Why put the trials one month away for Android users? sticky discussion

This must be a joke or something. So you are saying that Android users have to wait a month to do the Trial of the Alchemist? For no good reason other than Google's incompetence/schedule mess up? The android update drops and the quest is not even there so Kabam had to make a new build for Android with no quest and push that to the Google Play store. How did they push that version that fast while the original version got stuck for so long and didn't drop? Did the original build even have the quest? Why oh WHY would you split the first 6 days of a week long quest to one game build and the last day to another? So many questions but no answers.
It was a safe play to make sure everyone could play it and get the rewards, though not at the same time. I fail to see how this is a bad outcome.
Answer: Diablo’s files are in the new update, and he’s the boss for day 7 and only day 7. On no other day does he appear.
That’s as much as I gather. Wouldn’t make much sense to do it the other way
It was out of their control. You'll still get your rewards. Was it fair to Kabam that Google messed up the update? Stop thinking only about yourself. You'll be able to get the shards from the EQ that starts today by doing a run through uncollected.
Reason for needing the update:
We need the update as diablo is the boss.
he was not in the previous version.
they would have done it this way as to not allow diablo to get datamined and early leaked.
the problem is they no doubt left it too late to send the updates to google.
Reason for waiting 1 month:
for one simple reason.
game update cycle.
for them to run it side by side with the normal one tommorrow probably couldnt be done without yet another update. it would most likely require coding client side to allow for day 7 and day 1 to appear at the same time. and could potentially cause issues with entries.
so it will have been pushed to the end as this could be a simple server side push.
It's not problem for you, but it's a HUGE problem for me
Truth be told, someone dropped the ball. Maybe Kabam. Maybe Google. Maybe a little of both. Other truth, it's not the end of the world. It's not a huge inconvenience. Minor irritation at best. Take a breath, and chill. We'll get our 1st shot next week. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not fair. Neither is life. Make the best of this and get ready for the EQ that none of us (thankfully) will be missing the launch of now that the update is available. Count your blessings, however small they may be, where/when you can find them.
How would you have preferred it was handled? Obviously this situation took kabam by surpise as well as it seems the issue wasn't on their end, but google's. They notified the community and came up with a fix all within less than 24 hours.
You will still run trials for the next 3 weeks like iOS users and get 1 more trial of the alchemist at the end for compensation. You will still get the new event quest today if you update. I just don't see the issue here.
I would prefer to have the 7th day to rerun today or tomorrow, cause I desperately need the ISO8