Djkrdjj ★★
Wrong he mentioned iceman in the original post. How bout in stead of giving sassy remarks just answer the question. “The instance with bleed and void is because void deals damage per debuff. But the instance with iceman is a bug”
Only Spider-Man ps4. All other marvel games r trash
@RichTheMan The date the comic came out was October first and NYCC is October3-6. These dates are pretty close so there will probably be something linking the two at the event.
He didn’t. The pic was from a tweet joking about capsbootys account giving Kabam a ton of money. Stop assuming.
- U didn’t say which game the special 3 had to be from
I may have exaggerated my number a bit,lol, but yea depending on monetization, how many ads, type of ads, it could range from pennies to a hundred bucksdans Cull Obsidian - NERFED?! Or FIXED?! Fact-checked Fight data by Kiryu Commentaire de Djkrdjj juillet 2019
I didn’t want to join but now I kind of have to. The video has 10k views. What do u think, he’s ballin, dripping with cash? He probably made a few hundred dollars of that video, depending on his monetization. Also, u need to change your definition of clickbait.(I’m assuming here) Clickbait-misleading title and thumbnail…dans Cull Obsidian - NERFED?! Or FIXED?! Fact-checked Fight data by Kiryu Commentaire de Djkrdjj juillet 2019
So many other people want a gold gamemode so no it’s not just for me. And yes I do arena, i do the work, I just want a different way to get gold than arena
The question mark stops it from being a declaration and makes it a QueSTioN. Simple grammar jeezdans Cull Obsidian - NERFED?! Or FIXED?! Fact-checked Fight data by Kiryu Commentaire de Djkrdjj juillet 2019
@Lormif The video has 10k views. What do u think, he’s ballin, dripping with cash? He probably made a few hundred dollars of that video, depending on his monetization. Also, u need to change your definition of clickbait. Clickbait-misleading title and thumbnail that has nothing to do with video. This is what everybody…dans Cull Obsidian - NERFED?! Or FIXED?! Fact-checked Fight data by Kiryu Commentaire de Djkrdjj juillet 2019
Back when hulk buster came out, he was my first 4 star and I took him to r3 as a 4 star. Not that bad now but then it was kinda bad for a noob
Fixed my reply for udans Cull Obsidian - NERFED?! Or FIXED?! Fact-checked Fight data by Kiryu Commentaire de Djkrdjj juillet 2019
Jsjdjsdans Cull Obsidian - NERFED?! Or FIXED?! Fact-checked Fight data by Kiryu Commentaire de Djkrdjj juillet 2019
Hdksjehjddans Cull Obsidian - NERFED?! Or FIXED?! Fact-checked Fight data by Kiryu Commentaire de Djkrdjj juillet 2019
I prefer the comics. The eyes, toothy grin, and eyebrows are super doper stupid But I’ll probably learn to love him.
It’s clickbait too get more traction but most people jump to conclusions and don’t watch the entire thingdans Cull Obsidian - NERFED?! Or FIXED?! Fact-checked Fight data by Kiryu Commentaire de Djkrdjj juillet 2019
Well I mean I do complain but in this instance I wasn’t complaining. I gave feedback. Arena isn’t for everyone. There should be more options to get gold quick. And then I gave a somewhat solution
Wow. I don’t complain, I gave feedback. I would like a gold arena or gold event.
One with toned down rewards on Sunday instead of the class catylst event would be great
Arena freakin sucks Who wants to do the same old easy fights over and over again. It’s not fun. Also,just because u want to do arena doesn’t mean every one else does. #arenaneedsarevamp But seriously it would be so much better if the took the Sunday class catylst event and revamped it into a gold event and hall of healing…
@Pure_awesomeness_123 Simply put it he doesn’t need it. When he came out he was really good and bleed immunity would have been too extra
It fills my addiction to collecting things so I don’t have to in real life.
They had to make a second game to make money because the game was riddled with glitches because they made it an offline game
Didn’t like the week lock Didn’t like character locks Didn’t like the whole shield marker permission slip system
Just Seatch up videos on YouTube
Can u post a video or a picture
Antman with quantum trinity. I always hit my intercepts and get so many glancing hit furies and fatigues of lights with him
Sucks that Natalie Portman is coming back. she’s a terrible actor and I really don’t want her to be Thor. She literally only came back because she was told she could be thor