Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • edited March 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • CASrini003CASrini003 Member Posts: 81
    edited March 2019
    _______________M O R D O_______________
    Mordo's Signature Ability doesn't make any sense. and the Power Gain is intterupted while being hit.I have some suggestions for Buffing Up Mordo.
    Signature Ability- Astral Evade-
    While holding Block for 2 Secs. Mordo has 100% chance to go to an Astral Form, having 100% Chance to Miss All Attacks and 70% Chance to increase Base Attacks by(x)% after triggering this ability, a cooldown of 10 seconds, in which this cannot be triggered.

    Power Gain-Triggers Power Gain Occasionaly,Hits do not affect the Power Gain.
    Fury- Charging Heavy(Same as now)
    SP1- Same aeffects and Abilities.
    SP2- Same aeffects and Abilities.
    SP3- Animations will be the same. Instead of Gaining Fury, Power Gain Buff and Health Steal Buff upto (x)% of the damage dealt.
    Hope you like the Buffing
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed


    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    The Unstoppable Juggernaut, the Avatar of Cyttorak, is a complete... Weakling. His special attacks have no effects but making him unstoppable (which is only a feature you unlock when awakened). His Stagger is a nuisance to get applied. He could be so much more.

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    For starters, make Stagger be applied on every hit. A 20% chance should be sufficient. Make the heavy attack refresh the timer of the Stagger.

    Juggernaut still has a 11% chance to gain Fury, increasing his attack rating by 44% for 6.5 seconds. The only change is that it applies to both when he's attacking and gets attacked.

    His helmet provides Juggernaut protection to all Reverse Control effects (if I am correct, he already can as a hidden Easter egg, but I mention it just in case).

    Juggernaut is a #Tank, so he should have both good offensive and defensive capabilities. Let's reflect that in "Cyttorak Charges". Cyttorak Charges are the core of his mechanic. He gains these charges while he's Unstoppable, every hit on him or the opponent has 30% chance to grant him a Cyttorak Charge. While he's Unstoppable, he is stun immune like he currently is. An attempt to stun him will result in a Stagger placed on the attacker, activating a Fury buff on him and increases the chance to gain a Cyttorak Charge by 300%. So you better not parry!

    Every time he uses a dash forward attack, Juggernaut becomes Unstoppable for 0.75 seconds and has a 40% chance to become Unblockable. When the charge is successful, he has 100% chance to gain a Cyttorak Charge. If the charge is blocked, that chance is reduced to 50% and a Well-Timed Block has only 25% chance. Finishing a combo with a medium attack makes him Unstoppable for 0.75 seconds as well and gives him 75% chance to gain a Cyttorak Charge when successful, 37.5% when blocked and 18.75% when Well-Timed Blocked.

    Cyttorak Charges passively increases his Power Gain by 10%, increases his attack rating by 10% and he increases armor rating by 25% of the amount of Cyttorak's Favor (see below). When he reaches 10 Cyttorak Charges, Juggernaut uses all charges to activate a Cyttorak's Fury passive that has the same effects as 10 Cyttorak Charges but also makes him Unstoppable, Unblockable and Indestructible for 6 seconds. This passive counts as a Fury and its effectiveness and duration can be increased by the Fury masteries. He cannot gain Cyttorak Charges during Cyttorak's Fury. After that, he then goes into a cooldown, not being able to gain Cyttorak Charges for 12 seconds.

    The passive ability Cyttorak's Favor gives Juggernaut a force field that increases his armor rating by the same amount as today. While it is active, he has 18% chance to Auto-Block attacks (for a cost of a Cyttorak Charge). He also has a 100% chance to shrug off DoT debuffs (for a cost of a Cyttorak Charge). Knocking him down disables Cyttorak's Favor for 2 seconds. While Cyttorak's Favor is active and he gets hit for more than 15% of his health, Cyttorak reduces that damage to 15% and he loses a Cyttorak Charge. If that attack would KO him, he instead uses all Cyttorak Charges, stays at 1% health and becomes Unstoppable and Indestructible for 0.4 seconds per charge. This should help him tank Hyperion's SP3.

    His special attacks have a 100% chance to Shockwave, placing a debuff lasting 10 seconds that has three effects: it armor breaks, reducing armor rating by 1000, it decreases buff ability accuracy by 40% and it inflicts 75% damage as direct damage over its duration. The Sp1 places one Shockwave debuff, the Sp2 does 2 and the Sp3 does 3. Per Shockwave debuff applied, Juggernaut gains one Cyttorak Charge, regardless if that Shockwave debuff is shrugged off. The Sp3 adds an Armor Shatter debuff, that prevents gaining Armor Up buffs or passives for 20 seconds

    The signature ability still makes special attack 1 and 2 Unstoppable for the duration of the attack and up to 4 seconds afterwards, like today. During the attack, Juggernaut cannot gain Cyttorak Charges (he already gets Charges for performing the attack) but he can get charges afterwards. Juggernaut also starts the fight with two Cyttorak Charges and an Unstoppable buff (that currant effect is moved to the sig like UC).

    Cyttorak Charges also gain the ability to increase the duration of all Unstoppable buffs by 5% per Charge. The Sp3 also initiates Cyttorak's Fury regardless of the amount of Cyttorak Charges, its duration is based on 0.6 seconds per Charge. The amount of charges used for calculation are the amount before the Sp3 + 3. charges he would gain from the special attack, its maximum being 12 (9 + 3). When Juggernaut exits Cyttorak's Fury, he has the ability to recover half of the Cyttorak Charges he used, up to 80% chance for every charge (similar to Kingpin's sig).

    Juggernaut's synergies are, I think, fine. It would however be nice to have one unique synergy: Avatars, with The Hood and Moon Knight. For Juggernaut, Cyttorak Charges increases his critical rating by 10% per charge. For The Hood, while invisible the chances to miss increases by a flat +20% and every time the opponent misses, he gains 5% power. The Hood becomes more like Ghost then. For Moon Knight, dashing back and holding the block for 1.7 seconds has a chance to shift the Lunar Phase to the next one for 10 seconds, then it goes back to the original Lunar Phase. This fixes the inflexibility Moon Knight has today.


    Do you like this champion improvement? Then also check out my others:

    Iron Man (Infinity War)
    Red Hulk

    Feedback is always welcome!
  • RiboladaRibolada Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2019
    Mephisto should definitelly have some use of his sp3 after the initial power drain, at least maybe make it so it deals more damage when it doesn't power drain...

    Also, Mephisto soul entrapment should prevent Dr Voodoo regeneration from ever starting, not sure if this is intended, but Mephisto doesn't prevent Voodoo regen buff at start of the match
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed


    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    I actually like Kingpin very much. His animations are awesome (BELLY BASH! CANE SWING! KEEP THE CHANGE YOU FILTHY ANIMAL SP3!). Sadly, that's about it.

    His Rage mechanic is incredibly tedious to build-up. Let's compare it to Red Hulk. Red Hulk gets a Heat Charge every time he uses the SP1, every time he loses 10% health and every time he is poisoned/incinerated. Red Hulk also has 60% chance to gain a Heat Charge when he blocks an energy attack or a an attack from a mystic champion. His signature ability allows him to start the fight with two Heat Charges, as well as the Masacre synergy. Heat Charges deals an additional 18% of the damage in Physical Damage. When he reaches ten Heat Charges, he cannot gain further but he doesn't lose them either.

    Each debuff and Rage on Kingpin increases his attack rating by 25% and his power gain by 5%. When Rage passives and debuffs combine to eight, it is converted into an Overpower Fury buff lasting 12 seconds that increases his attack by 250% and makes him SP unblockable. He cannot gain Rage during Overpower. Debuffs have a 50% chance (+15% with The Hood/Joe Fixit synergy) to get converted into a Rage passive. Every time the opponent evades, he gains a Rage passive (cooldown: 1.5 seconds). The SP2 activates an Unstoppable buff and when a bit lands during that buff, he gains Rage. The SP3 gives him two Rage passives. The signature ability allows him to start the fight with two Rage passives as well recover some Rage passives after Overpower.

    It is clear that the Rage mechanic of Kingpin is more limited than Red Hulk (SP3 vs SP1, more reliant on opponents' abilities, lost when he reaches eight).

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    In general, he needs a boost of his attributes. Currently, his critical hit & critical damage rating is less than half of Wolverine. That's incredibly low for a skill champion. I suggest making his critical hit rating on par with Wolverine, but keeping his current critical damage rating (more on that later).

    I would suggest that when he's Unstoppable, he has 100% chance to gain Rage when struck and 60% chance when he blocks. This counts for both the SP2 unstoppable, as the heavy attack unstoppable or any unstoppable nodes (like aspect of war).

    When a Fury buff expires on Kingpin, it is converted to a Rage. This counts for the Fury buff of the heavy attack, as well as any other Fury buff on nodes. This rewards putting him on a Fury node in AW, or clearing the Fury linked node in AQ.

    Give the SP2 a guaranteed two extra Rage passives. Increase the amount of Rage gained by the SP3 to three or four. If he happens to trigger an Overpower buff during the SP3, it is an extra potent one that has +20% potency. When exiting Overpower mode, Kingpin has a chance to gain up to 4 Rages, each having a 20% chance to active. This ties nicely with the sig, who already gives up to 82.44% chance to regain 4 Rages. Because he becomes more reliant on activating the SP2 or SP3, I suggest boosting the increase in power gain from 5% to 7.5% or 10% per Rage passive.

    I would differentiate between damaging and non-damaging debuffs for his Rage conversion. I notice that mutants who rely on bleeds have a difficult time beating Kingpin as their debuffs empowers him. I suggest reducing the chance of Rage conversion of damaging debuffs to 35% and increasing the chance for non-damaging debuffs to 65%.

    His sig ability could use some small additions. While in Overpower mode, Kingpin gains a True Strike passive, ignoring all Evade and Auto-Block effects. Also, Rage increases Critical Damage Rating per Rage passive, I would say 30-50% per Rage passive. Overpower grants 300%-500% Damage Rating. It makes sense that Kingpin becomes more cruel when he gets angry. It would also motivate getting his sig lvl high.

    These suggestions should make Kingpin at least a demi-god champion, which seems fitting.


    Do you like this champion improvement? Then also check out my others:

    Iron Man (Infinity War)
    Red Hulk
    Ronan the Accuser

    Feedback is always welcome!
  • mmmpunchmmmpunch Member Posts: 102
    I think Wolverine needs to be Changed.

    His attack animations are extremely basic for a man who is the best comic book fighter in history.

    He's missing his Berserker rage...wolverine...missing his berserker rage.Yet old man Logan has it?

    Wolverine's healing in accurate but is fine overall. His attack animations need to be changed. Champions like venom and sabertooth are killing machines and fight like they're filled with rage. Wolverine should be the same
  • B1gG4zB1gG4z Member Posts: 146
    Both deadpools need changing. Deadpool is the icon of the game for god sake! Red dead pool just heals, and with a lot of champs these days that makes him weak! He definitely needs a complete re vamp. Deadpool xforce also needs a freshen up. He’s a very very pointless champion. He gets powergain only if he gets smashed to bits lol, also alot of champs these days have some kind or bleed immunity. I think atleast change it to something like venom the duck, if the opponent is bleed immune then they degen instead. Give him passive powergain, give him bleed/bleed degen give him some healing, maybe something like life steal though from a special, something like omega red so it’s not over the top. Also as he can heal his own body maybe make him able to shrug off bleed depending on his power bar, like blade does.
  • NikhilNikhil Member Posts: 101

    Hey guys, I completely understand your desire to see some of the older Champions in The Contest, including Iron Fist, made more powerful.

    I have a 5-Star Iron Fist on my own roster and decided not to upgrade him to Rank-2, simply because I have other Mystic Champions who are much more fun to play with. With that being said, Ranking him up is definitely something I would consider doing if he was improved. Personally, I think if he was altered to be able to take more Damage from Opponents and could inflict Bleed/Shock and Stun with Heavy Attacks and Specials, he would be a million times better!

    The Contest isn't the same as real life and Champions aren't always the same as they were in comics. Though, even in this unique Battlerealm, I've always felt that if Punisher 2099 can Stun Opponent's with a Heavy Attack, Iron Fist should be able to do the same. I mean, he does hit Opponents with an IRON fist after all, and I think Bleed or Shock from his Heavy Attacks and Specials would just make sense!

    To help make this discussion as constructive as possible, if there's a Champion you're unhappy with and would like to see them made more powerful, think about including some of the following points in your comment:

    - Name of the Champion you would like to be changed

    - Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    - How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    Unfortunately, I can't promise that any of the ideas put forward in this thread will be implemented in a future update but feedback like this is really welcomed by our Game Team. Ultimately, we want you guys to enjoy playing the game as much as possible and a discussion like this one can be really helpful in allowing us to identify specific Champions that you're unhappy with and what exactly you don't like about them so we can consider making the changes you want to see.

    Opponents with 'metal' tag suffer 70% ability accurate reduction. Skill champions with 'metal' tag suffers 100% ability accurate reduction (permanent duration ability same as og magneto.)

    Guaranteed bleed, Armor break and heal block on all special attacks.

    Magneto produces magnetic field around him, which causes projectile attacks of opponents to glance and cause 70% less damage (100% for skill opponents).

    Magneto's Magnetic field also provide him ability to ignore block penetration/ or some ability which can nullify the high block damage of special attacks like sp2 of massacre. ( Additional ability along his signature ability.)

    Magneto does is not affected by any telepathic abilities of his opponents. When opponents tries any telepathic attack, they fail and suffer weakness for 6 seconds.

    Magneto is a very powerful, iconic and unique character so i think he deserves a great upgrade.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    I like Moon Knight. I love his animations, and the concept behind his champion design, varying with the lunar cycle. I also like him turning up in event quests and arguing with the Collector periodically.
    However he's not a particularly desirable champion to take questing; he has minimal or no utility; and his damage ability is significantly impaired by his relatively low-damage, non-stacking bleed. I also think his champion design isn't quite right, in that he ought to feel like a high-skilled relatively cautious champion in the new moon; and a very chaotic, all-out brawler at full moon. Right now he has evade with Fury; or stunning attacks with precision, which seems backwards - surely evade and precision would be more natural partners?

    This is my re-work, intended to keep him (essentially) still a raw damage champion, but with a few changes to his cycling abilities that make him feel more like a varying champion throughout the month requiring different tactics when fighting with or against him. No change in animations required - they're already excellent. However it would be awesome if the team could take his moon phase icon, and make it visible like a persistent charge; so you could see it before fighting him.

    FYI, I've tweaked his base health and attack down a bit too make up for his greater versatility. I'm aiming for good tier, not god-tier!

    [color=white]Moon Knight Potential Rework: (4* 5/50)[/color]

    [b]Health[/b] - 16,645
    [b]Attack[/b] - 1,088

    [b]Signature: [/b]Synodic tide grants up to [color=limegreen]35%[/color] additional power gain, or reduces opponents power gain by [color=limegreen]35%[/color]; cycling every six hours.
    The benefits of Synodic tide are further adjusted according to the phase of the moon: Power Gain is increased by half during the Full Moon, whilst Reduction of the opponent's Power Gain is increased by half during the New Moon.[list]
    [*]When Synodic tide grants power gain, it also increases the potency of Moon Knights Precision and Fury buffs by the same percentage (including any benefit of the Full Moon).
    [*]When Synodic tide reduces opponents power gain, it also reduces the duration of opponents power gain buffs by the same amount (including any benefit of the New Moon).

    [b]Passive:[/b] Withheld from death by the Egyptian goddess Khonshu, Moon Knight's abilities fluctuate with the phase of the moon as follows:

    [i]New Moon: [/i][list]
    [*]Moon Knight gains a permanent* precision buff of +400.
    [*]Moon Knight gains a permanent* Block proficiency buff (+500)
    [*]Evasion 5%; rising to 25% against Unblockable attacks.
    [*]Critical hits have a 65% chance to inflict bleed for 642 damage over four seconds.
    [*]Heavy Attacks grant no Power; and if they hit the opponent, inflict Power Drain for 8% of total power.
    [i]Waxing moon: [/i][list]
    [*] When attacking, Moon Knight has a 10% chance on all attacks to gain a precision buff granting +400 critical rate for six seconds.
    [*] When blocking, Moon Knight has a 10% chance on all blocks to gain a Block proficiency buff (+250) for six seconds. Max one stack.
    [*]Critical hits have a 45% chance to inflict bleed for 642 damage over four seconds.
    [*]Heavy Attacks grant no Power to the opponent.
    [i]Full moon: [/i][list]
    [*]Critical rate drops to zero. Block Proficiency reduced by 500.
    [*]Moon Knight gains a permanent* Fury buff of +400.
    [*]Physical resistance +400
    [*]Block penetration of +400
    [*]Heavy Attacks inflict Armour Break (-440 armour for six seconds)
    [i]Waning moon: [/i][list]
    [*]Physical Resistance +200
    [*]Block Proficiency reduced by 200.
    [*]Moon Knight has a 10% chance on all attacks to gain a Fury buff granting +300 Attack for six seconds. Max one stack.
    [*]Heavy Attacks have a 60% chance to inflict Armour break (-280 armour for six seconds)[/list]
    * If Nullified, any permanent buffs reapply after nine seconds.
    * Maximum of three stacks each of either armour break or bleed.

    SP1 - Critical Rate bonus +600 during this attack; throwing stars inflict bleed on all crits (642/4s). At New moon, potency of bleeds increases by 25%.
    SP2 - Final blow has 65% chance to inflict Stun for 3s. At full moon, this rises to 90% chance and also inflicts Armour Break (-440 armour for six seconds)
    SP3 - Inflicts multiple bleeds: a 45% chance to inflict each of three stacks of bleed (770/4s). At New moon, potency of bleeds increases by 25%

    Moon Knight's Synergies are largely unchanged, aside from the one with Taskmaster, which wouldn't really work any more:
    [b]Termination contract[/b] -
    (Moon Knight) If Moon Knight's chains his Heavy attack at the end of a combo, he becomes Unstoppable for 0.3s.
    (Taskmaster) Taskmaster gains 30% Evade against his current Exploit Weakness target.


    Previous reworks:

    King Groot  

    Cyclops (Blue)

    Cyclops (Red)



    Iron Fist 

    Deadpool X-Force 


    [URL=]Magneto (Classic)[/URL]
    [URL=]Magneto (White)[/URL]
  • JAQRIPPJAQRIPP Member Posts: 90
    Winter Soldier improvements:
    Shrug off debuffs.
    Increased UnDUPPED” bleed, armor, incinerate, and Power drain
    Attack increase
    Unstoppable fury.

  • JAQRIPPJAQRIPP Member Posts: 90
    Thor rags improvements:
    UnDUPPED shock continuation after SP3
    Attack increase.
    Power gain from shock received
    Power/life/ symphony/ plus healblock. power block from shock initiated.

  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    Re: Moon Knight Potential Rework

    Annoyingly, when I posted the rework above, it went straight to moderation, so I couldn't preview or adjust it.

    I'll reformat and repost it in a bit. Any ideas why my bbcode isn't working? Has bbcode changed? Or have the forums changed?
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★

    Re: Moon Knight Potential Rework

    Annoyingly, when I posted the rework above, it went straight to moderation, so I couldn't preview or adjust it.

    I'll reformat and repost it in a bit. Any ideas why my bbcode isn't working? Has bbcode changed? Or have the forums changed?

    I think the forums use Simple HTML now.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★

    Re: Moon Knight Potential Rework

    Annoyingly, when I posted the rework above, it went straight to moderation, so I couldn't preview or adjust it.

    I'll reformat and repost it in a bit. Any ideas why my bbcode isn't working? Has bbcode changed? Or have the forums changed?

    I think the forums use Simple HTML now.
    Ah. Okay, thanks.

    I'll have to brush up on that, then.
  • alin_pandurualin_panduru Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2019
    Make Magneto great again.
    It very easy actually.
    Agains all heroes mark wiat a tag #metal Magento will have a damage increase (70-100%) and ability acuarecy reduction for the defender.
    Any champion with evade or autoblock will not work against Magneto because all heroes contain small parts of metal and he can see where they are and prevent evade or autoblock.
    His shield will prevent any DOT buff to be put on Magneto and he will prevent any hits to do more than 5% damage (like ice man armor, only permanent).
    Increase a little bit his damage and make the special really realy hard hits.
    Realy easy way to make Magneto what he is, the most powerful mutant ever.
    Kabam sho some love to Magneto :)
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    Here's my go at Moon Knight again.

    I love his animations, and the concept behind his champion design, varying with the lunar cycle. However he's not a particularly desirable champion to take questing; he has minimal or no utility; and his damage ability is significantly impaired by his relatively low-damage, non-stacking bleed. I also think his champion design isn't quite right, in that he ought to feel like a high-skilled relatively cautious champion in the new moon; and a very chaotic, all-out brawler at full moon. Right now he has evade with Fury; or stunning attacks with precision, which seems backwards - surely evade and precision would be more natural partners?

    This is a re-work intended to keep him (essentially) still a raw damage champion, but with a few changes to his cycling abilities that make him feel more like a varying champion throughout the month requiring different tactics when fighting with or against him. No change in animations required - they're already excellent. However it would be awesome if the team could take his moon phase icon, and make it visible like a persistent charge; so you could see it before fighting him.

    FYI, I've tweaked his base health and attack down a bit too make up for his greater versatility. I'm aiming for good tier, not god-tier!

    Moon Knight Potential Rework: (4* 5/50)

    Health - 16,645
    Attack - 1,088

    Signature: Synodic tide grants up to 35% additional power gain, or reduces opponents power gain by 35%; cycling every six hours.
    The benefits of Synodic tide are further adjusted according to the phase of the moon: Power Gain is increased by half during the Full Moon, whilst Reduction of the opponent's Power Gain is increased by half during the New Moon.
    • When Synodic tide grants power gain, it also increases the potency of Moon Knights Precision and Fury buffs by the same percentage (including any benefit of the Full Moon).
    • When Synodic tide reduces opponents power gain, it also reduces the duration of opponents power gain buffs by the same amount (including any benefit of the New Moon).
    Passive: Withheld from death by the Egyptian goddess Khonshu, Moon Knight's abilities fluctuate with the phase of the moon as follows:

    New Moon:
    • Moon Knight gains a permanent* precision buff of +400.
    • Moon Knight gains a permanent* Block proficiency buff (+500)
    • Evasion 5%; rising to 25% against Unblockable attacks.
    • Critical hits have a 65% chance to inflict bleed for 642 damage over four seconds.
    • Heavy Attacks grant no Power; and if they hit the opponent, inflict Power Drain for 8% of total power.
    Waxing moon:
    • When attacking, Moon Knight has a 10% chance on all attacks to gain a precision buff granting +400 critical rate for six seconds.
    • When blocking, Moon Knight has a 10% chance on all blocks to gain a Block proficiency buff (+250) for six seconds. Max one stack.
    • Critical hits have a 45% chance to inflict bleed for 642 damage over four seconds.
    • Heavy Attacks grant no Power to the opponent.
    Full moon:
    • Critical rate drops to zero. Block Proficiency reduced by 500.
    • Moon Knight gains a permanent* Fury buff of +400.
    • Physical resistance +400
    • Block penetration of +400
    • Heavy Attacks inflict Armour Break (-440 armour for six seconds)
    Waning moon:
    • Physical Resistance +200
    • Block Proficiency reduced by 200.
    • Moon Knight has a 10% chance on all attacks to gain a Fury buff granting +300 Attack for six seconds. Max one stack.
    • Heavy Attacks have a 60% chance to inflict Armour break (-280 armour for six seconds)
    * If Nullified, any permanent buffs reapply after nine seconds.
    * Maximum of three stacks each of either armour break or bleed.

    SP1 - Critical Rate bonus +600 during this attack; throwing stars inflict bleed on all crits (642/4s). At New moon, potency of bleeds increases by 25%.
    SP2 - Final blow has 65% chance to inflict Stun for 3s. At full moon, this rises to 90% chance and also 90% chance to inflict Armour Break (-440 armour for six seconds)
    SP3 - Inflicts multiple bleeds: a 55% chance to inflict each of three stacks of bleed (770/4s). At New moon, potency of bleeds increases by 25%

    Moon Knights Synergies are largely unchanged, aside from the one with Taskmaster, which wouldn't really work any more:
    Termination contract -
    (Moon Knight) If Moon Knight's chains his Heavy attack at the end of a combo, he becomes Unstoppable for 0.3s.
    (Taskmaster) Taskmaster gains 30% Evade against his current Exploit Weakness target.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    Whew! HTML code definitely harder than bbcode! Let me know what you think of the re-work; but please don't criticise formatting - first attempt, after all!
  • Arham1Arham1 Member Posts: 435 ★★
    Magneto Buff Suggestion:
    Metal opponents are pulled by magnetos magnetism and if the opponents aren't in the range of Magneto, they passively degenerate 40% health over 10 seconds.
    This ignores AAR immunity.
    This is unaffected by AAR and also ignores if the opponents AAR ignores immunity to AAR. Additionally, Metal opponents suffer 100% reduced Ability Accuracy and 60 Reduction in attack. Magnetic Factor also allows Magneto to Auto Block Metal Hits. This doesn't ignore AAR. Auto Block can trigger while under the effect of a stun. This auto block triggers Parry.
    All Hits: 15% chance to inflict magnetised effect. This chance increases to 50% against metal opponents.
    Champions suffer -15% AAR and degenerate 20% of Magneto's attack rating Passively over the course of Magnetised effect. When Magnetised is inflicted on Metal Opponents, they suffer 45% AAR and degenerate 40% of Magneto's Attack rating Passively Over the course of Magnetised Effect. Max Stacks: 5. Each Magnetised Effect is Passive and can be removed after landing 10 hits.
    When Magnetised Passives are at max stacks, 15 second on a timer they are converted to a Petrify Passive which reduces effectiveness of Power Gain and healing/regeneration abilities by "150%" for 20 seconds. This also caused reduction in Ability Accuracy by "50%". These ignores immunities to AAR and Petrify and all abilities under "X" signs are doubled against Metal Champs.
    Passive True Strike: Magneto's Opponents can't Dexterity or Evade his attacks if they are Metal. This is a Passive Effect and not a Buff.
    Being the Master of Magnetism, Magneto is immune to Magnetised.
    Magneto cannot suffer from more than 5 debuffs at a time and shrugs of upto 3 unique debuffs for the cost of 3 Magnetised Passives on the opponent.
    Magneto's Energy Attacks cannot be parried even by Proxima Midnight.
    Passive:Magnetic Field: Upon Launching a Special 3 Magneto Enables Magnetic Field for 30 second which causes the Max stack of Magnetised Passives to reach upto 15 stacks. This isn't affected by AAR.
    Special 1: This Attack is Unlockable. This attack causes opponents to suffer from Bleed, Concussion and Life Leech.
    Bleed deals "100%" of Magneto's attack as Direct damage to Opponent over 2 seconds. Concussion reduces ability accuracy by "50%". Life Leech steals "15%" of opponents health over 4 seconds. Life Leach is a passive effect. All These effects are doubled against Metal Opponents. Additionally this inflicts 2 Magnetised Passives.
    Special 2: This Attacks Grants True Strike against all opponents for 10 seconds. Unlike the true Strike against Metal Champs, this is a buff. This true Strike causes opponents to not be able to Dexterity or Evade the attacks. Inflicts Bleed and Life Leech. Bleed deals "30%" of Magneto's Health as Direct damage over 4 seconds. Life Leech steals "25%" of opponents health over 10 seconds. the effect is doubled against Metal Opponents. This life Leech is a passive effect.
    Special 3: Consumes all Magnetised Passives to convert into Life Leech Passive which steals 10% of Opponents Health over 10 seconds for each Magnetised Passives converted in this way, upto a maximum of 5 Stacks. Also Activates Magnetic Field for 30 seconds.

    Signature Ability: Magnetic Indestructibility: Magneto's Magnetic Factor allows him to summon 1 stack of Metal Passives to himself every 2.5 seconds upto a Total of 25 stacks.
    5 Metal Stacks: +50% Attack Rating.
    10 Metal Stacks: +40% Magnetised Passives Potency and Duration.
    15 Metal Stacks: Magnetic Field Activates until next Metal Stack Improvement is Activated.
    20 Metal Stacks: Tenacity to Shrug off any debuff except Stun by 100%.
    25 Metal Stacks: Gain Indestructible, Lasting for 10 seconds.
    This ability is immune to AAR.
    After Indestructible Expires, After a cooldown of 12 seconds, Magneto starts to gain Metal Stacks starting from 1. This can trigger infinitely in the fight
    Once the Signature ability is active, Magneto Gains Metal Gloves over his wrists, which causes him to not take damage from Thorns from Nodes and Champs Such as Korg and Electro.
  • macbellitomacbellito Member Posts: 8
    In celebration of the release of End Game and a greater participation of the Hawkeye in the film, you could buff the Hawkeye.

    As the Hawkeye never misses the shot, he could win True Strike in some way, he has several types of arrows he could give to change the type of arrow as the Winter Soldier trades the type of shot.

    Unless you have plans to launch Ronim.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed


    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    I remember when I started that I really wanted Abomination as a 2*. Why? He looked ferocious and in my imagination, he formed together with Hulk, Rhino, Juggernaut and Hulkbuster what I nicknamed the 'Furious Five': the five XL champions that all have a Fury-based mechanic (in case of Hulkbuster, anti-Fury mechanic) and all also share some synergies. I even wanted a 2* Thanos to replace Hulkbuster, to make a true Furious Five team. Anyway, I've him maxed-out and at like sig 55, but yeah I'm now older and wiser and realise how much he sucks.

    He's a purely defensive champion, which is quite unfortunate for offensive use. His sig only poisons when hit and he poisons when bled. Yeah, I'm no masochist, I'm not going to get myself hit for poison debuffs. Besides that, his specials have no extra benefit but damage, his crit rating is below-average and his only good thing is his Fury. But yeah, fighting against a mystic quickly removes that asset. Bummer!

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    So how can he be made into more interesting? Well, what separates him most from Hulk is his control of gamma radiation. That's what the developers intended with Irradiate. Why not build on that? Let's take inspiration from Void and Archangel.

    First of all, his current sig ability can become a regular ability. He causes the opponent to poison for a 15% chance when Abomination is struck or strikes. This is important, so Abomination can poison even while he's only attacking. Now, when he blocks, that chance is doubled and a Well-Timed Block quadruples that chance. For special attacks, this chance is quadrupled as well for every hit (which is two for the SP2). This means he has a 60% chance to poison when he parries or when he uses a special attack. This is necessary so he has a sure way to poison, but later more about that. Poison still reduces health recovery by 30% and also still deals the same damage over the same time (37.7% base attack rating in direct damage over 12 seconds). Poison debuffs can stack indefinitely.

    When he bleeds, he has a 95% chance to poison for 45.6% attack rating in direct damage over 10 seconds. As you know, skill champions uses bleed a lot and it is a bit counter the class system. I suggest reducing that chance to 80% for all champions, but increase it by 15% against mystic champions and decrease it by 15% against skill champions. This is a lot more fair.

    On top of that, poison debuffs give Abomination the chance to incinerate (radioactive burn, if you wonder why), let's say 6% for each poison debuff. Incinerate debuffs removes perfect block chance and reduces block proficiency by 30% (not the usual 50%, later more about that). They deal 62.3% base attack rating in energy damage over 6 seconds. Incinerate debuffs do not stack but are refreshed. The incinerate debuff extends the duration of poison debuffs by 30%. Special attacks are so intense that they instantly refresh an incinerate debuff, but cauterize poison debuffs dealing 30% extra Special Attack Damage for each poison debuff removed.

    Like Archangel and IMIW, the next time he inflicts a poison debuff, it combines with the incinerate debuff to combine a Radioactive Degeneration debuff that deals 100% base attack rating over 12 seconds. It counts as two debuffs for his abilities and also combines both effects of poison and incinerate. When it expires, it explodes and deals another 100% current attack rating, unless the opponent is striking you. This damage does scale with Fury effects.

    He should get a new ability called Radioactive Sickness, a passive buff effect. As you know, radioactivity causes all kinds of symptoms. Translated into game mechanics it can apply one of three debuffs every 10 seconds: Fatigue, Exhaustion and Weakness. Each of them reduces their stat by 30%, so for instant Exhaustion reduces Critical Damage and Power Gain by 30%. This is similar to Void. However, unlike Void his debuffs only last 10 seconds instead of infinite duration. But, the duration of each debuff is extended by 15% for the duration of every debuff while reducing the cooldown of the Radioactive Sickness ability by 15% (max: 4.5 seconds reduction). So as he inflicts more debuffs, he can inflict debuffs faster and longer. He can only have two of the same kind active. Instead, the ability will just refresh the oldest debuff. Once all six debuffs are applied, they are all removed and everything can start again.

    All attacks still have a 12% chance to gain Fury, increasing his attack rating by 30% for 6 seconds. His Fury has no effect on the potency of the poison, incinerate or radioactive degeneration debuffs. The potency of the Fury effect itself does increase by 15% per debuff. Abomination really hate the Hulks and he gets a flat +50% increase in Fury chance when facing a #Hulk champion.

    The special attacks of Abomination can also inflict two unique debuffs. The sp1 is a head-banger and it is no more than logical it inflicts a Concussion, lasting 8 seconds and reducing ability accuracy by 30%. Concussed opponents decrease the chance to evade or Dexterity by an extra flat 30% (total: -60%). The sp2 is a two-hit smash. The first ground-smash inflicts a stun lasting 2.4 seconds, while the second jump-smash inflicts an armor shatter, removing an armor up, reducing the chance of triggering an armor up by 30% and decreasing armor rating by 750 for 8 seconds. The sp3 simply concusses, stuns and armor shatters.

    The sig ability Irradiate adds every expiring or refreshed debuff (ending a fight with some debuffs active counts as expiring) on him or the opponent as Irradiate Persistent Charges. Every charge increases the potency of debuffs by 1.5% and makes Abomination passively deal 0.15% base attack rating per second as incinerate damage when in his presence (similar to Mephisto's Aura of Incineration). This triggers Ghulk's Face Me and is reduced by Rhulk's sig. He can transfer charges between fights. The maximum is 100 charges. Shrugged off debuffs and parries do not count towards the counter.

    This means that during the fight, his debuffs become stronger and merely being near him ticks away health. At 100 charges, he can easily reverse health recovery, reduces block proficiency to zero, reverse power gain etc. His best counter are champions that can shrug off debuffs, or are immune to poison/incinerate. He still has some defensive uses and a broad range of utility.


    Do you like this champion improvement? Then also check out my others:

    Iron Man (Infinity War)
    Red Hulk
    Ronan the Accuser

    Feedback is always welcome!
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed


    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    I remember when I started that I really wanted Abomination as a 2*. Why? He looked ferocious and in my imagination, he formed together with Hulk, Rhino, Juggernaut and Hulkbuster what I nicknamed the 'Furious Five': the five XL champions that all have a Fury-based mechanic (in case of Hulkbuster, anti-Fury mechanic) and all also share some synergies. I even wanted a 2* Thanos to replace Hulkbuster, to make a true Furious Five team. Anyway, I've him maxed-out and at like sig 55, but yeah I'm now older and wiser and realise how much he sucks.

    He's a purely defensive champion, which is quite unfortunate for offensive use. His sig only poisons when hit and he poisons when bled. Yeah, I'm no masochist, I'm not going to get myself hit for poison debuffs. Besides that, his specials have no extra benefit but damage, his crit rating is below-average and his only good thing is his Fury. But yeah, fighting against a mystic quickly removes that asset. Bummer!

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    So how can he be made into more interesting? Well, what separates him most from Hulk is his control of gamma radiation. That's what the developers intended with Irradiate. Why not build on that? Let's take inspiration from Void and Archangel.

    First of all, his current sig ability can become a regular ability. He causes the opponent to poison for a 15% chance when Abomination is struck or strikes. This is important, so Abomination can poison even while he's only attacking. Now, when he blocks, that chance is doubled and a Well-Timed Block quadruples that chance. For special attacks, this chance is quadrupled as well for every hit (which is two for the SP2). This means he has a 60% chance to poison when he parries or when he uses a special attack. This is necessary so he has a sure way to poison, but later more about that. Poison still reduces health recovery by 30% and also still deals the same damage over the same time (37.7% base attack rating in direct damage over 12 seconds). Poison debuffs can stack indefinitely.

    When he bleeds, he has a 95% chance to poison for 45.6% attack rating in direct damage over 10 seconds. As you know, skill champions uses bleed a lot and it is a bit counter the class system. I suggest reducing that chance to 80% for all champions, but increase it by 15% against mystic champions and decrease it by 15% against skill champions. This is a lot more fair.

    On top of that, poison debuffs give Abomination the chance to incinerate (radioactive burn, if you wonder why), let's say 6% for each poison debuff. Incinerate debuffs removes perfect block chance and reduces block proficiency by 30% (not the usual 50%, later more about that). They deal 62.3% base attack rating in energy damage over 6 seconds. Incinerate debuffs do not stack but are refreshed. The incinerate debuff extends the duration of poison debuffs by 30%. Special attacks are so intense that they instantly refresh an incinerate debuff, but cauterize poison debuffs dealing 30% extra Special Attack Damage for each poison debuff removed.

    Like Archangel and IMIW, the next time he inflicts a poison debuff, it combines with the incinerate debuff to combine a Radioactive Degeneration debuff that deals 100% base attack rating over 12 seconds. It counts as two debuffs for his abilities and also combines both effects of poison and incinerate. When it expires, it explodes and deals another 100% current attack rating, unless the opponent is striking you. This damage does scale with Fury effects.

    He should get a new ability called Radioactive Sickness, a passive buff effect. As you know, radioactivity causes all kinds of symptoms. Translated into game mechanics it can apply one of three debuffs every 10 seconds: Fatigue, Exhaustion and Weakness. Each of them reduces their stat by 30%, so for instant Exhaustion reduces Critical Damage and Power Gain by 30%. This is similar to Void. However, unlike Void his debuffs only last 10 seconds instead of infinite duration. But, the duration of each debuff is extended by 15% for the duration of every debuff while reducing the cooldown of the Radioactive Sickness ability by 15% (max: 4.5 seconds reduction). So as he inflicts more debuffs, he can inflict debuffs faster and longer. He can only have two of the same kind active. Instead, the ability will just refresh the oldest debuff. Once all six debuffs are applied, they are all removed and everything can start again.

    All attacks still have a 12% chance to gain Fury, increasing his attack rating by 30% for 6 seconds. His Fury has no effect on the potency of the poison, incinerate or radioactive degeneration debuffs. The potency of the Fury effect itself does increase by 15% per debuff. Abomination really hate the Hulks and he gets a flat +50% increase in Fury chance when facing a #Hulk champion.

    The special attacks of Abomination can also inflict two unique debuffs. The sp1 is a head-banger and it is no more than logical it inflicts a Concussion, lasting 8 seconds and reducing ability accuracy by 30%. Concussed opponents decrease the chance to evade or Dexterity by an extra flat 30% (total: -60%). The sp2 is a two-hit smash. The first ground-smash inflicts a stun lasting 2.4 seconds, while the second jump-smash inflicts an armor shatter, removing an armor up, reducing the chance of triggering an armor up by 30% and decreasing armor rating by 750 for 8 seconds. The sp3 simply concusses, stuns and armor shatters.

    The sig ability Irradiate adds every expiring or refreshed debuff (ending a fight with some debuffs active counts as expiring) on him or the opponent as Irradiate Persistent Charges. Every charge increases the potency of debuffs by 1.5% and makes Abomination passively deal 0.15% base attack rating per second as incinerate damage when in his presence (similar to Mephisto's Aura of Incineration). This triggers Ghulk's Face Me and is reduced by Rhulk's sig. He can transfer charges between fights. The maximum is 100 charges. Shrugged off debuffs and parries do not count towards the counter.

    This means that during the fight, his debuffs become stronger and merely being near him ticks away health. At 100 charges, he can easily reverse health recovery, reduces block proficiency to zero, reverse power gain etc. His best counter are champions that can shrug off debuffs, or are immune to poison/incinerate. He still has some defensive uses and a broad range of utility.


    Do you like this champion improvement? Then also check out my others:

    Iron Man (Infinity War)
    Red Hulk
    Ronan the Accuser

    Feedback is always welcome!
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    I really don't have anything better to do, and Abomination is pretty useless anyways, so I'm going to go ahead and take a look at this.

    First of all, his current sig ability can become a regular ability. He causes the opponent to poison for a 15% chance when Abomination is struck or strikes. This is important, so Abomination can poison even while he's only attacking. Now, when he blocks, that chance is doubled and a Well-Timed Block quadruples that chance. For special attacks, this chance is quadrupled as well for every hit (which is two for the SP2). This means he has a 60% chance to poison when he parries or when he uses a special attack. This is necessary so he has a sure way to poison, but later more about that. Poison still reduces health recovery by 30% and also still deals the same damage over the same time (37.7% base attack rating in direct damage over 12 seconds). Poison debuffs can stack indefinitely.

    Giving Abom the ability to poison when he's attacking, and not just when he gets hit? Yes, please. I like that it's a significantly increased chance for specials and Parries, which gives the player a reliable way to stack Poisons onto the opponent. This part seems pretty balanced, to be honest.

    When he bleeds, he has a 95% chance to poison for 45.6% attack rating in direct damage over 10 seconds. As you know, skill champions uses bleed a lot and it is a bit counter the class system. I suggest reducing that chance to 80% for all champions, but increase it by 15% against mystic champions and decrease it by 15% against skill champions. This is a lot more fair.

    Very fair ability, to bring him in line with the class system. I think perhaps this may reduce his effectiveness as a defender against Skill champions, but it's only a slight reduction that I think is fair. I can't really think of any characters outside of skill class who can inflict Bleed, though. Just a note.

    On top of that, poison debuffs give Abomination the chance to incinerate (radioactive burn, if you wonder why), let's say 6% for each poison debuff. Incinerate debuffs removes perfect block chance and reduces block proficiency by 30% (not the usual 50%, later more about that). They deal 62.3% base attack rating in energy damage over 6 seconds. Incinerate debuffs do not stack but are refreshed. The incinerate debuff extends the duration of poison debuffs by 30%. Special attacks are so intense that they instantly refresh an incinerate debuff, but cauterize poison debuffs dealing 30% extra Special Attack Damage for each poison debuff removed.

    A little bit of theory-crafting here; most of the time, I would assume you'll have around five or six poisons on the opponent, at most, given the chances to poison on hits and parries, before you land an incinerate. So if you can keep that number of poisons consistent, you're going to have around 30% chance to incinerate on each hit. Which means that landing the first incinerate may be tough, but after that, the increased duration will make it easier to keep poisons on the enemy and thus refresh the incinerate. I can see how this would work practically - fight normally at the beginning of the fight till you land incinerate, then stay aggressive to keep incinerate up. Also, I envision this Incinerate debuff being visually distinct from other Incinerates like VTD's buffs, and I like the reuse of the Cauterize term from Ultron. Overall, this mechanic seems fairly limited and logical for the character.

    Like Archangel and IMIW, the next time he inflicts a poison debuff, it combines with the incinerate debuff to combine a Radioactive Degeneration debuff that deals 100% base attack rating over 12 seconds. It counts as two debuffs for his abilities and also combines both effects of poison and incinerate. When it expires, it explodes and deals another 100% current attack rating, unless the opponent is striking you. This damage does scale with Fury effects.

    Alright, fair enough. I like the distinction from AA by making it deal a bonus burst of damage. I assume, the way it is worded, that Poison needs to be inflicted while the opponent is Incinerated, like AA needs to inflict Bleed while the opponent is Poisoned. Like that as an Attacker, you can avoid the burst. One concern, though; given that Poison and Incinerate both apply on basic hits (I'm assuming it does, since you don't specify), which applies first?

    He should get a new ability called Radioactive Sickness, a passive buff effect. As you know, radioactivity causes all kinds of symptoms. Translated into game mechanics it can apply one of three debuffs every 10 seconds: Fatigue, Exhaustion and Weakness. Each of them reduces their stat by 30%, so for instant Exhaustion reduces Critical Damage and Power Gain by 30%. This is similar to Void. However, unlike Void his debuffs only last 10 seconds instead of infinite duration. But, the duration of each debuff is extended by 15% for the duration of every debuff while reducing the cooldown of the Radioactive Sickness ability by 15% (max: 4.5 seconds reduction). So as he inflicts more debuffs, he can inflict debuffs faster and longer. He can only have two of the same kind active. Instead, the ability will just refresh the oldest debuff. Once all six debuffs are applied, they are all removed and everything can start again.

    I'm assuming that "debuff" in this paragraph refers to a Radioactive Sickness debuff... So the maximum duration for one of these Radioactive Sickness debuffs is around 23 seconds. That's pretty long, but then again, aside from Exhaustion, these debuffs don't really have as much benefit offensively, taken alone. One concern I have for this ability is the fact that there's no way to remove the debuffs - you've just got to wait them out as an attacker. That would be pretty annoying. Something I'd suggest to remedy that would be to make this timer-based - have a timer as a passive effect on Abom counting down to when the next Radioactive Sickness debuff is inflicted, like the one Aegon has. When Abomination is close to the opponent, the timer counts down. When Abom is far away from the opponent, the timer begins reversing, at half the rate it counts down. This would create some nice, interesting strategies for fighting him, that would really mix up how you fight against him. That's good.

    All attacks still have a 12% chance to gain Fury, increasing his attack rating by 30% for 6 seconds. His Fury has no effect on the potency of the poison, incinerate or radioactive degeneration debuffs. The potency of the Fury effect itself does increase by 15% per debuff. Abomination really hate the Hulks and he gets a flat +50% increase in Fury chance when facing a #Hulk champion.

    Alright. I'm getting Luke Cage vibes here. I looked it up, and the increase per debuff is lower than LC's, although Abom here does have a much wider variety of debuffs that he can inflict. So less per debuff, but more debuffs. If you assume an average of six poisons and six Radioactive Sickness debuffs, along with, I don't know, two Degens, that's 210% more potency, which is on par with LC's 50% per debuff and about 4 debuffs at any time. I like that he has specific anti-Hulk synergy, although they're all Poison immune, so that might pose some problems. Does the fury stack?

    The special attacks of Abomination can also inflict two unique debuffs. The sp1 is a head-banger and it is no more than logical it inflicts a Concussion, lasting 8 seconds and reducing ability accuracy by 30%. Concussed opponents decrease the chance to evade or Dexterity by an extra flat 30% (total: -60%). The sp2 is a two-hit smash. The first ground-smash inflicts a stun lasting 2.4 seconds, while the second jump-smash inflicts an armor shatter, removing an armor up, reducing the chance of triggering an armor up by 30% and decreasing armor rating by 750 for 8 seconds. The sp3 simply concusses, stuns and armor shatters.

    You've already got Radioactive Sickness debuffs, so why not use them? I believe, instead of giving him an even greater array of possible debuffs to inflict, you could make the Specials inflict/refresh Radioactive Sickness debuffs - the SP1 could inflict/refresh one debuff, the SP1 could inflict/refresh 2 debuffs (and keep the Stun, that's a pretty useful mechanic on the SP2), and the SP3 could inflict all six RS debuffs and immediately refresh them. I'd prefer that to Concussions and Armor Shatters, though the Concussion does make sense, while I'd rather keep Armor Shattered for Medusa only.

    The sig ability Irradiate adds every expiring or refreshed debuff (ending a fight with some debuffs active counts as expiring) on him or the opponent as Irradiate Persistent Charges. Every charge increases the potency of debuffs by 1.5% and makes Abomination passively deal 0.15% base attack rating per second as incinerate damage when in his presence (similar to Mephisto's Aura of Incineration). This triggers Ghulk's Face Me and is reduced by Rhulk's sig. He can transfer charges between fights. The maximum is 100 charges. Shrugged off debuffs and parries do not count towards the counter. This means that during the fight, his debuffs become stronger and merely being near him ticks away health. At 100 charges, he can easily reverse health recovery, reduces block proficiency to zero, reverse power gain etc. His best counter are champions that can shrug off debuffs, or are immune to poison/incinerate. He still has some defensive uses and a broad range of utility.

    So are these Irradiate Persistent charges inflicted on Abom or the opponent? I'm assuming after the fight ends he gains 1 Persistent charge for every Irradiate on Abom/the opponent, stores those, and those charges are counted on top of those being inflicted in the fight, like Aegon's Combo Meter, but I can't see how it works in real time...
    This is going to make him a monster in longer quests - 15% base attack rating per second in damage is pretty solid, as is +150% debuff potency. Nothing insane, though. It might be tricky to use him, given everything that's going on, but as a questing champion, it works well. Two questions - is the Potency related to the damage of the debuff, or merely the bonus effect of the debuffs? And is it a flat +1.5% Potency? If no to the latter, I can't really see him reversing health recovery.

    Overall, I think this is a good redesign that keeps the champion in line with previously established systems, is logical in a scientific and lore way, as far as the radiation goes, and isn't too insane that he's gamebreaking. (I feel like such a hypocrite with that last part.) A few things that could use some clarifying, but overall great! I look forward to more of these.
  • JayerickJayerick Member Posts: 54
    Thanks for directing me here Porthos. These were my thoughts about Magneto:

    It's definitely time. A laughable champ in terms of his power and utility in the Battlerealm totally negates his actual powers. His sig is a cool feature, but his energy abilities and power over metal are seriously lacking. Any champ having any metal at all should be seriously affected by Magneto's presence, even champs like Corvus and Proxima, and definitely Star Lord. But most of all his magnetic field should exert an overall ability reducing effect for all champs I think. His offense was nerfed back when the Big Nerf happened. He should have critical (Pierce) offensive power with attack and block, akin to Corvus, and be immune to shock, since ions are deflected by magnetic fields. He has no other immunities, so he should be balanced being vulnerable to bleed and poison.
  • JazzKnightJazzKnight Member Posts: 34
    Red Cyclops

    My biggest cry is about his specials. Poor damage output. Ridiculously low time for shield breaks.

    Longer or permanant shield breaks from specials can make him very good.

    Increased special attack damage based on combo meter can make him even better.

    Incinerate from beam attacks can make him excellent champ.

    He deserves it. We deserve him. Long due.

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  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,517 ★★★★
    Good for arena fodder ;)
  • MadSweeneyMadSweeney Member Posts: 11
    I totally agree with this as well, he really does lack in the offensive and defensive departments. If he had the ability to charge up his fists for increased crit damage and active healing based on sig power (like Wolverine) as part of his offensive capabilities. Then his defensive capabilities can also increase everytime he gets hit while blocking, which can increase the longer the fight goes on.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★

    I really don't have anything better to do, and Abomination is pretty useless anyways, so I'm going to go ahead and take a look at this.

    I do appreciate the effort!

    Giving Abom the ability to poison when he's attacking, and not just when he gets hit? Yes, please. I like that it's a significantly increased chance for specials and Parries, which gives the player a reliable way to stack Poisons onto the opponent. This part seems pretty balanced, to be honest.

    Yeah this is really a Captain Obvious. Abomination needs to poison offensively, period.

    Very fair ability, to bring him in line with the class system. I think perhaps this may reduce his effectiveness as a defender against Skill champions, but it's only a slight reduction that I think is fair. I can't really think of any characters outside of skill class who can inflict Bleed, though. Just a note.

    There are plenty, though. But some of them are poison immune: Ultron, Medusa, Venom, Yondu, a lot of mutant champions, Morningstar, Ghost Rider. Mostly for the latter two I increased the chance to poison.

    A little bit of theory-crafting here; most of the time, I would assume you'll have around five or six poisons on the opponent, at most, given the chances to poison on hits and parries, before you land an incinerate. So if you can keep that number of poisons consistent, you're going to have around 30% chance to incinerate on each hit. Which means that landing the first incinerate may be tough, but after that, the increased duration will make it easier to keep poisons on the enemy and thus refresh the incinerate. I can see how this would work practically - fight normally at the beginning of the fight till you land incinerate, then stay aggressive to keep incinerate up. Also, I envision this Incinerate debuff being visually distinct from other Incinerates like VTD's buffs, and I like the reuse of the Cauterize term from Ultron. Overall, this mechanic seems fairly limited and logical for the character.

    If your calculations are correct, it might indeed be possible to stack up four to six poison debuffs, but they can be expended by the special attacks or by forming the Radioactive Degen debuff.

    Alright, fair enough. I like the distinction from AA by making it deal a bonus burst of damage. I assume, the way it is worded, that Poison needs to be inflicted while the opponent is Incinerated, like AA needs to inflict Bleed while the opponent is Poisoned. Like that as an Attacker, you can avoid the burst. One concern, though; given that Poison and Incinerate both apply on basic hits (I'm assuming it does, since you don't specify), which applies first?

    I believe if such thing should happen, they are both immediately turned into a Radioactive Degen debuff, or the poison debuff is applied first and the incinerate is second, if Kabam decides such thing would be OP.

    I'm assuming that "debuff" in this paragraph refers to a Radioactive Sickness debuff... So the maximum duration for one of these Radioactive Sickness debuffs is around 23 seconds. That's pretty long, but then again, aside from Exhaustion, these debuffs don't really have as much benefit offensively, taken alone. One concern I have for this ability is the fact that there's no way to remove the debuffs - you've just got to wait them out as an attacker. That would be pretty annoying. Something I'd suggest to remedy that would be to make this timer-based - have a timer as a passive effect on Abom counting down to when the next Radioactive Sickness debuff is inflicted, like the one Aegon has. When Abomination is close to the opponent, the timer counts down. When Abom is far away from the opponent, the timer begins reversing, at half the rate it counts down. This would create some nice, interesting strategies for fighting him, that would really mix up how you fight against him. That's good.

    Well, apologies for the confusion due to my bad wording. I did intend that ALL debuffs applied on the defender would increase the duration of the Radioactive Sickness debuffs. But now thinking about it, it is better if the increase in duration and decrease in timer cooldown is based on UNIQUE debuffs, except Parry (so 1 from poison, 1 from incinerate, 1 from Radioactive Degen, 3 from the Radioactive Sickness and 3 from the sp's). I would lower the potency to 10% but increase it to 60%. With 9 unique debuffs, but only 6 are actually necessary so a cooldown time of 4 seconds and a duration of 16 seconds should be the rule once you get going.

    I do disagree with your suggestion to remove these debuffs. Unlike Void, Radioactive Sickness deals no degen damage and that's the biggest motive for a removal mechanic. On top of that, albeit the extended duration, they do not last infinite. Plus, the debuffs are totally random. It could well be that your first three will be the same Weakness debuffs, which means the defender gets two and the third is used to refresh the first one. The best counter to this ability is simply shrugging off debuffs or shortening their duration, which a lot skill champions do, or to prevent the triggering at all through AAR, which a lot skill champions do as well. If you do not bring either of those to the fight, then you'll suffer some drawbacks, but this is capped at -60%, you still retain 40% of your attack, critical hit & damage and power gain. Annoying, yes, but he is still meant to be an annoying defender which requires the proper counter.

    Alright. I'm getting Luke Cage vibes here. I looked it up, and the increase per debuff is lower than LC's, although Abom here does have a much wider variety of debuffs that he can inflict. So less per debuff, but more debuffs. If you assume an average of six poisons and six Radioactive Sickness debuffs, along with, I don't know, two Degens, that's 210% more potency, which is on par with LC's 50% per debuff and about 4 debuffs at any time. I like that he has specific anti-Hulk synergy, although they're all Poison immune, so that might pose some problems. Does the fury stack?

    Yeah, +210% Fury potency might as well be possible. Remember that Abomination's base attack rating is even higher than of Hulk and he also has the Cauterize ability. As of now, the Fury does not stack but it is refreshed. I do think that should stay, for the reasons mentioned before plus for the fact he chips off damage through his debuffs.

    Abomination should have lore-wise a bit of anti-Hulk capabilities, but in the comics he always loses as well. Hulk should still be able to beat him, that's why Ghulk Face Me activates against his sig and its damage is reduced by Rhulk's sig. I think Rhulk would be the best counter as he converts poison debuffs into Heat Charges. But this is compensated by the fact he probably will have a Fury buff active all the time.

    You've already got Radioactive Sickness debuffs, so why not use them? I believe, instead of giving him an even greater array of possible debuffs to inflict, you could make the Specials inflict/refresh Radioactive Sickness debuffs - the SP1 could inflict/refresh one debuff, the SP1 could inflict/refresh 2 debuffs (and keep the Stun, that's a pretty useful mechanic on the SP2), and the SP3 could inflict all six RS debuffs and immediately refresh them. I'd prefer that to Concussions and Armor Shatters, though the Concussion does make sense, while I'd rather keep Armor Shattered for Medusa only.

    I think you keep Void in mind. While Void's counter starts at 10 seconds and increases to 14 seconds, Abomination counter starts at 10 seconds and decreases to 4 seconds. He doesn't really need to speed things up through his special attacks, while he does need unique debuffs to lower the timer. It will also give Abomination some extra utility.

    The Armor Shatter of Medusa is far superior to that of Abomination (she reduces the AA for AU buffs to 0%, while Abomination only has a -30% AAR), I don't think this will threaten her uniqueness at all. I do think the stun is vital, if you maxed-out the Pacify or Petrify masteries, this grants an extra 30% reduction in either power gain and health recovery, or ability accuracy.

    So are these Irradiate Persistent charges inflicted on Abom or the opponent? I'm assuming after the fight ends he gains 1 Persistent charge for every Irradiate on Abom/the opponent, stores those, and those charges are counted on top of those being inflicted in the fight, like Aegon's Combo Meter, but I can't see how it works in real time...
    This is going to make him a monster in longer quests - 15% base attack rating per second in damage is pretty solid, as is +150% debuff potency. Nothing insane, though. It might be tricky to use him, given everything that's going on, but as a questing champion, it works well. Two questions - is the Potency related to the damage of the debuff, or merely the bonus effect of the debuffs? And is it a flat +1.5% Potency? If no to the latter, I can't really see him reversing health recovery.

    Now that you're asking: I'm not sure. Yeah, Kabam could make that that only his debuffs that either expire, refresh or are removed through his Cauterize/Radioactive Degen ability are added as counters to his Irradiate Persistent Charges. But as a defender, you would want debuffs inflicted on him that expire or are refreshed to be added as well. I believe this is Kabam's discretion.

    15% base attack rating per second seems high, but knowing you would need to inflicted at least 100 debuffs I think it is pretty balanced. Let's say you could only get 20, that will only be a meagre 3%. It will be a form of unavoidable damage that will chip away your health, but seeing it is base attack rating (excl. Fury or node boosts), it will be more of a nuisance than a game-changer. But still, over the course of a fight it does add up.

    Health reversal is actually pretty easy. Each poison or Radioactive Degen debuff reduces health recovery by 30%. In normal cases, 4 of those are sufficient to start reversing at -120% and 7 for a complete reversal at -210%. This excludes the Petrify mastery. +150% potency (again, you'll need 100 debuffs for that) will fasten things, you'll need only 2 to reduce to -150% health recovery. At 4 it will drain even Wolverine to death with no trouble. I think it is even OP, probably +100% potency is good enough.

    Overall, I think this is a good redesign that keeps the champion in line with previously established systems, is logical in a scientific and lore way, as far as the radiation goes, and isn't too insane that he's gamebreaking. (I feel like such a hypocrite with that last part.) A few things that could use some clarifying, but overall great! I look forward to more of these.

    I am pleased you like it, let's hope Kabam does to. You can check the links to my other suggested champion reworks. But certainly keep an eye on this thread, I'm not done yet! I intent to make a suggestion for UC (probably a merge of Juggernaut and Colossus reworks I already made), Magneto, Hulkbuster, Rhino and many more. No short supply of dead champions, I'm afraid.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed


    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    I just pulled a 5* Yellowjacket. You can guess: I'm not happy with the pull. While some champions have an ability description as long as the telephone book, others you can write down on a post-it. Yellowjacket is one of them.

    Yellowjacket is a one-trick kind of guy. You need to get the Power Sting on the opponent, and then you need to be lucky enough to bait the opponent into using a special to cash it in. Otherwise, it just expires without doing a thing. Yes, luckily the sig ability allows for a stun. Sadly, it is a sig and it will take a long time to dupe him. He is not worth using an awakening gem.

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific

    It is hard to come up with a good rework. There is Wasp and she already has a lot of mechanics that could be used for Yellowjacket. While Wasp has a focus on evade and shock, I think Yellowjacket needs to expand his Power Sting mechanic. Also, the champion needs to stay true his type. Yellowjacket is a #Control: Denial champion while Wasp is a #Offensive: Burst champion.

    Taking this all into consideration, the Power Sting needs a lot more controlling properties. For starters, increase the damage done from 98% to 120% base attack rating. This will really punish the use of special attacks and also increase the distance with Wasp's Power Sting

    Secondly, when the Power Sting is active, abilities that are based upon the power meter act as if the power meter is zero. So let's take Magik: she has a chance to activate Limbo with each bar of power. For that ability, the Power Sting will cloak the power meter, so it doesn't register it and thus does not trigger. Another example: Angela. As Power Sting cloaks her power meter, she will only gain armor up buffs when she crits, even if she has three bars of power.

    There are however some mystic champions who increase in power when below 1 bar, such as Loki and Mordo. As the Power Sting cloaks the power meter for these abilities, they would not stop gaining power and they would . Power Sting will thus need to counter that: if the opponent gains power through a status effect, either being a buff or passively, the power gained through this effect will be siphoned and given to Yellowjacket.

    This siphoning depends on the power meter of the opponent and stacks exponentially: at 1 bar 50% of the power gained is siphoned, at 2 bars 100% of the power gained is siphoned (or the opponent gets none) and at 3 bars 200% of the power gained is siphoned (or the opponent loses power but as he loses power, the potency reduces). For the math lovers: the equation is 25% * e^(0.0208 * Power Level). This is only through status effect, so regular strikes will yield the same amount of power. The extra power gained through a Power Gain node however will be affected by the Power Sting.

    Yellowjacket still needs a way to get the opponent to use a special. I however would NOT suggest to have Power Sting to increase the chance to launch a special attack. Why not? The game is evolving towards more unblockable and difficult to evade attacks, as Power Sting is so essential in Yellowjacket's game style, it would hurt him more than aid him in these match-ups. Instead, when he uses a heavy attack, he places a Taunt debuff that increases the probability of a special attack by 40% (80% for heroes) and decreases the attack rating by 20%. This Taunt debuff lasts indefinitely, but is removed when the opponent uses a special attack or through ability effect (such as shrugging off debuffs). This gives the player more control if he wishes to increase probability or not.

    Yellowjacket has a 9% chance on all attacks to activate a Precision buff, increasing his critical rating by a substantial amount (for my 5* 1/25 it is 1023.08) for 6 seconds. I suggest changing this to a passive, so it cannot be nullified. Secondly, I suggest his basic hit crits have a 65% chance to inflict a Shock debuff that inflicts 60% of base attack rating over 8 seconds. Shock debuffs can stack.

    Critical hits that come from his stingers have a 100% chance to inflict Bioshock debuffs that disrupt the opponent, lowering ability accuracy by 25% and increasing the chance to stun by 4% through hits per Bioshock debuff for the duration of the debuff. Damage and duration of Bioshock debuffs are the same as the regular Shock debuffs.

    The beams of his stingers have a laser-like precision, they have True Strike, ignoring armor, resistances, evade and auto-block effects, and can crit through a block. Abilities of the special attacks have their ability accuracy reduced to 1/3rd for blocks and to 2/3rds when parried e.g. when blocking, there is a 30% chance to Power Sting and 60% when parried. This makes that even when blocked, there is a small chance to inflict Bioshock debuffs and Power Stings.

    The special attacks should remain as they currently are. I would however change the SP3. It gives a guaranteed power sting like today (but this one should be unaffected by ability accuracy reduction) but it also gives a permanent Power Sting passive. This passive has no effect but increasing the potency of Power Stings and Bioshocks by 20%. This means: 20% increased damage, 20% more power siphoned, 20% more ability accuracy reduction and 20% increased chance to stun. Power Sting passives can stack, but the ability accuracy is reduced by 20% for each stack of Power Sting passives on the opponent.

    Lastly, his sig gets an update. When the Power Sting is triggered, the power used by the special attack is burned. Power drained through the Power Sting's ability to siphon is burned as well. When the Power Sting expires, it stuns as today but it also enervates the opponent, preventing gaining power from hits, and pacifies, reducing ability accuracy by 35%, for the duration of the stun.

    This should make Yellowjacket a more fun champion to play with, which can excel in certain situations and who is a good defensive champion.


    Do you like this champion improvement? Then also check out my others:

    Iron Man (Infinity War)
    Red Hulk
    Ronan the Accuser

    Feedback is always welcome!

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