Black Friday Offer Feedback [MERGED THREADS]



  • BAMF1980BAMF1980 Member Posts: 28
    Since there's a lot of other content that requires you to be 'Uncollected' to unlock, would it be possible to have a Black Friday and Cyber Monday 'Uncollected' deal/offer?
    The current Black Friday deal isn't necessarily bad, just not appealing to those that have progressed further, and are in need of other resources.
    Just a suggestion for future 'Deals'.
  • Boomshakala11Boomshakala11 Member Posts: 12
    I’m very disappointed with the deals and not really looking on spending for something I can patiently wait until I get my stacks of alphas and basics up. Hopefully Kabam makes a better deal on Monday or Xmas otherwise I’ll wait next year.
  • CazathuulCazathuul Member Posts: 57
    I am actually experiencing a dearth of T4B at the moment and have over 6k units. Despite this, I will not be purchasing these 'deals'. Extremely disappointing. I really hope Cyber Monday deals are significantly better.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,508 ★★★★★
    Well they missed a chance to make money. After all I did hoard my units for today and cyber monday. Dissapointing deals as always.

    They tend to do that a lot, this game could make at least 3x what it currently makes with better offers.
  • TheVyrusTheVyrus Member Posts: 418 ★★★
    You all act as if this game's developers owe you something. They don't, an offer was made and if you don't like it don't buy it.

    I get upset at things they do as a company too, but they do have the right to do what they want and you have the right to not play or make purchases.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,199 ★★★★★
    Right, waiting for Monday. I will say I'm surprised that the amount of T2 was not increased over last year on this one.
  • Nichoas_1Nichoas_1 Member Posts: 144 ★★
    Kabam you guys have KILLED it the last few months with deals all the time and bangin new content and you failed HORRIBLY. I was poised to drop 300 myself if you had anything worth spending my money on. Instead you guys come out with the LAZIEST proposal of deals you could have possibly come out with. They are almost identical to last years before we even had 6* champions. Super weak. I hope your cyber Monday deals are infinitely better or at least the Christmas/ new year one lasts cause if not my money is just staying in my pocket
  • Kaks0053Kaks0053 Member Posts: 83
    I laugh when they call it a celebration.
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Does anyone have a screenshot of last year's cyber Monday deals so I know what to expect?
  • TheVyrusTheVyrus Member Posts: 418 ★★★
    Given the baseline they have established in their pricing, any offer for the items users are requesting would be so high everyone would complain about that too. So from a business stand point it makes more sense to offer something affordable that history shows will sell.
  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 207
    Is it dissapointing? Yes
    Is it a new behavior from kabam? No
    Could these be better based on a further study? Sure
    Will it affect kabam not to? No
    Will it benefit it greatly if they did? Yes
    Of the past 2 assesments, does one would give them 3-5x time more money? Idk
    Then, with this info, will they change? No

    Yes this deals could be better, they could take their biggest winners $$$ analyze said data anduse it to do better and win more, but they have been short staffed and most importantly, they dont seem to care.

    Tbh the offer lacks punch for intermidiate players, but still could entice, on monday the "really" good offers will come, but as almost always will be cash related.

    So wait for that one if you feel like giving them some $$$
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    The_One wrote: »
    Does anyone have a screenshot of last year's cyber Monday deals so I know what to expect?


    Credit to Reddit:
  • ShinobiGuyShinobiGuy Member Posts: 594 ★★★
    Look at the positive side, Seatin’s video will be hilarious.
  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 891 ★★★★
    The Vyrus living up to his name lol not to mention the **** they did on summoner appreciation? When did Cyber Monday even become a thing? Black Firday is the day for sales and people also have the weekend to "purchase" which is the key word it's not free to enjoy what they buy
  • MarriMarri Member Posts: 260 ★★
    DrZola wrote: »
    Actually, it’s a clever bit of customer base research: throw the same offer out year over year and evaluate things like how well efforts to accelerate new account progression has worked, whether the newer portfolios of accounts behave like the old ones, degree if inelasticity of offer responses within different classes of accounts, etc.

    No reason not to recycle an old offer when you know you have the Cyber Monday mulligan to trot out newer, “better” offers and tee up the cycle all over again.

    I don’t think it’s reasonable to chalk it all up to laziness, because that would mean missing a major opportunity to learn valuable insight about your paying player base. It also whets the appetite even more for players to check in Monday at 1PM EST. Well done, Kabam...just my thoughts...

    Dr. Zola

    While I agree with your analysis, I still feel like it's a slap in the face of players who bought this last year.

    Why not have an uncollected offer at 60% of the price? Or reduce the price of an offer on repeat for everyone who bought it in the past?
  • AceDeMoNAceDeMoN Member Posts: 142
    Kabam must think we're all beginners as this deal is only good for players starting out
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,926 ★★★★★
    DrZola wrote: »
    Actually, it’s a clever bit of customer base research: throw the same offer out year over year and evaluate things like how well efforts to accelerate new account progression has worked, whether the newer portfolios of accounts behave like the old ones, degree if inelasticity of offer responses within different classes of accounts, etc.

    No reason not to recycle an old offer when you know you have the Cyber Monday mulligan to trot out newer, “better” offers and tee up the cycle all over again.

    I don’t think it’s reasonable to chalk it all up to laziness, because that would mean missing a major opportunity to learn valuable insight about your paying player base. It also whets the appetite even more for players to check in Monday at 1PM EST. Well done, Kabam...just my thoughts...

    Dr. Zola

    No it was not a good play. Was not clever at all. Maybe its just my MBA speaking, but market research should have been done prior to the biggest sales day of the year, at least in the USA.

    Actually, retail relies on “Black Friday” far more than many online businesses, especially mobile games. And even retail has been moving the start gates more and more the last several years and mashing it into more of a 5-day event in the US.

    Kabam’s offers are deliberate. And the data gleaned from those offers and responses to them is invaluable. I didn’t mean to imply this was solely customer research, but the MCOC audience is far more captive than someone shopping for a toaster or a fridge. Hard to find a T2a or a 5* Aegon at Best Buy.

    Dr. Zola
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,085 ★★★★★
    900 units for t4b? that's insane! so easy to get those in glory store today, why spend units?
  • SilentKissSilentKiss Member Posts: 138
    Disappointed beyond belief.
  • DaileyDailey Member Posts: 283 ★★
    Well I’m going to pick up a ps4 game today. Market research doesn’t have to tell anyone but me it’s a good deal. There are good deals out there....just not here. LOL
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,361 Guardian
    Dailey wrote: »
    Dr Zola that may work for some specific markets but the mobile and gaming market are much more dynamic.

    Actually, Zola is describing a fundamental monetization idea that's pretty much universally used across all of the F2P gaming world.

    It is the people who say "the game has progressed" that don't understand how this works. The offers aren't targeted at "the game." They are targeted at people. And this game has, and always has players of all progression levels from multiyear veterans ro people who started playing literally yesterday. How valuable an offer is has nothing directly to do with "game progress" only with player progress. An offer that is worth nothing to a multiyear veteran might be worth a huge amount to a new player.

    Offers must target a range of players across the game for a number of economic and psychological reasons. Although new players today earn things at different rates than veterans used to earn them, it is still true that T4B is a bottleneck resource at intermediate levels of progress. That offer might be a boring repeat for veterans, but it is a shiny new offer for newer players that can still save them months of gameplay grind. As long as players continue to buy them, Kabam will continue to offer them because for a large segment of the playerbase the offer is still relevant.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,361 Guardian
    DrZola wrote: »
    Actually, it’s a clever bit of customer base research: throw the same offer out year over year and evaluate things like how well efforts to accelerate new account progression has worked, whether the newer portfolios of accounts behave like the old ones, degree if inelasticity of offer responses within different classes of accounts, etc.

    No reason not to recycle an old offer when you know you have the Cyber Monday mulligan to trot out newer, “better” offers and tee up the cycle all over again.

    I don’t think it’s reasonable to chalk it all up to laziness, because that would mean missing a major opportunity to learn valuable insight about your paying player base. It also whets the appetite even more for players to check in Monday at 1PM EST. Well done, Kabam...just my thoughts...

    Dr. Zola

    No it was not a good play. Was not clever at all. Maybe its just my MBA speaking, but market research should have been done prior to the biggest sales day of the year, at least in the USA.

    Your MBA is telling you Kabam is a factory selling widgets and the objective is to maximize the profits by optimizing the selling potential of those products. Your MBA is wrong in this case. It is usually not the objective of an F2P game to maximize sales. The object is to maximize revenue while injecting the minimum amount of resources into the game as possible. If a game operator forgets the second half of that goal, they tend to become a pay to play game (and MCOC is nowhere near that no matter what kind of hyperbole gets tossed around) and usually the game self-destructs soon after.

    The kind of market research an F2P game has to perform is not "what are people willing to pay for?" It is the more subtle "what is the minimum value that people are willing to pay anything for?" This is, or rather should be, monetization 101.
  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    Hahahahaha. Best kabam move ever. Everybody loses!

    Read that one of the origins of Black Friday is that refers to how company financial books have become red to black - from losses to PROFITS. Guess kabam’s Accounting dept is not yet complaining about revenue, so no Black Friday for everyone!
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    this offer is worse than pulling colossus from a featured 5* crystal
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 770 ★★★
    TheVyrus wrote: »
    You all act as if this game's developers owe you something. They don't, an offer was made and if you don't like it don't buy it.

    I get upset at things they do as a company too, but they do have the right to do what they want and you have the right to not play or make purchases.

    Actually, they do owe us something. You forget, the purchase of units and gems is what pays Kabam Employee’s salaries and keeps the game alive. It is a symbiotic relationship that relies on two parties (developer and end users).

    In order to keep the game alive and competitive, we are owed a much better deal than this. In turn, we keep the game we all love going and Kabam employees employed. Win-win.

    While not all offers are intended for all players, the issue is the perceived value Kabam has compared to majority of the player base is way off.

    I want to keep the gaming going and would be more than happy making a purchase, but I am owed more value with the current meta of the game.
  • AlexanderpspAlexanderpsp Member Posts: 150
    You really like to flag people opinions on their thoughts right ? Tough to accept something that basically you did wrong. I will not say who I am referring to but you know yourself you big guy !!
    By the way for a flag on myself to get , I think as being Black Friday and this is about discounts , would work something a bit better if you could get discounts for units , like 3 dollars for 135 , somewhere 6/7 dollars for 275 units and so on , only for a day as it is Black Friday, and I am pretty sure is the community would be a bit happier as cyber Monday is coming and maybe you have some deals where can be purchase with units , as the one that basically you did today
    Have a nice day
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