A Small Giveaway, Merry Christmas!

Thought I'd do a little Gift Giveaway, it's only appropriate for this time of the year obviously. (Double checked the Forums Rules and didn't see anything directly against giveaways, please let me know if it's not allow then I will simply do the giveaway somewhere else)
Winner Gets Gifted *10 Energy Refills* OR *1 Greater Gifting Crystal*
Rules are simple:
-Leave ONE Comment Containing Your IGN, Which Item(s) You'd Like, And The Best Thing That's Happened To You In Mcoc.
-Replying To Comments Is Allowed But I'd Prefer You Don't Do It A Ton. (It'd Just Save Me A Little Time)
-Don't Bother Trying To Enter Your IGN More Than Once, I Will Only Count The First. (You will not be disqualified because I know someone may try to troll by entering another person's IGN...)
-Obviously No Hating On The Winner, Or Anyone For That Matter, Don't Be That Guy...
-And Please No Begging Me Or Anyone Else For Gifts...
Giveaway will end same time this was posted tomorrow (Dec. 25/Christmas), any entries added afterwards will be ignored. Please give me some time after it's over, obviously it's Christmas so I may not be home till a little later, need to add up all the entries, and choose a winner (using a Random Number Generator). When I'm done I'll Quote the Winner's Entry and send them a Friend Request in game, my IGN is the same as my Forums Name.
*Good Luck To Everyone And Merry Christmas!*
Winner Gets Gifted *10 Energy Refills* OR *1 Greater Gifting Crystal*
Rules are simple:
-Leave ONE Comment Containing Your IGN, Which Item(s) You'd Like, And The Best Thing That's Happened To You In Mcoc.
-Replying To Comments Is Allowed But I'd Prefer You Don't Do It A Ton. (It'd Just Save Me A Little Time)
-Don't Bother Trying To Enter Your IGN More Than Once, I Will Only Count The First. (You will not be disqualified because I know someone may try to troll by entering another person's IGN...)
-Obviously No Hating On The Winner, Or Anyone For That Matter, Don't Be That Guy...
-And Please No Begging Me Or Anyone Else For Gifts...
Giveaway will end same time this was posted tomorrow (Dec. 25/Christmas), any entries added afterwards will be ignored. Please give me some time after it's over, obviously it's Christmas so I may not be home till a little later, need to add up all the entries, and choose a winner (using a Random Number Generator). When I'm done I'll Quote the Winner's Entry and send them a Friend Request in game, my IGN is the same as my Forums Name.
*Good Luck To Everyone And Merry Christmas!*
I pulled a five star sparky from the gwenpool five star crystal! Greater gifting crystal star plus be legit
My champion parried while in autoblock
Lol don't worry, I just recently became Uncollected with 2k Units left over so I thought I'd give a little away while it's Christmas.
Dang, over preparation for the collector...wish I knew that feeling lol
i duplicated 5* starlord from gwenpool crystal
greater gift crystal would be fantastic
cool idea, btw
merry christmas!
Lol well I had around 2.5k ready, completed 5.2.5 with only 2 40% Revives, and used 4 40% Team Revives and 2 40% Team Revives on The Collector but they were on sale at the time so I saved a good amount. (Venom is an absolute God)
Ign: Whododo872
Preferred item if I win it: GGC
Best thing that’s ever happened to me: I watched auto-fight pull off a successful intercept and parry in the same fight. It was breathtaking
Seriously, you are very very kind for having an idea like this. Have a merry Christmas!
The best thing to happen to me is the awesome people I've encountered in alliances. I've gained friendships and that's more than I could have every expected in a mobile game.
Merry Christmas!
Greater Gifting Crystal.
I’d say my best moment in the game was when I pulled a 4* Wolverine X-23. She carried me so hard, and after I pulled her, I kept getting good champs (after a pretty long rut).
This is a really cool idea that you’re doing here. Merry Christmas!
She was something like my 6 and 8th 5 Star, she also carried me through a Lot of content. Got her to Rank 4 earlier this year, don't regret it one bit.
10 Energy Refills
Pulling a 4* stark spidey out of a PHC during class, almost freaked out lol
I’ll take the greater gifting crystal.
I started playing in April. I ran with a few decent alliances trying to figures out the game. I landed with my current alliance looking for active groups maybe three or four months ago. Couple montgs after joining the founder of the alliance said he couldn’t lead anymore because of work.
I arrived to the conversation late but he had asked the team who should be the leader and so i found out i was the new leader when i got home. Unexpected but that’s the best thing that’s happened to me in the game.
Im still leading, we have a solid mix of people from everywhere and we are all kinda celebrating Christmas together today.
Merry Christmas!
Which you obviously aren't doing. So go for it! I've been enjoying reading everyone's answers too! Happy gifting!
Was waiting for a mod to post their IGN and enter the giveaway, got something slightly different lol
Awesome, thanks for the confirmation!
Lol I'm hoping at least one will, Everyone is more than welcome to enter.
Best moment in game is that I've pulled back to back voids, first I pulled a 4* one from the singularity crystal that they gave away then duped him from a 4* crystal, then pulled him from a 5* crystal and duped him in the next.
I guess void can't avoid me.
Edit: I will take a GGC, I already have energy refills in overflow.
Merry Christmas to you all
*Badum Tish*
Even I have her at r4 and she is duped as well.
I love to play her. She is my second favourite champ to play behind Magik.
Best ingame experience: Took 5* Ghost to 5/65, used her in dungeon 7 (my first time playing this dungeon), and completed all milestones without taking much damage! I also used her to get my Elder’s Bane title when she was 4/55 and used a generic awakening gem on her since I pulled 3 mutant awakening gems in a row lol
Preferred reward: GGC
My in game name is DMath1012
I would like a greater gifting crystal if I win
And my favorite memory from mcoc is duping my Medusa the same week I first got her in a crystal. She’s incredible