
  • Lol yeah, just saw Mike’s reply on another thread which I didn’t catch. Thanks for clearing it up!
  • Take your wins. Stop complaining. Those accounts are food for you to climb up. They are never meant to bypass accounts like yours anyway
    dans BG Matchmaking Issue Commentaire de Vydra juin 2023
  • Yeah I just knew that after the tweaked matchmaking since season 7 and medal system changes, we’d continue to see such posts Looking at OP’s screenshot, you simply forfeited without even trying. You deny yourself learning opportunities to learn about in BGs. You deny yourself a lucky win in those matches( opponent could…
  • This is great. Love the frequent updates we are getting on this front. It’s much needed. It’s definitely been demoralising watching these set of players get away with plenty in this past.
  • Yes! Met about 10+ friends so far. We’re all based in Singapore so it’s definitely muchhhh easier to meet up. Also managed to meet up with members who travelled here for holiday/work. Usually meet up for drinks or at someone else’s place for poker. There has been spontaneous meetups as well. One text in the GC and we’re at…
  • I could get behind some of those suggestions. It’s still in line with the game team’s idea of making players repent Just one more suggestion. I have no idea if it’s possible - but if a player is a repeat offender and on multiple accounts, look into an IP/device ban or something. I think IP is the one that can be changed…
  • file a ticket in. it’s not possible to down sassy in such timing. and yeah in before this post gets taken down
  • Took the words right out my mouth and of the few posts/suggestions I have put out I understand the whole repenting idea. But, accounts should never be able to keep modded rewards. Rankups and whatever rewards were used up should also be reset. If none of this is possible, I think it’s fair to say the account should be…
    dans Modders are Bragging! Commentaire de Vydra mars 2023
  • Nowhere did they mentioned would matchmaking be done within “tiers”. Instead they did warn that lower progression players shouldn’t expect the same “easy” matchmaking in future and that this group should instead focus on story mode content for now…
    dans Unfair matching in BG Commentaire de Vydra mars 2023
  • “There is only one group that will be affected by the change: the players who revive farm to complete content” Your first sentence alone is a massive 180 to the post I initially replied to where you claimed you are *the* targetted player that will be impacted the most LOL. Keep it consistent. Anyway, what I did with the…
  • Blacklists and whitelists will be introduced soon enough. So that’s your 5 bans lol
  • LMAO. I would appreciate if you don’t trivialise EoP Acceptance to singular EoP fights. Bigggg difference. But point still stands, his advice wouldn’t differ much from avoiding high end content(as you’ve already corroborated) or needing large amounts of revives accrued by farming or units
  • You do you. But I guarantee his advice would be along the lines of not touching high end content to succumbing to saving up large amounts of revives regardless if those revives were accrued by farming or units🤭
  • Look at you making this about skill now. If that’s all you took away, shame then It’s about trying out content that’s clearly been designed to “revive spam”. Players who haven’t had that experience will think of it as nothing much or already have the pre existing decision to not attempt it simply because they don’t care…
  • I didn’t say it shouldn’t affect you. All I said was, there are players in different player bases above you that will be affected on a much bigger scale. Do read the line I said that your “target group” will continue to stagnate or quit. That’s still affecting you guys. Don’t tell me this change is suddenly going to push…
  • Anyway my final post on this thread. Enough noise has been made and I hope the game team are open ears to EVERYTHING that’s been discussed, whether or not it’s for or against. I can see why a nerf is necessary but supplementing changes are needed to be made whether it’s to do with accrual of revives, inventory caps or even…
  • So you’ve rehashed what I said and further solidified the point I made. Notice how majority of those content can get you by without “excessive farming”. And since you claim to be *the* player base they’re targeting, how about starting Abyss or Carina’s One to actually be part of *the* player base you referred to? I’m sure…
  • That’s your comment from yesterday. If the last piece of content you did was the Maze and you failed and barely did EoP, we have some news for you
  • I hope that with this announcement, Kabam Support take our tickets a little more seriously when blatant cheats are also advocating modded merc services. This just increases the number of modders we have many folds. Accounts that have been accessed by modded accounts should also have an investigation opened up Their reign…
    dans Perma Ban on Cheaters Commentaire de Vydra mars 2023
  • Don’t think that’s possible even if he wanted to. Has to be sanctioned by higher ups
  • Yeah, no way. And I hope people don’t quote that going forward. And I do hope people realise that the value is an overall number for the company itself. Not pertinent to MCOC alone, as it obvious as it seems but needs to be said, lol
  • You know, with all these vehement disagreements even amongst players - I seriously worry about the day when Forum Guardians are introduced. This thread is by far one of the most scandalous issues to have been talked about and I sincerely hope whoever our Guardians are use that power in the most unbiased ways. And hopefully…
  • Ah so my post got merged to this one. Not meant to derail this thread or anything but the points I have brought up in my comment here is something I hope the game team gives some serious thought to Because anyone who reads deeper into this issue will know exactly what I’m driving at and it’s not a nice future to be looking…
  • Actually scratch 1. Remove all rewards accrued through egregious means. I don’t see any reason why such players should have a free headstart unlike your normal starting player
  • Well, here’s a repost since the other one got deleted in a record 2 minutes due to some harmful buzzwords Time to turn the spotlight to the biggest factor contributing to “content trivialisation” and that’s new accounts accruing hard and endgame content rewards through unscrupulous means These accounts get to keep ALL of…
  • Oh so that’s what you meant….still kinda unreasonable You simply got matched with someone in the closest possible pool. It’s been happening for seasons. A bracket difference isn’t the end of the world
    dans Match making in BG Commentaire de Vydra mars 2023
  • I just took a look at your account. You have a decent sized account in Plat3 alliance. 3.2mil rating and 16k+ prestige. A slightly better account than mine and I’m ahead in Gold1 at the moment I can understand lopsided match ups but you’re being unreasonable
    dans Match making in BG Commentaire de Vydra mars 2023
  • Wait, since when did we have “brackets”?
    dans Match making in BG Commentaire de Vydra mars 2023
  • Thank you for the long awaited response! Not too fussed about the stuff that will take awhile to implement but I really do hope the cheating situation is massively improved this season. Fingers crossed your systems will work
  • There is a rewards buff coming for the next AW season I believe. It was mentioned in the last forum post for season update. Alliance war tokens sound interesting but that’s basically loyalty isn’t it? You accumulate loyalty to buy what you want