BraderSaw ★
Same then I got this bugs
I wished i got the GGCs 😂😂😂
Wasted the revives and potion lvl 5 in side quest because Kabam.
Me too
That means Kabam was fixed the issues right?
Same today I got an crashing issue and hopefully they fixed this issue.
So they are fixing crashing and lagging issue right? or not?
Yes I finally might be able played that game after that issues fixed soon.
Haven't received that rewards yet
Again I got issue like lagging or crashing over 13 or 15 minutes and fix this issue....
I still got lagging and crashed issue but is not working
Same then I'm fight with boss final but suddenly crashed over 20 minutes
But then I played EQ and Arena with AQ and AW but got issue lagging and crashing over 30 minutes but I wished never played this game
Me too because i played this game but lagging and crashing I play EQ and arena and AQ with AW
In-Game Name: JackFrost50 Device and Model: Redmi 6 Device Operating System: Android 8 Cellular or Wi-Fi: Cellular Game Version Installed: Latest Game Mode: Every Mode Description of the Issue: After 15 or 20 minutes my game is lagging and freeze I played Event quest and arena then crashing after 30 minutes
Congrats for BOTH them and I got Wasp 5*
I would grind arena for him..
I got that damn champs is Spider Man 5* 😠😠
Done reach Tier 7 so what I do hmmm?
I got this champs😂😂😂
Then I got Human Torch 5* from Science and Mystic dual so lucky Next I am getting the Groot from Cosmic and Tech dual 😂😂
I probably ready bring my Doc Doom 5*, Ghost 5* with Wasp, Spider Man Stealth Suit, Havok 5*,
Sounds good thanks for giving information
No is 5* Basic Crystal but I not Cavalier
Same here's i use phone Redmi 6 and Kabam fix this issue please..?
I got 18k T2 alpha shard
I got 15k shard and 5* 15 sig cosmic and T5 2k skill shard, last i got 5* annihilus
I don't got that updated
Yeah Hyperion is old champs he is go 1.9M like gambit luke cage others champs
Yeah I hope lagging is over from android devices