Lowering 5 star shard amount

hello kabam so as 5 star champs go...... since you will have a sub pool for newer characters that are not currently in the regular 10k pool then after a certain period of time those newer characters that were in the 15k sub pool will be moved into the 10k regular pool.. as of right now its already very difficult to dupe any sort of 5 star champ.. if you grind enough you can usually open one 5 star crystal every month.. is there anyway maybe yall can lower the amount of shards to 5k once these newer champs start getting added to the regular pool of champs ? and maybe start offering 5 star awakening gems for money or as rewards for end game content? maybe at the end of act 5 chapter 2 possibly ?
@Fighter092 any tricks in doing so? My max is 1 per month
especially if you have all content done and all you have to do is monthly EQ, or if youre in a war tier high enough to make a decent amount.
past few months, though, i have been just racking in the 5* shards
just play all content you can, make sure you can clear all difficulties.
i wish 5*s cost less, too. But, in reality im fine with them at 10k
UC+ master EQ gives 9k i think, calendar gives the remaining 1k, special events and remainder from previous month gives 1 or 2
The more stronger you become will be easier for you get shards.
And never sell champions.
SA rewards for reference this week. Plus AW, EQ, Calendar..... lowering 10k shard amount would give too ally a huge advantage over other ally.
The simple fix to this is to have those locked into pre-change shard amount. Then any new 5 shards you get after that will go to the new pool. Kind of like they did with Season 5 AW crystals and Season 6.
shards are more and more and more and more easily available then ever before.
5* are mad more common by increasing the amount of available shards.
reducing the cost of 5* would destroy game balance.
and also currently have no 5* shards saved as i open mine on the regular.
my mate however earns the same as be but has save up 100k. so they reduce the cost by half. now he gets twice as many 5* as me? not fair at all hey.
the rewards given out in game are balanced for 10k shard crystals.
complete a quest and get like 10k shard rewards.
thats one crystal. awesome. now if crystals were only 5k they would need to reduce that to 5k and then whats the point