Removal of Revive Farming and the Apothecary Discussion



  • VydraVydra Member Posts: 125 ★★

    Someone from the CCP make a video with Kabam Jax so that all the queries can be answered and clarified as to why did they really needed to this chaos change. I am so frustrated and disappointed on Kabam.

    Don’t think that’s possible even if he wanted to. Has to be sanctioned by higher ups
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Kabaam won't just stop with revive farming mark my words, this people are getting greedy and they won't stop as long as the money keeps coming.
  • JornJorn Member Posts: 24
    So people who are planning to do carinas v3 after 8.2 like me are ****. Nice. If they do this. No prob. I am out. Not that any player or kabam cares. But neither do I. Good luck on **** things up in the near future.
  • Caleb1705Caleb1705 Member Posts: 260 ★★★
    edited March 2023
    Thank you kabam for saving me from depending on RNG while completing menial low level quests to progress through relevant end game content by making a menial low level quest with some of the harshest RNG in the game 😊😊
  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 448 ★★★
    After several months of comparing Summoner progress before and after this change, KABAM will realize how much of a bonehead move this is.... And they will kill the game. It is inevitable...... :wink:
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,308 ★★★★★
    Take SERIOUS actions against cheeting. ANY KIND OF CHEATING. Not a mild week ban while keeping full rewards.
    Actions like permanent bans and progression reset.

    When that's done, I'll support all monetary actions and fight for your side.
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    It quite obvious kabaam has no shame and won't be surprised if they actually accept money from these modders as license to run free in the game that's why they can't actually ban them.
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  • Mcoc_Play3rMcoc_Play3r Member Posts: 38
    Chobbly said:

    Part of me can understand, if Kabam have concerns that high end content is being completed too quickly, then they need to do something.


    Is this really the best fix for the problem? And on that score, what actually is the problem?

    Players farming revives into the overflow ahead of taking on difficult content? Solution: Reduce the overflow timer to 7 days. That deals with the stockpiling better.

    Players taking on difficult content and spamming revives? Solution: place a maximum limit on item usage in quests. This happens in some games modes already.

    Players relying on revive-friendly champions to brute force through quests? Solution: Look at champions like Hercules and consider revising their kits. Maybe the cheat death mechanic duration halves every time it is used when questing, or something. Let's be honest - EOP was for the most part 'Can I use Hercules for this attempt or do I have to pick someone else'. For some, it's not the Contest of Champions any more - it's the Contest of Hercules.

    This was never going to be a popular change, but I'm not sure the solution chosen is the best one for the community and Kabam together.

    Oh no you did not just said that. Leave hercules alone!!
  • Matimus_13Matimus_13 Member Posts: 20
    Yeah too long I’ve put up with your ****. As intended is your excuse for everything. Sort yourself out and act like a proper company.
  • JornJorn Member Posts: 24
    And dont forget the typical kabam move:

    -Lets make a thread, make player mad and close it.
    - dont ever react on their posts and never ever listen to the players opinion

  • gameinggameing Member Posts: 5
    Can anyone confirm that the quest has been updated already?
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  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 449 ★★★

    I mean it does make sense to do this. We saw a lot of end game payers farm revives for a week and breeze through the EOP carinas in a day. That was not what was intended for the release of that content, and I do understand that.

    What makes NO SENSE at all is removing the auto fight function of these quests. Why force us to mindlessly do what I'm guessing is 6-10 fights when we will be using r3 and r4 6* to do so. It just seems like a cheap deterrent method from Kabam to make us use units. If we can auto fight all levels of EQ if we so wish, which contain quite a bit of units and other resources, why force us to do these quests without the auto fight option.

    Nothing makes sense here my friend. if the first statement makes sense, then the second basically makes sense too. please get your facts straight and right.
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  • ZumsicZumsic Member Posts: 15
    Lets just call it for what it is...GREED! Don`t farm, just spend is Kabam`s moto...really sad :(
  • KiptonadeKiptonade Member Posts: 276 ★★★
    I guess this takes the heat off the weird AI Sp3 bug for a little while…

    Truly awful change in that they aren’t offering any kind of genuine compromise at all. While I think most players understand the argument that players can blaze through content with 100+ revives but unless I’ve read the post wrong they aren’t actually addressing that issue? I can still blaze through content with 100+ I just have to pay extra to do so? So it’s a black and white cash grab by the executives who clearly are trying all avenues to turn the financials of the company around.

    Honestly I don’t understand why kabam don’t take inspiration from other games out there… before entering certain end tier content throw up an interface after you pick your team to pick your supplies and you can limit the amount of potions, revives and even boosts if you wanted to.

  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 449 ★★★
    _Pez_ said:

    They do seem to be doing their best to just anger everyone these days....

    Maybe, before making revives harder to get they could fix many of the bugs that cause people to need to use more revives than they should. Just a thought, but maybe people would be more amenable to this if it wasn't coming at a time where high end content, that relies on the game working properly to do but isn't, is being released.

    The revives mean people can brute force new content but it comes at a cost of using their energy for it which means can't do other content....

    _Pez_ said:

    They do seem to be doing their best to just anger everyone these days....

    Maybe, before making revives harder to get they could fix many of the bugs that cause people to need to use more revives than they should. Just a thought, but maybe people would be more amenable to this if it wasn't coming at a time where high end content, that relies on the game working properly to do but isn't, is being released.

    The revives mean people can brute force new content but it comes at a cost of using their energy for it which means can't do other content....

    exactly. The funny thing is they are able to come up with the stupidest solutions and fast, to things that benefit the player base. oh, wait why don't you solve all the numerous bugs affecting the player base before even thinking of coming up with this BS idea?
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