Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • SettimoSettimo Member Posts: 35
    Juggernaut Improvement

    When awakened, Juggernaut is actually not a bad champion, however he’s definitely not at the power level that he should be. So a minor tweak to give him a boost would be to give him a few additional buffs based on movement (like Carnage).
    Juggernaut gains an armor up while dashing back [stack up to 5], and a moderate passive fury for the dashing forward attack that also provides increased block penetration against his opponent - to keep things canon and balanced Juggernaut suffers reduced block penetration and loses all armor up buffs while he is blocking because the Unstoppable Juggernaut should never be standing still. So that’s it, pretty minor but I think these changes in tandem with what he already has would make him a great offensive character.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed


    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    Storm is an old champion. She is simple in design. Her problem is that she relies to hard on her sig to be even remotely good, that's an issue for 5* and 6* versions. Although she uses electricity, she can only shock with her special attacks.

    I very much like how Storm has currently some shock resistance and +30% special attack damage while shocked, though.

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    I think Storm can be the perfect hybrid between X-23 and Jane Foster.

    First, give her crits 80% chance to shock for 105% base attack rating over 5 seconds. Against naturally shock immune champions, she gains prowess buffs that increase special attack damage by 5% for 7.75 seconds. This is like X-23. Storm's attributes already makes her have the same crit chance and crit damage as X-23, so no change needed there.

    If possible, her basic attacks could get a sparkle animation and change to energy damage. Some people would like her to float and hit similarly as Magneto, for me that is unnecessary as I understand that will take a lot of development time.

    All special attacks get 80% chance to shock as well for 133.35% base attack rating for 6.35 seconds (currently that is 60% chance for 90% base attack rating over 6 seconds). On naturally shock immune champions, the prowess buff increases special attack damage by 6.35% for 9.8425 seconds. This is +27% potency and duration like X-23.

    Just like X-23, she increases critical rating on shocked targets, or while under the influence of a prowess buff. As metal conducts electricity, her shock potency is increased by 10% for metal tagged champions. A lot of tech are metallic, so that might be a problem. A solution for the iron man family is that shock heal instead of damage, as the arc reactor can absorb it and convert it to health. Vision and Ultron could get their metal tag removed as their armor is made from vibranium.

    Like Jane Foster, she gets 15% chance to stun against shocked opponents for 1.5 seconds. This is a bit lower than Jane Foster for balancing purposes, because she is able to keep up shocks more easily. On stunned opponents, she increases crit damage like Jane Foster sig.

    Stuns have a pacify effect, reducing ability accuracy by 30%. For abilities that shrug off debuffs, that is increased by 50% till 45% ability reduction. With the pacify mastery, that increases to 60/75%. This is mainly to counter skill champions.

    All special attacks have a chance to stun for 1.95 seconds (again, +27% duration like X-23). For sp1, that is 30%, for sp2 that is 45% and for sp3 that is 70%. Every shock debuff increases the stun chance by 15%. Stun chance is calculated after the sp shock is applied. So it will be most likely 45%, 60% and 85%.

    The sp3 gives the opponent an Electrocution passive. This applies a pacify ability on shocks, reducing ability accuracy by 5% per shock debuff. Electrocution passives can stack but its chance is reduced in a similar fashion as IMIW plasma passives.

    I would keep her current sig as it is now.

    Some changes to her synergies are warranted:
    • With OG BP and BPCW, she activates the new unique Wakanda Queen synergy. For OG BP, the damage of his basic hits are increased by 5% per stack of bleed (current ability is only for sp's). For BPCW, all hits have a 12% chance to bleed for 100% base attack rating for 6 seconds. For Storm, shock and prowess duration is increased by 10%.
    • The Energy Conduit synergies with Bishop gets a small change. Instead of increasing her energy resistance, she decreases it on her opponent for the same amount. This also applies on the other Energy Conduit synergies (Electro, Doctor Strange and both Cyclopses).
    • She gets a new unique Apprentice synergy with Magik. For Magik, Limbo deals 10% more damage and heals 10% more health. For Storm, stuns last 0.5 seconds longer.
    • She gets a new unique Horsewoman of Apocalypse synergy with Psylocke. For Psylocke, her crits have a 70% chance to bleed for 120% base attack rating over 6 seconds. For Storm, shock potency is increased by 10%.
    • A small change, but her synergy with Red Cyclops should change from Friends to Enemies, as Red Cyclops killed Xavier in the comics and betrayed his ideology by advocating for a mutant revolution. The increased crit rating is also more helpful for the champion.
  • BUZZdog3000BUZZdog3000 Member Posts: 457 ★★
    Black bolt, colossus, hulk buster, iron man, iron patriot, and gambit to name a few
  • GODhammerGODhammer Member Posts: 4
    I think Magneto should get a BUFF where he doesnt take damage from Bullets bc He controls metal however if a sp3 or attack while he is stunned should still hit and also have chance to bleed however with out stun he shouldnt take any damage from bullets bc he can control metal like actual abilities in Comic book ..he would become God like but not quite there yet but he would be more useful in MCOC
  • JyotishkaJyotishka Member Posts: 136
    Guys don't you think if kilimonger could stack his bleeds he would be more efficient??
  • CapIceCapIce Member Posts: 63
    Jyotishka, I will say yes. :)
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    Guys, if Moon Knight could stack his bleeds he'd be more efficient.

    Killmonger? The guy with Indestructible, Counterpunch, True Strike, and Vibranium armour? A founder member of the Unholy Trinity?

    I think he's good.
  • Starkiller_KE2_0Starkiller_KE2_0 Member Posts: 154
    I recently pulled taskmaster and I was looking through his abilities and I thought about something that might make him easier to use/fight, and that was to make his passive abilities actually show up on the screen as you fight.

    For example, for the ability that reads "Each Unique Attack your opponent attempts decreases their offensive ability accuracy by 10%, while increasing your perfect block chance by the same amount" Taskmaster would proc a permanent passive affect on himself, up to a total of 5 (light, medium, heavy, sp1, sp2), and for the ability that reads "Each Unique attack you make decreases your opponent'd defensive ability accuracy by 10%" Taskmaster would proc a permanent passive affect on the opponent, up to a total of 6 (light, medium, heavy, sp1, sp2, and sp3). All of the passive affects would be removed if taskmaster is hit with a special.

    It would also be helpful to have an "immunity charge" that builds up based on the "Learn the Foe" that builds by 10 each time a debuff is placed on him that would be converted to an "immunity passive affect" once the charges reach 100.

    All of this would just be extremely helpful while playing the character or fighting the character to know exactly how much ability accuracy reduction to expect on any hit. This wouldn't be a buff, just a visualization of the abilities he already has.
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2019
    Dang, I really gotta get back to saved drafts sooner. Apparently since I started writing this the new CM is confirmed and a Nick Fury is on the way. I had all of this ready to go in reply to @AJXRX
    AJXRX wrote: »
    I honestly feel that maybe buffing Captain Marvel would be a much better option than to create a whole new champ. We will be seeing new Villains in Captain Marvel and I'm sure you guys at Kabam can bring the villains to the game instead of a new captain marvel. Just like Venom and Carnage I can agree that Captain Marvel seriously needs a buff, her abilities are not even much of use to this game in the state now, just decent dmg thru fury doesn't work. Although I can really appreciate the work done on new champs to give each one unique abilities never seen before(ie. Cap IW with unstoppable nullify, Emma with reverse controls. I strongly plead to buff Captain Marvel instead of bringing a new one to the Game(esp bcs there are already 3 VERSIONS of her in the game currently), give her something unique at least. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Wolf

    Agreed: buffing Captain Marvel (& Ms. Marvel [Danvers]) would be best, instead of adding a new version (especially since there is already the Ms. Marvel version and the current CM is very close to the movie design). She does do more than Fury damage though, since the higher her Power meter the harder her basic attacks hit before fury. The trick is to not use her specials, so her basic attacks are maxed.

    That said, the movie release should bring Nick Fury Jr. who would add a bunch of unique synergies CM/MM and other characters would benefit from (based on the logic of SHIELD often recruiting random heroes, mercs & villains for special ops), Spectrum (Monica Rambeau) & Mar Vell who would instigate a play on the code name dynamics

    SYNERGIES to Captain Marvel
    • Captain Marvel —Captain Marvel recovers 30% of any power used after a special over 2 secs; if Power Locked, she gains a Prowess buff for 5 secs instead; every 10 parry blocks sets off Binary mode
    • Nick Fury Jr. —After a special attack Nick's next 5 attacks do +15% direct damage or have +25% block penetration if blocked
    • Ms. Marvel [Danvers] —Ms. Marvel gains 30% more power from successful Basic Attacks or Kinetic Instigation (50% value) from Blocked Attacks for 5 secs after a special; every 10 parry blocks sets off Binary mode

    SYNERGIES to others
    SHIELD Operatives: Quake, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Captain America (Modern) — SHIELD intel arms operatives with counters to opponent abilities reducing ability accuracy and potency by 30%, if 2 or more Operatives are present, all champs gain +30% ability accuracy
    • Hawkeye —MLM+Special replaces Bleed with Shock (Sp1), Incinerate (Sp2 & 3) and Armor Shatter chance (Hemorrhage chance). Well-timed blocks prevent Evasion and Defensive Triggers for 3 secs
    • Black Widow —After each Sp2, well-timed blocks reflect shock damage starting at 50% of the opponent's attack rating; +12.5% for every additional Sp2.
    • Quake —Opponents suffering 2 or more tremors receive +20% damage from Quake's basic attacks and cannot trigger their defensive effects.
    • Captain America —Opponents suffering from Fatigue suffer armor break and petrify the next time Cap performs a well-timed block

    Shadow Ops: Fury and Punisher, Task Master or Karnak gain +25% attack rating after a 15 hit combo and a flat +10% attack rating for any Merc or additional Skill champ present

    Life Model Decoy Replacement, Infinity Formula, Stealth, Subterfuge, Shock, Bleed
    • LMD Replacement —Nick is a Skill champ; however, as a Director of SHIELD, he employs Life Model Decoys whenever his health is brought below 60%. Each win in the current quest adds +7% starting health to Fury and the LMD's next fight (Persistent charge mechanism). Nick reverts to Skill attributes if brought below 30% health and consumes any Persistent charges (max 7 charges). While replaced by the LMD, Nick has Tech champ attributes that have positive and negative affects, so he temporarily
      1. flips class disadvantage to advantage against Mutant champs
      2. suffers class disadvantage against Cosmic champs
      3. loses class advantage against Science champs
      4. counts as #Robot and #Metal, susceptible to Magneto's magnetism and Nebula's ability accuracy reduction but
      5. benefits with Bleed and Poison immunity and
      6. loses Salve & Willpower mastery effects and Infinity Formula effects on his regeneration
    • Infinity Formula —Nick has a passive 0.5%h/sec healing effect that runs unless replaced by his LMD.
    • Stealth —At 90%, 60% and 30% health, Nick goes Stealthy for 5 seconds causing 90% of all attacks to miss. Attacks he inflicts while stealthy reward 50% less power to opponents and do not trigger defensive abilities.
    • Subterfuge —Intel gathered on class abilities decrease their potency by 2% each time Nick evades opponents' attacks by dexterity or stealth (max -40%; and additional -10% per SHIELD Operative present: -80%).
    • Shock & Bleed—Nick's special attacks employ special guns that have 60% chances to have a taser or lethal effect. Black Widow's presence increases Shock chances +20% and Hawkeye increases Bleed chances +20%, if Quake is present with either, Nick gains a 40% chance to Stun on specials

    Will hold off on describing Spectrum's design ideas, since this post spiraled out of Cap. Marvel into a whole design for Nick Fury [EDIT: which will not be how he will be introduced apparently - I really wish they used his synergy options to buff the SHIELD Agents specifically though. Hawkeye needs his trick arrows, BW needs a mechanism to restore her glory as a evasion and defense canceler, and Quake could use some basic attack beef for the heck of it; plus Task Master, Punisher and Karnak have been notable SHIELD conscripts (among many others)]
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2019
    Champs that need a rework are Karnak & Falcon

    I'd first off, switch his Sp2 animation to Sp1 (with the requisite reduction in damage output, but the same activation of true strike). His new Sp2 would be several strikes advancing >half way across the screen.

    As his nature is to find the flaw in all things, champs that naturally dodge his Sp1 projectile, are otherwise evaders , or can autoblock would lose 10% defensive ability accuracy each dodge. His Sp2 if blocked wears away at Block Proficiency leading to block penetration of 50% his attack rating. Heavies would have a 25% chance to activate True Strike as well.

    Additionally, introduce Crystal of the Inhumans (more on her design concept here) and add a synergy in his screen where her presence allows him to armor shatter.

    Keep all his animations the same but extend his Locked on and reduce his cool off. Then allow him a mechanism to build up bleed damage if he uses a series of different basic combos before each Sp1 (the idea is that it is locking onto an opponent's previously damaged spot in different ways each time, making the point-of-contact more vulnerable to damage each time Red Wing is locked on). The Sp2 would benefit from this as well as it would inflict armor break if successful while in Locked On mode. Sp3 would benefit with additional Incineration damage rating.
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    Cyclops (both/either)

    Needs a workup. Should be able to inflict Incinerate, have strong synergies - leader type synergies.
  • Buccaneer02Buccaneer02 Member Posts: 5
    Need to Buff Agent Venom!!!! If Venom got amazing buff Agent Venom does a better one. Regen/Resistance/Fury etc. Agent Venom controls the Symbiote so he has weaponize it
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    First off, this thread is amazing. Really love some of the redesigns some of y'all have done. That being said, I was surprised to find out no one has done a rework of Black Panther (Civil War). So that's where I'll start.

    Black Panther (MCU)

    Currently, Black Panther (Civil War) is a pretty good defensive champion, and a pretty terrible offensive champion. The outdated use of Armor Up is pretty bad, and with all the new abilities showcased in Black Panther, I think BPCW could be a lot better. Of course, it helps that I have a duped BPCW, and I - along with many others, surely - would love to see him become useful.

    This rework is designed to better represent the full width of T'Challa's many abilities as the Black Panther; he gains a lot of offensive utility while also retaining much of his defensive prowess.

    Signature Ability - Indestructible Panther Habit

    T’Challa’s Panther Habit is made of his country’s finest resource, Vibranium, and is nearly indestructible.
    Whenever T’Challa loses all of his Kinetic Nanite charges, he gains an Indestructible buff, making him immune to damage for .35 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge spent.
    Every time T’Challa is struck while he is Indestructible, he gains one Kinetic Nanite charge, in addition to any Kinetic Nanite charges he would gain from other sources, like blocking or Glancing blows. If he is struck by an attack from a Special Attack, gain two Kinetic Nanite charges instead.
    When this Indestructible buff expires, become Unstoppable for .75 seconds.
    Additionally, the damage dealt by T’Challa’s Kinetic Energy Pulses are increased by 20%.

    Developer Note: The intention of this Signature Ability is to allow the player to quickly recover Kinetic Nanite charges after expending them all. Holding Block for the duration of the Indestructible buff will allow the player to take combos from the opponent while not taking any blocked damage and building up Kinetic Nanite charges quickly. The Unstoppable upon expiry of Indestructible is intended to allow the player to quickly get back to attacking as soon as Kinetic Nanite charges are built up; however, the player will have to act with speed in order to make use of the Unstoppable.


    Panther Habit

    T’Challa’s Panther Habit is made of vibranium weave and protects him from any Bleed effects.
    Additionally, the Habit resists explosions and gunfire, which grants a 75% chance to Glance attacks of those kinds, as well as +80% Physical and Energy Resistance against those attacks..
    T’Challa has +25% Physical and Energy Resistance.
    However, T’Challa’s Panther Habit is susceptible to electrical attacks, receiving +25% damage from Shock.
    Developer Note: The reasoning behind this is simple. In Civil War, T’Challa takes two of Hawkeye’s explosive arrows to the face with little to no damage taken, and at the beginning of Black Panther, bullets bounce off of him with minimal effect; therefore, the Glancing mechanic against specifically those attacks is intended to represent that ability of T’Challa’s. However, in Civil War, Black Widow’s shocks slow T’Challa significantly - thus, I have built in that weakness.
    Energy Redistribution

    Every time T’Challa blocks an attack, he stores a Kinetic Nanite passive charge. These charges are not a Buff and last indefinitely.

    Developer Note: This mechanic is based off of the Kinetic charges that T’Challa stores in his suit from Black Panther, and replaces Armor Up as T’Challa’s main effect, allowing him to be used both offensively and defensively. I also envision a slight visual change to accompany this mechanic; as T’Challa builds up more and more Kinetic Nanite charges, his suit will begin to glow purple, just as it does in the film.

    For each 1% of his Maximum Health that T’Challa takes while taking an attack, he stores a Kinetic Nanite passive charge.
    If T’Challa Glances an attack or performs a Well-Timed Block, gain double the Kinetic Nanite charges.

    Developer Note: Parries are probably going to be your main source of Kinetic Nanite charges.

    The Kinetic Nanite charges power T’Challa’s strikes during combat, giving him +10% Attack and +10% Critical Rating.
    When he is below 5 Kinetic Nanite charges, T’Challa cannot lose any of his Kinetic Nanite charges through any source.

    When he has more than 5 Kinetic Nanite charges, T’Challa is considered Kinetically Charged and gains:
    +25% Physical and Energy Resistance.
    A 100% chance to Nullify all Unstoppable Buffs when striking the opponent.
    A 25% chance to Glance all attacks.
    Whenever T’Challa is Stunned while Kinetically Charged, he spends all but 4 Kinetic Nanite charges to Purify the Stun and Stun the opponent for .25 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge spent.

    Developer Note: This section looks a lot like Captain America (IW)’s abilities; that’s by intention. If Cap gets all these abilities from those tiny little “shields” on his arms, surely T’Challa, running around in a full suit of Vibranium, should have the same abilities! I’ve also reworked his Reflect Stun to adapt to the new Kinetic Nanite mechanic.

    T’Challa’s Panther Habit cannot store Kinetic Nanite charges indefinitely, however. Whenever T’Challa gains more than 20 Kinetic Nanite charges, or receives an attack dealing more than 20% of his Maximum Health, he instantly expends all his Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal 7.5% of T’Challa’s Attack for each Kinetic Nanite charge to the opponent.

    Developer Note: Keen-eyed viewers (or readers of the MCU wikia) will know that whenever T’Challa takes big damage, his suit automatically expends all of that Kinetic energy stored up. I’ve reflected that here. As a further side note, Kinetic Energy Pulse is merely the term I’ve used to describe any time T’Challa expends all of his Kinetic Nanite charges.

    Expending all Kinetic Nanite charges in this way places a Power Drain debuff on their opponent, draining 80% of their Power for each Kinetic Nanite charge over 8 seconds.

    Finishing a 5-Hit Combo With A Light Attack

    Finishing a Combo with a Light Attack will expend all Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal 5% of T’Challa’s Attack for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended to the opponent.
    Animation Rework: To account for the Kinetic Energy Pulse at the end of the combo, the final light hit should be reworked to something like an uppercut or a slash across the opponent’s chest, which would release a small burst of purple energy, if the Kinetic Energy Pulse is activated.
    Expending all Kinetic Nanite charges in this way places a Concussion debuff on the opponent, reducing their ability accuracy by 100% for 1.5 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended.

    Heavy Attack

    Using a Heavy Attack will expend all Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal 8.5% of T’Challa’s Attack to the opponent.
    Expending all Kinetic Nanite charges in this way Stuns the opponent for .25 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended.

    Vibranium Claws

    T’Challa’s Vibranium Claws are razor-sharp and can cut through almost anything, granting him a 18% chance on all attacks to inflict Bleed, dealing 15% of his Attack over 8 seconds.
    Against Bleed-immune champions, or champions that have an active Armor Up effect, T’Challa changes his tactics, and instead gains a 22% chance on all attacks to inflict Armor Break, reducing Armor Rating by 30% for 15 seconds.
    Developer Note: T’Challa’s Claws scratched Captain America’s shield. That’s enough for me to give him Armor Break. Additionally, this was the small way in which I wanted to represent T’Challa’s intellect in battle; switching tactics against different enemies.

    Heart-Shaped Herb

    The Heart-Shaped Herb is the source of T’Challa’s powers as the Black Panther, granting him incredible dexterity, stamina, and recovery.
    Whenever T’Challa uses the Dexterity mastery, he becomes Unstoppable for .75 seconds, allowing him to immediately Dash back in and counter the opponent’s attack.
    Developer Note: The intention is for you to dash back and then quickly dash back in; it would take skill, but it’ll allow you an additional combo. The same technique can be reversed if fighting against T’Challa, though it’ll likely take a little more skill.
    T’Challa’s enhanced stamina and physiology eliminates fatiguing chemicals in his muscles, reducing the potency and length of non-damaging debuffs by 50%.
    T’Challa’s enhanced healing capabilities purge damaging substances from his body faster than the average human, reducing the length of damaging debuffs by 30%.

    Special Attacks

    Special Attack 1 - Panther’s Reflexes
    T’Challa shows his opponent exactly why he is called the “Black Panther”, demonstrating all the agility and strength of his namesake!

    Animation Rework: T’Challa makes the same two quick slashes that he does in his current Special One, but then quickly leaps in the air while delivering an uppercut to the opponent’s jaw, and finally landing back on his feet.
    The first two strikes have a flat +25% chance to inflict either Bleed or Armor Break.
    If T’Challa is Kinetically Charged when he uses this attack, he expends all of his Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal an extra burst of 15% of his Attack in Physical Damage for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended on the last hit.
    Additionally, T’Challa inflicts Armor Break for 2 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended, reducing Armor Rating by 80%.

    Special Attack 2 - Strength of the Ancestors
    T’Challa calls upon the strength of all those who came before him, then delivers swift retribution to his opponent.

    T’Challa gains an additional +15% Attack Rating for every Kinetic Nanite charge he has during this attack.
    Developer Note: Unlike other special attacks, the SP2 doesn’t actually expend Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse. The increased attack rating should allow you to get a good bleed on against champions that Bleed while also letting you build up more Kinetic Nanites or Power Drain the opponent if you so wish.
    On the final strike of this attack, T’Challa inflicts Bleed, dealing 80% of his Attack over 15 seconds.

    Special Attack 3 - Wakanda Forever!
    T’Challa delivers several quick strikes to his opponent, before putting every bit of his martial arts expertise to good use, for the good of Wakanda.

    Animation Rework: The Special Three should look basically the same as it does currently, but a few more of those Martial Arts strikes should be added, and instead of kicking his enemy to the ground, he should generate a purple burst of energy like he does in Black Panther. More importantly, however, when T’Challa flips back and poses at the end of the SP3, he should make the now-iconic Wakanda Forever crossed-arms salute. Give me one good reason why not.

    The Vibranium Claws slashes have a flat +50% chance to inflict either Bleed or Armor Break.
    T’Challa expends all of his Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal an extra burst of 25% of his Attack Physical Damage for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended.
    Additionally, T’Challa inflicts Petrify for 3 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended, reducing the effectiveness of Power Gain and Regeneration by 30%.
    Developer Note: To be honest, as far as the Kinetic Energy Pulse debuff...I got nothing. Petrify was the last solid debuff that I hadn’t yet used, so I kind of just threw it on there. At maximum Kinetic Nanites, the Petrify will last 60 seconds, though, so it’s not reliable, but you can get some Power Gain and Regen reduction off of it.


    Team Iron Man with Iron Man (Infinity War), War Machine, Vision, Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced):Black Panther (MCU), War Machine: +20% Bleed Potenc y and Duration. Vision: +20% Power Drain and Power Burn Potency. Iron Man (Infinity War): +20% Shock, Incinerate, and Plasma Potency and Duration. Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): +20% Taunt Duration. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    Super Soldiers with Captain America (Classic), Captain America (WWII), Captain America (Infinity War): Black Panther (MCU), Captain America (Classic), Captain America (WWII), and Captain America (Infinity War) gain +15% debuff duration.
    Rivalry with Ant-Man: All Champions gain +25% Critical Damage.
    Nemesis with Winter Soldier: All Champions gain +8% Attack.

    As I am new to this kind of in-text formatting, and as I want to compile all my reworks into one doc, you can find a better formatted version of this rework at
    Any feedback is welcome and appreciated, and good luck to everyone on your own rework ideas!
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    I don't know if/when the mods will "approve" my edited BPCW rework...I do want to see what kind of feedback I get, though, so it can be found at
    If/when that other post shows up, apologies for the double post. I've just been working on this rework the whole morning so I'm a little curious (and admittedly a little impatient) to get feedback. Again, sorry for (potentially) double posting, but keep up the great work on this thread!
  • Doc_Manhattan93Doc_Manhattan93 Member Posts: 14
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed


    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    I think that Psylocke, as a power controller, is already a great character, and the bonus to critical damage that she gets if awakened definitely helps improving damage, but I think a couple of simple additions could make her both more useful and lethal, like his comics counterpart.

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    Attacking with a katana, similarly to Nightcrawler, I think it would be consistent for the critical shots with the sword to have a chance to inflict extra instant damage (similar to how deep wounds mastery works).

    Furthermore, the current mechanism by which she can reduce ability accuracy can be useful but on many occasions not applicable; instead of working like that, Psylocke might have a chance to inflict a trauma with each critical hit, maybe reducing the accuracy to a 20% for each psychic charge she has, for 5 or 6 seconds. In this way with the progress of the fight she could apply traumas so powerful that they can temporarily shut down the opponents, just like in the comics.
    They would be two bonuses that would make she even more versatile and effective where she actually does not shine.
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111

    I don't know if/when the mods will "approve" my edited BPCW rework...I do want to see what kind of feedback I get, though, so it can be found at
    If/when that other post shows up, apologies for the double post. I've just been working on this rework the whole morning so I'm a little curious (and admittedly a little impatient) to get feedback. Again, sorry for (potentially) double posting, but keep up the great work on this thread!

    I'll take a closer look at this when I get on my computer.
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2019
    Here's that review I promised @HeroBoltsy

    Black Panther (MCU)

    Signature Ability - Indestructible Panther Habit

    T’Challa’s Panther Habit is made of his country’s finest resource, Vibranium, and is nearly indestructible.
    Whenever T’Challa loses all of his Kinetic Nanite charges, he gains an Indestructible buff, making him immune to damage for .35 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge spent.
    Every time T’Challa is struck while he is Indestructible, he gains one Kinetic Nanite charge, in addition to any Kinetic Nanite charges he would gain from other sources, like blocking or Glancing blows. If he is struck by an attack from a Special Attack, gain two Kinetic Nanite charges instead.
    When this Indestructible buff expires, become Unstoppable for .75 seconds.
    Additionally, the damage dealt by T’Challa’s Kinetic Energy Pulses are increased by 20%.

    Developer Note: The intention of this Signature Ability is to allow the player to quickly recover Kinetic Nanite charges after expending them all. Holding Block for the duration of the Indestructible buff will allow the player to take combos from the opponent while not taking any blocked damage and building up Kinetic Nanite charges quickly. The Unstoppable upon expiry of Indestructible is intended to allow the player to quickly get back to attacking as soon as Kinetic Nanite charges are built up; however, the player will have to act with speed in order to make use of the Unstoppable.

    Ok. So far, the only problem I have with this is the damage dealt by his kinetic energy pulses are increased by 20%. I have read the rest of the rework, and it is thicc. You made him into a tank with serious firepower as well. No need to put this champ beyond the beyond god tier champs. He is human after all. Everything else with the sig ability is pretty dapper.


    Panther Habit

    T’Challa’s Panther Habit is made of vibranium weave and protects him from any Bleed effects.
    Additionally, the Habit resists explosions and gunfire, which grants a 75% chance to Glance attacks of those kinds, as well as +80% Physical and Energy Resistance against those attacks..
    T’Challa has +25% Physical and Energy Resistance.
    However, T’Challa’s Panther Habit is susceptible to electrical attacks, receiving +25% damage from Shock.
    The first, second, and fourth parts make sense. The third part though: did you mean from his current stats? If so that's ok. I don't know what his physical and energy resistance stats are though. Someone who's more familiar with him might let us know.

    Energy Redistribution

    Every time T’Challa blocks an attack, he stores a Kinetic Nanite passive charge. These charges are not a Buff and last indefinitely.

    Developer Note: This mechanic is based off of the Kinetic charges that T’Challa stores in his suit from Black Panther, and replaces Armor Up as T’Challa’s main effect, allowing him to be used both offensively and defensively. I also envision a slight visual change to accompany this mechanic; as T’Challa builds up more and more Kinetic Nanite charges, his suit will begin to glow purple, just as it does in the film.

    For each 1% of his Maximum Health that T’Challa takes while taking an attack, he stores a Kinetic Nanite passive charge.
    If T’Challa Glances an attack or performs a Well-Timed Block, gain double the Kinetic Nanite charges.

    Developer Note: Parries are probably going to be your main source of Kinetic Nanite charges.

    The Kinetic Nanite charges power T’Challa’s strikes during combat, giving him +10% Attack and +10% Critical Rating.
    When he is below 5 Kinetic Nanite charges, T’Challa cannot lose any of his Kinetic Nanite charges through any source.

    When he has more than 5 Kinetic Nanite charges, T’Challa is considered Kinetically Charged and gains:
    +25% Physical and Energy Resistance.
    A 100% chance to Nullify all Unstoppable Buffs when striking the opponent.
    A 25% chance to Glance all attacks.
    Whenever T’Challa is Stunned while Kinetically Charged, he spends all but 4 Kinetic Nanite charges to Purify the Stun and Stun the opponent for .25 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge spent.

    Developer Note: This section looks a lot like Captain America (IW)’s abilities; that’s by intention. If Cap gets all these abilities from those tiny little “shields” on his arms, surely T’Challa, running around in a full suit of Vibranium, should have the same abilities! I’ve also reworked his Reflect Stun to adapt to the new Kinetic Nanite mechanic.

    T’Challa’s Panther Habit cannot store Kinetic Nanite charges indefinitely, however. Whenever T’Challa gains more than 20 Kinetic Nanite charges, or receives an attack dealing more than 20% of his Maximum Health, he instantly expends all his Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal 7.5% of T’Challa’s Attack for each Kinetic Nanite charge to the opponent.

    Developer Note: Keen-eyed viewers (or readers of the MCU wikia) will know that whenever T’Challa takes big damage, his suit automatically expends all of that Kinetic energy stored up. I’ve reflected that here. As a further side note, Kinetic Energy Pulse is merely the term I’ve used to describe any time T’Challa expends all of his Kinetic Nanite charges.

    Expending all Kinetic Nanite charges in this way places a Power Drain debuff on their opponent, draining 80% of their Power for each Kinetic Nanite charge over 8 seconds.
    Okay. We're gonna have to change something here. Taking 1% damage is fairly easy to do. Sometimes you can lose up to 30% health at a time. With the way you worded it, if BPCW receives damage equivalent to 20% of his health, he can gain 20 charges. This would, I assume, take place after he consumes his charges to deal damage back to his opponent. Plus, he gains extra charges when performing a well-timed block. So if you have 20 charges, then get hit for 20% damage, you expend all charges to deal damage, then get back the 20 charges. You can do a repeat of this (if fighting a stacked hypes for example) and end up winning by taking damage. He is gonna be worse to deal with than Kilmonger. You can change a few things here to tone it down from game breaking to impressive power.

    Firstly, you can either have the charges expire after a certain time, or have some way for the opponent to get rid of a charge or two, such as armor break or nullify.
    Secondly, you can slim down the abilities of his kinetic charges. You don't have to have an unstoppable counter, and stun reversal, and glancing of critical hits (I assume that's what you mean by glancing). Maybe glancing and stun reversal only, or unstoppable counter when he has 10 or more charges.
    Or thirdly, you can word it differently to state that every time he receives damage greater than 1% he gains a charge. That way, if he gets hit for 7% of his health, he still gains only one charge instead of 7 charges.

    Finishing a 5-Hit Combo With A Light Attack

    Finishing a Combo with a Light Attack will expend all Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal 5% of T’Challa’s Attack for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended to the opponent.
    Animation Rework: To account for the Kinetic Energy Pulse at the end of the combo, the final light hit should be reworked to something like an uppercut or a slash across the opponent’s chest, which would release a small burst of purple energy, if the Kinetic Energy Pulse is activated.
    Expending all Kinetic Nanite charges in this way places a Concussion debuff on the opponent, reducing their ability accuracy by 100% for 1.5 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended.

    Heavy Attack

    Using a Heavy Attack will expend all Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal 8.5% of T’Challa’s Attack to the opponent.
    Expending all Kinetic Nanite charges in this way Stuns the opponent for .25 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended.
    Here you have provided 2 ways for T'challa to expend his charges offensively; each with their own effect and damage output. I would suggest to lower the damage output, combine the effects, and let the heavy attack expend the charges. I would also suggest to decrease the amount of time per charge to stun to .20 or .15 seconds.

    Vibranium Claws

    T’Challa’s Vibranium Claws are razor-sharp and can cut through almost anything, granting him a 18% chance on all attacks to inflict Bleed, dealing 15% of his Attack over 8 seconds.
    Against Bleed-immune champions, or champions that have an active Armor Up effect, T’Challa changes his tactics, and instead gains a 22% chance on all attacks to inflict Armor Break, reducing Armor Rating by 30% for 15 seconds.
    This actually seems pretty balanced.

    Heart-Shaped Herb

    The Heart-Shaped Herb is the source of T’Challa’s powers as the Black Panther, granting him incredible dexterity, stamina, and recovery.
    Whenever T’Challa uses the Dexterity mastery, he becomes Unstoppable for .75 seconds, allowing him to immediately Dash back in and counter the opponent’s attack.
    Developer Note: The intention is for you to dash back and then quickly dash back in; it would take skill, but it’ll allow you an additional combo. The same technique can be reversed if fighting against T’Challa, though it’ll likely take a little more skill.
    T’Challa’s enhanced stamina and physiology eliminates fatiguing chemicals in his muscles, reducing the potency and length of non-damaging debuffs by 50%.
    T’Challa’s enhanced healing capabilities purge damaging substances from his body faster than the average human, reducing the length of damaging debuffs by 30%.

    Special Attacks

    Special Attack 1 - Panther’s Reflexes
    T’Challa shows his opponent exactly why he is called the “Black Panther”, demonstrating all the agility and strength of his namesake!

    Animation Rework: T’Challa makes the same two quick slashes that he does in his current Special One, but then quickly leaps in the air while delivering an uppercut to the opponent’s jaw, and finally landing back on his feet.
    The first two strikes have a flat +25% chance to inflict either Bleed or Armor Break.
    Bleed for how much?

    If T’Challa is Kinetically Charged when he uses this attack, he expends all of his Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal an extra burst of 15% of his Attack in Physical Damage for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended on the last hit.
    Additionally, T’Challa inflicts Armor Break for 2 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended, reducing Armor Rating by 80%.

    Special Attack 2 - Strength of the Ancestors
    T’Challa calls upon the strength of all those who came before him, then delivers swift retribution to his opponent.

    T’Challa gains an additional +15% Attack Rating for every Kinetic Nanite charge he has during this attack.
    Developer Note: Unlike other special attacks, the SP2 doesn’t actually expend Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse. The increased attack rating should allow you to get a good bleed on against champions that Bleed while also letting you build up more Kinetic Nanites or Power Drain the opponent if you so wish.
    On the final strike of this attack, T’Challa inflicts Bleed, dealing 80% of his Attack over 15 seconds.
    A bit of a weak bleed, or long time. But it's ok.

    Special Attack 3 - Wakanda Forever!
    T’Challa delivers several quick strikes to his opponent, before putting every bit of his martial arts expertise to good use, for the good of Wakanda.

    Animation Rework: The Special Three should look basically the same as it does currently, but a few more of those Martial Arts strikes should be added, and instead of kicking his enemy to the ground, he should generate a purple burst of energy like he does in Black Panther. More importantly, however, when T’Challa flips back and poses at the end of the SP3, he should make the now-iconic Wakanda Forever crossed-arms salute. Give me one good reason why not.

    The Vibranium Claws slashes have a flat +50% chance to inflict either Bleed or Armor Break.
    T’Challa expends all of his Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal an extra burst of 25% of his Attack Physical Damage for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended.
    Additionally, T’Challa inflicts Petrify for 3 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended, reducing the effectiveness of Power Gain and Regeneration by 30%.
    Developer Note: To be honest, as far as the Kinetic Energy Pulse debuff...I got nothing. Petrify was the last solid debuff that I hadn’t yet used, so I kind of just threw it on there. At maximum Kinetic Nanites, the Petrify will last 60 seconds, though, so it’s not reliable, but you can get some Power Gain and Regen reduction off of it.
    How many slashes is T'challa inflicting? What is the maximum amount of bleed (for what duration and damage I don't know) and armor break (duration and potency?)?
    Plus, it was very confusing to read some of this, because you did not specify what the variable is in regards to petrify: the duration, or the reducing by 30%, or both?


    Team Iron Man with Iron Man (Infinity War), War Machine, Vision, Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced):Black Panther (MCU), War Machine: +20% Bleed Potenc y and Duration. Vision: +20% Power Drain and Power Burn Potency. Iron Man (Infinity War): +20% Shock, Incinerate, and Plasma Potency and Duration. Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): +20% Taunt Duration. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    Super Soldiers with Captain America (Classic), Captain America (WWII), Captain America (Infinity War): Black Panther (MCU), Captain America (Classic), Captain America (WWII), and Captain America (Infinity War) gain +15% debuff duration.
    Rivalry with Ant-Man: All Champions gain +25% Critical Damage.
    Nemesis with Winter Soldier: All Champions gain +8% Attack.

    Overall I liked it. There were a few things that seemed a bit too much and it was awkward reading. (I did take a glance at the link you provided; well-done)
    I think this has great potential, though @Bodhizen will have to take a looksie for himself.
    He's sort of the professional that Kabam failed to hire
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★

    Panther Habit

    T’Challa’s Panther Habit is made of vibranium weave and protects him from any Bleed effects.
    Additionally, the Habit resists explosions and gunfire, which grants a 75% chance to Glance attacks of those kinds, as well as +80% Physical and Energy Resistance against those attacks..
    T’Challa has +25% Physical and Energy Resistance.
    However, T’Challa’s Panther Habit is susceptible to electrical attacks, receiving +25% damage from Shock.
    Developer Note: The reasoning behind this is simple. In Civil War, T’Challa takes two of Hawkeye’s explosive arrows to the face with little to no damage taken, and at the beginning of Black Panther, bullets bounce off of him with minimal effect; therefore, the Glancing mechanic against specifically those attacks is intended to represent that ability of T’Challa’s. However, in Civil War, Black Widow’s shocks slow T’Challa significantly - thus, I have built in that weakness.

    I think the Energy Resistance is too much. You already made him bleed immune, at least energy attacks and debuffs should hit him hard. I would even say that Panther Habit should reduce Energy Resistance to compensate, and to make Shock, Incinerate and Coldsnap hit harder.

    Energy Redistribution

    Every time T’Challa blocks an attack, he stores a Kinetic Nanite passive charge. These charges are not a Buff and last indefinitely.

    Developer Note: This mechanic is based off of the Kinetic charges that T’Challa stores in his suit from Black Panther, and replaces Armor Up as T’Challa’s main effect, allowing him to be used both offensively and defensively. I also envision a slight visual change to accompany this mechanic; as T’Challa builds up more and more Kinetic Nanite charges, his suit will begin to glow purple, just as it does in the film.

    For each 1% of his Maximum Health that T’Challa takes while taking an attack, he stores a Kinetic Nanite passive charge.
    If T’Challa Glances an attack or performs a Well-Timed Block, gain double the Kinetic Nanite charges.

    Developer Note: Parries are probably going to be your main source of Kinetic Nanite charges.

    The Kinetic Nanite charges power T’Challa’s strikes during combat, giving him +10% Attack and +10% Critical Rating.
    When he is below 5 Kinetic Nanite charges, T’Challa cannot lose any of his Kinetic Nanite charges through any source.

    When he has more than 5 Kinetic Nanite charges, T’Challa is considered Kinetically Charged and gains:
    +25% Physical and Energy Resistance.
    A 100% chance to Nullify all Unstoppable Buffs when striking the opponent.
    A 25% chance to Glance all attacks.
    Whenever T’Challa is Stunned while Kinetically Charged, he spends all but 4 Kinetic Nanite charges to Purify the Stun and Stun the opponent for .25 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge spent.

    Developer Note: This section looks a lot like Captain America (IW)’s abilities; that’s by intention. If Cap gets all these abilities from those tiny little “shields” on his arms, surely T’Challa, running around in a full suit of Vibranium, should have the same abilities! I’ve also reworked his Reflect Stun to adapt to the new Kinetic Nanite mechanic.

    T’Challa’s Panther Habit cannot store Kinetic Nanite charges indefinitely, however. Whenever T’Challa gains more than 20 Kinetic Nanite charges, or receives an attack dealing more than 20% of his Maximum Health, he instantly expends all his Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal 7.5% of T’Challa’s Attack for each Kinetic Nanite charge to the opponent.

    Developer Note: Keen-eyed viewers (or readers of the MCU wikia) will know that whenever T’Challa takes big damage, his suit automatically expends all of that Kinetic energy stored up. I’ve reflected that here. As a further side note, Kinetic Energy Pulse is merely the term I’ve used to describe any time T’Challa expends all of his Kinetic Nanite charges.

    Expending all Kinetic Nanite charges in this way places a Power Drain debuff on their opponent, draining 80% of their Power for each Kinetic Nanite charge over 8 seconds.

    I think it would be better if the mechanic of CAIW is copied, working with Kinetic Charges instead of these Nanite charges. I also do think the chance of getting Kinetic Charges is way too high, especially keeping in mind that BPCW will be a pretty good AW defender. So, instead of getting a guaranteed charge on block, keep that for well-timed blocks. Do put a timer on these charges. I do like the health loss mechanic, that is a good addition but giving him 100 free charges is way over the top. I would put the threshold at 5%. Same comment as above: only Physical Resistance for balancing purposes. I also would cap the limit at 10, +200% attack and crit rating is OP. The power drain is also OP, he shouldn't be able to do everything. However, he should be able to steal Kinetic Charges from the opponent, he would become a great counter to CAIW!

    Finishing a 5-Hit Combo With A Light Attack

    Finishing a Combo with a Light Attack will expend all Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal 5% of T’Challa’s Attack for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended to the opponent.
    Animation Rework: To account for the Kinetic Energy Pulse at the end of the combo, the final light hit should be reworked to something like an uppercut or a slash across the opponent’s chest, which would release a small burst of purple energy, if the Kinetic Energy Pulse is activated.
    Expending all Kinetic Nanite charges in this way places a Concussion debuff on the opponent, reducing their ability accuracy by 100% for 1.5 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended.

    I think this is not a great addition to the character. Why would you ever want to expend all Kinetic Charges? As you stated, you get +10% attack and +10 crit rating for every charge. Why would you trade that for 5% damage? And 100% AAR? Again, he has enough utility, he shouldn't be able to do everything.

    Heavy Attack

    Using a Heavy Attack will expend all Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal 8.5% of T’Challa’s Attack to the opponent.
    Expending all Kinetic Nanite charges in this way Stuns the opponent for .25 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended.

    I'm not sure about this. A guaranteed stun and extra damage seems a bit too much. It would also suck to lose all your Kinetic Charges just so you can break a block. And even when the cap is lowered till 10, a 2.5 seconds stun is long, especially with stupefy mastery extending it.

    Vibranium Claws

    T’Challa’s Vibranium Claws are razor-sharp and can cut through almost anything, granting him a 18% chance on all attacks to inflict Bleed, dealing 15% of his Attack over 8 seconds.
    Against Bleed-immune champions, or champions that have an active Armor Up effect, T’Challa changes his tactics, and instead gains a 22% chance on all attacks to inflict Armor Break, reducing Armor Rating by 30% for 15 seconds.
    Developer Note: T’Challa’s Claws scratched Captain America’s shield. That’s enough for me to give him Armor Break. Additionally, this was the small way in which I wanted to represent T’Challa’s intellect in battle; switching tactics against different enemies.

    I like this, however, he has a relatively high chance to bleed but his bleed is very weak. I would increase the bleed to 50% and lower it to 4 seconds.
    PS: the fact that T'Challa could scratch the cap's shield has everything to do with hardness (a material can scratch another material if its hardness is equal or higher than that other material) and nothing with breaking. But Armor Break is so essential that it is a nice addition.

    Heart-Shaped Herb

    The Heart-Shaped Herb is the source of T’Challa’s powers as the Black Panther, granting him incredible dexterity, stamina, and recovery.
    Whenever T’Challa uses the Dexterity mastery, he becomes Unstoppable for .75 seconds, allowing him to immediately Dash back in and counter the opponent’s attack.
    Developer Note: The intention is for you to dash back and then quickly dash back in; it would take skill, but it’ll allow you an additional combo. The same technique can be reversed if fighting against T’Challa, though it’ll likely take a little more skill.
    T’Challa’s enhanced stamina and physiology eliminates fatiguing chemicals in his muscles, reducing the potency and length of non-damaging debuffs by 50%.
    T’Challa’s enhanced healing capabilities purge damaging substances from his body faster than the average human, reducing the length of damaging debuffs by 30%.

    You already made him bleed immune, he doesn't need to reduce the duration of all other damaging debuffs. And earlier you told shock is his weakness, but here you weaken that. This lacks balance.

    Special Attacks

    Special Attack 1 - Panther’s Reflexes
    T’Challa shows his opponent exactly why he is called the “Black Panther”, demonstrating all the agility and strength of his namesake!

    Animation Rework: T’Challa makes the same two quick slashes that he does in his current Special One, but then quickly leaps in the air while delivering an uppercut to the opponent’s jaw, and finally landing back on his feet.
    The first two strikes have a flat +25% chance to inflict either Bleed or Armor Break.
    If T’Challa is Kinetically Charged when he uses this attack, he expends all of his Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal an extra burst of 15% of his Attack in Physical Damage for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended on the last hit.
    Additionally, T’Challa inflicts Armor Break for 2 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended, reducing Armor Rating by 80%.

    Special Attack 2 - Strength of the Ancestors
    T’Challa calls upon the strength of all those who came before him, then delivers swift retribution to his opponent.

    T’Challa gains an additional +15% Attack Rating for every Kinetic Nanite charge he has during this attack.
    Developer Note: Unlike other special attacks, the SP2 doesn’t actually expend Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse. The increased attack rating should allow you to get a good bleed on against champions that Bleed while also letting you build up more Kinetic Nanites or Power Drain the opponent if you so wish.
    On the final strike of this attack, T’Challa inflicts Bleed, dealing 80% of his Attack over 15 seconds.

    Special Attack 3 - Wakanda Forever!
    T’Challa delivers several quick strikes to his opponent, before putting every bit of his martial arts expertise to good use, for the good of Wakanda.

    Animation Rework: The Special Three should look basically the same as it does currently, but a few more of those Martial Arts strikes should be added, and instead of kicking his enemy to the ground, he should generate a purple burst of energy like he does in Black Panther. More importantly, however, when T’Challa flips back and poses at the end of the SP3, he should make the now-iconic Wakanda Forever crossed-arms salute. Give me one good reason why not.

    The Vibranium Claws slashes have a flat +50% chance to inflict either Bleed or Armor Break.
    T’Challa expends all of his Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal an extra burst of 25% of his Attack Physical Damage for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended.
    Additionally, T’Challa inflicts Petrify for 3 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended, reducing the effectiveness of Power Gain and Regeneration by 30%.
    Developer Note: To be honest, as far as the Kinetic Energy Pulse debuff...I got nothing. Petrify was the last solid debuff that I hadn’t yet used, so I kind of just threw it on there. At maximum Kinetic Nanites, the Petrify will last 60 seconds, though, so it’s not reliable, but you can get some Power Gain and Regen reduction off of it.

    Kabam do not change animations when reworking, because it takes a lot of development time and resources away.
    Anyway, the sp1 is nice but I'm not convinced by the Armor Break mechanic. 2 seconds is literally nothing but 80% reduction per charge is OP (and that's not how Armor Break works, Armor Break reduces armor rating by a fixed number). The bleed on the SP1 is weak and way too long, it should be at least as good as Killmonger's bleed. The sp3 is OP. 60 seconds petrify? That is like the whole fight. Let's say 1 seconds per charge, 10 seconds max is good enough.


    Team Iron Man with Iron Man (Infinity War), War Machine, Vision, Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced):Black Panther (MCU), War Machine: +20% Bleed Potenc y and Duration. Vision: +20% Power Drain and Power Burn Potency. Iron Man (Infinity War): +20% Shock, Incinerate, and Plasma Potency and Duration. Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): +20% Taunt Duration. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    Super Soldiers with Captain America (Classic), Captain America (WWII), Captain America (Infinity War): Black Panther (MCU), Captain America (Classic), Captain America (WWII), and Captain America (Infinity War) gain +15% debuff duration.
    Rivalry with Ant-Man: All Champions gain +25% Critical Damage.
    Nemesis with Winter Soldier: All Champions gain +8% Attack.

    As I am new to this kind of in-text formatting, and as I want to compile all my reworks into one doc, you can find a better formatted version of this rework at
    Any feedback is welcome and appreciated, and good luck to everyone on your own rework ideas!

    IMIW already has a synergy with BPWC (Wakandan Insight: increasing crit resistance per Armor Up, in your case per Kinetic Charge).
    Technically, WS was only shortly his Nemesis, in IW he is the White Wolf and his ally. Kabam didn't know that when they made BPCW. I think WS could get an unique synergy, like in his armor pierce mode his attacks have a chance to armor break. The Nemesis synergy can always be added to WS. It would also be nice combined with the KM synergy.

    In general: I think this overall a good rework, it only is you're overflowing with good ideas and enthusiasm so you lose track of the bigger picture and a sense of balance.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★

    Signature Ability - Indestructible Panther Habit

    T’Challa’s Panther Habit is made of his country’s finest resource, Vibranium, and is nearly indestructible.
    Whenever T’Challa loses all of his Kinetic Nanite charges, he gains an Indestructible buff, making him immune to damage for .35 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge spent.
    Every time T’Challa is struck while he is Indestructible, he gains one Kinetic Nanite charge, in addition to any Kinetic Nanite charges he would gain from other sources, like blocking or Glancing blows. If he is struck by an attack from a Special Attack, gain two Kinetic Nanite charges instead.
    When this Indestructible buff expires, become Unstoppable for .75 seconds.
    Additionally, the damage dealt by T’Challa’s Kinetic Energy Pulses are increased by 20%.

    Developer Note: The intention of this Signature Ability is to allow the player to quickly recover Kinetic Nanite charges after expending them all. Holding Block for the duration of the Indestructible buff will allow the player to take combos from the opponent while not taking any blocked damage and building up Kinetic Nanite charges quickly. The Unstoppable upon expiry of Indestructible is intended to allow the player to quickly get back to attacking as soon as Kinetic Nanite charges are built up; however, the player will have to act with speed in order to make use of the Unstoppable.

    Whoopsies, forgot this!

    I think this OP. You already have a mechanic that punishes the opponent for expending charges. This is too much. I would even say: move some of your abilities you currently have to the sig ability, like for instant the stun mechanic and the dealing of damage per charge. This would make him like Korg awakened.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★

    Signature Ability - Indestructible Panther Habit

    T’Challa’s Panther Habit is made of his country’s finest resource, Vibranium, and is nearly indestructible.
    Whenever T’Challa loses all of his Kinetic Nanite charges, he gains an Indestructible buff, making him immune to damage for .35 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge spent.
    Every time T’Challa is struck while he is Indestructible, he gains one Kinetic Nanite charge, in addition to any Kinetic Nanite charges he would gain from other sources, like blocking or Glancing blows. If he is struck by an attack from a Special Attack, gain two Kinetic Nanite charges instead.
    When this Indestructible buff expires, become Unstoppable for .75 seconds.
    Additionally, the damage dealt by T’Challa’s Kinetic Energy Pulses are increased by 20%.

    Developer Note: The intention of this Signature Ability is to allow the player to quickly recover Kinetic Nanite charges after expending them all. Holding Block for the duration of the Indestructible buff will allow the player to take combos from the opponent while not taking any blocked damage and building up Kinetic Nanite charges quickly. The Unstoppable upon expiry of Indestructible is intended to allow the player to quickly get back to attacking as soon as Kinetic Nanite charges are built up; however, the player will have to act with speed in order to make use of the Unstoppable.

    Hello! I'll be reviewing your rebuild here, so I hope that you find this feedback useful.

    His signature ability is strong; Indestructible is a very powerful ability. With his limit of 20 Kinetic Nanite charges (KNc) he can gain before blowing them off, he can theoretically become Indestructible for the majority of a fight. It's pretty easy to accumulate them, so I can become Indestructible for 7.0 seconds at a time with no definitive cool down period. I can wail on an opponent without worrying about taking any damage for 7.0 seconds. Does that sound fun to fight against? This would make him the King of Alliance War Node 54. All you have to do is time your Indestructible buff for the right time, and you can mow through All-or-Nothing nodes as well. Against Champions that could potentially nullify each KNc he gets, he could be perpetually Indestructible for brief periods of time (i.e. gain a charge, it's nullified and lost, go Indestructible for .35 seconds... Wash, rinse, repeat).

    This is a game-breaking ability. I don't dislike the spirit of it, but the mechanics of it are easily abusable.


    Panther Habit

    T’Challa’s Panther Habit is made of vibranium weave and protects him from any Bleed effects.
    Additionally, the Habit resists explosions and gunfire, which grants a 75% chance to Glance attacks of those kinds, as well as +80% Physical and Energy Resistance against those attacks..
    T’Challa has +25% Physical and Energy Resistance.
    However, T’Challa’s Panther Habit is susceptible to electrical attacks, receiving +25% damage from Shock.
    Developer Note: The reasoning behind this is simple. In Civil War, T’Challa takes two of Hawkeye’s explosive arrows to the face with little to no damage taken, and at the beginning of Black Panther, bullets bounce off of him with minimal effect; therefore, the Glancing mechanic against specifically those attacks is intended to represent that ability of T’Challa’s. However, in Civil War, Black Widow’s shocks slow T’Challa significantly - thus, I have built in that weakness.
    Energy Redistribution

    Every time T’Challa blocks an attack, he stores a Kinetic Nanite passive charge. These charges are not a Buff and last indefinitely.

    Developer Note: This mechanic is based off of the Kinetic charges that T’Challa stores in his suit from Black Panther, and replaces Armor Up as T’Challa’s main effect, allowing him to be used both offensively and defensively. I also envision a slight visual change to accompany this mechanic; as T’Challa builds up more and more Kinetic Nanite charges, his suit will begin to glow purple, just as it does in the film.

    For each 1% of his Maximum Health that T’Challa takes while taking an attack, he stores a Kinetic Nanite passive charge.
    If T’Challa Glances an attack or performs a Well-Timed Block, gain double the Kinetic Nanite charges.

    Developer Note: Parries are probably going to be your main source of Kinetic Nanite charges.

    The Kinetic Nanite charges power T’Challa’s strikes during combat, giving him +10% Attack and +10% Critical Rating.
    When he is below 5 Kinetic Nanite charges, T’Challa cannot lose any of his Kinetic Nanite charges through any source.

    When he has more than 5 Kinetic Nanite charges, T’Challa is considered Kinetically Charged and gains:
    +25% Physical and Energy Resistance.
    A 100% chance to Nullify all Unstoppable Buffs when striking the opponent.
    A 25% chance to Glance all attacks.
    Whenever T’Challa is Stunned while Kinetically Charged, he spends all but 4 Kinetic Nanite charges to Purify the Stun and Stun the opponent for .25 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge spent.

    Developer Note: This section looks a lot like Captain America (IW)’s abilities; that’s by intention. If Cap gets all these abilities from those tiny little “shields” on his arms, surely T’Challa, running around in a full suit of Vibranium, should have the same abilities! I’ve also reworked his Reflect Stun to adapt to the new Kinetic Nanite mechanic.

    T’Challa’s Panther Habit cannot store Kinetic Nanite charges indefinitely, however. Whenever T’Challa gains more than 20 Kinetic Nanite charges, or receives an attack dealing more than 20% of his Maximum Health, he instantly expends all his Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal 7.5% of T’Challa’s Attack for each Kinetic Nanite charge to the opponent.

    Developer Note: Keen-eyed viewers (or readers of the MCU wikia) will know that whenever T’Challa takes big damage, his suit automatically expends all of that Kinetic energy stored up. I’ve reflected that here. As a further side note, Kinetic Energy Pulse is merely the term I’ve used to describe any time T’Challa expends all of his Kinetic Nanite charges.

    Expending all Kinetic Nanite charges in this way places a Power Drain debuff on their opponent, draining 80% of their Power for each Kinetic Nanite charge over 8 seconds.

    Finishing a 5-Hit Combo With A Light Attack

    Finishing a Combo with a Light Attack will expend all Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal 5% of T’Challa’s Attack for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended to the opponent.
    Animation Rework: To account for the Kinetic Energy Pulse at the end of the combo, the final light hit should be reworked to something like an uppercut or a slash across the opponent’s chest, which would release a small burst of purple energy, if the Kinetic Energy Pulse is activated.
    Expending all Kinetic Nanite charges in this way places a Concussion debuff on the opponent, reducing their ability accuracy by 100% for 1.5 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended.

    Heavy Attack

    Using a Heavy Attack will expend all Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal 8.5% of T’Challa’s Attack to the opponent.
    Expending all Kinetic Nanite charges in this way Stuns the opponent for .25 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended.

    Vibranium Claws

    T’Challa’s Vibranium Claws are razor-sharp and can cut through almost anything, granting him a 18% chance on all attacks to inflict Bleed, dealing 15% of his Attack over 8 seconds.
    Against Bleed-immune champions, or champions that have an active Armor Up effect, T’Challa changes his tactics, and instead gains a 22% chance on all attacks to inflict Armor Break, reducing Armor Rating by 30% for 15 seconds.
    Developer Note: T’Challa’s Claws scratched Captain America’s shield. That’s enough for me to give him Armor Break. Additionally, this was the small way in which I wanted to represent T’Challa’s intellect in battle; switching tactics against different enemies.

    Heart-Shaped Herb

    The Heart-Shaped Herb is the source of T’Challa’s powers as the Black Panther, granting him incredible dexterity, stamina, and recovery.
    Whenever T’Challa uses the Dexterity mastery, he becomes Unstoppable for .75 seconds, allowing him to immediately Dash back in and counter the opponent’s attack.
    Developer Note: The intention is for you to dash back and then quickly dash back in; it would take skill, but it’ll allow you an additional combo. The same technique can be reversed if fighting against T’Challa, though it’ll likely take a little more skill.
    T’Challa’s enhanced stamina and physiology eliminates fatiguing chemicals in his muscles, reducing the potency and length of non-damaging debuffs by 50%.
    T’Challa’s enhanced healing capabilities purge damaging substances from his body faster than the average human, reducing the length of damaging debuffs by 30%.

    The sheer number of abilities he gets here is daunting. It speaks of a grab-bag design that probably needs to be simplified, but let's go through it.

    In this rebuild, he currently gets:
    • Bleed Immunity
    • Physical Resistance
    • Energy Resistance
    • Shock Vulnerability
    • Kinetic Nanite charges
    • Increased Attack Rating
    • Increased Critical Rating
    • The ability to Nullify Unstoppable Buffs
    • Glancing
    • Purify
    • Stun
    • Concussion
    • Power Drain
    • Automatic Energy Burst Damage (like Magik's Limbo)
    • Bleed Damage
    • Armor Break
    • Unstoppable
    • Non-Damaging Debuff reduction
    • Damaging Debuff reduction
    Whether the mechanics are good or not, this is far too much for any single Champion, and this is just the base kit. You've got 18 different abilities for him. You should pare this list down to about 5 (overall and at most; I don't explicitly count the Shock Vulnerability in there since it's a drawback). I'd recommend: bleed immunity, shock vulnerability, bleed damage/armor break, increased attack rating (on KNc) and increased critical rating (on KNc). The rest is overkill.

    Special Attacks

    Special Attack 1 - Panther’s Reflexes
    T’Challa shows his opponent exactly why he is called the “Black Panther”, demonstrating all the agility and strength of his namesake!

    Animation Rework: T’Challa makes the same two quick slashes that he does in his current Special One, but then quickly leaps in the air while delivering an uppercut to the opponent’s jaw, and finally landing back on his feet.
    The first two strikes have a flat +25% chance to inflict either Bleed or Armor Break.
    If T’Challa is Kinetically Charged when he uses this attack, he expends all of his Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal an extra burst of 15% of his Attack in Physical Damage for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended on the last hit.
    Additionally, T’Challa inflicts Armor Break for 2 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended, reducing Armor Rating by 80%.

    If there's a flat chance to inflict Bleed or Armor Break, then it should be listed without the plus. Otherwise, the KNc abilities are way too powerful. If he's got 19 KNc (the max he can have before auto-blasting), he's getting +285% Attack on the last hit and Armor Breaking for 38 seconds, reducing Armor by 80%. It should be a flat-reduction (probably something in the 200-500 range), and if you want to tie it to KNc, then it should be 0.5 seconds per KNc at most. That would be a 9.5 second Armor Break, which is plenty of time on SP1.

    Special Attack 2 - Strength of the Ancestors
    T’Challa calls upon the strength of all those who came before him, then delivers swift retribution to his opponent.

    T’Challa gains an additional +15% Attack Rating for every Kinetic Nanite charge he has during this attack.
    Developer Note: Unlike other special attacks, the SP2 doesn’t actually expend Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse. The increased attack rating should allow you to get a good bleed on against champions that Bleed while also letting you build up more Kinetic Nanites or Power Drain the opponent if you so wish.
    On the final strike of this attack, T’Challa inflicts Bleed, dealing 80% of his Attack over 15 seconds.

    This suffers from the same problems as SP1, but amplified since KNc are not expended.

    Special Attack 3 - Wakanda Forever!
    T’Challa delivers several quick strikes to his opponent, before putting every bit of his martial arts expertise to good use, for the good of Wakanda.

    Animation Rework: The Special Three should look basically the same as it does currently, but a few more of those Martial Arts strikes should be added, and instead of kicking his enemy to the ground, he should generate a purple burst of energy like he does in Black Panther. More importantly, however, when T’Challa flips back and poses at the end of the SP3, he should make the now-iconic Wakanda Forever crossed-arms salute. Give me one good reason why not.

    The Vibranium Claws slashes have a flat +50% chance to inflict either Bleed or Armor Break.
    T’Challa expends all of his Kinetic Nanite charges in a Kinetic Energy Pulse to deal an extra burst of 25% of his Attack Physical Damage for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended.
    Additionally, T’Challa inflicts Petrify for 3 seconds for every Kinetic Nanite charge expended, reducing the effectiveness of Power Gain and Regeneration by 30%.
    Developer Note: To be honest, as far as the Kinetic Energy Pulse debuff...I got nothing. Petrify was the last solid debuff that I hadn’t yet used, so I kind of just threw it on there. At maximum Kinetic Nanites, the Petrify will last 60 seconds, though, so it’s not reliable, but you can get some Power Gain and Regen reduction off of it.

    The KNc dealing burst damage is, again, too much. You'd be dealing the regular Burst Damage from KNc being expended, plus an additional 25%, and then you slather on (sorry, but at this point, the overkill is way too extra) an extremely long-lasting Petrify (up to 57 seconds). I would despise fighting against this.

    By the time I got to the synergies, I was kind of exhausted by everything else.

    The concepts are interesting, and could be fun, but the way this Champion has been overclocked would make him one that most players honestly would throw down the game and quit over. I don't mean that to sound harsh, but it's quite likely true. It needs to be toned way down.

    Best wishes!
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    Thanks for all the feedback. I do realize that I might have been...OK, a lot excited to write this. I took some feedback into account and updated my doc, though he's probably still broken (I toned down a lot of the numbers...should have done the math). That point about AW Defense node 54 was probably a good point, buuuuut....I'm an allianceless player so I don't have much knowledge about that part of the game anymore. I'm also not that well versed in other synergies involving the character and how to word the descriptions and everything. What I do have is an excess of creativity, and I'd love to read/write more of these. Thanks again, everyone.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Bodhizen said:


    By the time I got to the synergies, I was kind of exhausted by everything else.

    The concepts are interesting, and could be fun, but the way this Champion has been overclocked would make him one that most players honestly would throw down the game and quit over. I don't mean that to sound harsh, but it's quite likely true. It needs to be toned way down.

    Best wishes!

    I concur with everything @Bodhizen stated. I do hope the all to negative comments do not discourage you too much, @HeroBoltsy. Suggesting a rework isn't an easy feat and there are a lot of pitfalls. I imagine you've so many great ideas and you all wish to add this to this wonderful but sadly underpowered champion. Before you know it, the ability description reads like a telephone book, people are overwhelmed by all its possibilities and OP lurks around the corner.

    So let me give some advice, or at least, tell how I usually start building a suggestion.

    I start from one basic presumption: regardless which champion, how meme he or she is, the developers didn't do a terrible job. A bad one, yes, otherwise you wouldn't make a suggestion, but no champion is beyond salvation. Nobody gets offended by that.

    I think it is easier to make a good suggestion to start from the existing champion. Starting from scratch is a lot harder, both in terms of time and resources. It requires an extensive beta and probably months of coding. Animation changes are even harder. A proposition is more likely to get attention if it is minor, swift to make and with low costs. Think like a corporation.

    In this spirit, avoid making entire new mechanics. It is not that you can't make those, but for a rework they will not be used anyway. If you do make a new mechanic (like a new buff or debuff), make it relatively easy to implement, tie it to existing mechanics and argument why it is necessary. The surest way is a mechanic that will disrupt the meta, like She-Hulk's slow debuffs.

    Stay true to the champion. People assume this means replicate the comics, but the comics are not suited for game mechanics. Champions are classified in classes, types (offensive, defensive, control) and subtypes (DoT, tank, guard, counter, utility,...). Keep that in mind. Don't make a champion that is effective against the advantageous class, that breaks the game. For instant, it is expected from skill champions to bleed or crit, to shrug off debuffs to counter science champions but not to heal block so they don't interfere with mutant's regen. BPCW is a #defensive: guard champion. This means he sacrifices offence for defence (which is btw no reason to make him entirely rubbish in offence, imo). This sets the parameters which you operate from.

    Now read the ability description of the champion. What is the central mechanic of the champion? In BPCW's case, it is his vibranium armor. His mechanic is to build up Armor Ups who can do lots of interesting things like enter in a reflective state or return stuns. But what is exactly the issue with it? Well, he only gains those when attacked, and on offence you try to avoid that. 60% chance is high, but for well-timed blocks it means little over half your parries will succeed in getting an armor up. On top of that, those can easily be dispensed with by nullifying or breaking. He has no bleed but his sp1 and his sp2's damage is thrash when your full health, actually punishing you for staying alive. His sp3 stun is with 75% common but not guaranteed. Getting the diagnosis correct is the first important step.

    Then you can start thinking about what to change. Look for inspiration to other champions. Change his armor up mechanic into something similar to IMIW's molecular armor passives? Or add kinetic charges like CAIW? Or both?Regardless, make sure that the champion works with the the most important game style: parrying. If the passive vibranium armor ups or kinetic charges are not able to be reliably gained through parrying, it is done. However, do keep the option open to gain them through other, more offensive means, in case of stun immunity.

    Now, if your foundations are sound, start building up there. Here lies the danger: giving the champion too much. Choosing is losing, but it can't be all. Pick some interesting things but minimise it to three or four. BPCW can have vibranium armor up passives which increase armor rating, convert debuffs into armor ups, drain some of the power gained by the opponent when striking and being struck, and add it to himself and reflect stuns for an armor up. Make it that attacking grants a minor chance to gain vibranium armor, but getting attacked grants a higher chance. WTB should give a guaranteed chance. Increase chances when health drops down. Armor break removes vibranium armor as usual. Add a regular bleed-through-crit mechanic.

    Now the sp1, give it a bleed as today but also increase its critical hit rating and damage with every stack of bleed.
    The sp2 should stay the same, but add that every armor up converts its armor rating into special attack damage, consuming it all. Every stack of armor also converts into an armor break.
    The sp3 should be a combination of previous two, giving a hemorrhage who lasts very long with a small bleed, an armor shatter like Medusa and a stun who's duration depends on the amount of armor ups consumed.

    Give his sig something that adds to the character, but does not determine the character. You must imagine getting BPCW as a 5* or 6*, and you'll have him unawakened for quite some time. For instant, BPCW gains kinetic reflective charges, the amount gained depends on how damage is reduced either by blocking and/or struck by armor rating. So 60% damage reduced means 6 charges, all the way to max 100. Give those charges nice extra effects, like the power drained & stolen is instead burned for X% damage per charge. Increase the potency of the bleed and armor break effects of the sp's. Stun effects could either petrify (reducing power gain & regen) or pacify (reducing ability accuracy). Give him some block break resistance per armor up like current sig. By deploying a special attack, charges are consumed and deal direct damage equal to 1% attack rating per charge. That's interesting to have and definitely might worth awakening him with a gem, but he is pretty good without it.

    One last thing: keep synergies in mind. The Killmonger synergy needs a change, by for instant starting the fight with three vibranium armor up passives. The IMIW synergy however is perfect and fits well with the new changes.

    Hopefully these tips are helpful to you.
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    Thanks for the tips, @Colonaut123 . They make a lot of sense, and I'll definitely keep them in mind in the future.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★

    Thanks for all the feedback. I do realize that I might have been...OK, a lot excited to write this. I took some feedback into account and updated my doc, though he's probably still broken (I toned down a lot of the numbers...should have done the math). That point about AW Defense node 54 was probably a good point, buuuuut....I'm an allianceless player so I don't have much knowledge about that part of the game anymore. I'm also not that well versed in other synergies involving the character and how to word the descriptions and everything. What I do have is an excess of creativity, and I'd love to read/write more of these. Thanks again, everyone.

    I took a look at your modifications on your Google Doc, but he's still way overclocked. Just take for example the Power Drain. He only needs 3 Kinetic Nanite charges (KNc) to completely Power Drain his opponent, and he can have up to 20. That means that he's draining up to 800% of his opponent's power, which isn't even possible. The fact that absolutely nothing that make him dip below 4 KNc is also poor design. It means that when he blows off his burst damage, he automatically goes back down to 4 KNc... So really, he's capping out at 16, since he gets 4 automatically once he expends them all. On top of that, you finish a combo with a light attack, and you expend up to 20 KNc to deal up to +100% of his attack as free bonus damage. I'm sorry, but this is not good design.

    Look at it this way... Let's say that his Attack is no different than it is now; 1,172. If I have 20 KNc, based upon the abilities as written, I get +5% attack per KNc (so, +1,172 Attack) and +7.5% Crit Rating (originally 598, increased by 150% for a total of 1,495 Crit Rating). If his burst goes off, he automatically deals 80% of his Attack Rating in damage to his opponent, or 1,875 instant damage. I don't even have to attack; I can just execute well-timed blocks to deal this damage. Since Black Panther (Civil War) only has 17,787 hit points when maxed out, if I do absolutely nothing other than execute 45 well-timed blocks (or fewer, as I'd presumably take some damage and gain some free KNc for taking damage), my opponent dies. I don't have to do anything else, and that doesn't take into account his increased propensity to land crits, and it doesn't take into account that I've Power Drained my opponent 9 times for a grand total of 7200% of my opponent's total power meter. This is a 100% defensive way to play, and my opponent is dead and hasn't been able to gain Power.

    Now if I execute a combo that ends in a light attack instead of waiting for the burst damage to go off, I'm throwing 2,344 damage (before crits) and popping off an Armor Break that reduces my opponent's Armor Rating by 4,000 (200/KNc) for 15 seconds. I can kill off another Black Panther (Civil War) by pulling this trick less than 8 times (as it doesn't take into account the damage from the combo at all), and that's all without the benefit of the Armor Break. This is a very weakly offensive way to play, and I'm still crushing my opposition.

    This is all a part of your base kit.

    Now, fight against that.

    If I were to give you a ballpark as to how overclocked he is, I'd suggest that he's at 1000% in his base kit alone and needs to be brought down to 100%. That doesn't even take into account his Special Attacks, synergies, or Signature Ability. The fact that you boost him up with KNc is fine, but they're way too easy to get, there's virtually no way to remove them, and the benefits you get for having and using each one are way too high.

    Best wishes!
  • ThatGrootGrootThatGrootGroot Member Posts: 427 ★★
    edited March 2019
    Because the mods closed my other post, here's another plea to buff Iron Fist. He has limited abilities and nearly zero value in the game in its current state. I present to you, Exhibit A. This is a duped r1 5*.

  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed


    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    Taskmaster is an all-round well designed champion. I like his Exploit Weakness mechanic very much. But there are some issues.

    The first one is his Photographic Reflexes. Its effects are invisible, making it hard to know if they help or not. I also believe it is unnecessarily complicated, splitting it into unique attacks (which attacks? how many?) made by Taskmaster which reduces defensive AA and unique attacks made by the opponent which reduces offensive AA and increases Taskmaster's perfect block chance by 10%. These two are reset when struck. Now, in a fight I don't have the time to track all these attacks and second guess how much AAR I accomplished in order to time certain things (for instant, pushing Magik over a bar of power in the hope her Limbo doesn't trigger).

    The second one is Learn the Foe. It takes 10 debuffs for Taskmaster to become fully immune. This is a lot. In case of DoT's, you'll be dead before you achieve that. It is an ability that doesn't benefit me in a fight.

    The third one is the special attacks. These are most effective when you can stack up debuffs on the opponent. Only, Taskmaster doesn't have a debuff by his own. Yes, you've the concussion debuffs but these are only available when awakened. Tough luck getting that when you pull him as a 5* or 6*. This makes him absolute thrash when unawakened. Yeah, you've parry and resonate, but no champion should rely on masteries to be decent.

    The biggest issue with Taskmaster is that he requires a lot of work. The heavy attacks to keep the Exploit Weakness reset, keeping up the pace so you can work towards the 'superconcussion',... There are skill champions who do not require so much work to reduce ability accuracy and gain damage (Crossbones, Blade, Black Widow). On top of that, you need to bait specials and with some bad luck, your hard work simply expires. Not many people find Taskmaster a good champion even though he has great utility.

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    First of all, simplify Photographic Reflexes. Every Unique Attack (light, medium, charging a heavy, dash and non-hitting or blocked special attack) that Taskmaster or the opponent performs, applies a concussion passive to the opponent, reducing ability accuracy by 10%, while simultaneously placing a perfect block chance passive on Taskmaster increasing perfect block chance by 10%. These concussion passives count as a debuff for the special attacks. This solves the problem for the special attacks as it gives Taskmaster his own debuffs without sig, without devaluing the sig. I however did make it into a passive debuff, so these concussion debuffs cannot be shrugged off. To balance, these effects are lost when Taskmaster is knocked-down by either a special attack or a heavy attack.

    A new addition is that due to his photographic reflexes, Taskmaster can auto-block. The chance of this happening is tied to his perfect block chance in a 1:1 relation. So this chance should be 50% with all perfect block chance passives. As an attacker, you only need to use a heavy attack or land a special attack to knock down Taskmaster to avoid getting auto-blocked.

    Second of all, Learn The Foe lowers the potency of debuffs by 20%, so immunity is reached at 5 instead of 10. However, non-DoT debuffs can get a negative potency (e.g. effect reversal) up and until -100%. For instant, a Fatigue debuff is still applied on Taskmaster, but it increases his critical rating rather than decreasing it. This way, he can still get debuffs on him to increase the damage of his special attacks. This is only for non-DoT debuffs, as mutants use frequently bleeds and it is already punishing enough he can become bleed immune without actually letting bleeds heal him (which would be odd anyway). A new addition would be for Taskmaster to be immune to the effects of heal block , fate seal and power lock (as those have no potencies that can be lowered or reversed). Willpower would become a great mastery!

    With the five concussion passives and the five concussion debuffs from the sig, it will become possible for special attacks to deal a lot more damage. This is necessary with the current evolving meta. who is able to hit so much higher.

    One last mechanic needs to be added and it is what I call 'residual concussion'. Every time a concussion debuff or passive expires or is removed from the opponent, the opponent gets a residual concussion passive charge. This residual concussion reduces ability accuracy by 2.5% and counts only as 1/10th of a debuff for the extra damage of the special attacks. Every charge also increases the chance for exploit weakness to become unblockable and unstoppable by 2.5%. After 40 concussions, ability accuracy is permanently reduced by 100% and exploit weaknesses become unblockable and unstoppable, regardless of the concussion debuffs. This is a mechanic for long fights.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019

    One last mechanic needs to be added and it is what I call 'residual concussion'. Every time a concussion debuff or passive expires or is removed from the opponent, the opponent gets a residual concussion passive charge. This residual concussion reduces ability accuracy by 2.5% and counts only as 1/10th of a debuff for the extra damage of the special attacks. Every charge also increases the chance for exploit weakness to become unblockable and unstoppable by 2.5%. After 40 concussions, ability accuracy is permanently reduced by 100% and exploit weaknesses become unblockable and unstoppable, regardless of the concussion debuffs. This is a mechanic for long fights.

    After giving it a second thought, I realise the inadequacy of this suggestion. It punishes the skilful who can keep the concussion debuffs going and who don't slip up and get knocked-down while rewarding the clumsy. Let's rephrase it.

    Every time a Exploit Weakness has been a succes or a concussion debuff or passive expires or is removed, the opponent gains a residual concussion which reduces ability accuracy by 2% and counts as 1/10th of a debuff for the extra damage of the special attacks. The 'superconcussion' passive counts for 5. Every charge also increases the chance for exploit weakness to become unblockable and unstoppable for the duration of the hit by 2%. After 50 charges, ability accuracy is permanently reduced by 100% and exploit weaknesses become unblockable and unstoppable, regardless of the number of concussion debuffs.

    Because charges are easier to get, I decreased the AAR per charge. Fifty exploit weaknesses is quite a lot but not impossible. I don't think this mechanic will devalue the sig as 1) the sig gives AAR five times easier and 2) the sig enhances it by providing concussions. Still, just five of those charges would amount to having a permanent concussion debuff in AAR and half of a debuff in terms of damage. So even in short fights, it should be significant. But even in longer fights, fifty shouldn't be a total nightmare. The more charges you've, the higher the chance of getting it unblockable. As the WS synergy gives a flat 20% chance for exploit weakness to become unblockable, only 15 charges are required to give a fifty-fifty chance.
  • polalphapolalpha Member Posts: 17
    Magneto please, he's my favorite marvel character and one of the most powerful mutant. In the game he's useless.
  • SanctuaryRemixSanctuaryRemix Member Posts: 2
    So I've been very impressed with Kabam's efforts as of late in bringing back champs that were either roster fodder or the outright memes of shame in this game, and breathing new life in them and making them either viable champs for certain scenarios, powerhouses that now have to be feared, or just plain old fun and appreciated to use when played with the right player. This is what brings me to Gambit. He's a very popular character, but he didn't quite hit the mark as being a constant go to in the game, even when he dropped. People got him, added him to their rosters, and moved on.

    Now while he has shown that he can be useful in the most specific of circumstances, he's still relegated to most people's average tiers to this game and kept on the side as a character to use in arena. With many additions and innovations that this game has gone through, I think Gambit could be an easy buff for Kabam to take on since he doesn't need much and definitely doesn't need new animations because everything about his fighting style matches who he is and looks great. Here are my takes on what could very well make him more viable for use and become either a more dangerous champ to watch out for or at least more fun to use:

    First off he needs to be able to charge his cards uninterrupted. Nebula is an awesome example of being able to hold and charge up for her shocks without being interrupted in any capacity. Given that a core component of trying to make Gambit hit harder is to get off the stacks of charges and how much time and effort it takes just to get him built up with the threat that one combo could easily take away that work means that he shouldn't have to have so much against him in terms of build up. Take away the interruption of his charges, leave the fold mechanic to at least keep the skill aspect of not allowing him to get hit, and also take away the slow down of charges so he can build up well enough and already he's a good damage dealer with a much more reliable method of play.

    SP1 is great as is, don't touch it.

    SP2 should allow him to Enervate the opponent instead of the Concussion it places. This makes him far more competitive for using more offensively without beginning to be too OP. Given his nature, being able to fight opponents without feeding into them would give him a degree of Power Control, though obviously this falls in line with his skill aspect of not taking damage.

    SP3 should also drop the Paralyze it has since the time frame that it gives isn't really much in terms of doing anything in, and most players or nodes outright affect stun durations, which sometimes makes this rather flashy special useless. Instead allow it give him a long lasting rank scaling Cruelty buff starting at 15 seconds so that he can put out critical damage for a time in order to help end matches on or be more competitive for longer lasting matches to possibly get ahead with.

    As for his signature ability, since most of everything is being moved that this sort of helps with but really isn't much in regards to him, he should now have a signature worth awakening. I suggest that to start, his charge cards increase from 10 to 15 for 5 extra charges, thus allowing him to overdrive somewhat (see below for cards suggestions) and opens up his ability to self heal since he does have that ability to a degree. In order to heal, he should sacrifice Prowess Buffs, giving him a sig level scaling amount of health back for each buff used. In order to heal, he'd have to activate the Prowess as normal since he should still be able to keep that for a special nuke of sorts, but rather while Prowess Buffs are up, he's unable to charge new cards until tapped out of the Prowess Buffs. By dashing back and holding block for about 1.5 seconds he'll use up a buff for the amount of health specified, continuing to use up buffs each 1.5 seconds to heal. The heal doesn't have to be much with lower levels, working somewhat like Bishop, but making him an option to sink signature stones into him because the higher the level, the better the heal.

    The use of his charged cards should then be changed up a little bit given that while the added Ability Accuracy each charge gives pretty much means his specials will trigger their effects, trying to set up the Prowess special damage becomes much more of a chore given the small window of time. 10 seconds, other than immediately going into an SP3, doesn't give one the safe wiggle room to go in and safely hit with an SP1 or SP2 without sometimes messing up and making unnecessary mistakes. This is where things could be more interesting for him. Other than boosting the timer to cash in the cards into Prowess Buffs, now that he can reliably charge cards uninterrupted, you could also have him cash in off of specials as well.

    Rather than giving Ability Accuracy for charges, instead allow the charges to help boost his attack or critical (or both if Kabam is feeling generous in this regard) rating to a degree, this way if you want to play for raw damage output without using the cards, this could be a great option for him. Remember, we're keeping the Fold mechanic, so he still needs to be played with some skill. Not only that, but the cash ins could be used as such: SP1 Stun chance goes up to 95% using 3 charges if available; SP2 steals active buffs on the opponent (got to be on your toes around this thief!) using 5 charges if available; SP3 Cruelty Buff is extended to 25 seconds and gains a True Strike buff for 15 seconds if there are at least 8 charges available; Prowess Buffs still can be activated off a heavy whenever any charges are up, working the same, just lasting hopefully now up to 15 seconds so he has a bit more room to set up any big special damage he wants to do.

    Keep his flak jacket mechanic but instead of it being modified, let it stand at 25% health before lost so it's in the middle of his unawakened/awakened percentage and you at least know he can take a hit and less bleed for the first quarter of his health.

    Now I'm sure people will be asking why did I add the heal and true strike in there. Well for starters Gambit is capable of healing himself in a small capacity ever since he dealt with his New Son version. His healing is based on his power itself and isn't so much ingrained like Wolverine's healing factor, which is why I tied it to him having to put a lot of effort into getting to that point. Since he can charge cards without interruption, he'd have to set up the Prowess Buffs and then charge the heals, hence it'd be a bit of work, but it'd fit him and make it a little bit of a nice option to have to help him out, especially since the heal would be based on signature level. The True Strike would be a thing from his tarot moments when he was blind. It's more of a nod to his history at that point and as stated, it'd have to come off of a SP3 with a high amount of charges. A viable option in comparison to others out there? Maybe, but it's a bit more added flair to him that could help him turn the tide of a match when fighting evade or auto block opponents while having to build up to that point.

    Finally his synergies would have to be buffed as well. Leaving the ones he has, here are three additional ones that he could get with others that have been added:

    Mr and Mrs LeBeau - Rogue
    Gambit starts the fight with 5 charges and his True Strike buff active
    Rogue's life steal and power steal are increased by 10%

    Favor's Owed - Mister Sinister
    Gambit gains Stun resist while his Flak Armor is still active, decreasing stun time by 50%
    Mister Sinister places Power Leech at the start of the fight

    Witness the Future - Bishop
    Gambit's Prowess Buffs now do 25% special damage each
    Bishop can now hold up to 40 stacks of Prowess before going into Overload

    What do you all think? I think this would make him more of an offensive powerhouse, meant to go in for a fight and try to end quickly and pay more homage to the character's history without making too overbearingly powerful. He won't counter anyone exactly which makes him a great option to use in any fight with better options and modes to use him in.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed


    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    I think Colossus does not require an introduction. His status as meme champion speaks volume. The strongest X-Men is a laughing stock. His new synergies with Emma Frost and Omega Red changed nothing.

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    For starters: change his Armor Up buffs to passives. No nullify cheats!

    I would largely keep current stats but change some chances. When attacked, differentiate between being struck, hitting a block and hitting a Well-Timed Block. I would keep current 10% for being struck, but increase it to 50% for being blocked and to 150% with Well-Timed Blocks. This is mainly to reduce passive ability accuracy reduction abilities common to skill champions (Taskmaster, Black Widow, Crossbones). He currently already gets one Armor Up with a WTB from his synergy with Omega Red, he either gets two or that part of the synergy is removed.

    Change the current passive layer of armor to a visible Metal Armor passive that functions similar to Iceman's Ice Armor. It breaks when Colossus gets struck for more than 5% of his max health, when he gets stunned or when an Armor Break hits him (however, the regular Armor Up passives take precedence). This Metal Armor recovers itself after some time just like Ice Armor.

    Add some more immunities. On top of his bleed immunity, add a incinerate and shock immunity. Colossus is hard-headed and is immune to concussion or daze debuffs.

    Colossus has 30% chance to Bruise on his basic hits. A Bruise debuff combines the effects of a bleed, dealing 90% direct damage, and an Armor Break debuff, removing an Armor Up and decreasing armor rating by the same amount as Medusa's Armor Breaks. Bruise debuffs last 10 seconds.

    However, because bruises are a form of internal bleeding, Naturally Bleed Immunity does not apply. Abilities that would trigger when bled (Abomination's poison, Cable's degen and Omega Red's Death Field) do not trigger on Bruise. As a Bruise debuff counts as an Armor Break, it breaks Emma Frost diamond form. As a Bruise debuff counts as a bleed, it is affected by Deep Wounds. Short said: Bruise has all the advantages of bleed and Armor Break, but none of the disadvantages.

    Stun effects of Colossus have a Pacify effect, reducing ability accuracy by 70% for the duration of the stun. This ties nicely with the Pacify mastery, when fully maxed-out parries reduce ability accuracy by 100%. Against stunned opponents, his critical rating increases by like 750, this is necessary as his base critical rating is quite low. When Colossus uses a heavy attack while stunned, the stun is converted to a Concussion debuff reducing ability accuracy by 35% for 10 seconds. Opponents under the effect of a Concussion cannot activate Inverted Controls (another counter to Emma Frost). It also refreshes the duration of one Bruise debuff.

    Special attacks keep the mechanic of increasing (or decreasing) special attack damage based on armor rating, although it might better be reduced from 130% to 100% for balancing purposes. However, all of those special attacks also have a chance to stun. The SP1 has a 70% chance to stun for 1.5 seconds, the SP2 has a 45% chance to stun per hit for 2.1 seconds and the SP3 has a 100% chance to stun for 3 seconds.

    Every special attack consumes two Bruise debuffs for one Fracture passive that has the same effect but last 5 seconds. Fracture passives are refreshed every time Colossus hits with a basic attack. He can only stack a max of five Fracture passives. Fracture passives reduce the chance of triggering an Armor Up by 20%, when five Fracture passives are reached, they reduce it by 100%.

    The sp3 halves the costs of converting Bruises and Armor Ups (see the sig) and inflicts a Concussion that reduces ability accuracy by 35% for 20 seconds on top of the stun.

    The sig ability gets a huge change. As his skin shapes and strengthens to his will with no limit, Colossus gets the ability to convert two Armor Ups into one permanent Armor Up with the same attributes when he uses a special attack. This stacks to maximum 10, which then converts to an Indestructible passive that prevents Colossus from taking damage for 7.5 seconds while simultaneously counting as 10 Armor Ups for the special attack damage. He cannot activate Armor Up passives when he's indestructible, but he also cannot be Armor Shattered (beat that, Medusa!). After it expires, it goes to a cooldown for minimally 30 seconds.

    He still keeps his current mega-Armor Up, the chances are however boosted to 10% and is both when attacked and when attacking. The duration of this mega-AU is the double of his regular Armor-Ups. It does not stack but it is refreshed. It gets a separate icon. While the mega-AU is active, his Armor Up passives have a chance to resist an Armor Break, for up to 25% (stacks) per passive (mega-AU excluded). He also gets a 25% chance to resist a block break and unblockable attacks per Armor Up.

    Lastly, there are two changes to his synergies.
    • With Wolverine or Old Man Logan, Colossus activates the Fastball Special. Colossus special attacks becomes Unblockable. The base duration (and damage) of bleed debuffs of Wolverine are doubled. Old Man Logan gets a 10% chance when attacking or when attacked to snap and convert his Pacifism charges to Fury and Cruelty buffs.
    • With Magik and Mister Sinister (maybe later his brother Mikhail?), Colossus activates the Rasputin Bloodline synergy. For Colossus, Armor Ups increase critical resistance by 200 and critical hits dealt to Colossus ignore 30% less armor per Armor Up. For Magik, nullifying the opponent's buffs deal 30% of her attack rating as direct damage (this stacks with the CAIW synergy). For Mister Sinister, the debuffs transferred are extended by 1 second.
    With these changes, Colossus gets bumped up from meme to god tier. He has two different play styles, either draining the opponent through his Bruises/Fractures or ramping-up special attack damage by his Armor-Ups. He has better control of these Armor-Ups and his sig allows the stacking of Armor-Ups. He also gets some sustainability from his mega-AU. His potency to reduce ability accuracy while simultaneously be resistent to it gives him some utility. Combined with his unique synergies, he might rival Ghost.
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