Trial boosts are a liability vs Dormammu

I just went into Epic Day 7 Trials. Got through the first 3 fights fine. Then I hit Dormammu and his degen just starts wrecking my entire team. At first I didn't realize what was going on. I thought maybe I was just accidentally triggering Dex.
I lost most of my team before it hit me that it was the buffs from the boosts. When the initial arc-overload runs out? Start the fight with a degen for 75-100% your health. When the unstoppable from using any special runs out? More degen. I couldn't tell, but I think the Phys/Energy Resists cycling might also cause a degen. None of my fights lasted long enough for me to find out.
Is this really intended? What's the point of spending a week collecting these boosts if there's a chance they just straight up ruin your run?
TLDR: If you see a Dormammu on your path don't pop the buff boosts, or wait 30mins for them to time out.
I lost most of my team before it hit me that it was the buffs from the boosts. When the initial arc-overload runs out? Start the fight with a degen for 75-100% your health. When the unstoppable from using any special runs out? More degen. I couldn't tell, but I think the Phys/Energy Resists cycling might also cause a degen. None of my fights lasted long enough for me to find out.
Is this really intended? What's the point of spending a week collecting these boosts if there's a chance they just straight up ruin your run?
TLDR: If you see a Dormammu on your path don't pop the buff boosts, or wait 30mins for them to time out.
Also destroyed my 4/55 medusa before coldsnap even expired lol
That’s horrible as well. Obviously no testing done on these matchups and the defenders sig abilities
True, although his degen is scaled too high regardless. One dex triggering his degen and you’re still done.
I wouldn't know as I can't do the new event on Android yet
That's smart, but you can still get screwed if you go into the event without knowing what the possible enemy combinations are. I went from easiest mode to hardest mode (so that I would be comfortable with the nodes by the time I got to epic) and activated my boosts at expert level. So I walked into epic with my boosts already active. Guess I know better for next time.
Missed it. My bad.