AW Defense: Mastery Setups no longer being locked in when 'Join'/Placing AW D

Up until the start of Alliance War Season 4, when you went to 'Join'/place your Alliance War Defense, whatever Mastery setup you had at that time is what was set/locked in for your 5 Alliance War Defenders.
I recently discovered that, as of AW Season 4, this no longer appears to be the case.
During our first Alliance War of Season 4 on 9.13.2018-9.14.2018, we noticed that our opponents had more defenders than usual with Suicide masteries on. We took note of which opponent player defenders had suicides on, so we'd know that their other defenders should also have suicides on.
However, when we reached the AW Boss (opponent player which had suicides on his prior defenders), we were surprised to discover no suicides on the AW Boss.
What this means is that it appears your Mastery Setup is no longer being saved/locked in for your AW Defenders when you hit "join"/place your defense. Your AW defenders mastery setups are now changing during war any time you change your masteries in real time (the way it normally impacts your attackers).
This change has a huge negative impact on Arena Grinders that usually place their AW defense without suicides on (locking in no suicides on defense), then turning suicides back on to do their arena grinds.
@Kabam Miike @Ad0ra_ Please advise if this change to how Mastery setups work for our Alliance War Defense is intended or if it is a bug.
FYI @mutamatt @DNA3000 @DrZola
I recently discovered that, as of AW Season 4, this no longer appears to be the case.
During our first Alliance War of Season 4 on 9.13.2018-9.14.2018, we noticed that our opponents had more defenders than usual with Suicide masteries on. We took note of which opponent player defenders had suicides on, so we'd know that their other defenders should also have suicides on.
However, when we reached the AW Boss (opponent player which had suicides on his prior defenders), we were surprised to discover no suicides on the AW Boss.
What this means is that it appears your Mastery Setup is no longer being saved/locked in for your AW Defenders when you hit "join"/place your defense. Your AW defenders mastery setups are now changing during war any time you change your masteries in real time (the way it normally impacts your attackers).
This change has a huge negative impact on Arena Grinders that usually place their AW defense without suicides on (locking in no suicides on defense), then turning suicides back on to do their arena grinds.
@Kabam Miike @Ad0ra_ Please advise if this change to how Mastery setups work for our Alliance War Defense is intended or if it is a bug.
FYI @mutamatt @DNA3000 @DrZola
We're asking the team to look into this right now.
Much thanks @Kabam Miike . I may be able to obtain additional empirical proof in this next AW if needed (as the instance I described could have been a Recoil issue on Dorm boss ... but the larger amount of AW Master rank ally defenders having suicides on their AW Defenders during this new AW season was another indicator of what I believe to be the issue of mastery setup's not saving when 'joining'/placing AW D).
There is a ton of money on the line here.
Thank you 🙏🏽
Actually, if you remember the name of the Alliance you were up against, that would be very helpful! While our team looks into the backend system, we can look into the war as well!
It was 3Loki [my alliance] versus OAA (One Above All) on 9.13.2018 - 9.14.2018.
No, I'm not sure it's impacting everyone 100%.
But I do know other alliances I'm in contact with at high levels have also seen more AW defenders with suicides (recoil/double edge/liquid courage) than usual.
Thankfully Kabam is looking into it.
We may have not had the same issues as others, but we have noted that the rating of defense champs was dropped to their current rating.
Also, wouldn't make sense that opponent reverted to suicides after placing for defense (to use for arena grinding), but then turn them off again while arena still going on. At least not until next war Defense placement would have started, after your war with them was done.
was showing no recoil what so ever.
as for the sense of it, who knows why his suicides would be on in evening and not on the following afternoon.
all i can say is his early defenders had suicides and his last defender, the boss, did not. in addition, 4-5 other players in their BG3 defense also had suicides on (very not the norm in tier 1/master level alliances wars during season).
How is this a cheat? If someone wants to spend resources changing their masteries all the time, what about that is cheating? Having a defensive build and offensive build is just smart not cheating
So, the issue appears to not being occurring at least in this instance (so could've been a one off last week ... or Kabam devs recently fixed).
Just wanted to provide the above update.