
  • I just wasted gold leveling up relics assuming it added to the daily. Was quite annoyed it was for no points. Not a fan of doing things in game that don't have a purpose to an event. It's wasted time/resources.
  • Same here. Haven't received an email since receiving the Venom code.
  • And NVM. Does get annoying having to close and reopen to have things show up.
  • I'm one path from fully exploring and not getting Sauron on my selector. This is twice I haven't gotten a champ on an unexplored path. AAF.
  • All the scrolling, the extra steps to clear notifications. Never understood how vertical scrolling in a landscape format made any sense. It's like they never learned basic graphic design skills or whatever the web equivalent of that is. Maybe they don't teach it in coding school.
  • You're missing the point. With this redo you have to go an extra step to clear the notification. The old way you go to the solo or alliance tab and click on it to see the events. "new" would appear on the new events and you can clearly see they're new. Then the notification would be gone. Now they force you to click on…
  • Nope. I had the selector freeze. Restarted game. It popped up when I logged on. Selected Thing. Spinning wheel started. Restarted game. No Thing. Half a day later, still no Thing.
  • I clicked on it. Got disconnected. Logged back on, it popped up. Selected Thing. Got the spinning wheel. Restarted the game. No Thing. Multiple times logging off and on. Still no Thing. Submitted ticket this morning and have not received a reply as of yet. Annoying.
    dans No selector Commentaire de crogs octobre 2024
  • So I have three sestertius coins left. Makes zero sense to do week 5. Guessing I should either do week 4 level 4 to get the tyrants 4 mysterium or just do 5 again for the 7* shards.
  • You have 4hr crystals. You have a potion daily quest. You have units you can earn through game play to buy potions. You get an offer after completing an EQ difficulty to get discounted potions. If you're complaining about using earned units to buy potions, spending in game currency is a choice. Save it for when you need…
  • I'm just tired of profile pic rewards. Way too common, way too often. Like the blood, sweat & tears tokens. All the rewards for them outside of the crystal shards are profile pics. So the only worthwhile redemption is for most likely 3* champions. Such a joke.
  • It's ugly, busy, not intuitive, way over thought and under delivered. Don't see why it needed to be changed. I still haven't found the scoring yet to see who put up what. Sometimes, hell often, simpler is better. Did I miss some grassroots posting that it needed an update?
    dans Event screen change Commentaire de crogs août 2024
  • This is actually annoying. I used to plan how I played around 22hr events. They changed all that with the super daily which was totally fine. But you can't take it away without putting the 22he events back. Then they bring back the **** 7hr ones. So what's the plan? I'd they're gojng to mull things over on how to proceed,…
  • It's been broken through two updates on android. Annoying AF as it's my pet peeve when people don't participate.
  • So weird. I don't play on my regular phone. Only on my backup that lives at home. Clicked the link in the Prime Gaming email on my primary phone. Took me to the redeem page, and it didn't have me logged in. I don't have chrome as my default on my primary phone. So it let me log in. Had the link highlighted,and it took me…
  • So annoying. Got it to work the first time. This time, no such luck. Did the same steps through Chrome. Didn't get a clickable link like last time, just the qr code. Did the qr code took me to the contest page, not the gaming page. Finally got it to open the game. It gave me prompts. Took me to prime gaming within the…
  • Do you sign into the game via the Google login or Kabam. If the latter, try the former.
    dans Google Play Store Commentaire de crogs novembre 2023
  • @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Jaxx" Any input on this?
  • If you have the Amazon app on your phone, don't use it. On Android I finally wised up and went through Chrome, and it worked fine.
  • And for 8yrs it was that way. This way everyone worked together for the common goal. People that were only able to do the lesser map weren't penalized for it. People willing to help in the lower map also weren't penalized for doing it because it's a team effort. It's the point of an alliance. The minute you individualize…
  • ROL bucky worked just fine for me. 6* Ultron made quick work of him seven times. And not sure what you naysayers don't understand by "any game mode". It would include more qualifiers in addition to practice mode if ROL and other areas didn't count.
  • Dim gives you a 1* cap too. Can also fight bucky in ROL for one energy.
  • And that's fair overall why for an alliance/team oriented event? Everything in this game is cumulative. And the lesser accounts in the game or those just wanting an easier AQ get penalized. Let alone the people being team oriented to help the lower maps finish. It's BS to create a varying individual reward structure for an…
  • Umm... Maybe don't develop such a convoluted scoring/reward system for a team oriented event? Shocking idea I know. All it does is reward selfish individual behavior for a team oriented event because people won't want to help those in the lower maps that can't hang in the higher maps for whatever reason.
  • Who's free riding. We have active players with small accounts that need all their Champs for questing. So we have one BG on map 2. But now no one will want to help that bg because there are better rewards in the other BG's. In fact it'll be harder now getting people to play map 3 as well as they'd rather get map 4 rewards.…
  • What's with the individual aspect of rewards for what map you do? This is an alliance, a group effort. Work together as a team. Yet you say screw you to helping people doing lesser maps because they want better rewards. So how are we supposed to do a varying amount of maps when individuals won't help the lesser maps.…
  • Not really feeling the only get rewards for the map you do thing. We have 3 different map levels so young accounts can do map 2 and not have Champs locked. But of course some higher level players need to play that map to make sure they finish. So the people that play the lower maps get hosed on rewards? I thought this was…
  • Ah.. Got it. That seems to work. Kinda dumb you have to do that. But it works nonetheless. Thanks.
  • This is getting old. Sometimes my login works. Most of the time I get this. Why Kabam?
  • Stupidest design ever. Got an idiot that can't grasp the concept, and it's preventing us from doing a single BG. What's the point of leadership if they can't manually remove someone from this persistent ****? This should be a role of the leader/officers.
    dans AW Defense Commentaire de crogs octobre 2023