Killmonger gaining armor after Medusa armor shatter

A new thing after the update, KM did not gain armor or reverberation after an armor shatter, which made her a great counter. Now, after armor shatter, he gains armor and even worse, you cannot break the armor till armor shatter ends. Is this intended?
I believe the Armor Shatter text reads that the opponent cant generate Armor buffs and since the Armor on KM and IWIM is passive they are still able to generate them even with Armor Shatter.
If i'm wrong, i'd appreciate to be corrected.
Seeing as Armor Break immunity nodes/abilities also prevent Armor Shattered, it stands to reason that Armor Shattered is just a more specific, powerful Armor Break, which means Armor Shattered should also prevent KM vibranium armor (which it had been, prior to the current update).
But now all of a sudden the armor comes up even with armor shatter still on. Unbelievable you guys (talking to you Kabam) are...
Kabam Pls fix this MESS
Armor breaks shut down passive armor
Armor breaks are active passive armor is passive
Armor breaks=armor shatter due to the fact that it takes a certain # of armor breaks (in this case 6) to create an armor shatter active debuff
Armor breaks=Armor Shatter, Armor breaks shut down passive Armor so Armor shatter should too
Now armor shatter active debuffs can’t shut down passive armor even though THEY ARE a/an armor break debuff
It makes no sense fix it please but the real reason why this change happened is because kabam when releasing Vision (Aarkus) he has the ability to get a 50 sec armor shatter which means Killmonger and other defenders who lose their defense capabilities due to armor shatter/break I.E (Ghost phase and Emma diamond form) will be much easier to fight (albeit they can simply put them on an armor break immunity node) so instead of having to lose out on our units they would rather bug armor shatter so for the release of Vision (Aarkus) he will have the same exact armor shatter as Medusa currently does
Fix it please (Might as well complete a path in LOL since permanent bleeds are permanent without shatter so my r5 Medusa will shred through everything)
But try applying armor breaks against agressive armor, for example. It won't remove those, as is intended.
So on topic, armor break and armor shattered are two different abilities, and armor shattered isn't an armor break
How did you come to the conclusion that stacking armor breaks (6) to shatter the armor is not an armor break. How do you reason that armor shatter, which in your description states the opponent cannot generate any additional armor buffs while suffering from this debuff, does not include the same effects as an armor break. This is complete nonsense.
2+ years of a character working as intended and you change it saying nah it is not suppose to work that way. Where do you draw the line, how are we suppose to trust anything in game. I used to get excited for new champions but now I fully expect them to work very differently down the road then when I pull them or BUY them.
This needs to be addressed and not in a round about type of way. As customers, we should not have to be victims of nonsensical semantics allowing you to alter champs as you see fit. This is becoming a sell and then change the champ scam. Now you have a no refund policy, is this the goal?