aNOOBis235 ★
Personally I would take out cable for a non mutant.Yes he has a lot of damage but overall the ability to fight tech champions is a lot more useful.
Ahh you must be the gifting ****.
Im from Aus and when i try it logs me onto a different accounts beta
You cant go wrong with claire but if you dont use her much and dont run suicides I might go Mojo heard he's pretty good and a pain on defence.
Do you think I think it's unfair?I was just asking him to elaborate.I think it's more than fair personally.
Do you mind elaborating why 'akt 7' is unfair?
Imo he is really impractical and the damage isn't worth it.Furies are annoying to convert and without sasquatch he's beyond useless.
In all seriousness mad respect for doing something like that.I couldn't do it but i respect anyone that uses resources on their favourite champs no matter who they are.
In the nicest way possible.What is wrong with you????????
Its still counted as a poison ability so i would say no, it must be similar to tigra where reducing their buff ability accuracy includes ones inflicted on you.
Maybe there is but it's so rare no one has one yet or the people that do just don't know it.
He gets -100 percent potency to poison but ingredients add 10percent not bug just weird.
Theres one important question u have to answer.Do u like doom, fury and sunspot?Because they lose a lot from them but otherwise definitely suicides i just turned them back on and really love the difference.
Not necessarily all champs have different prestige and he's unawakened.Hyperion's prestige is pretty meh.
Im gonna guess you didn't press level up?
Telepath shouldn't affect them but people like the grandmaster who does whatever he does should still affect them because magic and things like that would still affect them.
I don't believe that they should be immune but they should at least be #psychicshielding so immune to emma and other telepathic form of reverse controls.
There isn't one theres the objectives instead.
Using seatin in your argument doesn't exactly help you there lol.Also this isn't a sq this is extra content for those who want a challenge that have done everything else in the game.
Haven't used it myself yet but doesn't it do pretty much the same thing as entering the quest then changing your team?
Well yes but actually no
Took me a minute ngl.
Any news on the situation?Sorry for reviving a dead post.
Lol exactly I find it embarrassing that I need SOP for thronebreaker considering how close I was but RNG kept screwing me so I just decided to wait rather than grind 7.2 exploration.I would not want such a title.
Agreed I think another week would have been nice.
I know it's important but is the level?I thought he was more like fury.
Nice he's still great just needs some reliable utility.Is his sig level important?Haven't really looked at that before.
Both are really good and maybe even a line graph on top of the simplified one with the means of each could help enhance it.What you've done is really good tho.
Lol much simpler than that I just meant 6 columns total with amount of top 50 champs in each class which is easier to read.Although your way is certainly more interesting information why.