Here's a Brain teaser for you (Mods feel free to comment if you can confirm the answer)

If you are using Ghost with the Wasp Synergy against a Spidergwen and you use a special attack immediately upon phasing and the enemy spidergwen isn't blocking, will she evade it or will you hit her?
Ghosts abilities state: "Critical hits CANNOT be evaded", in addition, Ghosts abilities state that if you use a special immediately after phasing that all the hits of that special will be critical hits, and the wasp synergy makes all Ghosts special attacks activated upon phasing to be unblockable.
Now Spidergwen's abilities state that she has a 500% chance to evade unblockable specials if she isn't blocking, so my question is which of these two abilities will win out?
Ghosts abilities state: "Critical hits CANNOT be evaded", in addition, Ghosts abilities state that if you use a special immediately after phasing that all the hits of that special will be critical hits, and the wasp synergy makes all Ghosts special attacks activated upon phasing to be unblockable.
Now Spidergwen's abilities state that she has a 500% chance to evade unblockable specials if she isn't blocking, so my question is which of these two abilities will win out?
LOL champs can evade ghost so I'm thinking spidergwen wins out due to her over 100% chance to evade. (Ghosts ability doesn't state a % which means it should default to 100%)
AA is metal. Magneto reduces ability accuracy against metal opponents. AA's ability accuracy cannot be reduced.
In that case, AA won.
I've seen it elsewhere in the forums recently where one of the Kabam mods said that the goal is typical solution is that the "Cannot" wins.
So what's her evade chance itself? According to the Spider Sense description, it is 7% chance to evade per Spider-Sense charge. So her chance to evade is between 7% and 35% (max 5 charges). That means her chance to evade unblockable specials is between 45.5% and 227.5% (1 to 5 charges). Basically, at three charges or higher it is 100%.
Now, which one "wins?" Without testing, my guess is that Ghost wins and her unblockable crits land on Spidergwen. It comes down to this. The whole point of any ability saying that an attack "cannot be evaded" is that if an evade would be triggered, this evade does nothing. So in this situation, Spidergwen's evade has a 100% or higher chance of triggering, but the evade doesn't actually do anything. The fact that her triggering chance can be higher than 100% is meaningless: higher than 100% simply means 100% unless that chance is being debuffed. If you have a 150% of doing something and something else applies a -45% percentage chance to you, your net chance is still 105% which is still higher than 100% which means you're still stuck at 100% - it is certain the trigger goes off.
But when something says their attacks "cannot be evaded" I don't think that means the ability applies a -100% evade ability accuracy debuff or something. I think it simply suppresses the effects of evade when an evade would have happened. So the ability accuracy of the evade is irrelevant.
To put it another way, neither side "wins" in the sense of only one side working. Spidergwen's abilities "work" in the sense that she "triggers an evade." And then Ghost's abilities also work, and simply ignore that evade and strike the target.
Although I think Kabam might have eluded to Attacker vs Defender in some post, regarding those type of situations as well.
On Ghost's part, the Ability Accuracy of the Evade doesn't matter much, since her Critical Hits can't be Evaded at all. So in the situation you described Spider-Gwen's chance to Evade would increase against Ghost's Unblockable Special Attack (and could even go above 100%) but, since they would be Critical Hits, Ghost ignores the chance to Evade altogether.
and example of this scenario is doctor voodoo vs mephisto at the start of the fight voodoo still regens even though soul imprisonment is on him due that he has a 200% ability accuracy and soul imprisonment is a -100% ability accuracy effect.
else Ghost should win if it's just to cancel all evade chances