Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    edited February 2019
    Having been working on my own (double) Magneto re-work, I've gone back over the last few pages, and seen there must be four or five reworks for Magneto alone!

    Let's hope we can inspire the next beta after Spidergwen and She-Hulk!
  • ThatGrootGrootThatGrootGroot Member Posts: 427 ★★
    edited February 2019
    Having been working on my own (double) Magneto re-work, I've gone back over the last few pages, and seen there must be four or five reworks for Magneto alone!

    Let's hope we can inspire the next beta after Spidergwen and She-Hulk!

    100% yes. Magneto and Colossus should be at or near the top of the list for reworks. They're fan favorites for a lot of people and they are complete garbage in the game.

    Magneto should be able to deal more damage, cause more bleed, cause shock and/or concussion, have invisibility. He should also have ways of protecting against damage via limited force fields.

    Colossus could have different forms like Emma Frost, with increased strength and durability in his armored form, including shock immunity. Maybe in his normal form, he could trigger concussions or exhaustion. It would be cool if he changed sizes, too. Then a synergy with Magneto would give him an additional strength boost.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    This is an interesting rework, as usual. Iron Patriot could definitely benefit from one, as you argued.
    Thank you, as always, for your feedback!
    I think the permanent 7.5% damage cap (Iron Durability) is definitely too strong, compared to current abilities like Ice armour and Urgent Refraction. Maybe if (like Luke Cage's physical resistance) it only applied to non-critical hits? Given that critical hits are supposed to function by bypassing/finding weakness in armour. Or alternately, this should be disabled by a successful Armour Break.
    It does actually say that it only applies to basic physical attacks. So... In my brain, the basic part covered non-critical hits. It's just your standard lights, mediums, and heavies. But, I can certainly clarify.
    Spider-proofing? Nice, and definitely fits with Norman's mind-set. In fact, why not go further and reduce their AA or Evade ability a bit more? Or shrug off their debuffs?
    Hrmmm... Definitely something to consider.
    Magnetic boost granting +2% Attack? That doesn't seem very much (so... why?), although the critical boost is reasonable.
    I didn't want to go overboard, but a 5%-10% boost might be warranted (since you can only get 2 stacks).
    I like the Specials, particularly the reflection of Norman's unpleasant nature in the use of flamethrowers; although a bit of me would miss the red, white and blue 'Patriot blast' of his current SP1.
    Thank you!
    Then the Sig ability, Insanity:
    The basic function is additional Special damage; which tops out at +60%, so not overpowered. Then various stacking benefits, such don't initially seem over the top either; despite a lack of clarity about which game attacks would constitute a Psychic attack - just Emma Frost's specials? Psylocke's SP2? Phoenix seems entirely telekinetic; but maybe specials from Mephisto or Sinister?

    Unless you spam your special attacks, Insanity seems to be something that stacks relentlessly, like Rulk's Heat charges. So when Norman drops below 15% health, he gets an instant +1500 to +3000 Attack, on top of the +30%-60% Special damage. That's going to lead to some nasty last-minute Special attacks!

    For me, I think there should be some kind of mechanic for Insanity to either fall slowly over time (like CAIW's kinetic charges); or possibly for Norman to lose charges when Stunned or Power Drained, or something.

    Failing that, I suppose there's always ability accuracy reduction to fall back on...

    Keep up the good work!
    Norman loses charges when he executes special attacks, just like Thing. So, there's a constant yo-yo effect (unless you just refuse to use specials to keep the benefits; it's a trade off).

    Thank you very much for the feedback. I'll post a revision soon.

    Best wishes!
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    Magneto can have a mechanic that goes something like this:

    SP1 inflicts bleed damage (whatever damage is appropriate) and embeds shrapnel in the opponent.

    The bleed timer is going, and in conjunction there is a “shrapnel” timer that is the metal shrapnel embedded in the opponent. During that timer, Magneto can decrease ability accuracy in the opponent by 60%. It should be like 10 seconds or something. In conjunction with the flat 40% that he inflicts vs metal champions, it would be 100% against metal champs for the duration of the timer after an SP1.

    Something like this is a good start to buffing Magneto.
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    Additionally Magneto can gain some increase in attack during the shrapnel timer, whether it’s adding prowess or furies (I prefer furies, so that we can look to get around crit dampening by some of the premiere champs).
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    edited February 2019
    Captain America (original)

    A mechanic added to him similar to the “Spry” node in Ultron Variant.

    Each time an attacker hits into Cap’s block or passively evades an attack a fatigue debuff is applied to the attacker which reduces crit rate by x%. (You can also do something like every 5 hits by th defender or something).

    Additionally, when a fatigue debuff is on the attacker, x% of their power is drained as long as the debuff is applied. If the attacker lands a hit onto cap while the fatigue debuff is active, the attacker loses x% health per hit (higher fatigue stacks, more health lost). Additional standard ability accuracy decrease of x% while the opponent is under a fatigue debuff.

    For every fatigue debuff on the attacker, Cap gains x% increased critical rate.

    The percentages should be low and the debuffs should stack proportionately.
  • adqqedfyvradqqedfyvr Member Posts: 463
    edited February 2019
    Updated version of my rework idea, from a while back.

    Daredevil Netflix -
    -Improved evade: 30% chance to evade a projectile, 10% chance to evade basic attacks
    -Bleed debuffs are 30% less likely to be inflicted and do 25% less damage
    -Deflect ability: All bullets have a 25% chance to deflect off and cause a bleed on the opponent. Knives and swords have a 20% chance to miss.
    -Immune to petrify debuffs. Gains true strike after specials.
    -40% chance to perfect block
    -Increased physical resistance

    New heavy animation and special 2 and 3.

    -Critical hits have a 45% chance at inflicting a bleed. These can stack up to 3. Specials should cause 1 or 2 bleeds.
    -Guaranteed stun after special 1 and paralyse debuffs after specials 2 and 3.
    -Fury: As the fight progresses and/or as Matt loses health he can gain a permanent fury charge. Every 30 seconds and every 20% health lost he gains a permanent fury passive.
    -90% chance to armour break an opponent with critical hits if the opponent is already inflicted with a debuff
    -Heavy has a 30% chance at inflicting a concussion debuff, reducing opponent defensive ability accuracy by 50%
    -Every 10th hit of a combo is guaranteed critical

    -Debuffs placed on Daredevil have a 50% chance to be purified after 1 second delay
    -Each time this happens, Daredevil gains a permanent cruelty passive up to a limit of 4
    -After 4 cruelty passives are gained, the bleed stacking limit increases by 1 each time a cruely would be gained.
    -This bleed limit will persist from fight to fight.

    -SYNERGY with Elektra:
    Elektra: Bleeds will be critical if the opponent is under 50% health.
    All champions: Each time the opponent evades an attack, gain 5% of max power
    -SYNERGY with Punisher and Kingpin:
    Punisher: Gain 2.5% increased attack against villain champions for each hit of the combo, up to 500
    Kingpin: Gain a prowess buff, increasing special damage by 50%, with a well timed block. Dashing back and holding block can change these into lifesteal buffs.
    Daredevil: Once per fight, go unstoppable, unblockable and indestructable after a special 3.
    -SYNERGY with Moon Knight:
    Moon Knight: Critical hits have an 100% chance to nulify all buffs on the opponent and exchange them for petrify debuffs, each reducing health and power gain by 50%
    Moon Knight and Daredevil: Safeguard from losing more than 50% health from a special attack and from losing more than 60% health from passive energy damage.
    -SYNERGY with both Iron Fists and Luke Cage:
    Defenders synergy

  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    edited February 2019
    Champion Redesign: Iron Patriot (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Iron Patriot is an Iron Man (Classic) clone. His play style is almost completely indistinguishable, and he doesn't really even get any of Iron Patriot's cooler powers, or any Osborn-technological upgrades. In addition to that, the guy is still the Green Goblin (with all his accompanying crazy) under that Stark-tech suit. He should have access to all sorts of nasty tricks, but no... He has a weaker version of Iron Man (Classic)'s power set combined with a little bit of Black Bolt's moveset. He doesn't get anything that is uniquely him, and that needs changing.

    Signature Ability - Insane Genius: He may wear a suit cobbled together from confiscated Stark technology and his own Oscorp weapons, making Norman Osborn all the more dangerous, but he's still as insane as he ever was as the Green Goblin!
    • Iron Patriot has a 10% chance to gain an Insanity charge whenever opponents attack him. +90% chance if Iron Patriot performs a Well-Timed Block. [Max Stacks: 12] Each time Iron Patriot executes a Special Attack, he loses up to 3 Insanity charges. Each time an Armor Break Debuff would be inflicted upon Iron Patriot (despite his Immunity), he loses up to 3 Insanity charges.
    • For each Insanity charge Iron Patriot has, Special Attack damage is increased by 5%.
    • While he has 2 or more Insanity charges, Iron Patriot becomes immune to Concussion and Fatigue Debuffs.
    • While he has 5 or more Insanity charges, Iron Patriot takes 65% less damage from Psychic Attacks (such as those inflicted by Emma Frost's Special Attacks, Psylocke's psychic blade, Phoenix's attacks, etc...). Opponents take 50% of the damage dealt from Psychic Attacks as psychic backlash.
    • While he has 8 or more Insanity charges, Iron Patriot's Power Gain from all sources is increased by 12.5%.
    • While he has 11 or more Insanity charges, Iron Patriot's Heavy Attacks are Unblockable.
    • When Iron Patriot's health drops below 15%, he automatically gains 6 Insanity charges and his Attack Rating increases by 250 per Insanity charge. When Iron Patriot's health drops below 10%, his suit burns out and he loses his Advanced Satellite Communications, Iron Durability, Spider-Proofing, and all base Armor.

    Advanced Satellite Communications: Iron Patriot's advanced satellite communications system feeds him information about his opponent in real time, decreasing their Ability Accuracy by 15%.
    Iron Durability (Passive): The Iron Patriot Armor absorbs a lot of the force of even the heaviest of blows. Iron Patriot is immune to Armor Break Debuffs.
    Spider-Proofing (Passive): The Iron Patriot Armor has been specifically designed to withstand the attacks of Spider-Verse Heroes. Iron Patriot shrugs off Debuffs from Spider-Verse Heroes 70% faster.
    Well-Timed Blocks: Well-Timed Blocks activate Iron Patriot's Magnetic Impact Blast Systems, granting Iron Patriot +5% Damage on Basic Attacks for 4.5 seconds, and +450 Critical Rating versus Champions that employ metal arms and armor for 4.5 seconds. [Max Stacks: 4]

    Special Attack 1: Dual Flamethrowers — One of the best ways to get rid of a pest is to burn it to ashes!
    Animation Rework: Iron Patriot blasts his opponent with twin jets of fire from his forearms. These flame jets reach 70% of the way across the screen.
    • This attack has a 100% chance to inflict an Incinerate Debuff, dealing 682.2 Direct Damage over 3.0 seconds.
    Special Attack 2: Miniature Lasers — Iron Patriot activates a devastating laser attack!
    Animation Rework: Iron Patriot launches himself into the air, rapidly fires two magnetic impact blasts at his opponent, then activates a laser array that fires several sustained laser blasts that sweep the area. This sweeping blast of laser energy will be similar to Hyperion's, except that there are three beams that simultaneously sweep across the arena.
    • This attack has a 100% chance to inflict two Incinerate Debuffs, each dealing 682.2 Direct Damage over 3.0 seconds.
    • 54% chance to Armor Break, removing an enemy Armor Up and applying 665.75 Armor Rating reduction for 9.0 seconds. Against Champions that have metal weapons or armor, this chance is increased by 20%, and Armor Rating is reduced by an additional 200.
    Special Attack 3: Missile Strike — Calling in a tactical strike has never looked this good!
    Animation Rework: Iron Patriot calls in a heat-seeking missile that his opponent dodges, he then follows up with a series of punches that stun his opponent, while the heat-seeking missile turns around in the background, then zips in to finish the job!
    • 100% chance to Stun for 4.75 seconds.

    • Friends with Iron Man, Superior Iron Man, or Iron Man (Infinity War): All Champions gain +130 Armor Rating.
    • Enemies with Spider-Man (Classic), Spider-Man (Symbiote), or Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
    • Rivals with Captain America, Captain America (WWII), or Captain America (Infinity War): All Champions gain +155 Critical Damage Rating.
    • Crazy Together with Green Goblin: Iron Patriot: Whenever Iron Patriot loses an Insanity charge, he Regenerates 0.8% of his Max Health. Green Goblin: Green Goblin gets +20% Ability Accuracy for his Super Bomb. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Dark Avengers with Venom or Sentry: Iron Patriot: Each time an Incinerate Debuff expires, it has a 25% chance to reapply itself. Venom: Venom has a 25% chance to activate a Fury buff every time he inflicts a Bleed Debuff on his opponent. Sentry: Sentry only requires 30 hits in a Combo to gain a Reality Warp. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.

    1. Unstoppable Colossus
    2. Magneto
    3. Spider-Gwen
    4. Captain Marvel
    5. Hulkbuster
    6. Iron Fist
    7. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
    8. Falcon
    9. She-Hulk
    10. War Machine
    11. Superior Iron Man
    12. Colossus
    13. Black Panther
    14. Gamora
    15. King Groot
    16. Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
    17. Karnak

    Feedback on this or previous redesigns is welcome.

    Best wishes!
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Other Champions that I'm considering a redesign of:
    • Captain America (Classic)
    • Daredevil (Netflix)
    • Deadpool (X-Force)
    • Old Man Logan
    • Howard the Duck (Not entirely certain what to do with him... yet.)
    • Drax
    • Groot
    • Loki
    • Thor (Jane Foster)

    Please feel free to cast your vote for my next Champion to rebuild.

    Best wishes, all!

  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed


    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    Mordo is quite underrated as a champion, he has some nice tricks but his applicability is quite limited. I do think that he doesn't need a lot of changes to be competitive in the current meta.

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    With unblockable being so common in the game, Mordo's ability to block unblockable will come in handy. However, the 0.5 second timer voids that ability, remove that requirement.

    Mordo's sig ability is pretty lame, you need the resistance most when you're not blocking. Instead, magical barrier becomes a passive that will grant the resistance all the time. On top of that, contact attacks will get some of the damage reverted back to them under the form of energy damage, based on mordo's power meter like KM's reverbation. The barrier can be disrupted by knocking him down, until it refreshes again. Science champions will receive 25% less damage. That will make Mordo an even greater defender.

    The chance to stun of the Sp1 is way too low. However, I wouldn't just boost it, I would depend it on the number of buffs the opponent has. Like, a flat +20% chance per buff? I would also make the degen stack per buff, punishing those champions with high stacks of buffs.

    The soul barb of the sp2 is nice, causing damage per buff. However, its secondary effect is rather restrictive. In most fights, the champion doesn't recover health. Instead, I suggest that it reduces potency of any regen, power gain, armor, resistance, fury, precision and cruelty status effect (buff or passive) by 25% per effect. However, this effect can go into the negative, meaning it can reverse heal, power drain, negative armor (armor break without applying a debuff), negative resistance, weaken, reduce crit chance and crit damage. This opens a wide array of potential applications. As it applies to both buffs and passives, it will also function on certain nodes who uses passives instead of buffs.

    Lastly, the regen on the sp3 can be more reliable, up to 60% chance based on lost health. Also, the sp3 nullifies buffs to life transfer 3.5% health per buff. This way, Mordo can nullify buffs so MD can give him power while also giving hem regen that doesn't rely on a regen buff (that can be nullified/sealed by other mystic champions).
  • Yellow8FellowYellow8Fellow Member Posts: 186 ★★
    That Iron Patriot revision was awesome! I really like how took some of Goblin's abilities into consideration and really like the new spin on his battle suit. However, there a few things I would like to point out:
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    While he has 11 or more Insanity charges, Iron Patriot's Heavy Attacks are Unblockable.

    Is this meant to say Special Attacks? Because Heavy Attacks are already Unblockable.
    Bodhizen wrote: »

    Iron Durability (Passive): The Iron Patriot Armor absorbs a lot of the force of even the heaviest of blows. Iron Patriot is immune to Armor Break Debuffs.

    While this does sound beneficial, it seems unfair to the Cosmic class, a class which has an advantage over Techs. The Cosmic class is known for having many Armor Break champs (Medusa, Symbiote Spidey, Thor, etc), so it would be odd for Iron Patriot to have this ability.

    -Possible Solutions:
    •Make it Class related so that Cosmic Champs can bypass this ability.
    •Replace it:
    ▪Give him back his Armor Up, but with a
    twist. All DoT Debuffs have their
    duration shortened by 35~50% when
    they are inflicted during this Armor Up.
    This would be beneficial against
    Wolverines, Archangels, and Dominos.
    ▪Give him Passive Special Attack
    Resistance, decreasing Enemy Special
    Attack Damage by 15%. Beneficial
    against Gambit, Bishop and Emma Frost

    And that's it. All in all, pretty great rework! I would like to make my first build for this game soon. I've made builds before, but only for Kabam's other game. Can't wait to see your other reworks, and would like to see Loki reworked. Keep up the great work!
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    Loved the rework, @Bodhizen, and thanks for adding some changes we'd discussed.

    I'm going to vote for Groot, next; although Howard could be real fun.

    @Yellow8Fellow, Heavyweight attacks aren't usually unblockable as such. The Stand Your Ground Mastery gives you up to a 50% chance to hold your block against them. Also, a few champs can withstand them, like Awakened BPCW, or (current) SpiderGwen. Unsure if she'll retain that ability after her upcoming buff.

    On the other hand, it might be useful to give IP a big Cruelty boost on his heavy as well...

  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    edited February 2019
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed

    Ronan the Accuser

    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    Ronan is what is called a situational god-tier, he only shines in certain fights with a lot of buffs. Outside of that, he's below average. Against champions who lack buffs, he outright sucks. He's also a bit odd for a cosmic champion, as he has no buffs of his own to be nullified by mystic champions. However, his basic plan is sound so he shouldn't need that much changes to be competitive.

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    I took inspiration of Ghost Rider, a champion who is by character very similar to Ronan.

    Ronan has the ability to place Judgement buffs on the opponent by attacking. I think 10% chance like Doctor Voodoo's loa's is good enough. This chance is -50% against mystic champions and +50% against tech champions. The chance is increased by +50% against villain champions. Judgement buffs last forever until removed by another effect. Max stack: 5.

    Ronan's tactical mind anticipates on the opponent's status effects and has a 100% chance to activate his own buffs to counteract them.
    • Armor, Armor Up and Resistance status effects activates a True Damage buff that ignores armor and resistances.
    • Fury status effects activates a Reflection buff that increases armor rating and reflects the reduced damage back to the opponent as Direct Damage.
    • Precision and Cruelty status effects activate a Resilience buff that lowers the damage done by critical hits by a certain percentage. [Note: I wouldn't use the critical resistance mechanic because a lot champions rely on critical hits to apply debuffs and every Dexterity Precision buff would activate a critical resistance buff.]
    • Regeneration status effects activate a Life Steal buff that steals health to Ronan based on a percentage of damage dealt.
    • Power Gain status effects activate a Power Steal buff that steals power to Ronan based on a percentage of damage dealt.
    • Evade and Auto-Block status effects activate a True Accuracy buff that ignores evade and auto-block.
    • Unstoppable status effects activate a Proficiency buff that increases block proficiency.

    The duration lasts 4 seconds, but can be extended based on the amount of Judgement buffs the opponent has. Every Judgement buff gives 75% extra duration.

    [Note: the best way to avoid Ronan's tactical anticipation are champions who reduce ability accuracy such as Crossbones and Black Widow, or who can nullify or fate seal buffs like most mystic champions.]

    Ronan's Universal Weapon shreds through opponent's buffs, removing them and converting them to their opposites. By activating special attack 1 or 2, a Judgement buff will remove and convert a buff into a debuff who has -200% potency of the converted buff. Fury will thus result in Weakness, Armor Up into Armor Break, Precision into Fatigue, Cruelty into Exhaustion (minus the reduced power gain), Energy/Physical Resistance into Energy/Physical Vulnerability (a new debuff with negative resistance), Regeneration into Degeneration, Power Gain into Power Drain and Evade and Unstoppable into Slow. However, damage dealt and stun duration is based on the amount of buffs pre-conversion. One buff requires one Judgement buff. Conversion is not nullify and will not be affected by nullify immunity. On debuff immunity nodes, buffs will still be removed for the expenditure of a Judgement buff, but will not result in a debuff.

    [Note: the Despair and Inequity mastery will aid by reducing healing and attack rating per debuff. The best counter is the Willpower mastery, which heals you for every debuff. Champions who have no buffs or rely on debuffs like Skill and Science champions will not be affected by Ronan's Universal Weapon.]

    The current abilities that convert Fury into Weakness and Armor Up into Armor Break can be removed.

    Special attack 3 will convert all Judgement buffs into an Accusation buff on the opponent for 4 seconds. This buff reduces the ability accuracy of all buffs on the opponent (including Ronan's own Judgement buffs) by 100% and the buff potency of all active buffs is reduced by 200%. However, the Accusation buff counts as the equal amount of Judgement buffs and for each Judgement buff converted deals 2% of the base Attack rating as Direct Damage per second and increases the duration of Accusation by 75%.

    I also suggest new synergies.

    The Vengeance synergy with Ghost Rider make both Judgements deal 2% of the base Attack Rating as Direct Damage per second.

    The Justice synergy with Blade expands Blade's Danger Sense to Cosmic champions. Ronan will get a 40% chance to convert debuffs into their opposite buffs with -200% potency and the same duration: Weakness into Fury, Armor Break into Armor Up, Energy/Physical Vulnerability into Energy/Physical Resistance, Fatigue into Precision, Exhaustion into Cruelty, Power Drain into Power Gain, Degeneration into Regeneration and Stun into Unstoppable.

    The Kree synergy with Captain Marvel (OG and new upcoming movie), Ms. Marvel and Rogue will increase buff potency by 20% (level 1), 25% (level 2) or 30% (level 3).
  • Yellow8FellowYellow8Fellow Member Posts: 186 ★★
    Loved the rework, @Bodhizen, and thanks for adding some changes we'd discussed.

    I'm going to vote for Groot, next; although Howard could be real fun.

    @Yellow8Fellow, Heavyweight attacks aren't usually unblockable as such. The Stand Your Ground Mastery gives you up to a 50% chance to hold your block against them. Also, a few champs can withstand them, like Awakened BPCW, or (current) SpiderGwen. Unsure if she'll retain that ability after her upcoming buff.

    On the other hand, it might be useful to give IP a big Cruelty boost on his heavy as well...

    I didn't consider the Stand Your Ground Mastery because it's not a normal Champion ability and I don't believe there are champs that counter masteries. Correct me if I'm wrong. But, I didn't know BPCW had that ability, thanks for the reminder.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    edited February 2019
    I had similar thoughts to you @Yellow8Fellow, when I read that IMIW had an Unblockable heavy attack! I thought what? Hang on a sec ..

    Spider Gwen currently shrugs off the first hit when in Trap Spider mode, even if it's a Heavy; although that may change soon post-beta.

    I suspect an Unblockable heavy may also prove handy if attacking Killmonger with Counterpunch charges, as they only trigger on block.

    Ability accuracy champions do counter masteries, just the same way as other 'champion' abilities. Try parrying Black Widow and see! You can get the parry in, but more often than not, the Stun doesn't apply. I suspect the same applies if your champions are concussed or magnetised; although haven't been looking for this effect, so can't be sure.

  • Yellow8FellowYellow8Fellow Member Posts: 186 ★★

    Ability accuracy champions do counter masteries, just the same way as other 'champion' abilities. Try parrying Black Widow and see! You can get the parry in, but more often than not, the Stun doesn't apply. I suspect the same applies if your champions are concussed or magnetised; although haven't been looking for this effect, so can't be sure.

    Argh, how could I forget about that? Man, my ignorance is showing isn't it, lol.

    But, I will say that Magnetized will disable the stun mechanic in parry from time to time.
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    Colossus should be Incinerate Immune and Coldsnap Immune as per comic lore. Shock immune too, but now we’re going towards everything immune (shock actually deflects back towards attacker).

    Since he’s not an earth shattering champ right now, possibly include these in a re-work, if he is considered?
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Colossus should be Incinerate Immune and Coldsnap Immune as per comic lore. Shock immune too, but now we’re going towards everything immune (shock actually deflects back towards attacker).

    Since he’s not an earth shattering champ right now, possibly include these in a re-work, if he is considered?

    To be fair, a character immune to a lot but kind of lacking in damage/other utility isn’t the worst trade off
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Colossus should be Incinerate Immune and Coldsnap Immune as per comic lore. Shock immune too, but now we’re going towards everything immune (shock actually deflects back towards attacker).

    Since he’s not an earth shattering champ right now, possibly include these in a re-work, if he is considered?

    When Colossus gets extremely cooled fast, he breaks like any metal does. So he won't be coldsnap/frostbite immune. But yeah, he would still be bleed, incinerate and shock immune.
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    Colossus should be Incinerate Immune and Coldsnap Immune as per comic lore. Shock immune too, but now we’re going towards everything immune (shock actually deflects back towards attacker).

    Since he’s not an earth shattering champ right now, possibly include these in a re-work, if he is considered?

    When Colossus gets extremely cooled fast, he breaks like any metal does. So he won't be coldsnap/frostbite immune. But yeah, he would still be bleed, incinerate and shock immune.

    Yeah, I don’t know how that would work. He is immune to extreme cold in the comics, but going from extreme heat to cold does the big damage.

    Regardless, something has to be done to him in that regard. Maybe not Coldsnap or immune to it until it’s over then he takes a penalty?
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Colossus should be Incinerate Immune and Coldsnap Immune as per comic lore. Shock immune too, but now we’re going towards everything immune (shock actually deflects back towards attacker).

    Since he’s not an earth shattering champ right now, possibly include these in a re-work, if he is considered?

    When Colossus gets extremely cooled fast, he breaks like any metal does. So he won't be coldsnap/frostbite immune. But yeah, he would still be bleed, incinerate and shock immune.

    Colossus can withstand ballistic penetration, and he can survive temperature extremes from 70 degrees Fahrenheit above absolute zero (-390 degrees Fahrenheit) to approximately 9000 degrees Fahrenheit.

    This is canon. He should be immune to Coldsnap/Frostbite.
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    Colossus damage should also be contingent on his armor ups, as it is, but like the recent She-Hulk buff, gaining 11% chance to gain a fury charge, perhaps a similar mechanic can occur for Colossus

    As the charges go up, he becomes more immune to Coldsnap and/or Incinerate until it is 100% after x number of armor up buffs. Shock should be reflective regardless (100% Immune and reflects the damage after x number of armor up buffs)

  • Suros_moonSuros_moon Member Posts: 490 ★★★★

    Is this written correctly? Heavy attacks are already unblockable. Or is this supposed to refer to the mastery that prevents block break?

    While he has 11 or more Insanity charges, Iron Patriot's Heavy Attacks are Unblockable.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Going back to an older redesign, because I had a thought or two...

    Champion Redesign: Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan) (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    As a character, Kamala Khan shows a lot of promise, but as a Champion in this contest, she shows a lot of garbage. Her mechanics are clunky, and her abilities are easily taken away from her. The only real utility that she has is in some of her synergies that she offers to other Champions. Since the time she was introduced into the Contest, people have universally groaned when they pull her as a Champion, so she's in major need of a rework.

    This particular rework is intended to make her a decent defender, but a really solid attacker if she can keep her Morphogenetic counters up. It's easier for her to gain them, and she'll pack quite the punch while they're in play!

    Signature Ability - Morphogenetic Defenses: Whenever Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) loses a Morphogenetic Counter, she has a 50% chance to evade the next Basic Attack as she twists her body out of shape to avoid the blow.
    • By Dashing Back and idling for 1.0 seconds, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) can activate her healing factor, consuming all Morphogenetic counters and recovering 255 Health per tick for each Morphogenetic counter consumed. Her healing automatically stops whenever Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) has more than 70% of her Max Health, or when she gains a Morphogenetic counter, whichever comes first.

    Electromagnetic Vulnerability (Passive): Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) is particularly susceptible to electromagnetic pulses. Whenever she is Power Drained by an opponent that uses electromagnetic pulses (such as Winter Soldier), she loses all Morphogenetic counters.
    Morphogenetic Structure (Passive): Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) uses her ability to shift her form to enhance her prowess in combat. Each time she successfully lands a bit with a Medium, Heavy, or Special Attack, her body alters its structure to deliver a more powerful blow, granting her 1 Morphogenetic counter. [Max Stacks: 20]
    • Each Morphogenetic counter grants Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) +187.78 Attack Rating, and +92 Armor Penetration.
    • Each Morphogenetic counter grants all of Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)'s attacks a +5% chance to inflict a Fatigue debuff upon her opponent for 6.0 seconds, lowering their Critical Rating by 150. [Max Stacks: 5] Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) gains +75 Armor Penetration and Block Penetration for each Morphogenetic counter on attacks against opponents that are immune to Fatigue debuffs whenever a Fatigue debuff would have been inflicted.
    • For every 5 Morphogenetic counters Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) has, she gains +485 Block Proficiency.
    • When Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) has 10 or more Morphogenetic counters, she gains +500 Critical Resistance.
    • While Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) has 20 Morphogenetic counters, all her attacks benefit from True Strike.
    • One Morphogenetic counter is lost every time Kamala Khan takes a hit.
    Poison Immunity (Passive): An enhanced immune system provides full immunity to the Poisons of the Battlerealm.
    Heavy Attacks: As long as Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) has at least 3 Morphogenetic counters, Heavy Attacks have a 100% chance to inflict Critical Damage.
    Special Attacks: While Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) has 6 or more Morphogenetic Counters, her Special Attacks have a 100% chance to remove up to 2 stacks of her opponent's Armor Up effects (both active and passive Armor Up Buffs).

    Special 1 - Morpho-Punch — With an upsize to her fists, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) delivers two unpleasant shots to the chops.
    • This attack Staggers her opponent for 8.5 seconds, preventing them from gaining their next Buff.
    Special 2 - Stretchy Cosmic Kick — Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) shows off her own version of Carol Danvers' Cosmic Kick, but not before backhanding her opponent.
    • This attack Dazes her opponent, reducing their Defensive Ability Accuracy by 60% for 25.0 seconds.
    • Opponents that auto-block or auto-parry this attack are Stunned for 2.5 seconds.
    Special 3 - Fake Out — Coming in from the right! No, the left! Betcha didn't see that one coming!
    • This attack has a 100% chance to grant a permanent Fury effect, increasing Attack Rating by 364.04.
    • This attack grants Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan) a True Strike buff for 6.5 seconds.

    • Idol with Captain Marvel or Miss Marvel: All Champions gain +4% Health and Attack.
    • Teammate with Spider-man (Miles Morales) , Thor (Jane Foster), Vision, or Vision (Age of Ultron): All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.
    • Terrigen Warriors with Black Bolt, Medusa, or Karnak: Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan): All of Ms. Marvel's basic attacks gain a 3% chance to trigger a Fury buff, increasing her Attack Rating by 550 for 5.0 seconds. Black Bolt: Special 2 deals True Damage, igorning all Armor. Medusa: Medusa gains +350 Critical Rating against opponents who are suffering from an Armor Break or Armor Shattered debuff. Karnak: Whenever Karnak loses Focus, he gains a Fury buff that increases his Attack Rating by 355 for 6.0 seconds. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Champions Team-Up with Black Widow, Falcon, Cyclops (Blue Team), or Cyclops (New Xavier School): Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan): Healing effects are increased by 15% when fighting against Villain or Mercenary Champions. Black Widow: If Black Widow charges a Heavy Attack for 1.0 seconds, she gains a Cruelty buff, increasing her Critical Damage Rating by 15% for 4.5 seconds. Falcon: Falcon begins the fight locked on for 7.0 seconds versus Villain Champions. Cyclops: Cyclops' Special 3 Attack inflicts +10% damage versus Villain Champions. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.

    1. Unstoppable Colossus
    2. Magneto
    3. Spider-Gwen
    4. Captain Marvel
    5. Hulkbuster
    6. Iron Fist
    7. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
    8. Falcon
    9. She-Hulk
    10. War Machine
    11. Superior Iron Man
    12. Colossus
    13. Black Panther
    14. Gamora
    15. King Groot
    16. Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
    17. Karnak
    18. Iron Patriot

    Feedback is welcome and appreciated. I'm hoping to see who'll spot the thing I hid in this rebuild. If you can spot it, I'll rebuild any Champion of your choosing next!

    Best wishes!
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    Magneto should also have a % chance to glance metal projectiles.

    I don’t know how difficult this would be to program, each bullet, etc. because you’ll have champs like Agent Venom who really don’t have metal except for a gun.

    I’d say if he has Magnetism and the enhanced Magnetism from the shrapnel suggestion then any metal attacks can have a glancing effect. For example:

    At max sig, as it stands, Magneto can reduce ability accuracy by 40%, so the glancing on metal projectiles should follow suit.

    After an sp1, shrapnel is introduced into the opponent (on a timer) and that timer is an additional 60% decrease in ability accuracy, making it 100% total. Then glancing on metal projectiles should follow suit.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    edited February 2019
    Colossus damage should also be contingent on his armor ups, as it is, but like the recent She-Hulk buff, gaining 11% chance to gain a fury charge, perhaps a similar mechanic can occur for Colossus

    As the charges go up, he becomes more immune to Coldsnap and/or Incinerate until it is 100% after x number of armor up buffs. Shock should be reflective regardless (100% Immune and reflects the damage after x number of armor up buffs)
    Honestly, if you're going to do that, Colossus should have two forms, like Emma Frost. When his armor is up, he's pretty much invulnerable to most stuff, and when it's down, he's vulnerable.

    Best wishes!
  • CapIceCapIce Member Posts: 63
    The Future Ideas of Hercules (Marvel) Stats


    Hello everyone. I want to sure my ideas to Marvel Contest of Champions: Improvement Suggestions about Hercules's possible stats that can be effective in the game.

    Special Attacks:
    1. Lion of Olympus
    2. Prince of Power
    3. "The Gift of Battle"

    1. Ares (family, health bonus)
    2. Original Thor (friend, attack bonus)
    3. Captain America (friend, perfect block bonus)

  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Honestly, if you're going to do that, Colossus should have two forms, like Emma Frost. When his armor is up, he's pretty much invulnerable to most stuff, and when it's down, he's vulnerable.

    Best wishes!

    That’s a great idea, maybe after a certain # of armor up buffs?
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Colossus should be Incinerate Immune and Coldsnap Immune as per comic lore. Shock immune too, but now we’re going towards everything immune (shock actually deflects back towards attacker).

    Since he’s not an earth shattering champ right now, possibly include these in a re-work, if he is considered?

    When Colossus gets extremely cooled fast, he breaks like any metal does. So he won't be coldsnap/frostbite immune. But yeah, he would still be bleed, incinerate and shock immune.

    Yeah, I don’t know how that would work. He is immune to extreme cold in the comics, but going from extreme heat to cold does the big damage.

    Regardless, something has to be done to him in that regard. Maybe not Coldsnap or immune to it until it’s over then he takes a penalty?

    Going from room temperature to freezing cold constitutes as an extreme change which would crack any metal.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed


    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    Dormammu is an all-round solid champion, but who doesn't take full advantage of all possible mechanics to really make him great. Especially his soul bond mechanic is very underdeveloped and tedious in its use.

    A short recap: by doing a heavy attack, a soul bond is placed on the opponent. This soul bond fills to 100 mirror the dark energy counter when the opponent loses power, either by being power drained or by using a special attack, or when a buff is nullified. By using another heavy attack, the soul bond detonates, dealing 4% base attack rating as direct damage per charge. With the SP3, Dormammu can instantly heal 25% of damage done by this detonation, equal to 100% base attack rating, if this happens while the interdimensional link buff is active. This is however only 7.73% of the health pool, so that's roughly equal to a standard Wolverine regen buff. If you're really fast or lucky, you can fill up and detonate the soul bond a second time before the buff expires. Synergies with Hela and Symbiote Supreme can increase this by 75% to 31.25% or 125% base attack rating (or at least, I think it is multiplicative, the wording can be more clear). Defence-wise, that won't happen as you can easily avoid the heavy attack as long. So in a defender situation, that regen will not happen.

    He also could use some nifty tricks, but later more about that.

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    As a being of pure mystical energy and fire, he shouldn't be only bleed and poison immune, but also incinerate and degenerate immune. Yeah, this would mean he is a quadruple immune champion, having the most immunities in the game. The incinerate immunity is a captain obvious that doesn't need explaining. Degeneration is a tricky one, but I feel if there would be one champion that would be immune to it, it would be Dormammu. That immunity would make him unique and make him a MVP in certain situations (like Bane node).

    I would also add a "soul immunity", abilities that steals souls (Mephisto, Morningstar and Guillotine) will not work on Dormammu as he has no soul.

    By conjuring a magical barrier, Dormammu should block unblockable attacks like Mordo (minus the 0.5 seconds requirement, as its removal I already suggested here). I believe all champions who conjures such magical barrier (Mordo, Dormammu and Doctor Strange) should block unblockable attacks instantly.

    His signature ability is a little bit outdated. It states that when a buff expires, there is up to 100% chance to inflict a degen, dealing maximum 130% base attack rating as direct damage over 10 seconds. With symbiote supreme, this sig has lost some of its potency. I suggest that for all buffs expiring or nullified, it inflicts the degen for 100% chance all the time. This degen should stack, so multiple buffs result in multiple degens.

    Now, the soul bond mechanic. I would keep it as it is, but add that special attacks can detonate as well. Detonating with a heavy attack will still deal the 4% base attack rating per charge as direct damage.
    The SP1 would deal 1% base attack rating per charge as incinerate damage per buff nullified. If there are no buffs nullified, the soul bond remains intact.
    The SP2 changes the power lock debuff into a power leech debuff, this still power locks the opponent but will also steal 50% of the power drained. This means his SP2 will give Dormammu up to 30% power, and his medium combo end grants 3.75% power.
    Lastly, the SP3 changes completely. While imbued, the empowered dimensional link adds a soul leech effect that heals 25% of the damage done by non-basic attacks (so special attacks and through abilities). Would a special attack crit, the damage used for regen calculation is before the crit multiplier. Dormammu has a low crit rating, but I want to be sure that the damage he heals isn't too insane. The interdimensional link lasts 20 seconds, so you might be able to fill a bar of two.
    With a soul bond, that will instantly detonate for the same amount of damage as the heavy attack. It will also add a power drain effect to all basic hits on the interdimensional link buff, equal to 0.05% power per soul bond charge. While imbued, this causes power burn direct damage for 450% of the power drained. Imbued will not be consumed by light or medium attacks (including the medium combo ender) but only special attacks and heavy attacks. This will give guaranteed regen equal to 25% of the damage done by the SP3 (which is btw not very high, I saw in a vid a 4* 3.4k Dormammu hit a little more than 2k with it).

    His synergies can use an upgrade. His Dark Empowerment synergy with Mordo gives non-robotic villains a +20% chance to heal +10% health when KO'ed. The Hood has the exact same synergy, stacking up to +40% chance. This dwarfs with the Heimdall synergies, which makes the champion indestructible and unstoppable for 2 seconds when KO'ed. Coupled with the Warrior of Asgard synergy, you can once per fight instantly heal back 15% health when dashing back and holding the block.

    I suggest that Dark Empowerment do something similar: 4*+ Dormammu with The Hood or Mordo gives 10% more potency to power drain, power steal and power gain abilities for all three. With all three, there is perfect synergy with a 100% chance for non-robotic villain champions to heal to 10% health when KO'ed, this increases to 15% health for mystic villain champions (including Dormammu, The Hood and Mordo). The Inseparable synergy of Dormammu with The Hood switches places: The Hood gains that instead of Dark Empowerment.
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