Removal of Revive Farming and the Apothecary Discussion



  • Jazz_MessengerJazz_Messenger Member Posts: 165
    I’m a F2P player and farm revives occasionally. I’m not necessarily against the upcoming changes and don’t mind spending units when necessary. However, I feel that other things need to be adjusted as well:

    1. Double inventory caps of revives and potions
    2. Extend expiry of revives and potions to 30 days
    3. Adjust difficulty of endgame contents

    I get hard contents for better rewards, and they may not be for everyone. But some are just ridiculous - for example, 4* in LoL for Carina’s Challenge.

  • TruthseekerTruthseeker Member Posts: 333 ★★

    Many player do quit game and some join mod . Thanks to kabam. No Logic.

    Yeah ban is very low time anyway right? Maybe just use mods and get banned for a week? (Sarcasm but not really)
  • UnforgvnUnforgvn Member Posts: 50
    Please Kabam don't punish us first and then fix things. Fix things first and then punish us.
  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 378 ★★
    Unforgvn said:

    Please Kabam don't punish us first and then fix things. Fix things first and then punish us.

    why are you being so polite sir/ madam? it's their game. well seems that's what they think anyways, so yhh let them do whatever it is they wanna. we complaining wouldn't change their minds. we know them. oh, where is our compensation for these silly input issues? yeah right.
  • Broe1313Broe1313 Member Posts: 11
    I don't know if I speak for everyone here but paying to complete or play the game isn't what most people want. I don't mind throwing some money at new champs or whatever because that's fun and exciting. Having to pay to play the game kind of just makes me question why I play.

    Spamming revives? Some of the end game content isn't beatable without a significant amount of revives and that's by design. Only a co uple players in this game can one shot all of the bs nodes and objectives that are created for end game players.

    You might have to reduce rewards? Just stop or we might have to reduce expenditures.
  • StantonaStantona Member Posts: 113 ★★
    TheKiryu said:

    Not that i am anyone’s favourite person on these forums but for what its worth here is my general take on my I absolutely disagree with the way kabam is doing this

    And here is my predicted fallout of this situation , and it is not a good one.

    I will upload my proposed solutions to this problem later in the day.

    Your my favourite person on this forum :D No beating around the bush and say it as it is.

    I actually think the whole entire idea is just petty if anything else. Everyone knows modding through the 'endgame content' is the real issue so battle this first before strangling the genuine players for enjoying the game as it is :'(
  • JornJorn Member Posts: 24
    KLZ said:

    I'm a non-farmer Ftp player, and i really like the Apothecary idea, but the rewards need seriously boosted, like:
    - easy path 1× L4 potion/ completion, and 1×L1 revive/ exploration
    - hard path 1* L5 potion/ comoletion, and 1*L2 revive/ exploration
    - whole week quests, and on the 7th day replace every potion/ revive with same level team ones..
    - 1 energy quests!
    - remove the caps for potions and revives, and introduce percentage based health potions

    This way we can get about 50 single revives and 8 team revives per month, which looks decent.

    * For this situation, both Kabam and heavy farmers are to be blamed: Kabam for allowing farming, and those players that farm hundreds of revives and finish new endgame content in day one, and complain that they're bored and need harder content..

    As a daily casual farmer for f2p progress at my own tempo this i would actually like with the cap inventory increase. But on the other hand. If i like it. Kabam wouldnt 😂
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,550 ★★★★★
    edited March 2023
    At this point, i don't even know what should I type, all the criticism and rage is already shown by all comments on this topic. I only have one thing to say...

    Dear Kabam,

    Don't nerf these small things which make us feel happy, satisfied for the game, revive farming was the only way players could remove progression barriers on their way in story content, u shouldn't have done this to us
    sad FTP noises🥲🥲😭😭

    Miss u, rip revive farming
  • Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Member Posts: 835 ★★★★
    Once this is put into place, having any content that isn't soloable (at least by a top summoner like MSD) such as the Carina Vol1 challanges... needs to be nerfed (e.g. allow 6 stars instead of 4 stars).
  • Leslie316Leslie316 Member Posts: 27
    Dear Kabam,please consider about this, modders will be giggle about this nerf
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★
    edited March 2023
    I just want to add that this has always been Kabam's view of revives. If you go to RichTheMan's interview with @Kabam Jax a month ago. They discussed misconceptions and disconnects between the community and Kabam. One of those misconceptions was how units are seen in spending perspective, Kabam expect units to be spent on revives and potions so they inherently do not want us to farm those resources.

    Youtube Interview Link
  • SoazzerMcFlySoazzerMcFly Member Posts: 2
    Here’s my thoughts. If Kabam wanted to nerf revive farming, why not just remove the option for items to be kept even if you exit the quest? That would slow down revive farming by a good portion, but not eliminate it completely. For some reason, it has to be all or nothing with Kabam.

    Personally, I don’t want them to touch it, but I thought it was at least interesting that they would remove it entirely instead of making a compromise.
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