Vinvick ★
Save. Don't waste t4c.
Duped ?
Quake doesn't need dupe. SL needs it most. It's almost game changing
Can you Quale through in fight? Then quake. One of the best champs.
You should post the necessary screen shots.
Voodoo/AA. Helps you to become uncollected. Hyp is good without dupe. Just see whom you have/need to become uncollected.
If you don't have any immunity champ then LC is best choice. Otherwise Magik all the way. Her power control is best in game.
4* or 5* ? 5* then aegon. 4* then Sparky, korg, sabre, sinster.
I would wait for ghost or CAP IW.
Or void, voodo. Depends on which hero's u have & Ur progress
None of them need AG. They are god tier even without AG. Save it.
Why not 6* Domino R2?
I would suggest you to complete it first then go for 100%
I think the problem isn't about spending units or using alliance help. If you take my case, when I am at work I usually login when ever I see energy notification & try do quest. If I can't complete a path with 69 energy then I have to login again which isn't possible as I am at work. I wish path takes almost 69 energy i.e.…
Ghost if you master her game play.
It is there in mail & post. But you can complete it (not 100%) without specific champs. So, they didn't put it as restriction for entering.
I don't agree with you. There are 3 paths , 2 with gate & 1 without. You must be aware of it while doing it first time. Don't blame Kabam.
Domino .... +1 hate.
None. Don't waste resources on them. Save for better champs.
And x-23 untill blade is duped.
It happened to me today in Master mode. She went from 50% to 100. Don't have recording. I will try to capture next 4 fights.
That's ok. Sometimes it happens
@BlindKnight thank you for offer. I have joined an alliance.
In both stable & unstable rifts ?
Save. If they are going to expire then rank up Rouge.
Not installed right now. My ally uses Discord. We can talk In game. I added you there.
@Dacg57 yes. Can you write me in IGN Vinvick. Any chances of giving a picture of your AQ points. Thanks
I have 9 4* at R4. 5 5* at R2.
@Snopciu can you tell me your AQ score? Check out my IGN Vinvick. Ping me if it suits you.