Black Friday Offer Feedback [MERGED THREADS]



  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,111 ★★★★★
    my fellow canadians
  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★
    Kil63 wrote: »
    TheVyrus wrote: »
    You all act as if this game's developers owe you something. They don't, an offer was made and if you don't like it don't buy it.

    I get upset at things they do as a company too, but they do have the right to do what they want and you have the right to not play or make purchases.

    We'd be acting like they owe us something if we were asking for compensation. Stating that the deals they offer should be more in tune with the current state of the game really isn't asking for anything extra.

    I do believe we might feel it would be in their best interest to offer deals that keep us engaged, enjoying continuing playing the game.
    And, for us who have been playing for several years we might feel we have already invested a lot in the game, also real money in many cases. And we might feel they sort of owe us who spend or have spent real money retroactively. To keep us feeling it was money well spent in the long run, and not feel we spent it all in vain.
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