Why will the potion overhaul take months?

Hey Kabam. Thank you for finally addressing the disparity between the current potion system and current champ healthpools.
You said the switch to percentage based health potions can take up to six months. Why is this? Why would tweaking poitons and making them percentage based take such a long time?
I also feel this should be one of the top priorities for the team, being that this is much much long overdue.
If you can, please shed some light as to why the timeline given for this is so far out.
You said the switch to percentage based health potions can take up to six months. Why is this? Why would tweaking poitons and making them percentage based take such a long time?
I also feel this should be one of the top priorities for the team, being that this is much much long overdue.
If you can, please shed some light as to why the timeline given for this is so far out.
They do it with champs, content, now items as well
To answer the OP, it takes time to consider all sides and data, and it takes time to design solutions that are workable. That adds to an already-existing workload.
As of right now level 3 health potions are super easy to get via RoL farming and TB free crystals. These are sources that will need to be changed if level 3 health potions give literally only 10% health. I could spend a few minutes with my r3 6* CGR beating up RoL WS and Co and have enough potions to fully heal my boosted 6* r4s and r5s. If I was really determined I could get about 70+ of these potions on one bar of energy, no energy refills required.
There are many variables outside of the potions themselves that will need to be considered before kabam can add them in.
You truly will argue against anything 👏
If you looked at the data from November 2021 on how much users were revive farming, and why, you should have started analysing the data on pot usage and integrate that into your solution for removing the "infinite" revives. The data on pot farming has been around for years but it was an agreeable situation on the design end so no improvements were made.
Ad to people saying they don't have the data - every resource used in the game is stored in their databases - they just have to focus in and pull it. It's exactly how they noticed and then analysed the impact of the revive farming.
For years people have posted on this forum asking for percent-based health pots - it is not news to Kabam. These requests have been ignored it because it suited their game economy for players to (a) spend massive time engaged in game (having to farm their free pots) (b) spending to overcome the handicap of the current limited health restoration system.
They’re going to need new data as they see how the change to revives impacts things. Revives are now worth a little more than they were, which means heals are going to be a more important investment into trying to use less revives.
Should it be dependent on other factors?
If say a 375 health pot becomes a 10% health potions, that would make all others redundant since these are super accessible. Then they would have to change the availability of these potions across crsytals. Not to mention if you were to make a 5k potions into a 50% potion, that would mean players who use this for lower star champions would have a problem since it is now less value
Black= L1 Potion 375 heal value, 1star healthpool of approx. 1200hp
Bronze= L2 Potion 750 heal value, 2 star healthpool of approx. 2500
Silver= L3 Potion 1650 heal value, 3 star healthpool of approx. 6400
Gold= L4 Potion 5000 heal value, 4 star healthpool of approx. 14000
Purple (color deviation but understandable due to potion color vs 5star boarder)= L5 Potion 10000 heal value, 5 star healthpool of approx. 32000
Teal Blue= L6 Potion 15000 heal value, 6 star healthpool of approx. 55000
With it laid out, you could more or less argue that the biggest issue with the potion economy isn’t relative value of the potions but the stinginess of their availability to the players that rely or utilize a certain champion tier. Simply put after 4 stars relevant potions have been put into a pay to acquire tier only (with units or dollars). The simplest solution is to address that by making them available through playing relevant content for their needed application like introducing the potions to the quests meant for a certain tier of champion based on the rates that L1s and L2s can be found in EQ, not putting L3s in TB difficulty… that’s just silly, we liked it because if the Scrooged approached to date, but it’s gross IMO.
Now this approach might kill another potion farm in ROL to balance things, but personally I’d prefer less pointless grinding so I’d be ok, although I’m sure that’s be controversial and I may be tar and feathered for it’s suggestion
If, lets say, level 4 potions amount to X,XXX units spent each month, they would need to recalculate how the new potions would impact economy.
If they come out with an 80% health potion, but it costs 150 units, would people buy it? I know its dumb to say it, but 80% health recovery of a 6* is not the same as 80% health recovery of a 4*. Would a Conqueror player spend 150 units to almost fully heal a 4* in this hypothetical scenario? Would a Paragon player?
It "seems" like an easy fix, but in reality, this issue affects a large part of the game and the entire player base in completely different ways.
They might have the data, but coming up with a viable solution seems pretty difficult to me.
Coming up with a solution that everyone will like? That's impossible.
Re-balancing what is arguably one of the largest areas of the game is not easy, and it takes time. Potions touch so much of the game, and we need to spend time to analyze Data and explore options.
For example, while waiting for the long term potions, increate the number available now to summoners in a weekly package similar to what was done about 20 months ago while long term input issues were being looked into so that summoners weren't penalized in the short term? Another option would be to simply increase the amount of health portions restore.