Warlock’s Offensive Ability Accuracy Reduction Is Reducing Defensive Ability Accuracy

Warlock’s Transmode Virus is described as reducing offensive ability accuracy but is also reducing defensive ability accuracy. This is most easily evidenced when fighting Electro with his Static Shock but has also been evidenced and reported to work on other defensive abilities like LC’s indestructible, Wolverine’s heal buffs, and Thing’s rock stacks. This does not appear to be device or ISP reliant.
iPad Pro 10.5”
iOS 12.3.1
Act 5.4.6, Duels, etc
Video of Warlock shutting down Electro’s defensive ability “Static Shock”.
iPad Pro 10.5”
iOS 12.3.1
Act 5.4.6, Duels, etc
Video of Warlock shutting down Electro’s defensive ability “Static Shock”.

Very likely will be fixed, is what I think so
We are working on a fix for this and hope to have it out soon!
So for example, against Sinister boss in 6.2.2. He will still get the charges due to your champion proccing buffs, but deppending on the RNG the shocks might fail to apply
We need a way in description of the champs that will tell us that is offensive and what is defensive, and not speculate it.
Unstoppable can be both also
There is a grey area in many abilities. This game has very deep and complicated mechanics, so stop giving generic answers and please suggest actual solutions that can really help the game be better, especially for new players
As for my answer to you, be more helpful, generic answers won’t help
It’s not a generic answer it’s how it works. Limbo and unstoppable are both depending on what triggered the effect and covered by the explanation. It’s simply not a grey area.
If you are taking offensive action against an opponent They have x% less chance to proc abilities subject to aar and the inverse for defensive.
Example, domino.
Does domino crit fail counts as offensive or defensive?
Is there a difference if you attack her and get crit fial or if she attack you and you get a crit fail?
They’re all abilities, it’s whether they happen while being attacked or attacking that determines if they are subject to DAAR or OAAR. Some are not subject to aar though and forget about Glancing, that’s a black hole that even bypasses AAR immunity.
Here are two gifs.
In this one PM fails to parry Domino and does not suffer crit failure.
In this one she is blocking but not being attacked and suffers crit failure.
Limbo is both offensive and a defensive ability. Deppends on how it was triggered. By using her special attacks, limbo triggers offensively. By reaching a bar of power and due to her sig ability, limbo triggers deffensively.