain_Kandice Member Posts: 222 ★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    There really hasn’t been constistancy this week.

    There's been a lot of consistency in the danger rooms this past week. However, this is the first time we're seeing the Uncanny Danger Rooms which aren't required to be consistent with those, as the announcement explicitly stated they were going to be different.

    The Gwenpool event was a special case where the champions were deliberately nerfed below the typical degree of difficulty that the named difficulty level normally contains. You can't generalize from that: that was the special case where difficulty was far lower than normal, not the standard anyone should or reasonably could judge all other events by.

    I think you’re missing my point. I’m not judging or comparing GP to all other epic content and think Epic needs to be consistent with the GP event. I’m talking about the suggested hero rating being inconsistent in terms of difficulty for planning for fight.

    I’m not asking for Kabam to nerf it. I guess I just want Kabam to give us better tools to plan our fights. The 30k hero rating for Uncanny Epic is probably what it should be, but the GP event being listed at 25k was way off. The Master Uncanny room here is showing 400 is most likely a display issue, but makes it difficult to gage what strength of champs need to be used.
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    The rewards are just lame that’s the only problem with this difficulty. I ran it 4 times (I think) today. No items used, lost some champs for sure but my biggest complaint is the amount of energy needed. I guess to be fair we’ve been getting refills since they added peak rewards 🤷‍♂️ Anyways if the shards we doubled it would be more worth it for lower tiers of players to spend on the content.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,493 Guardian
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    There really hasn’t been constistancy this week.

    There's been a lot of consistency in the danger rooms this past week. However, this is the first time we're seeing the Uncanny Danger Rooms which aren't required to be consistent with those, as the announcement explicitly stated they were going to be different.

    The Gwenpool event was a special case where the champions were deliberately nerfed below the typical degree of difficulty that the named difficulty level normally contains. You can't generalize from that: that was the special case where difficulty was far lower than normal, not the standard anyone should or reasonably could judge all other events by.

    I think you’re missing my point. I’m not judging or comparing GP to all other epic content and think Epic needs to be consistent with the GP event. I’m talking about the suggested hero rating being inconsistent in terms of difficulty for planning for fight.

    I’m not asking for Kabam to nerf it. I guess I just want Kabam to give us better tools to plan our fights. The 30k hero rating for Uncanny Epic is probably what it should be, but the GP event being listed at 25k was way off. The Master Uncanny room here is showing 400 is most likely a display issue, but makes it difficult to gage what strength of champs need to be used.

    You're probably going to have to explain your point to me again. First you say you aren't judging or comparing Gwenpool goes to the movies to other epic difficulty, and then immediately state that the Gwenpool recommended hero rating was way off. I thought we were in agreement that the Gwenpool event was a special case for two sentences, but apparently that isn't true. I'm not sure what consistency you're looking for because outside of GP which was a special case, and the Uncanny master room which you seem to be acknowledging as bugged, difficulty ratings have been consistent with roughly gauging difficulty (or at least being roughly proportional the ratings of the opponents on the map, which is as close as they can possibly be).
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    I’m cool with the whole danger room structure in general. The energy costs could be reduced but outside of that it’s not bad at all. That boss is definitely not as hard as the UC Emma.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    As someone who's been making game-in-the-game events similar to this for a very long time... The whole danger room thing is cool. I'd like to think I helped inspire it bc of hounding the mods about my events constantly but maybe that's going too far.... But my team woulda made it harder lololol

    The uncanny was too easy tho. The thing that it did well was give people more practice against Emma without having to go thru a long quest. That should be commended. The complaints are silly, be they about it being too hard or about the difficulty being a surprise. Even if her health/attack weren't expected, you're only using a small handful of nrg to get there and find out what you're up against. It being a side quest and completely unnecessary to complete make the complaints even sillier. There are plenty of things in the game that need to be fixed, this isn't one. Focus on the real problems lol

    Also, if you're the type of player that likes a good challenge and likes to work out strategies to better your play... And like to do that with like-minded players and with some of the best in the game... Hmu on line. ID is chunkybudz. We're about to finish up our latest tournament and are working on the layout for the next one. This one was a 5-player team tourney... Tried to put a spin on it and add some extra strategizing to the overall deal. It's fun, aggravating lol, free to play, good prizes, and a there's an insane amount of game knowledge there. Maybe one day, @Ad0ra_ will let me design one of these lmao
  • Captain_KandiceCaptain_Kandice Member Posts: 222 ★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    There really hasn’t been constistancy this week.

    There's been a lot of consistency in the danger rooms this past week. However, this is the first time we're seeing the Uncanny Danger Rooms which aren't required to be consistent with those, as the announcement explicitly stated they were going to be different.

    The Gwenpool event was a special case where the champions were deliberately nerfed below the typical degree of difficulty that the named difficulty level normally contains. You can't generalize from that: that was the special case where difficulty was far lower than normal, not the standard anyone should or reasonably could judge all other events by.

    I think you’re missing my point. I’m not judging or comparing GP to all other epic content and think Epic needs to be consistent with the GP event. I’m talking about the suggested hero rating being inconsistent in terms of difficulty for planning for fight.

    I’m not asking for Kabam to nerf it. I guess I just want Kabam to give us better tools to plan our fights. The 30k hero rating for Uncanny Epic is probably what it should be, but the GP event being listed at 25k was way off. The Master Uncanny room here is showing 400 is most likely a display issue, but makes it difficult to gage what strength of champs need to be used.

    You're probably going to have to explain your point to me again. First you say you aren't judging or comparing Gwenpool goes to the movies to other epic difficulty, and then immediately state that the Gwenpool recommended hero rating was way off. I thought we were in agreement that the Gwenpool event was a special case for two sentences, but apparently that isn't true. I'm not sure what consistency you're looking for because outside of GP which was a special case, and the Uncanny master room which you seem to be acknowledging as bugged, difficulty ratings have been consistent with roughly gauging difficulty (or at least being roughly proportional the ratings of the opponents on the map, which is as close as they can possibly be).

    Ok. I know where I’m losing you. I shouldn’t be using the word consistent for the point I’m trying to make. Accurate would be a better word. Uncanny Epic at 30k is accurate. 400 for Uncanny Master isn’t accurate, it might be a bug but still not accurate for planning for something that costs tickets to go into. GP Epic was 25k not accurate to it’s difficulty, being a one off doesn’t mean that it couldn’t have an accurate hero rating suggestion.

    So I guess the thing that is inconsistent is Kabam’s accuracy for suggested hero rating.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    There really hasn’t been constistancy this week.

    There's been a lot of consistency in the danger rooms this past week. However, this is the first time we're seeing the Uncanny Danger Rooms which aren't required to be consistent with those, as the announcement explicitly stated they were going to be different.

    The Gwenpool event was a special case where the champions were deliberately nerfed below the typical degree of difficulty that the named difficulty level normally contains. You can't generalize from that: that was the special case where difficulty was far lower than normal, not the standard anyone should or reasonably could judge all other events by.

    I think you’re missing my point. I’m not judging or comparing GP to all other epic content and think Epic needs to be consistent with the GP event. I’m talking about the suggested hero rating being inconsistent in terms of difficulty for planning for fight.

    I’m not asking for Kabam to nerf it. I guess I just want Kabam to give us better tools to plan our fights. The 30k hero rating for Uncanny Epic is probably what it should be, but the GP event being listed at 25k was way off. The Master Uncanny room here is showing 400 is most likely a display issue, but makes it difficult to gage what strength of champs need to be used.

    You're probably going to have to explain your point to me again. First you say you aren't judging or comparing Gwenpool goes to the movies to other epic difficulty, and then immediately state that the Gwenpool recommended hero rating was way off. I thought we were in agreement that the Gwenpool event was a special case for two sentences, but apparently that isn't true. I'm not sure what consistency you're looking for because outside of GP which was a special case, and the Uncanny master room which you seem to be acknowledging as bugged, difficulty ratings have been consistent with roughly gauging difficulty (or at least being roughly proportional the ratings of the opponents on the map, which is as close as they can possibly be).

    Ok. I know where I’m losing you. I shouldn’t be using the word consistent for the point I’m trying to make. Accurate would be a better word. Uncanny Epic at 30k is accurate. 400 for Uncanny Master isn’t accurate, it might be a bug but still not accurate for planning for something that costs tickets to go into. GP Epic was 25k not accurate to it’s difficulty, being a one off doesn’t mean that it couldn’t have an accurate hero rating suggestion.

    So I guess the thing that is inconsistent is Kabam’s accuracy for suggested hero rating.

    But the star level limit plays into this in a big way.
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