Update: Adjustments to AW S42

Hey Summoners,
Here to provide an update from the game team:
Season 42 is off to a bit of a rocky start. We’ve seen the feedback on how powerful the prowess truly is and we’ll be toning it down before the upcoming season. Because of the live changes we’ll also be extending the Off-Season by a week to ensure that players have enough time to acclimate themselves with the threat they’ll be facing during the season.
Original Season 42 Start Date: 05/10/2023
NEW Season 42 Start Date: 05/17/2023
Changes to the Tactics:
Prowess Power - 3: Prowess Power - 3: Each Prowess on a #Prowess Power Defender gives them 2% of a Bar of Power a second, maxing at 10 Prowess. When the Defender is Struck by a Critical Hit, or Purifies a Debuff, gain a 10 second Prowess Passive increasing Special Attack Damage by 5%.
Prowess Power - 2: Prowess Power - 3: Each Prowess on a #Prowess Power Defender gives them 1.6% of a Bar of Power a second, maxing at 10 Prowess. When the Defender is Struck by a Critical Hit, or Purifies a Debuff, gain a 10 second Prowess Passive increasing Special Attack Damage by 5%.
Prowess Power - 3: Prowess Power - 3: Each Prowess on a #Prowess Power Defender gives them 1% of a Bar of Power a second, maxing at 10 Prowess. When the Defender is Struck by a Critical Hit, or Purifies a Debuff, gain a 10 second Prowess Passive increasing Special Attack Damage by 5%.
Also, we will be correcting the Black/Whitelisted Champions to ensure that the right champs are in and out of Season 42!
-MCOC Team
Here to provide an update from the game team:
Season 42 is off to a bit of a rocky start. We’ve seen the feedback on how powerful the prowess truly is and we’ll be toning it down before the upcoming season. Because of the live changes we’ll also be extending the Off-Season by a week to ensure that players have enough time to acclimate themselves with the threat they’ll be facing during the season.
Original Season 42 Start Date: 05/10/2023
NEW Season 42 Start Date: 05/17/2023
Changes to the Tactics:
Prowess Power - 3: Prowess Power - 3: Each Prowess on a #Prowess Power Defender gives them 2% of a Bar of Power a second, maxing at 10 Prowess. When the Defender is Struck by a Critical Hit, or Purifies a Debuff, gain a 10 second Prowess Passive increasing Special Attack Damage by 5%.
Prowess Power - 2: Prowess Power - 3: Each Prowess on a #Prowess Power Defender gives them 1.6% of a Bar of Power a second, maxing at 10 Prowess. When the Defender is Struck by a Critical Hit, or Purifies a Debuff, gain a 10 second Prowess Passive increasing Special Attack Damage by 5%.
Prowess Power - 3: Prowess Power - 3: Each Prowess on a #Prowess Power Defender gives them 1% of a Bar of Power a second, maxing at 10 Prowess. When the Defender is Struck by a Critical Hit, or Purifies a Debuff, gain a 10 second Prowess Passive increasing Special Attack Damage by 5%.
Also, we will be correcting the Black/Whitelisted Champions to ensure that the right champs are in and out of Season 42!
-MCOC Team
Season42 would be a very unbalanced one.
The same character like I mentioned above would be banned every time and multiple identical strong defensive characters would be placed.(it’s happened already.) Is this the AW you guys want? Think hard again.
With that said, It doesn’t seem like the attack tactic is power-burning what it says it is supposed to.
It works well enough. But seems weaker than advertised. (Tier1)
I also keep hearing about path 5 skill interactions with suicides. Haven’t had a chance to take this myself but have seen some nasty videos.
Thank you. That seems much more reasonable.
I have a few questions / comments to add:
1. When are these changes going live. Are they already live ? Last war seemed better to me. No boss this war.
2. I keep hearing about interactions on path 5 with skill and suicides and it being “unmanageable”. I have not yet tried it but many have said it’s not good. Has this change been tested with those nodes and skill champs ? 20 to 2 percent is a huge change tho, should be fine.
Lets place say korg, kp or av there in the pool to attack you will need incenerate and shock immune. Your pool of usable champs gets real small. You need to heavy to get the armour up with tenacity that becomes real tricky as well and heavy intercept of kp heavy is impossible because of unstoppable.
If your champ is shock immune you're pretty much stuck till it changes state as you don't even want a single incenerate on you because Node lowers ability accuracy. All the while your waiting the incenerate phase ai is just gaining prowess and power because of aggressive prowess of the node.
It appears pending bans you're stuck with say col building up his armour during incenerate and hopefully have enough armour ups to survive just parry through the shock phase, while aggression prowess is doing it's thing.
Other option can be sig200 Future Antman but that too with Odin prefight (preferably)
Other options are Ghost+Hood or Kitty, but those aren't that reliable
But hey great news, I think the power gain will be much more manageable. Just this morning I was telling my Ally mates I won't be playing wars if this tactic remain as is.