Should Kabam change Doctor Strange back to how he originally was?

KyboseKybose Member Posts: 5
edited November 2018 in Suggestions and Requests
For example he used to gain a little bit of health back every time he hit instead of only when he has the power gain buff active.

Should Kabam change Doctor Strange back to how he originally was? 195 votes

tlhJh_DezWhododo872DrZolaSnizzbarSkeleton777A_Noob_Is1KobaltWilljackson16Darkstar4387Hulk_77gr3nd3lOKAYGangThe_Greatest_OneJuancasilLosspikraja_sbelli300TheManMythLegendJank39 165 votes
ArcDeAngelusGroundedWisdomCoatHang3rTacoScottyHaji_SaabstakFoxhero007DOKTOROKTOPUSSceptilemaniacSpiderCoolsCupidDRTOCatswag59UlysseOdysseus75Grootman1294PaytoPlayEnderDraco58Maldroit2PlagueisBaneSNEER 30 votes


  • Six_strings6Six_strings6 Member Posts: 223 ★★
    He always only gained health back when under the power gain buff. However the way he gained it was different. Instead of regenning a flat rate he regenned a portion of the damage dealt
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    Kybose wrote: »
    For example he used to gain a little bit of health back every time he hit instead of only when he has the power gain buff active.

    post is inaccurate
  • KyboseKybose Member Posts: 5
    Sorry I couldn’t remember exactly how he used to be I just remember he used to heal more
  • NamelezNamelez Member Posts: 992 ★★★
    He would be the same as every other champ... God Tier and actually usable
  • BeginthEndBeginthEnd Member Posts: 334
    It is a bit ironic how Uber his lifesteal, all abilities really, were. When you Dorm to grant +70% additional lifesteal. Huge synergy. Just let em have that back at least.
  • Yagami9999Yagami9999 Member Posts: 152
    I forgot how to use him already
  • KattohSKattohS Member Posts: 728 ★★
    I remember hearing about Doctor Strange being a top champ when I just started playing.

    I finally got him and dup’d him. I was ecstatic to say the least. About a month after he was nerfed.
  • VulcanMVulcanM Member Posts: 664 ★★
    i used him all the time, he was my favorite before starlord came along. then they nerfed him.
  • VulcanMVulcanM Member Posts: 664 ★★
    VulcanM wrote: »
    i used him all the time, he was my favorite before starlord came along. then they nerfed him.

    have him at r4 still, never ranked him down, never ranked him up.
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  • edited November 2018
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  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    I don't believe it's even possible at this point. So many changes since. We have a new system. For that matter, it wasn't just the Life Steal. It was a combination of everything. Then there's the situation that he and a few other Champs created, that they're not likely willing to risk again.

    They've already recreated that situation with the Trinity. They dominate all aspects of game play, everyone ranks them up immediately when they pull them, sound familiar?

    Also, I'm not so sure Strange, or even SW and Thor would be all that effective against some of the new champs even in their old unnerfed states. There are several champs that could shrug off an l3 from OG Thor easily now, nothing like that existed when he was nerfed.
  • NguyenDauNguyenDau Member Posts: 248
    I wud´like to see DS back again but i doubt it cuz of the change of the game

    his Armor up was so powerfull that he cud block without taken dmg
    His Armor break was so powerfull that it cud deal massive dmg and stack 3 armor breaks,
    His lifesteal was so high u cud just use 1 sp2 and get almost all hp back.

    Altho i wud really like if kabam cud look into his Glory once again and change some of his abilities again.

    first of all change that power gain back.. 9 secs is just stupid
    Armor up.. like the game currently armor up u still take dmg but just less.
    Lifesteal from lower %.. instead of the flat XXX amount
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    OKAYGang wrote: »

    They've already recreated that situation with the Trinity. They dominate all aspects of game play, everyone ranks them up immediately when they pull them, sound familiar?

    Also, I'm not so sure Strange, or even SW and Thor would be all that effective against some of the new champs even in their old unnerfed states. There are several champs that could shrug off an l3 from OG Thor easily now, nothing like that existed when he was nerfed.

    The Trinity still doesn't compare to how those Champs used to operate. Nothing does, thanks to Flat Rate. As I said, some Champs are strong in some ways, but they're far from unstoppable. They don't dominate all aspects of the game. The Trinity dominates War, but even that has its shortcomings. Not so good without that Bleed. Take away the Synergy and the Champs aren't as powerful. Their strengths are conditional. They have weaknesses and counters.
    It has very little to do with how they compare with other Champs, and more to do with how they functioned to begin with. Their mechanics bypassed content through simple Mathematics.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★

    I don't see how old Dr. Strange would fit this description. He had some amazing power gain, awesome regeneration with a mix of some great damage & buff removal. Aside from the Buff Removal... this sounds a lot like someone I know... Blade. If Blade isn't overpowered (and I don't believe he is in the slightest), why would old Dr. Strange be?

    When you isolate and minimize what he had, sure. When you add one plus one plus one, put'em together and what do you got? Bibbity bobbity boo. Lol.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,205 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    I've voted yes, although really my answer is: somewhere in between.

    I recognise @GroundedWisdom's points - he was overpowered and I can see why he was changed. However, I would argue that the team overshot their target.

    In Marvel parlance, they took Hulk, and turned him into Bruce Banner.

    Dr Strange used to be one of the most desirable, most powerful champions and became one of the least powerful, least desirable ones; all the more so because we remember his former greatness.

    Since 12.0, he's been totally superceded by champs such as Ghost Rider or Dr Voodoo, without needing the benefit of any synergies at all. Voodoo is the closest comparison, largely because he's (also) totally unreliable and not very effective if he isn't Awakened. The difference between the two is that DV's Sig enhances the ability accuracy of all his abilities and makes him awesome; whereas DS can't improve the poor ability accuracy or potency of his basic abilities.

    Compare Dr Strange's abilities as plain old 'Sorcerer Supreme' to his new iteration as Symbiote Supreme. Compare the ability accuracy he has on his SP2 - all his abilities have a meagre 50% chance to trigger, and are also weaker in potency than anything SS can do.

    Symbiote Supreme is the clearest possible demonstration both that Dr Strange desperately needs to be buffed, and also that he definitely won't be.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    As a 4* only he would be great exactly how he was, as a 5* the life steal and powergain might actually have been a bit OP and would probably make him the best standalone champ again, but not by much, they definitely way over nerfed him
  • Ekbizzell2Ekbizzell2 Member Posts: 27
    I didn’t have a doctor strange back when he was good but I used to fight him a little and boy gimme a break.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★

    The Trinity still doesn't compare to how those Champs used to operate. Nothing does, thanks to Flat Rate. As I said, some Champs are strong in some ways, but they're far from unstoppable. They don't dominate all aspects of the game. The Trinity dominates War, but even that has its shortcomings. Not so good without that Bleed. Take away the Synergy and the Champs aren't as powerful. Their strengths are conditional. They have weaknesses and counters.
    It has very little to do with how they compare with other Champs, and more to do with how they functioned to begin with. Their mechanics bypassed content through simple Mathematics.

    Blade dominates everything including LOL and especially with his synergies, remember Leadership? And the bleed nerf in war does not make him "not so good" it just adds a few hits to most fights, he still dominates from what I've seen. In some fights (like nodes with masochism) it actually makes him better. Other champs like Gwenpool and AA are much more affected by the bleed nerf. Try taking SW to LOL, even before 12.0 she wouldn't be very effective there. Now try Blade. I'd honestly love to see pre-nerf SW, DS, Thor against some of the OP defensive champs like Korg, Emma, etc in t1 wars as well. Thor is pretty useless against a super boosted Emma based her mechanics, I don't see the results being much different in that match up even if he was his pre nerfed self. Speaking of Emma, have you figured her out yet, lol? I remember seeing you being pretty vocally upset about her in those danger rooms.
  • Dj_mphDj_mph Member Posts: 72
    Look there is a reason that there is Not a 5* wolvie or Scarlet Witch! They would be to powerful. And would dominate the game even more than Blade.
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  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Dr. Strange may have been slightly over-powered at the time, but it did not warrant the heavy nerf that he got. If they reverted him back to as he was pre 12.0 I have no doubt he would not be over-powered compared to the new champs we have today. As @DrZola pointed out, we have champs like Ghost and Domino who do far more damage than Dr. Strange could ever dream of doing.
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