soooo many peeps complaining...
at the end of the day this content is in the same vein as ROL was, same vein as LOL is... something only the best of the best can do now and something for others to work towards....
check out my post to see the value of these gems when broken down into catalyst value.
it is insane.
it pusts into perspective just why it is so hard...
there is 22 cats worth of t2a alone here.
soooo many peeps complaining...
at the end of the day this content is in the same vein as ROL was, same vein as LOL is... something only the best of the best can do now and something for others to work towards....
check out my post to see the value of these gems when broken down into catalyst value.
it is insane.
it pusts into perspective just why it is so hard...
there is 22 cats worth of t2a alone here.
soooo many peeps complaining...
at the end of the day this content is in the same vein as ROL was, same vein as LOL is... something only the best of the best can do now and something for others to work towards....
check out my post to see the value of these gems when broken down into catalyst value.
it is insane.
it pusts into perspective just why it is so hard...
there is 22 cats worth of t2a alone here.
i havnt tried enough to comment on any potential bugs...
i was not directing this at those trying it and facing bugs...
it is directed at those who are complaining that it is too hard for their level...
i havnt tried enough to comment on any potential bugs...
i was not directing this at those trying it and facing bugs...
it is directed at those who are complaining that it is too hard for their level...
I haven't felt this invigorated to complete MCOC content in over a year. Labyrinth of Legends has nothing on this. The last time I put this kind of effort and concentration into completing MCOC content was when I explored Act 5.2 with 4/40s and Act 5.3 with 5/50s.
Thank you MCOC developers for making game content that takes massive amounts of strategy to conquer. If anyone's interested I'll be uploading all of my Chapter 1 runs to YouTube by tonight. It took me 100 units to explore Chapter 1 without using boosts, I needed a level 2 team revive for my final 1.3 run. That double IMIW Force of Will path is no joke.
i havnt tried enough to comment on any potential bugs...
i was not directing this at those trying it and facing bugs...
it is directed at those who are complaining that it is too hard for their level...
I haven't felt this invigorated to complete MCOC content in over a year. Labyrinth of Legends has nothing on this. The last time I put this kind of effort and concentration into completing MCOC content was when I explored Act 5.2 with 4/40s and Act 5.3 with 5/50s.
Thank you MCOC developers for making game content that takes massive amounts of strategy to conquer. If anyone's interested I'll be uploading all of my Chapter 1 runs to YouTube by tonight. It took me 100 units to explore Chapter 1 without using boosts, I needed a level 2 team revive for my final 1.3 run. That double IMIW Force of Will path is no joke.
100% agree! I love that this content is extremely difficult and permanent. I mean just look at how long people streamed for yesterday. BG streamed 8hrs and got just about 1 run done... this is content I think a lot of us are gonna be gradually working on for the next couple months, and I love that!
soooo many peeps complaining...
at the end of the day this content is in the same vein as ROL was, same vein as LOL is... something only the best of the best can do now and something for others to work towards....
check out my post to see the value of these gems when broken down into catalyst value.
it is insane.
it pusts into perspective just why it is so hard...
there is 22 cats worth of t2a alone here.
Slightly disagree with you. The stand alone point that these rewards are “insane” doesn’t hold much merit if people receive rank up gems they can’t use for a extra long period of time. Myself personally, and I know many others that held onto those rank up gems from 100% act 5 for 10ish months. The value of the rewards would be “insane” if it was pure resources that we could freely use on any champ.
I will feel sorry for the people that bust a nut on this quest just to pull a class rank up gem 4-5 for 5* on a class they don’t even have at r4 😂.
soooo many peeps complaining...
at the end of the day this content is in the same vein as ROL was, same vein as LOL is... something only the best of the best can do now and something for others to work towards....
check out my post to see the value of these gems when broken down into catalyst value.
it is insane.
it pusts into perspective just why it is so hard...
there is 22 cats worth of t2a alone here.
Slightly disagree with you. The stand alone point that these rewards are “insane” doesn’t hold much merit if people receive rank up gems they can’t use for a extra long period of time. Myself personally, and I know many others that held onto those rank up gems from 100% act 5 for 10ish months. The value of the rewards would be “insane” if it was pure resources that we could freely use on any champ.
I will feel sorry for the people that bust a nut on this quest just to pull a class rank up gem 4-5 for 5* on a class they don’t even have at r4 😂.
would be no different to recieving t4cc of a class you cant use for some time.....
only 3 of the gems are specific to 2015 champs.....
a rank up gem for a mystic champ is no diff to mystic t4cc....
lets be real here....
the value is insane it is well over 100 catalysts of value!!!!!!!!!
if they were pure resources of cats your inventory would not hold these amount alone let alone what you laready have resulting in these items going directly to your stash and potentially being forced to rank up champs you dont want to due to expiring resources. @Jaded
soooo many peeps complaining...
at the end of the day this content is in the same vein as ROL was, same vein as LOL is... something only the best of the best can do now and something for others to work towards....
check out my post to see the value of these gems when broken down into catalyst value.
it is insane.
it pusts into perspective just why it is so hard...
there is 22 cats worth of t2a alone here.
Slightly disagree with you. The stand alone point that these rewards are “insane” doesn’t hold much merit if people receive rank up gems they can’t use for a extra long period of time. Myself personally, and I know many others that held onto those rank up gems from 100% act 5 for 10ish months. The value of the rewards would be “insane” if it was pure resources that we could freely use on any champ.
I will feel sorry for the people that bust a nut on this quest just to pull a class rank up gem 4-5 for 5* on a class they don’t even have at r4 😂.
would be no different to recieving t4cc of a class you cant use for some time.....
only 3 of the gems are specific to 2015 champs.....
a rank up gem for a mystic champ is no diff to mystic t4cc....
lets be real here....
the value is insane it is well over 100 catalysts of value!!!!!!!!!
if they were pure resources of cats your inventory would not hold these amount alone let alone what you laready have resulting in these items going directly to your stash and potentially being forced to rank up champs you dont want to due to expiring resources. @Jaded
I could care less if t4cc went to my stash and I had to “exchange” them. I’m speaking directly to the t5bc and t2a that we don’t get to use freely. While of course the t2a would probably end up in the overflow that situation would easily be handled. Where as people could be stuck with rank up gems (more specifically the 3-4s or 4-5 one) for a extended amount of time after completing.
Again these aren’t “insane” rewards. Giving us the raw 22 t2a would be insane!
And of course I will 100% this quest FOR the rewards. But I fortunately know I’ll be stuck with rank up gems I can’t use for a long period of time.
also it is perspective.
i cannot say exactly how long it would take someone in a top tier ally to earn that ammount of resources.
but it would be quite some time.
the t5b would require the end of a war season or 2 alone.
the t2a would certainly take quite a while. maybe 3-4 months????
for me i have not done LOL or 100 % act 5 yet.
i am currently going through to get my elders bane as time allows. i have 100% 5.3.
so i know that in the almost 2 years i have been playing i have not seen 22 t2a yet. i have only only seen about 15.
i have not yet seen 2 t5b. i am just shy of my first r5.
31 t4cc is quite some time for me. my ally runs 5,4,3 aq daily.
so yes the rewards do hold different value for different peeps.
and they will become slightly less valuble over time.
but that is indiciative of game progression.
i cannot see any world which these resources are not insane and i know top tier players that agree 10000%
The Rich get richer and the poor get poorer. What a shame , I cant become uncollected, I need the rank ups.
Yep the rich get richer since this quest is temporary and you only have a short window to complete and don’t have the potential to get these rewards for yourself down the line. Oh wait....
@DTMelodicMetal I just finished my first run through of 2.2. I guess I'm unsure of what bug you were talking about. Was it against the final boss? I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.
@DTMelodicMetal I just finished my first run through of 2.2. I guess I'm unsure of what bug you were talking about. Was it against the final boss? I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.
The 2.2 Ultron Drone bug is non-robot poison immune attackers take shock damage that is intended to only affect robot attackers:
The 2.3 Ultron Drone bug is attackers take unavoidable damage when inflicted with a fatigue debuff, the unavoidable damage is intended to occur only when landing attacks after fatigue has been inflicted.
@DTMelodicMetal I just finished my first run through of 2.2. I guess I'm unsure of what bug you were talking about. Was it against the final boss? I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.
The 2.2 Ultron Drone bug is non-robot poison immune attackers take shock damage that is intended to only affect robot attackers:
The 2.3 Ultron Drone bug is attackers take unavoidable damage when inflicted with a fatigue debuff, the unavoidable damage is intended to occur only when landing attacks after fatigue has been inflicted.
Ah ok. That's kinda dumb. I almost took my Mephisto to r3 for that fight specifically. Glad I didn't now. Thanks for the heads up on 2.3... I'm guessing there's no real way around the unavoidable damage? Just got to power through it currently? Either way I can't continue until after war, so I'm good waiting.
Ah ok. That's kinda dumb. I almost took my Mephisto to r3 for that fight specifically. Glad I didn't now. Thanks for the heads up on 2.3... I'm guessing there's no real way around the unavoidable damage? Just got to power through it currently? Either way I can't continue until after war, so I'm good waiting.
Yes the only way to clear is 2.3 is overpower the bug with in-game resources
@DTMelodicMetal I just finished my first run through of 2.2. I guess I'm unsure of what bug you were talking about. Was it against the final boss? I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.
The 2.2 Ultron Drone bug is non-robot poison immune attackers take shock damage that is intended to only affect robot attackers:
The 2.3 Ultron Drone bug is attackers take unavoidable damage when inflicted with a fatigue debuff, the unavoidable damage is intended to occur only when landing attacks after fatigue has been inflicted.
Ah ok. That's kinda dumb. I almost took my Mephisto to r3 for that fight specifically. Glad I didn't now. Thanks for the heads up on 2.3... I'm guessing there's no real way around the unavoidable damage? Just got to power through it currently? Either way I can't continue until after war, so I'm good waiting.
Can't continue until after this war or the war in 6 months when they have made enough money off the bug.
My main issue with this event is either it's super easy with bad rewards for beginner or super hard for very good rewards for end game players. There is nothing for in between progressing players.
The Rich get richer and the poor get poorer. What a shame , I cant become uncollected, I need the rank ups.
Yep the rich get richer since this quest is temporary and you only have a short window to complete and don’t have the potential to get these rewards for yourself down the line. Oh wait....
And by the time you can actually get the rewards, end gamers will be so ahead you'll still be a mid tier gamer when new content comes
Well if you’re that far behind already, then there’s not much change is there? I don’t understand the argument that someone who’s been playing for a year should be able to catch up to someone playing for 4 years. Where’s the logic? People are at different points of the game. If you’re already behind the end game players you will probably always be at least slightly behind the end game players. Especially if you don’t spend like them. That’s just how it is.
I don't understand the logic behind end gamers believing good rewards should be dished out to them only. "You have LoL, rttl, rol, act 5, uc..etc". Yea so? These quests helped your rooster grow, the new one is going to help it grow even further but you feel like this new quest should only help your rooster grow even further. Why can't it also help mid tier gamers also grow? No one is asking for the same rewards as the varient quest. The argument that there's already content to help you grow is practically bs.
The Rich get richer and the poor get poorer. What a shame , I cant become uncollected, I need the rank ups.
Yep the rich get richer since this quest is temporary and you only have a short window to complete and don’t have the potential to get these rewards for yourself down the line. Oh wait....
And by the time you can actually get the rewards, end gamers will be so ahead you'll still be a mid tier gamer when new content comes
Well if you’re that far behind already, then there’s not much change is there? I don’t understand the argument that someone who’s been playing for a year should be able to catch up to someone playing for 4 years. Where’s the logic? People are at different points of the game. If you’re already behind the end game players you will probably always be at least slightly behind the end game players. Especially if you don’t spend like them. That’s just how it is.
I don't understand the logic behind end gamers believing good rewards should be dished out to them only. "You have LoL, rttl, rol, act 5, uc..etc". Yea so? These quests helped your rooster grow, the new one is going to help it grow even further but you feel like this new quest should only help your rooster grow even further. Why can't it also help mid tier gamers also grow? No one is asking for the same rewards as the varient quest. The argument that there's already content to help you grow is practically bs.
You do realize that there is plenty of other content focused on building the middle tier player's roster? Dungeons, Gwenpool Goes to the Movie, Symbiote quest last month. Champion Clash is coming later this month and will give the middle tier player t4cc, t4b, 4* awakening gem, 5* shards, 4* shards. It's not as if Kabam has alienated the middle tier players by releasing back issues... In fact it has been a very very long time since real challenging content has come out for the top players.
Most end game players took short cuts and wanted more content available before they completed all the content available during their pre end game run too. A lot of guys on high horses because y’all finally completed everything in the game except for maybe one piece of content
The Rich get richer and the poor get poorer. What a shame , I cant become uncollected, I need the rank ups.
Yep the rich get richer since this quest is temporary and you only have a short window to complete and don’t have the potential to get these rewards for yourself down the line. Oh wait....
And by the time you can actually get the rewards, end gamers will be so ahead you'll still be a mid tier gamer when new content comes
Well if you’re that far behind already, then there’s not much change is there? I don’t understand the argument that someone who’s been playing for a year should be able to catch up to someone playing for 4 years. Where’s the logic? People are at different points of the game. If you’re already behind the end game players you will probably always be at least slightly behind the end game players. Especially if you don’t spend like them. That’s just how it is.
I don't understand the logic behind end gamers believing good rewards should be dished out to them only. "You have LoL, rttl, rol, act 5, uc..etc". Yea so? These quests helped your rooster grow, the new one is going to help it grow even further but you feel like this new quest should only help your rooster grow even further. Why can't it also help mid tier gamers also grow? No one is asking for the same rewards as the varient quest. The argument that there's already content to help you grow is practically bs.
You do realize that there is plenty of other content focused on building the middle tier player's roster? Dungeons, Gwenpool Goes to the Movie, Symbiote quest last month. Champion Clash is coming later this month and will give the middle tier player t4cc, t4b, 4* awakening gem, 5* shards, 4* shards. It's not as if Kabam has alienated the middle tier players by releasing back issues... In fact it has been a very very long time since real challenging content has come out for the top players.
that same content you mentioned has helped endgame players as well right?
The Rich get richer and the poor get poorer. What a shame , I cant become uncollected, I need the rank ups.
Yep the rich get richer since this quest is temporary and you only have a short window to complete and don’t have the potential to get these rewards for yourself down the line. Oh wait....
And by the time you can actually get the rewards, end gamers will be so ahead you'll still be a mid tier gamer when new content comes
Well if you’re that far behind already, then there’s not much change is there? I don’t understand the argument that someone who’s been playing for a year should be able to catch up to someone playing for 4 years. Where’s the logic? People are at different points of the game. If you’re already behind the end game players you will probably always be at least slightly behind the end game players. Especially if you don’t spend like them. That’s just how it is.
I don't understand the logic behind end gamers believing good rewards should be dished out to them only. "You have LoL, rttl, rol, act 5, uc..etc". Yea so? These quests helped your rooster grow, the new one is going to help it grow even further but you feel like this new quest should only help your rooster grow even further. Why can't it also help mid tier gamers also grow? No one is asking for the same rewards as the varient quest. The argument that there's already content to help you grow is practically bs.
You do realize that there is plenty of other content focused on building the middle tier player's roster? Dungeons, Gwenpool Goes to the Movie, Symbiote quest last month. Champion Clash is coming later this month and will give the middle tier player t4cc, t4b, 4* awakening gem, 5* shards, 4* shards. It's not as if Kabam has alienated the middle tier players by releasing back issues... In fact it has been a very very long time since real challenging content has come out for the top players.
that same content you mentioned has helped endgame players as well right?
You can't have content only for middle tier players... It literally is not possible. Any content that a mid tier player has access to an endgame player will also have access to.
Most end game players took short cuts and wanted more content available before they completed all the content available during their pre end game run too. A lot of guys on high horses because y’all finally completed everything in the game except for maybe one piece of content
AW matchmaking manipulation tactics and using thousands of units’ worth of boosts for every AW are terrible preparation for variant difficulty. That’s still not a problem for players who clear endgame content with spending instead of skill.
Let’s take a trip way back in time! Back to a time where a maniacal machine was on the path to destroying the Battlerealm, but several courageous Champions and Summoners stopped his rampage! Introducing, Back Issue #1: Ultron’s Assault!
as stated above "Back Issue#1". It mean in future you will add "Back Issue #2" or #3 & continuous....
The Rich get richer and the poor get poorer. What a shame , I cant become uncollected, I need the rank ups.
Yep the rich get richer since this quest is temporary and you only have a short window to complete and don’t have the potential to get these rewards for yourself down the line. Oh wait....
And by the time you can actually get the rewards, end gamers will be so ahead you'll still be a mid tier gamer when new content comes
Well if you’re that far behind already, then there’s not much change is there? I don’t understand the argument that someone who’s been playing for a year should be able to catch up to someone playing for 4 years. Where’s the logic? People are at different points of the game. If you’re already behind the end game players you will probably always be at least slightly behind the end game players. Especially if you don’t spend like them. That’s just how it is.
I don't understand the logic behind end gamers believing good rewards should be dished out to them only. "You have LoL, rttl, rol, act 5, uc..etc". Yea so? These quests helped your rooster grow, the new one is going to help it grow even further but you feel like this new quest should only help your rooster grow even further. Why can't it also help mid tier gamers also grow? No one is asking for the same rewards as the varient quest. The argument that there's already content to help you grow is practically bs.
Every end game player took exactly that route to get where they are. Why are you special? Why do you get shortcuts to catch up? Your argument is bs and you can take the practically out of it.
Do you realize that by providing a mid tier difficulty, end gamers can also participate and get the rewards. So considering this how on earth would mid tier gamers catch up? Your reasoning is flawed and my argument still stands
The Rich get richer and the poor get poorer. What a shame , I cant become uncollected, I need the rank ups.
Yep the rich get richer since this quest is temporary and you only have a short window to complete and don’t have the potential to get these rewards for yourself down the line. Oh wait....
And by the time you can actually get the rewards, end gamers will be so ahead you'll still be a mid tier gamer when new content comes
Well if you’re that far behind already, then there’s not much change is there? I don’t understand the argument that someone who’s been playing for a year should be able to catch up to someone playing for 4 years. Where’s the logic? People are at different points of the game. If you’re already behind the end game players you will probably always be at least slightly behind the end game players. Especially if you don’t spend like them. That’s just how it is.
I don't understand the logic behind end gamers believing good rewards should be dished out to them only. "You have LoL, rttl, rol, act 5, uc..etc". Yea so? These quests helped your rooster grow, the new one is going to help it grow even further but you feel like this new quest should only help your rooster grow even further. Why can't it also help mid tier gamers also grow? No one is asking for the same rewards as the varient quest. The argument that there's already content to help you grow is practically bs.
You do realize that there is plenty of other content focused on building the middle tier player's roster? Dungeons, Gwenpool Goes to the Movie, Symbiote quest last month. Champion Clash is coming later this month and will give the middle tier player t4cc, t4b, 4* awakening gem, 5* shards, 4* shards. It's not as if Kabam has alienated the middle tier players by releasing back issues... In fact it has been a very very long time since real challenging content has come out for the top players.
Nobody complained that kabam released difficult, challenging content. The issue here is the fact that they are catering to only two tiers of gamers in mcoc. Another issue is one of these tiers doesn't like the idea that the mid tier should also be catered for. No one is saying make the quest less hard but also keep the rewards the same. No not at all. And end gamers only bring the argument "there's already other content available.." etc we get it. But that content is also available to you, introducing mid tier content will also make it available to you. There is no way a mid tier difficulty will suddenly turn a mid tier gamer to an end gamer like that and it seems most fail to see that.
No bugs, no problems. Waiting for the Chapter 2 bosses to get fixed before continuing, more time to grind ROL for potions.
at the end of the day this content is in the same vein as ROL was, same vein as LOL is... something only the best of the best can do now and something for others to work towards....
check out my post to see the value of these gems when broken down into catalyst value.
it is insane.
it pusts into perspective just why it is so hard...
there is 22 cats worth of t2a alone here.
I'll agree with @MrMaat once the bugs get fixed
i havnt tried enough to comment on any potential bugs...
i was not directing this at those trying it and facing bugs...
it is directed at those who are complaining that it is too hard for their level...
I haven't felt this invigorated to complete MCOC content in over a year. Labyrinth of Legends has nothing on this. The last time I put this kind of effort and concentration into completing MCOC content was when I explored Act 5.2 with 4/40s and Act 5.3 with 5/50s.
Thank you MCOC developers for making game content that takes massive amounts of strategy to conquer. If anyone's interested I'll be uploading all of my Chapter 1 runs to YouTube by tonight. It took me 100 units to explore Chapter 1 without using boosts, I needed a level 2 team revive for my final 1.3 run. That double IMIW Force of Will path is no joke.
100% agree! I love that this content is extremely difficult and permanent. I mean just look at how long people streamed for yesterday. BG streamed 8hrs and got just about 1 run done... this is content I think a lot of us are gonna be gradually working on for the next couple months, and I love that!
Slightly disagree with you. The stand alone point that these rewards are “insane” doesn’t hold much merit if people receive rank up gems they can’t use for a extra long period of time. Myself personally, and I know many others that held onto those rank up gems from 100% act 5 for 10ish months. The value of the rewards would be “insane” if it was pure resources that we could freely use on any champ.
I will feel sorry for the people that bust a nut on this quest just to pull a class rank up gem 4-5 for 5* on a class they don’t even have at r4 😂.
would be no different to recieving t4cc of a class you cant use for some time.....
only 3 of the gems are specific to 2015 champs.....
a rank up gem for a mystic champ is no diff to mystic t4cc....
lets be real here....
the value is insane it is well over 100 catalysts of value!!!!!!!!!
if they were pure resources of cats your inventory would not hold these amount alone let alone what you laready have resulting in these items going directly to your stash and potentially being forced to rank up champs you dont want to due to expiring resources.
I could care less if t4cc went to my stash and I had to “exchange” them. I’m speaking directly to the t5bc and t2a that we don’t get to use freely. While of course the t2a would probably end up in the overflow that situation would easily be handled. Where as people could be stuck with rank up gems (more specifically the 3-4s or 4-5 one) for a extended amount of time after completing.
Again these aren’t “insane” rewards. Giving us the raw 22 t2a would be insane!
And of course I will 100% this quest FOR the rewards. But I fortunately know I’ll be stuck with rank up gems I can’t use for a long period of time.
i cannot say exactly how long it would take someone in a top tier ally to earn that ammount of resources.
but it would be quite some time.
the t5b would require the end of a war season or 2 alone.
the t2a would certainly take quite a while. maybe 3-4 months????
for me i have not done LOL or 100 % act 5 yet.
i am currently going through to get my elders bane as time allows. i have 100% 5.3.
so i know that in the almost 2 years i have been playing i have not seen 22 t2a yet. i have only only seen about 15.
i have not yet seen 2 t5b. i am just shy of my first r5.
31 t4cc is quite some time for me. my ally runs 5,4,3 aq daily.
so yes the rewards do hold different value for different peeps.
and they will become slightly less valuble over time.
but that is indiciative of game progression.
i cannot see any world which these resources are not insane and i know top tier players that agree 10000%
You have forever to complete it, it's permanent.
The 2.2 Ultron Drone bug is non-robot poison immune attackers take shock damage that is intended to only affect robot attackers:
The 2.3 Ultron Drone bug is attackers take unavoidable damage when inflicted with a fatigue debuff, the unavoidable damage is intended to occur only when landing attacks after fatigue has been inflicted.
Ah ok. That's kinda dumb. I almost took my Mephisto to r3 for that fight specifically. Glad I didn't now. Thanks for the heads up on 2.3... I'm guessing there's no real way around the unavoidable damage? Just got to power through it currently? Either way I can't continue until after war, so I'm good waiting.
Yes the only way to clear is 2.3 is overpower the bug with in-game resources
Can't continue until after this war or the war in 6 months when they have made enough money off the bug.
You do realize that there is plenty of other content focused on building the middle tier player's roster? Dungeons, Gwenpool Goes to the Movie, Symbiote quest last month. Champion Clash is coming later this month and will give the middle tier player t4cc, t4b, 4* awakening gem, 5* shards, 4* shards. It's not as if Kabam has alienated the middle tier players by releasing back issues... In fact it has been a very very long time since real challenging content has come out for the top players.
that same content you mentioned has helped endgame players as well right?
You can't have content only for middle tier players... It literally is not possible. Any content that a mid tier player has access to an endgame player will also have access to.
AW matchmaking manipulation tactics and using thousands of units’ worth of boosts for every AW are terrible preparation for variant difficulty. That’s still not a problem for players who clear endgame content with spending instead of skill.
Do you realize that by providing a mid tier difficulty, end gamers can also participate and get the rewards. So considering this how on earth would mid tier gamers catch up? Your reasoning is flawed and my argument still stands
Nobody complained that kabam released difficult, challenging content. The issue here is the fact that they are catering to only two tiers of gamers in mcoc. Another issue is one of these tiers doesn't like the idea that the mid tier should also be catered for. No one is saying make the quest less hard but also keep the rewards the same. No not at all. And end gamers only bring the argument "there's already other content available.." etc we get it. But that content is also available to you, introducing mid tier content will also make it available to you. There is no way a mid tier difficulty will suddenly turn a mid tier gamer to an end gamer like that and it seems most fail to see that.