Gem Dilemma—Final

Ok, I’ve narrowed it down. This is the prelim thread.
We’re down to the final 2 candidates for my generic 4* gem. You guys don’t care, but this choice could change the course of my account. Without further ado, the choice:

This is my roster and current sig stone situation. I also have 7 t4 science and 3 t4 mystic cats. Killmonger and void synergize, so km would gain a chance to shrug off debuff, and void gets a little bit of regen. Scarlet Witch is well, Scarlet Witch. Both are irrelevant as 5*s in the short run, because void needs a fairly high sig level and switch ain’t in there.
I appreciate all you guy’s feedback. I’ll decide tonight.
We’re down to the final 2 candidates for my generic 4* gem. You guys don’t care, but this choice could change the course of my account. Without further ado, the choice:

This is my roster and current sig stone situation. I also have 7 t4 science and 3 t4 mystic cats. Killmonger and void synergize, so km would gain a chance to shrug off debuff, and void gets a little bit of regen. Scarlet Witch is well, Scarlet Witch. Both are irrelevant as 5*s in the short run, because void needs a fairly high sig level and switch ain’t in there.
I appreciate all you guy’s feedback. I’ll decide tonight.
I know! It’s driving me nuts! I did just get a 5* ghost, though, if that for some reason changes any minds.
Still too close to call. When one side goes up by 10 to 12, I’ll call it. Man, these are some awesome arguments on both sides. Everyone I ask is split on this question. Seems I’ve stumbled on quite a dilemma.
Personally i think SW is better than Void.
Regardless of ones opinion there is one certain fact here.
if you awaken and rank 4* void and then pull a 5* or 6* you will want to rank and use him straight away making your 4* redundant.
If you awaken SW you will never have that. She will always be the best SW that you can get.
Also i personally believe SW will destroy more content and easier than 4* void will.
To put in perspective how powerful 4* SW is still in todays meta,
My ally is a T6 alliance and one of my Boss killers brings his SW to wars. he uses his 4* SW to solo 5/65 Medusa bosses.
there would be very few if any other 4* that can solo a 5/65 war boss.
Scarlet Witch: She’s only available as a 4* and is that good. Usable in uncollected eq.
Void: reverse healing is priceless in today’s game. Void doesn’t require the high sig that switch does, and you don’t have someone that brings the abilities that void has.
This is still so tight! Everyone has a great argument!