Vortenus ★
Device and Model: iPad Air Device Operating System: iOS 11.4 Cellular or WiFi: WiFi Game Version Installed: 19.0.0 Description of the Issue: Lag and framedrops. Every game mod. Not every time but i'd say 80% of the fights are unplayable because of it. Surprisingly my iPad is not overheating.
Neurotoxin isn't a debuff. It's passive. And it's created by combining poison and bleed. They had to name it differently. "Combine poison and bleed to create poison" sounds stupid :)
You made my day with this one :D You get the idea and decided to use cheats from a video that basically states "f**k the cheaters". You're pure gold :D
Cosmic gem - yes. Generic - don't think so. His sig ability is great but it's not a game changer.
He's worth R5. His dmg output even unduped is absolutely absurd.
Out of those I'd go with GR. Bleed immune, amazing heal, great line clearer for aq. Guily is good but her usefulness is limited. I can't see situation where she needs to be R5. Loki isn't even worth mentioning.
He can be nuisance if you stumble upon him with bleeder. Other then that he's just a punching bag.
GP for everything but symbiote. It was just too easy with her. Most of my deaths came from my stupid mistakes. For symbiote **** first i used Hyperion. If sp2 triggered stun, it was easy push to spidey sp2. Then bait it rinse and repeat. If the stun failed it didin't end well... So i switched to DrV. All you have to do is…
So long story short. You just recived lots of advice that from Wolvie, SL or DrV you should awake Wolvie, SL or DrV :smiley: Hope that'll help :smiley:
Actually, be defensive:). That's more effective. Parry->heavy->parry->heavy and repeat. Specials if available. Why? Because of numbers. On normal attack you have 40% chance to bleed on every crit. Heavy on the other hand has 50% flat chance to bleed. No crit needed. And it's 3 hits. So every heavy you can apply 3 bleeds or…
I can agree with OP about Punisher. More than few times i had to keep punching unduped Punisher while he sat there at 1 (?) hp and didn't want to die. That's clearly a bug.
I smell a troll but i'll bite... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sJtSVnjhhRNxpiuMR5uXrsTlrsXMjp9TNO7JHDXhtsk/htmlview# Show me that 2.3 mil.
The highest one yet was Carage at 1.4 mil. So no, it's not between 1.5 and 2.3 mil. Thats bs.
Where's the risk? Most champs can easily connect special after mlllm.dans v14.0 Captain Marvel Still Can't Connect SP2 w/ 5-Hit Combo Chain Commentaire de Vortenus juillet 2017
Yeah sure. Care to name those champs? No one knows cutoffs. We can only guess. But Spidey might be high. He'd brake 1.5 mil for sure.
Yes, if you can feed her with enough sig stones. Nerfhammer hit her pretty bad but with enough points she still kicks ass and takes names.
AA doesn't need to be awaken. Wanted to try it but i can't find anyone with awaken Ant Man as top champion :D
Well, You got something of value. You paid for 13 guaranteed 2* champs with a possibility of getting 3* or 4*. You decided that taking a 50$ gamble is a good idea. The chances of getting 4* are extremely low and everyone knows it. Yet You went for it. Nobody forced You to do this, nobody threaten You. That was Your…
Star Lord, Ant Man, Colossus, Cpt. Marvel. All unduped. SL was my 1st so You can imagine how thrilled I was in later pulls...
Using Vision is terrible idea. You can't parry him, You can't intercept him and with power burn You won't be able to bait his specials.
Read the description again. It's not "blockpower debuff".
Jane - i don't play her so no idea here, same with YJ, Abom, BP, Spidey, Jugg IM/SIM - no problem in landing sp2 MsMarvel - agree, no chance for landing sp2 after combo, same with Ultron AV - no problem here, IF - same Mags - 50/50 somtimes i can land it somtimes not MK - I'd say 70/30, I think there's a split sec. moment…
Same here. Also iPad Air. Maps with weather effects are unplayable.dans Snow/Rain background issue/bug - slow motion [Under Investigation] Commentaire de Vortenus mai 2017
I hope they introduce new bugs. Becouse if people won't have anything to complain about this forum will die.
Ipad here and same problem. I can never land her s2 after 5-hit combo and very rarely can after 4-hit. I have same problem with Ultron s2. The only moment You can land it is after parry or if you can intercept charge.
Yeap, and to keep things even more realistic dump fire breathing skeleton, flying dudes and all other nonsence from your game. Let's keep it real!! Only skill champs in the game pls. These posts are getting more and more ridiculous...