What time works best time for Livestream? Remember, all times listed are in Pacific Time (UTC−08:00)

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 637
edited March 5 in General Discussion
Greetings Summoners!

Since our first livestreams in Jan. 2023 we have almost always streamed on Fridays at 9am PT. This time slot was based on a number of factors and its consistency has allowed us to grow our audience month over month.

However, we know that many Summoners are unable to view the stream at this time due to a number of factors, be it school, work, family, sleep, etc. While the nature of our global audience means we will not be able to find the perfect timeslot for every single Summoner, we do want to take some time, two years in, to reevaluate and see if a different time slot would serve us better going forward.

As a part of that process we want to hear from you! Please select which option you think is the best time slot from the options below. While we cannot promise the winning time will be the new time moving forward, it will be a strong data point as we consider whether or not to move the time of the stream.

What time works best time for Livestream? Remember, all times listed are in Pacific Time (UTC−08:00) 298 votes

Early Morning ( Between 9-10am as we do currently)
GroundedWisdomGamerSiliyoMegaSkater67Swe_wolfisRaganatorFreakydRiddler91SligbenshbLuciusVorenusCondemnedToeFrankWhiteCat_MurdockcaptaincushCropDusterHipHopHead_78LtgreerMhd20034Revan0607 148 votes
Late Morning (11am-12pm)
AjisdopeRagnarok13MagrailothosThatGuyYouSaw235Sw0rdMasterCassyGarlopseudosaneCyaenArchdemon_10or_StrongScopeotoe987GhostboytjieStantonaKnordySlanderous12GarrettNItsClobberinTimeToyota_2015ericong77 36 votes
Afternoons (12-3pm)
Snizzbarccrider474BosleyQmonStellarAleorGkevery21butmic2te_dua_shumHassamaMamaDannyBShawarmaMnMCOCHazzaGiantwalrus56ExcelsiorAbdoYodabolt21ribsandbbqbeef69StarLordWho_1FinalfurykUltragamer 35 votes
Late Afternoon (4-6pm)
DrZolaMidnightfoxquando213travgiantRockypantherxSoundwarpMoeyTehrFuskieQwerty12345Doctor_Strange19WeaponX2112Nogood22DahMastahTx_Quack_Attack6589spidyjedi84WadeWattsAndremlopesThe_0wenpusThe_OverlordDirtysnowman 32 votes
Evening (7-9pm)
danielmathstlormkus234TimEMasterduxReyAlemánspiderknight616brucef8bringerDRTOGyanemdjerRayven5220ArnavTony886OwlkitSunRiceAyden_noah1ChrisBosioJESUSCHRISTSerdar16qartweli 47 votes


  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,822 ★★★★★
    Early Morning ( Between 9-10am as we do currently)
    works perfectly fine for a good audience
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 990 ★★★★
    edited March 5
    Evening (7-9pm)
    I would much rather have them in the afternoon or evening so I can me at home for them.
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 716 ★★★
    Afternoons (12-3pm)

    Either ALTERNATE the time (like between the earliest, and latest, for Kabam office times) back-n-forth every month.
    So while some people still won’t be able to get them all, at least they can get every other month's.

    ** OR **
    Is it possible to do a 2nd STREAM (the later time slot) as an actual REPLAY (Live, but just a Replay the first one's feed), where viewers can still participate in all the normal “Live” submission of whatever they need to do to receive Giveway stuff during that 2nd “Live” stream instead.

    I don’t know what the current limitations are for people viewing it at a later time (if that's even currently possible or not, watching it like a recording) but where they can NOT currently get the Giveaways because it is watching later on (on the viewer's timetable).

    But if Kabam made it into an ACTUAL NEW LIVESTREAM (technically not Live, but as far as the streaming platform is concerned, you would be streaming something Live (again) even though it would just be a replay of original.

    *would that work to allow secondary viewers to do all the Live Giveway stuff during that 2nd Stream ??

    **and I’m sure Kabam's system could track whether someone watched BOTH of them (as in, tried to get the Giveaways from both) that your game servers should be able to just distribute the Giveaways items just once to them.
    (that could actually allow people to do 1 with their Primary, and the 2nd stream with an Alt.Account, which would be nice too).

    I like this. Tbf I just clicked a time and would be happy with any of the bar current but just running it again to get the drops still would be good as well.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    Late Morning (11am-12pm)
    Working as I do on Greenwich Mean Time, moving it just an hour or two later would mean I could watch it after work...
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  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,191 ★★★★★
    Early Morning ( Between 9-10am as we do currently)
    Current is time even though if it is around 3am on my end (Japan) because I'm a nocturnal. Lol.
  • slothsan050slothsan050 Member Posts: 35
    Early Morning ( Between 9-10am as we do currently)
    If it happens one hour earlier than last few months it would be really great. I don't know if that was special case but I think I attended few livestreams like that.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    Early Morning ( Between 9-10am as we do currently)
    The current time is pretty perfect for me (CET) since it's late enough for me to have come home comfortably if I'm out but not so late that it interferes with any evening plans I might have.
  • summerdeersummerdeer Member Posts: 236
    Late Morning (11am-12pm)
    or make it Saturday or the two Live Stream so u can still get drops or promo code like SummonerNR said
  • Il_CuocoIl_Cuoco Member Posts: 18
    I don't think anyone really cares what time the stream is, just that drops aren't locked to the time of the stream. Or, if you are married to the twitch drop thing, run it "live" a few times.
  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 782 ★★★★

    Don't fix things that doesn't need a fix.

    Spoken by someone who's timezone isn't 4am currently for these.
    I get it 10:30 PM, quite comfortable for me. If they go by your suggestion, it'll be 4am for me lol.
    No offense but I believe you’re in Asia. So thats not gonna align with us Americans. The current time of livestreams, at least for me(central) is at peak work time hours. It’s like always an hour after my lunch break which sucks. But it’s impossible to accommodate everyone so they just need to focus on covering the largest audience.
  • 5ra5ra Member Posts: 74
    I don't know how easy it is to implement, but would it be possible to keep the current timeslot and replay the Livestream at a different time slot with drops enabled. I missed the Livestream as I was traveling and the start time was in the middle of the night. It's impossible to make everyone happy but I don't think people should be asked to stay up to acquire the drops.
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 977 ★★★
    Evening (7-9pm)
    There wasn't any problems when promo codes were used to give out rewards

    If promo codes lasted for 24 hours, everyone would get the rewards, no problem for the whole world

    Speaking as someone with 6.9 million account and don't need the rewards at all

    Twitch drops is the cause of the problem, you have to watch livestream to clock the minimum watch time for rewards that aren't that spectacular
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 977 ★★★
    Evening (7-9pm)
    If Kabam insist on using twitch drops den replay the livestream for 24 hours so everyone can watch the livestream and get the rewards no matter what time they tune in
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 977 ★★★
    Evening (7-9pm)
    I watched plenty of livestream on twitch and I chat with the livestreamer

    The purpose of a livestream is for the audience to interact with the hosts, asking questions and voicing their opinions

    There isn't any of that at the last livestream, basically just listening to a sales pitch from Kabam without the details of what the champion is capable of

    So there isn't a need for livestream since there's no interaction

    Just pre record the video and replay for 24 hours, it would do a better job for everyone
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 977 ★★★
    Evening (7-9pm)
    I'm not watching the livestream just for the rewards, I don't need the rewards

    I want important information from Kabam for a monthly livestream, you can do sales pitches no problem with that but you also need to address whatever issue there is in the game right now

    Let the technical team send someone to tell us they are doing something about the bugs

    Bugs affect everyone including whales, no whale will spend if the game is buggy to the point it can't be played, I'm glad we haven't reach that stage but it did happened before, the game crashed in the middle of playing years ago and there was emergency maintenance for hours

    I'm glad there's no more of such situation for a very long time so give credits where credit is due
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 977 ★★★
    Evening (7-9pm)
    I don't have a problem with the current time also if nothing is being changed at all
  • BigBlueMadness11BigBlueMadness11 Member Posts: 61 ★★
    You could simply upload the live stream to YouTube after the fact to allow us to watch later. Then everyone can watch the video at their convenience and Kabam can profit off of the views. It's win/win. The only thing different you'd have to do to make everyone happy is do a 24 hour promo code instead of twitch drops. Kabam could still do giveaways and such on the live stream if they wanted. How could anyone be unhappy with this resolution? Why does this have to be difficult?
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,836 ★★★★★
    Early Morning ( Between 9-10am as we do currently)

    Don't fix things that doesn't need a fix.

    Spoken by someone who's timezone isn't 4am currently for these.
    I get it 10:30 PM, quite comfortable for me. If they go by your suggestion, it'll be 4am for me lol.
    No offense but I believe you’re in Asia. So thats not gonna align with us Americans. The current time of livestreams, at least for me(central) is at peak work time hours. It’s like always an hour after my lunch break which sucks. But it’s impossible to accommodate everyone so they just need to focus on covering the largest audience.
    There's another solution, they could conduct these livestreams on Saturdays instead. Working one saturday a month is Fine I believe if everyone working there agrees and they get paid accordingly.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,324 ★★★★★
    Early Morning ( Between 9-10am as we do currently)
    I Don't Care if I get twitch drops or not, only reason I streamed it in the first place. Stream whenever you want. No problem.
    Last stream I let it stream on my pc for the drops on my alt. I muted it after some time but kept it on. Not registering in that wierd email phising website either.
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