shut_up_heather ★★
Fungi, stop trying to make "fetch" happen! It's not going to happen!!!!!!!
At the very least they will take away your 1250 crystals. Whether or not they ban you is different
Someone please explain said root change to me because I've been away for a while
Kitty-Ghost-Scorpion is a dream trio. Tigra too
I have a 5* r5 Kitty, Ghost & Scorpion is that enough?
Domino. Sasquatch/Rintrah. And the third is just who is the worst defender
There ya go! Nice! And yeah, Domino is pretty good. Do try to bring Rhulk and/or Masacre then just spam heavies! Very fun damage
What dare when??
Congrats you lucky duck
King Groot (for the falter node and the autoblock node) Kitty Pryde (for the boss and the triple threat node) Tigra (for the first one and I think there was another where mystic helped) Ghost (worked wonders for the bleed node, also viable Spidey counter) Hulk (picking up everything else)
Okay that one is too funny
Seconding Scorp
I do have a team I use for questing and it's helped quite a bit in Act 5 -Kitty -Tigra -Ghost -King Groot -Alternate Hulk or Hawkeye as needed
I mean. Its hard to draw the line here. I recently cleared my first 5.2.4 path and Hulk as a defender had the new kit. But im fairly sure it wouldn't be buffed hulk in act 1. Theres no definite separation between "older" and "newer" content.
It depends on who you enjoy using. I voted Nick Phooey because I enjoy using him. KeenPyn is also a good choice to awaken. FallKillReet is also a good candidate also she does like her sigs
I have had a similar problem in basically all modes where 10% of the time, the defender is able to recover from the last hit of a combo and hit me with one, as if they were unstoppable.
Oh dear. It seems your definition of "god tier" differs from...everyone else's. Here lemme give you a list of who I think is godtier in the 7-star pool. Chavez, Bishop, Domino, Dragon-Man, Elsa, Falcon (sorta), Gambit (sorta), Gorr, Hulk, Le Mantis, Sunspot, Overseer, Titania, Wiccan. Under your reasoning not a single one…
After 10* Quake comes out
I - what - why are you dragging me into this
I cried when ***SPOILER ALERT**** Lylla died in GotG 3
Honestly I think Tigra's neutralize is more reliable. With the Kitty synergy it will last longer than Rintrah's. Plus she is super useful and destroys champions across the board.
You're welcome. Nick Fury
Don't forget reverse control immunity! This team looks fins until you run into Nimrod
Unfortunately, personal circumstances will not affect what you get. Happy birthday though!
Be glad you didn't get and dupe, like, Gamora.
I FEEL YOUR PAIN I literally got ambushed with Electro and with Cable right it guaranteed Electrambush? Or did we both just get unlucky?
Apocalypse, Kingpin and Overseer are all very strong options. Honestly it would be easier to tell you who you SHOULDN'T upgrade out of this pool. BWDO, Crossbones, Venom. All the others are solid picks and it comes down to who you enjoy playing
Not sure why you are posting this link. OP didn't say anything about the words in Iceman's kit. @Rangaboop I am thinking it's an intentional design thing. Because in Wasp's kit it does specify that she evades and purifies Coldsnap; if she couldn't evade under Coldsnap then she would never be able to purify it. Kabam…
Let it go.....let it go.....Elsa is already very good