Web Slinger Challenge

I'm tired of Kabam putting out this near impossible content. I rage quit twice on that stupid Spider-man and Vulture is almost impossibl to get a hit on. Well done Kabam taking my units like candy from a Baby. #impossiblemission #byebyeunits #ugly #BlameRuss
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Also they explicitly stated that not everyone would beat it
It is only unfair if you believe all the content MCOC releases is supposed to be doable by everyone regardless of how long they have been playing or what their progression level is. These events come out semi-regularly and are targeted for relatively high levels of difficulty which players are supposed to be building skills and rosters to tackle.
MCOC isn't chess. It is not intended to be a pure contest between the skill levels of the players. If my tools are better than your tools, I will have a substantial advantage over you. That is not an unfair advantage, that is an intentional advantage for a game that explicitly rewards roster progression.
At one time I could barely scratch the surface of these events. It wasn't that long ago that even master mode was beyond my capabilities. I only finished Realm of Legends just prior to the release of 12.0. Now I can farm it for potions. That is how this game is intended to work: the player that has been playing for two years is not intended to be on a level playing field with the player that has been playing for two weeks.
Did it comfortably with 4 40 4*s, vulture was way too easy, to me symbiot spidey was the real boss.. Kicked my ass a couple of times...
p.s. Vulture is a joke... his lvl1 and 2 are easy to evade... immune spidey is more challenging than vulture
if you aren't good enough or don't have strong enough champs you shouldn't do the challenge. just saying.
My ally leader had 100% completed in one run by using the team of Thor, Jugg, Magik, BW and Wolvie. He used mostly Thor, and Magik is for Sym Spidey.
You still have 28 days to practice and get the job done. If you still cannot do it by that time, then you clearly aren't ready.
And I also know that with only 3 4* heroes I will not get much further. Perhaps a few of the next one, but no more.
The game has to appeal to noobs and veterans, free and pay players. So there will always be tons of stuff you can't do even if you have been playing for years but have not got a massive 4* roster.
If you are a player just starting out, the first 2 quests can be done and the rewards obtained would help your progression.
If you are an average player with 4* 4/40s, you can still explore quest 3 and get quite a good amount of precious rewards, and I would think it is definitely possible to at least complete quest 4 if you are of that standard.
And if you are a veteran player with maxed 4*s, 5* R3 or even a 5* R4, you should be able to explore everything.
Whatever it is, the only reason it is a unit drain is either because you are not prepared/strong enough to take on this challenge, or you are not fighting well enough. I once was only able to complete the first 3 chapters when it comes to these challenges, but now, I am fully capable of completing everything thanks to progression.
Lol, nope not a chance
5/50 Iceman
5/50 Crossbones
5/50 Magik (for Symbiote Spiderman)
3/35 Drax (for SA Spiderman)
5/50 Elektra
One of the main points of this game is building up your roster over time so you can attack more difficult content. That means that there will be content that comes out that is meant for people that have built up their rosters (and likely have put more time into the game than you have). You will eventually get your roster and skills to the point where you will be able to complete stuff like this. Plus Kabam stressed that this would be a hard challenge.....hell, it is easier than Bautista's challenge was.....
If you can't do it, it doesn't mean it's impossible.
Maybe he just don't have the right champions.