Removal of Revive Farming and the Apothecary Discussion



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    Spaec said:

    They mentioned they're discussing the Inventory caps, but I think it's worth noting these things aren't exactly a democracy. People express their feelings on it and what I've seen over the years is Kabam does the best they can to accommodate those concerns, as much as their own objectives and goals will allow. From time to time, something is not wanted but necessary. It's not always about what's popularly accepted.

    Whatever their objectives are (I will assume it's to make money), they need to achieve them for this to be a success. If this doesn't make them more money then it's a failure. If this is unpopular enough, it will cost them money, not gain them money. It's possible for a gameplay change to be so unpopular that it reduces the money the company makes. This should be obvious. It should also be obvious by now that this idea is unpopular enough to do that.
    Anytime there is something that the Players dub "pro-player", and it's changed, the reasoning is implied that it's somehow financial. I'd be daft to say that monetary value isn't an aspect that goes into these things because the depreciation of their product is a factor. However, when it comes to leaking Resources, there's much more than just making money to consider. The Developers aren't even thinking in terms of dollar signs simply because that's not their wheelhouse. They're considering the overall design aspects and the objectives of existing and future content. Not how to squeeze a few extra dollars from Players. The reasoning is what's been given. It wasn't intended to be an endless supply for late-stage Players, and that puts a strain on the content they can release and meet their objectives.
  • rx_placebo1rx_placebo1 Member Posts: 12
    I agree most of the community farm hard core. I also disagree that new method makes any sense. Please meet us halfway I've seen to many people through the years quit b/c of smaller issues. There is no need if we come to a reasonable solution. Thanks
  • SgtBallcrusherSgtBallcrusher Member Posts: 43
    Not to mention potions are not percentage based
  • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★

    Spaec said:

    They mentioned they're discussing the Inventory caps, but I think it's worth noting these things aren't exactly a democracy. People express their feelings on it and what I've seen over the years is Kabam does the best they can to accommodate those concerns, as much as their own objectives and goals will allow. From time to time, something is not wanted but necessary. It's not always about what's popularly accepted.

    Whatever their objectives are (I will assume it's to make money), they need to achieve them for this to be a success. If this doesn't make them more money then it's a failure. If this is unpopular enough, it will cost them money, not gain them money. It's possible for a gameplay change to be so unpopular that it reduces the money the company makes. This should be obvious. It should also be obvious by now that this idea is unpopular enough to do that.
    Anytime there is something that the Players dub "pro-player", and it's changed, the reasoning is implied that it's somehow financial. I'd be daft to say that monetary value isn't an aspect that goes into these things because the depreciation of their product is a factor. However, when it comes to leaking Resources, there's much more than just making money to consider. The Developers aren't even thinking in terms of dollar signs simply because that's not their wheelhouse. They're considering the overall design aspects and the objectives of existing and future content. Not how to squeeze a few extra dollars from Players. The reasoning is what's been given. It wasn't intended to be an endless supply for late-stage Players, and that puts a strain on the content they can release and meet their objectives.
    Because it is in fact about money dude. We don’t want you farming 100s of revives to mass spam those revives in content. In no way shape or form has kabam said a damn word about people or anyone mass spamming revives they buy with units. So yea it’s about money.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    Wiredawg1 said:

    Spaec said:

    They mentioned they're discussing the Inventory caps, but I think it's worth noting these things aren't exactly a democracy. People express their feelings on it and what I've seen over the years is Kabam does the best they can to accommodate those concerns, as much as their own objectives and goals will allow. From time to time, something is not wanted but necessary. It's not always about what's popularly accepted.

    Whatever their objectives are (I will assume it's to make money), they need to achieve them for this to be a success. If this doesn't make them more money then it's a failure. If this is unpopular enough, it will cost them money, not gain them money. It's possible for a gameplay change to be so unpopular that it reduces the money the company makes. This should be obvious. It should also be obvious by now that this idea is unpopular enough to do that.
    Anytime there is something that the Players dub "pro-player", and it's changed, the reasoning is implied that it's somehow financial. I'd be daft to say that monetary value isn't an aspect that goes into these things because the depreciation of their product is a factor. However, when it comes to leaking Resources, there's much more than just making money to consider. The Developers aren't even thinking in terms of dollar signs simply because that's not their wheelhouse. They're considering the overall design aspects and the objectives of existing and future content. Not how to squeeze a few extra dollars from Players. The reasoning is what's been given. It wasn't intended to be an endless supply for late-stage Players, and that puts a strain on the content they can release and meet their objectives.
    Because it is in fact about money dude. We don’t want you farming 100s of revives to mass spam those revives in content. In no way shape or form has kabam said a damn word about people or anyone mass spamming revives they buy with units. So yea it’s about money.
    Money is a natural limitation. Everyone speaks of money as if it's an unlimited resource just because we *can* buy as much as we choose, but the amount of people who have the financial freedom to spend that much on a game are very few and far between in the grand scheme of things. The majority of people are average spenders, with a variation of range in that. Some a few bucks here and there, some monthly or annually, some go into the thousands. Personally, I've probably spent about 5k over 7 years, give or take.
    The amount of people who can go ham with it is not a great number, and I suspect they would know this, given the numbers they have. I don't know why there's this great disdain for that fact. People spend and we have a game.
    I have yet to see a piece of content that is permanent that demands Players MUST spend to do it. It doesn't exist. It might take saving, it might take forethought, it might take Grinding, and it might take patience. It doesn't take spending as a mandatory requirement.
  • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★
    And your comment on must spend to do it. Are you forgetting the 3 lab carina challenges with 4*s? There is not a single player in this game that did any of those 3 with out some sort of spending rather is money on units or time farming. I did all 3. And the only one I ever came close to not using revives on some fights is the sabretooth one after he is max build up to 30 furies. But all 3 you spent revives on. The SL being the one you spent the most on because again rng with Maestro advantage on tech. 75% of the revives I spent on just him was his rng in getting regen.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    Time is money....when people are milking a valuable Resource in the game that's meant to help newer Players? I find that to be a bit ignorant to the actual in-game value of those.
    Also, someone can Grind the Units to do that with 0 dollars. So no one HAS to spend.
  • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★

    Time is money....when people are milking a valuable Resource in the game that's meant to help newer Players? I find that to be a bit ignorant to the actual in-game value of those.
    Also, someone can Grind the Units to do that with 0 dollars. So no one HAS to spend.

    Yes they can grind units in arena. But guess what? Arena crystals are what you know rng based. I use to be a die hard arena grinder. I’ll admit I was. I stopped after kabam started to comp players who got well screwed by modders, mercs and botters. They went thru that list 1 time. And all the cryers who cried about the 16 mil milestones. Which kabam really should look into going back to. And taking all the units out of basic and feature and sticking em in trials was the wrong move as far as I was concerned and other grinders I talked to. The feature milestone there was nothing wrong with where was. To all the ones I talked to the basic arena was the issue. That one should have been adjusted and points should have been what they are on Sundays. The arena to this day is still full of modders, mercs and botters and kabam really does not care to do anything about em in that area of the game
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    Modders in the Arena really have no effect on people doing Milestones in each Arena. It takes very little effort to do some in each. You also cash in on Arena Wins, and get another Rev and 25 Units.
    The game has Resources. What people don't have, is patience. They want to do it as fast as possible. That's why people were amassing Revs from Auto. It was easy Revs, for little effort.
    Let me put it in other terms. I open a candy shop. I give free samples of candy, so I can encourage business and welcome new customers. Some people take some candy, and don't come back. Some do, and end up buying (playing). If someone comes back 300 times with a bag, they're not buying. They're making a meal out of the free candy.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    edited March 2023
    They can say my candy is overpriced, they can say the sugar content is too high, they can say it's my fault for giving them the free candy. Sooner or later, I'm not going to give them any more candy because they've found a loophole to undermine the value of my candy.
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,212 ★★★★
    D_Rock86 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    D_Rock86 said:

    Using your words against you.. it’s a loophole that we can spam revives.. but buying UNLIMITED revives isn’t a loophole? Maybe set a limit to how many people can buy?

    How are we supposed to clear content that takes 50 revives when the stash limit is 15? And the 4 crystals drop 1 revive every 200 crystals.. maybe make this much larger so we can save over months to clear content?

    What if you actually look at the health potions, take some basic math classes and realize they are worthless with R4 6* or higher. An entire stash of potions to heal 1 champ.

    So many on the verge of quitting. Please stop making this decision easier for us.

    I usually have between 20 to 30 Lvl1 and 2 Revives without counting on stash on lvl 1 ones, which would maybe make it up to 40, and I dont farm revives, and I dont even redeem more than 2 4h Crystals a day.

    I dont think it would be that terrible to spend maybe 400 more units on revives for a EoP/Carina's Challenge reward.

    Thats what people used to do before, you didnt have revive farm, you would farm units and health potions to be able to do a good run of determinated content, if you not enough maybe spend 5 or 10$/€ on the game to buy some more revives if it was very difficult.

    I think the people that are complaining got too used to just farming revives to do hard content effortless, hard content is to be done in either various tries or spending units, and thats it, you want to keep your units for 4th July offers? Well thats your decission, but if you want to do hard content you need resources, the fact that Kabam let players exploit revive farming doesnt mean it is how it should work.

    Im the first one that would critize Kabam, but this is not a catastrophe, it is a good change to balance the game, obviously nobody likes to get less from something, they did the same with Arenas in 2015/2016 and I didnt like it because it would be harder to get champs from Arenas, but it was a good change to balance the game, same with this one.
    Did they make content harder knowing we have a source for revives? Which came first?

    The stash limits are ****.

    And the lack of potion effectiveness is an issue.

    It’s not just they are taking the source away, it’s that they can’t seem to fix anything. Consistently do things to make our life harder than it should be. This game is supposed to be fun. It hasn’t been in a long time.
    Thats the thing, Abyss came first, RoL came first, Laberinth came first, all we could do was prepare ourselves with revives, healths and units back then without that Revive Farming, I remember first time I did RoL with 4* stars, I did it with the revives and pots I could get and farmed units to buy more, like everyone else did, same with Labyrinth, and same with Abyss, the fact that now you could do it just farming on Acts 1 to 3 doesnt mean you cant do Everest Content without that, thats all the point, we will still be able to do EoP and Carinas with the resources we get playing normally and farming units, and thats just a fact because we already were able to do so, almost all the content I have done was without revive farming, I only did once because I wanted to do some content fast enough to get Paragon with the last R4 before month end to get the calendar, and thats it, I didnt farm since 2015 and I cleared content anyway non spending, so I dont think this will change enough to make content undoable, but the community will have to go back to times before act 1,2,3 revamp, thats all
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 770 ★★★
    There needs to be a middle ground where players feel like there is enough resources that are obtainable with a fair amount of time and or money.

    1) Honestly, pots prices should be cheaper. They are outdated with 6*’s being so widely available. And prices should decrease as to acknowledge that for pots especially. Revives are flat percentages, so they retain value. That might make it less of a sting for most players to pay.

    2) Extend the overflow expiration timers. If time or money is used, don’t squeeze the players to have to also worry about their stashes expiring when they will have to put a lot of time or money to obtain a resource. It is undo stress. This will allow them to acquire resources over time and not feel like they have to endlessly grind now to save up 80-100 revives.

    3) Increase caps all around, and a lot more for sigil holders. They might make more money on the sigil and provide a real value for being a sigil holder. Besides the store that is in need of a refresh (especially on the rank up material). End game players don’t get enough low end resources to even buy half of the pots in the store and the timers are 1 month… reduce that.

    4) Then make the drop rates of revives lower to deincentivize those abusing the content. Just don’t make it insanely low.

    5) Apothecary is a nice idea, but maybe allow it to drop at a more reasonable rate for a second revive.

    Also, while we are at it… pricing and/or the amount of health of AW/AQ pots and revives needs to be adjusted too. With 6*’s widely available, there needs to be a reduction in price and/or increase to the HP you get from using them. The 40% AW revives are nice, but with this change… I only imagine they plan on removing those soon.

  • Bash187Bash187 Member Posts: 4
    I wldnt mind them taking out revive farming if this AI wasn't so passive in every way or if the AI didn't do impossible blocks during mid combo, as of lately with how bad the AI has been, it always seems like we are playing at a disadvantage regardless of skill level
  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 937 ★★★★
    Bash187 said:

    I wldnt mind them taking out revive farming if this AI wasn't so passive in every way or if the AI didn't do impossible blocks during mid combo, as of lately with how bad the AI has been, it always seems like we are playing at a disadvantage regardless of skill level

    I think there may be a stronger or more widely supported case if this was part of a number of measures, some pro-Kabam and some pro-Players designed to work together to rebalance the game.

    If that is the case, then perhaps leading with that first might have helped the landing for this news a bit.
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,212 ★★★★
    Mackey said:

    Time is money....when people are milking a valuable Resource in the game that's meant to help newer Players? I find that to be a bit ignorant to the actual in-game value of those.
    Also, someone can Grind the Units to do that with 0 dollars. So no one HAS to spend.

    So what you're saying is, it's perfectly fine for one to grind area and farm units (let's be fair that's why people grind arena) and spam revives with the units but it's not OK for people to spend the same amount of time farming revives from 3.2.6?

    You're going on like we hit 1 button to farm 1 revive in 3.2.6 when in reality it's not that fast. If we can't farm revives by ingame content then we shouldn't be allowed to farm the units in arena
    Poor comparison, you can get much more revives farming on acts than playing arenas, way faster and easier since you can autofight.

    The main fact that people is not acknowledging is how things are supposed to work, Act 1-3 are not meant to be reruned after explorations for farming, there are meant for new players to be done, so its fair that they nerf it so people that is not meant to do so stops doing it.

    Arena is meant to be a farming place, thats why you get Battlechips for it, so you can farm gold and units.

    Everest Content is meant to be hard and take time to be done, not only time but resources which would take either time or money to get, the fact that people do it the first day makes that Content design senseless, why would Kabam waste time and money on Everest Content if people would do it like any hard special SQ that we got, just because we are able to get unlimited revives just by one tap to start a quest, another to select a path, and the last one to Auto On, thats complete nonsense, its very fair from Kabam to remove this revive farming system.

    If you want to do EoP, prepare your resources, if you dont have enough, farm them, but farm them properly, getting 2000 units worth revives completely effortless in 2 days its not farming, its an exploit.

    And no, its not the same with people spending, if you farm, you do it for free for some weeks or months to do the Everest Content, if someone prefers to pay to speed up, thats okay because they pay money worth the time they would spend, you may not like it but it is fair and it is worth for Kabam, because doing this content isnt free either, and it takes time and resources, so if you are going to do in one day what is supposed to be done in one month of hard work, I see pretty fair to pay an amount of money for it.

    And again, people are exagerating a lot, we still can farm revives from low levels acts and EQ, but its not that easy to get revives on those, thats all, we still have enough revives for doing the content without that, and again, this is not debatable, thats just a fact, you can be angry about it, but it is just true.

  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Mackey said:

    Time is money....when people are milking a valuable Resource in the game that's meant to help newer Players? I find that to be a bit ignorant to the actual in-game value of those.
    Also, someone can Grind the Units to do that with 0 dollars. So no one HAS to spend.

    So what you're saying is, it's perfectly fine for one to grind area and farm units (let's be fair that's why people grind arena) and spam revives with the units but it's not OK for people to spend the same amount of time farming revives from 3.2.6?

    You're going on like we hit 1 button to farm 1 revive in 3.2.6 when in reality it's not that fast. If we can't farm revives by ingame content then we shouldn't be allowed to farm the units in arena
    The same amount of time? Really?not even close. Not to mention there's a hard cap on the amount of units you can earn in a day but not the revives
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    edited March 2023

    Mackey said:

    Time is money....when people are milking a valuable Resource in the game that's meant to help newer Players? I find that to be a bit ignorant to the actual in-game value of those.
    Also, someone can Grind the Units to do that with 0 dollars. So no one HAS to spend.

    So what you're saying is, it's perfectly fine for one to grind area and farm units (let's be fair that's why people grind arena) and spam revives with the units but it's not OK for people to spend the same amount of time farming revives from 3.2.6?

    You're going on like we hit 1 button to farm 1 revive in 3.2.6 when in reality it's not that fast. If we can't farm revives by ingame content then we shouldn't be allowed to farm the units in arena
    The same amount of time? Really?not even close. Not to mention there's a hard cap on the amount of units you can earn in a day but not the revives
    Well it is though isn't it .... if I spend 3 hours farming or 3 hours grinding arena ... its still 3 hours spent 🤨,

    Also there is no hard cap in arena. You could get a load of units from BCs.

    If anything, maybe they should limit how many we get from 3.2.6 and not just basically remove it altogether. Each run of the quest has a 60% chance to spawn a revive
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Jefechuta said:

    Mackey said:

    Time is money....when people are milking a valuable Resource in the game that's meant to help newer Players? I find that to be a bit ignorant to the actual in-game value of those.
    Also, someone can Grind the Units to do that with 0 dollars. So no one HAS to spend.

    So what you're saying is, it's perfectly fine for one to grind area and farm units (let's be fair that's why people grind arena) and spam revives with the units but it's not OK for people to spend the same amount of time farming revives from 3.2.6?

    You're going on like we hit 1 button to farm 1 revive in 3.2.6 when in reality it's not that fast. If we can't farm revives by ingame content then we shouldn't be allowed to farm the units in arena
    Poor comparison, you can get much more revives farming on acts than playing arenas, way faster and easier since you can autofight.

    The main fact that people is not acknowledging is how things are supposed to work, Act 1-3 are not meant to be reruned after explorations for farming, there are meant for new players to be done, so its fair that they nerf it so people that is not meant to do so stops doing it.

    Arena is meant to be a farming place, thats why you get Battlechips for it, so you can farm gold and units.

    Everest Content is meant to be hard and take time to be done, not only time but resources which would take either time or money to get, the fact that people do it the first day makes that Content design senseless, why would Kabam waste time and money on Everest Content if people would do it like any hard special SQ that we got, just because we are able to get unlimited revives just by one tap to start a quest, another to select a path, and the last one to Auto On, thats complete nonsense, its very fair from Kabam to remove this revive farming system.

    If you want to do EoP, prepare your resources, if you dont have enough, farm them, but farm them properly, getting 2000 units worth revives completely effortless in 2 days its not farming, its an exploit.

    And no, its not the same with people spending, if you farm, you do it for free for some weeks or months to do the Everest Content, if someone prefers to pay to speed up, thats okay because they pay money worth the time they would spend, you may not like it but it is fair and it is worth for Kabam, because doing this content isnt free either, and it takes time and resources, so if you are going to do in one day what is supposed to be done in one month of hard work, I see pretty fair to pay an amount of money for it.

    And again, people are exagerating a lot, we still can farm revives from low levels acts and EQ, but its not that easy to get revives on those, thats all, we still have enough revives for doing the content without that, and again, this is not debatable, thats just a fact, you can be angry about it, but it is just true.

    Agree to disagree 👍
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 770 ★★★
    edited March 2023
    @GroundedWisdom Here is something that many haven’t said, but could be very much at the heart of Kabam’s decision.

    There has been a lot of people complaining about BG and the lack of progression. This may have led Kabam in looking at overall accounts and seeing people moving through progression at rates and speed using the farming method. A lot of complaints have been those that recent achieved the Paragon title, so it is possible that farming is interwoven with those that are achieving Paragon (thus using farming revives to get resources).

    Especially at a rate where they aren’t improving their skills because of a crutch that allows them to tackle content and puts them at a disadvantage not only in skill, but depth of roster to match.

    Seems very likely, and a possibility of that Kabam’s intent is to slow down progression to keep people in titles longer in order to prevent a different level of frustration in other areas. Seems plausible, but….

    I know several player in a couple of alliances I have been in that have decent rosters and are extremely skilled (who have gotten to GC previously) and are complaining at the win to loss ratio and having issues getting out of VT. They aren’t at a point beyond their skill, it is just that the matchmaking has made things so “balanced” that it is extremely frustrating (balanced is in quotes because that is a matter of opinion).

    If title, prestige, and power rating are all being leveraged (or a combination there of) to try and balance out matchmaking, the very skilled are playing the very skilled and a win or loss is pretty much down to a mistap, a bug, or a modder. Thus the complaints aren’t about people being out of their league, but more of a finely tuned matchmaking.

    I don’t believe that a perfect matchmaking is the case, because then we wouldn’t have the complaints of those that recently achieved Paragon complaining about facing decks that have more R4s than they have. Thus we can theorize that title is tied to BG matchmaking more than anything and that progressing beyond one’s current skill level might be at the heart of the BG complaints and leading to Kabam wanting pump the brakes on the progression.

    Just a theory, but as you can see… players overwhelmingly want to progress and achieve titles. Even at the expense of farming pots and revives. So something needs to give.

    My vote… matchmaking in BG needs to either be more liberal and people have to accept losses to bigger accounts, or we need divisions within things like BG to deincentivize people burning through content only to get overwhelmed.

    Pot and revive farming may also need tuning, but it needs to be done in a way it is not stifling to players and leading to further progression to be viewed as to bore players and add yet another point of frustration.

    And if this is the case, this all started because “sandbagging” and people facing larger accounts to begin with. Also, all that work in BG to make it “fair” for this? Just do the free for all method in a tier. Eventually bigger accounts and more skilled players will move up in tiers and smaller accounts can have their “fair” matches and move up when those accounts are in GC or higher tiers.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Mackey said:

    Mackey said:

    Time is money....when people are milking a valuable Resource in the game that's meant to help newer Players? I find that to be a bit ignorant to the actual in-game value of those.
    Also, someone can Grind the Units to do that with 0 dollars. So no one HAS to spend.

    So what you're saying is, it's perfectly fine for one to grind area and farm units (let's be fair that's why people grind arena) and spam revives with the units but it's not OK for people to spend the same amount of time farming revives from 3.2.6?

    You're going on like we hit 1 button to farm 1 revive in 3.2.6 when in reality it's not that fast. If we can't farm revives by ingame content then we shouldn't be allowed to farm the units in arena
    The same amount of time? Really?not even close. Not to mention there's a hard cap on the amount of units you can earn in a day but not the revives
    Well it is though isn't it .... if I spend 3 hours farming or 3 hours grinding arena ... its still 3 hours spent 🤨,

    Also there is no hard cap in arena. You could get a load of units from BCs.

    If anything, maybe they should limit how many we get from 3.2.6 and not just basically remove it altogether. Each run of the quest has a 60% chance to spawn a revive
    The problem isn't that you are able to farm. If that were the issue then they wouldn't put the apothecary. It's the amount you get. 3 hours in arena might get you how many units? Let's say 400 . That's just 10 revives.

    But the same 3 hours in 3.2.6 gets you much more than that it's not even close. The amount of units you can get from battlechips isn't comparable to what you can get from quest farming.

    Your last para is exactly what they're doing. Limiting the revives .
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 770 ★★★
    edited March 2023
    Not to mention that if the reasoning for making farming revives harder is to “Curb Your Progression”, why have a store that is the most giving in the game tied to BG that would give access to smaller accounts the resources and materials to put them at a disadvantage? Some of the smaller accounts have access to more Trophy Tokens to get more 6* and rank up champs than the time it takes to farm pots and revives to take on EOP.

    I would think BG as more of an issue of allowing people to progress beyond their skills then EOP and farming. That is why people who would farm to take on Abyss or EOP are upset… EOP had stages that has limited window to tackle. Without revives, people will have to pay or grind to beat that content. “But people need to accept they shouldn’t beat everything…”

    “But companies need to accept that if people don’t feel a sense of accomplishment, they might not play their game…”

    Two sides are playing chicken, and judging by the ratio of dislikes to likes… the players will win if something isn’t done by Kabam fast.
  • Black1377Black1377 Member Posts: 10

    Mackey said:

    Mackey said:

    Time is money....when people are milking a valuable Resource in the game that's meant to help newer Players? I find that to be a bit ignorant to the actual in-game value of those.
    Also, someone can Grind the Units to do that with 0 dollars. So no one HAS to spend.

    So what you're saying is, it's perfectly fine for one to grind area and farm units (let's be fair that's why people grind arena) and spam revives with the units but it's not OK for people to spend the same amount of time farming revives from 3.2.6?

    You're going on like we hit 1 button to farm 1 revive in 3.2.6 when in reality it's not that fast. If we can't farm revives by ingame content then we shouldn't be allowed to farm the units in arena
    The same amount of time? Really?not even close. Not to mention there's a hard cap on the amount of units you can earn in a day but not the revives
    Well it is though isn't it .... if I spend 3 hours farming or 3 hours grinding arena ... its still 3 hours spent 🤨,

    Also there is no hard cap in arena. You could get a load of units from BCs.

    If anything, maybe they should limit how many we get from 3.2.6 and not just basically remove it altogether. Each run of the quest has a 60% chance to spawn a revive
    The problem isn't that you are able to farm. If that were the issue then they wouldn't put the apothecary. It's the amount you get. 3 hours in arena might get you how many units? Let's say 400 . That's just 10 revives.

    But the same 3 hours in 3.2.6 gets you much more than that it's not even close. The amount of units you can get from battlechips isn't comparable to what you can get from quest farming.

    Your last para is exactly what they're doing. Limiting the revives .
    Is a lot of differrent 20% and 40% revive but all they want to do there is people spend money and made game pay to win with stis stupid new boering modes they create instead of gives us some fun we had it two yeara ago. Lately each year they made game more borring. Only think i still going is aw and story, all other they just totally screw
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