
  • Etaki_LirakoiEtaki_Lirakoi Member Posts: 480 ★★
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    Haha, too bad Strange, SW, and Thor are pretty much unusable in AW now, they all would have been a greater counters before they got nerfed.
    Thor is still very useful, always has a spot in AW for me, and I've seen some SW users, I think her nullify on crit is one of the reasons.

    Haven't seen anybody use Doc though, and probably for good reason...

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    Haha, too bad Strange, SW, and Thor are pretty much unusable in AW now, they all would have been a greater counters before they got nerfed.

    Strange and Witch are still great counters. Nothing happened to their Nullify and Counterspell.
  • ThatsausageThatsausage Member Posts: 214
    I've encountered Hyperion many times on that node and only had problems a few times. Fortunately Hyperion can be baited easily. No, Hyperion is fine the way he is.
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    I've encountered Hyperion many times on that node and only had problems a few times. Fortunately Hyperion can be baited easily. No, Hyperion is fine the way he is.

    He is NOT easy to bait
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    OGHeRRo wrote: »
    @Mr_Otter ,

    I'm not sure if you gotten the picture yet. Several people here are trying to help you get there. For a champ that you deem requires a nerf here's a list of counters.

    Counter to hyp:
    magjik (nullify, power lock)
    Doc ( nullify , fate seal)
    Voodoo( power burn, power drain)
    OG vision( power burn/ steal)
    Vision( power burn/steal)
    Yondu( -50 decrease power gain)
    SW (nullify, power lock)
    GR( fate seal, damnation)
    Dorm( power drain)
    WS ( sporadic power drain)
    Rogue( power steal)
    Pyslocke(power lock)
    Loki( buff steal)
    CW( power drain)
    HE ( power drain)
    gwenpool( powerlock)
    I know I am missing a couple more but that's 16
    champs that can stop hype's power gain. Literally 16 different characters in the game. Here's a suggestion for you AW is a team event let another team member with OG vision take that power gain node, he builds power the fastest in the game period ( synthesis). Hype can be tough but is definitely beatable. He doesn't have automatic damage like :
    Iceman(cold snap)
    Magik ( limbo)
    Dorm( degen)

    He's not a master evader like : NC, or any spidey variation. You're using your experience against hype which others have learned to handle ( more effectively and efficiently than you have) to make a blanket cry out for a nerf. I don't see the sound logic here. So do yourself a favor take the advice , practice, watch videos, if you have significant skills as you claim you'll beat hype the next time you see him in AW. A skilled player always finds a way to get better at this game we love and beat tough opponents , not petition for heroes to be nerfed just because they are "difficult " to get past.

    Magik is defense
    DS is trash these days Seal is also L3
    Voodoo is my AQ runner
    Wanna gimme money for OG Vis?

    AoU is ok but gets REKT easy and lacks a lot of damage to end him

    I'll get on getting Yondu ( power suppression really?!)

    SW her Dupe or she hits too soft (and only her crits Null last

    GR doesn't drain fast enough and I've actually tried that and found out the AI can get out of block and use L3 while it's flickering between the Gain and the drain (L1 is a 1 off and has shaky ability accuracy against HEROES) L3 is also 3x harder to use and also he's in my AQ team

    Dormammu also defense
    WS is NOT reliable
    Rogue (L2 issues)

    Psyolcke SHE has reduced ability gains and I physically don't even have her 3*

    Loki… is really rare somehow and I'd still need a dupe to strip Hype fast enough

    CW (AGAIN L2)

    GP: NOT POWERLOCK… ENERVATE only applies to our attacks

    HE… used him and couldn't even get an opening to charge L1 which is the MAIN issue

    Hype NEEDS a punishment for blocking or have his AI block less
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Jaffacaked wrote: »
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    Jaffacaked wrote: »
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    Heartless wrote: »
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    The fact that everyone defends this u godly bad designed champion mostly for Act5 reasons just shows the bias that blinds them to the issues. HE DOES NOT BAIT! Even piwer control champs are at MAJOR risk due to pushing him to L3 being extremely easy when he almost never baits. The way he's designed with his power gain being 1 of 3 most controversial OP BS things in the game along with Limbo and MD. His AI plays like he's on a defensive mode from Event quests except even Heavy attacks don't work making getting your power meter insanely hard so you can't control his power. Not to that his heavy has such a GOD AWFUL range that makes even blocking halfway across the screen a death sentence.

    What if he didn't gain power while blocking?

    If you had any skill it wouldn't be a problem. Just because you suck at fighting him doesn't mean he needs to be nerfed. Step your game up and stop whining.

    Right vs the guy who blocked and only attacked when I tried to break his block! ILL GET RIGHT ON THAT YOU ELITIST! The fact I lost my Hawkeye 3 times to this demon who all he did was stand there arms crossed charging up the L3 has nothing to do with the fact Hyperion is OP…

    5.1 100%
    4 master titles (including 100% power gain bosses)
    Web Slinger

    Yeah it's my SKILL that's the issue

    Only 4 master titles. Please stop crying about Hyperion it's getting really pathetic now. They are not going to nerf him do either learn how to fight him either the right champs, or quit the game an go play Pokémon go or something

    Yes 4! Hyperion on power gain stopped me in November. Cable stopped me in January as I was still building my roster and my best champs were mostly Bleed based to keep up with 5* armor stats. And Dormammu… was a really good fight but the paths too him were stacked with some amazing champs and the insane power flood meant the single slip insta-killed which was daunting as my best counter was only Joe Fixit and his L2 at the time

    I could have gone for March but Iceman was daunting and by the time I actually tried the event was over.

    It was also during March that I got my first 3 r5s as I was working with a weaker alliance before a Glory was a thing. But as of late I don't even flinch at 5.1 and basically strolled through itnonly reviving twice for AA when ICE and Cable got the better of me

    Honestly only 4 titles means your still a bit inexperienced, so how about learning to fight better instead of crying nerf. Just except defeat on this cos it's not happening

    I've played for well over a year but only due to the changes of master EQ getting added and then Glory was I able to get champs to a point where I can compete with stronger alliances and then also have champs to beat masters fully
  • Xthea9Xthea9 Member Posts: 829 ★★
    Please close it with this we don't need any more nerf and people showed videos and said enough, we are just keeping this thread alive with comments which doesn't make any sense as we have so many issues related to game which still need attention. Make this fourm worth for discussion for some meaningful issues.
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Xthea9 wrote: »
    Please close it with this we don't need any more nerf and people showed videos and said enough, we are just keeping this thread alive with comments which doesn't make any sense as we have so many issues related to game which still need attention. Make this fourm worth for discussion for some meaningful issues.


    All seriousness though Kabam MADE A MISTAKE that benefits only a small amount of people who have him
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    TBF I'm mostly enraged over his AI

    in war all he ever does is BLOCK and L3
  • Captain_HeroCaptain_Hero Member Posts: 93
    Unfortunately your problem is not the community's problem. My alliance has no issues bringing down Hyperion on power gain node in AW.
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Unfortunately your problem is not the community's problem. My alliance has no issues bringing down Hyperion on power gain node in AW.

    They've never come across the ungodly "PERMA-BLOCK" Hyperion which literally plays more defensively than MORDO
  • Yelin547Yelin547 Member Posts: 238
    I enjoy fighting Hyperion in AW.... he's so easy to bait and beat. I'm against nerfing him completely.
  • HazemHazem Member Posts: 243
    Mandagar wrote: »
    Hazem wrote: »
    Noobs, leave hype alone...he's easy to make him do sp1 and 2

    @Hazem, I'm not a noob. In fact, I've been playing the game for the last 3 years. I have noticed since battling Hyperion, it is and it isn't easy to bait his specials. I find it is easier to bait the L1 and L2 specials in quest modes. In arenas it is not much harder to bait those l1 and l2 specials but as soon as you get into AQs then it becomes more difficult to bait the L1/L2. I'm not saying it can't be done but I have experienced Hyperion being able to get to his L3 more often in AQ as compared to any of the quest modes. Now when we get to the AW, it's impossible or next to impossible to be able to bait either the L1 or L2 specials. For me, when in an AW, it is like a 90% chance he will sit and wait for his power gain to take him to his L3 then a 10% chance that I can bait either his L1 or L2 specials. I, myself, do not want to see him nerfed big time like other champions have been done in the past but I want to see Hyperion made to be a better champion with a balanced offense as well as defense. Improve the AI so that he is not completely reliant on that power gain/block. I am getting tired of seeing him hide behind his power gain/block while waiting for his L3 to become available (that is punk ___ move and should be lessened or reduced).

    I hope to some day get either a 4 star or 5 star Hyperion so if he should get nerfed, I hope that it will be in a good way that will help the future of this game.

    Well i believe the most aggressive AI is in duels...i kept practicing and he became easy for me...i fight him in AQ and AW with no problem, but i don't deny that i sometimes **** up against him like other champs "NC and Mordo"...he's not hard if u know how to make him does sp1 and all areas
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    Xthea9 wrote: »
    Please close it with this we don't need any more nerf and people showed videos and said enough, we are just keeping this thread alive with comments which doesn't make any sense as we have so many issues related to game which still need attention. Make this fourm worth for discussion for some meaningful issues.


    All seriousness though Kabam MADE A MISTAKE that benefits only a small amount of people who have him

    Then how is it that thousands of us deal with him on Nodes in War? In AQ? Even Power Gain in Master? I'm not one to question someone's skill. I will say that Hyperion is not a mistake at all. It's easily dealt with when you figure it out.
  • HazemHazem Member Posts: 243
    And to say another fact...if anyone puts him as a miniboss/boss he will get less kills than magik/juggs/dorm
  • RydertheblackRydertheblack Member Posts: 296
    N00b... another one who can't play the game
  • striker_overlordstriker_overlord Member Posts: 15
    Iceman owns him, he can do 10x sp3 and iceman still standing no need to bait, problem solved
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    Jaffacaked wrote: »
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    Jaffacaked wrote: »
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    Heartless wrote: »
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    The fact that everyone defends this u godly bad designed champion mostly for Act5 reasons just shows the bias that blinds them to the issues. HE DOES NOT BAIT! Even piwer control champs are at MAJOR risk due to pushing him to L3 being extremely easy when he almost never baits. The way he's designed with his power gain being 1 of 3 most controversial OP BS things in the game along with Limbo and MD. His AI plays like he's on a defensive mode from Event quests except even Heavy attacks don't work making getting your power meter insanely hard so you can't control his power. Not to that his heavy has such a GOD AWFUL range that makes even blocking halfway across the screen a death sentence.

    What if he didn't gain power while blocking?

    If you had any skill it wouldn't be a problem. Just because you suck at fighting him doesn't mean he needs to be nerfed. Step your game up and stop whining.

    Right vs the guy who blocked and only attacked when I tried to break his block! ILL GET RIGHT ON THAT YOU ELITIST! The fact I lost my Hawkeye 3 times to this demon who all he did was stand there arms crossed charging up the L3 has nothing to do with the fact Hyperion is OP…

    5.1 100%
    4 master titles (including 100% power gain bosses)
    Web Slinger

    Yeah it's my SKILL that's the issue

    Only 4 master titles. Please stop crying about Hyperion it's getting really pathetic now. They are not going to nerf him do either learn how to fight him either the right champs, or quit the game an go play Pokémon go or something

    Yes 4! Hyperion on power gain stopped me in November. Cable stopped me in January as I was still building my roster and my best champs were mostly Bleed based to keep up with 5* armor stats. And Dormammu… was a really good fight but the paths too him were stacked with some amazing champs and the insane power flood meant the single slip insta-killed which was daunting as my best counter was only Joe Fixit and his L2 at the time

    I could have gone for March but Iceman was daunting and by the time I actually tried the event was over.

    It was also during March that I got my first 3 r5s as I was working with a weaker alliance before a Glory was a thing. But as of late I don't even flinch at 5.1 and basically strolled through itnonly reviving twice for AA when ICE and Cable got the better of me

    Honestly only 4 titles means your still a bit inexperienced, so how about learning to fight better instead of crying nerf. Just except defeat on this cos it's not happening

    I've played for well over a year but only due to the changes of master EQ getting added and then Glory was I able to get champs to a point where I can compete with stronger alliances and then also have champs to beat masters fully
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    OGHeRRo wrote: »
    @Mr_Otter ,

    I'm not sure if you gotten the picture yet. Several people here are trying to help you get there. For a champ that you deem requires a nerf here's a list of counters.

    Counter to hyp:
    magjik (nullify, power lock)
    Doc ( nullify , fate seal)
    Voodoo( power burn, power drain)
    OG vision( power burn/ steal)
    Vision( power burn/steal)
    Yondu( -50 decrease power gain)
    SW (nullify, power lock)
    GR( fate seal, damnation)
    Dorm( power drain)
    WS ( sporadic power drain)
    Rogue( power steal)
    Pyslocke(power lock)
    Loki( buff steal)
    CW( power drain)
    HE ( power drain)
    gwenpool( powerlock)
    I know I am missing a couple more but that's 16
    champs that can stop hype's power gain. Literally 16 different characters in the game. Here's a suggestion for you AW is a team event let another team member with OG vision take that power gain node, he builds power the fastest in the game period ( synthesis). Hype can be tough but is definitely beatable. He doesn't have automatic damage like :
    Iceman(cold snap)
    Magik ( limbo)
    Dorm( degen)

    He's not a master evader like : NC, or any spidey variation. You're using your experience against hype which others have learned to handle ( more effectively and efficiently than you have) to make a blanket cry out for a nerf. I don't see the sound logic here. So do yourself a favor take the advice , practice, watch videos, if you have significant skills as you claim you'll beat hype the next time you see him in AW. A skilled player always finds a way to get better at this game we love and beat tough opponents , not petition for heroes to be nerfed just because they are "difficult " to get past.

    Magik is defense
    DS is trash these days Seal is also L3
    Voodoo is my AQ runner
    Wanna gimme money for OG Vis?

    AoU is ok but gets REKT easy and lacks a lot of damage to end him

    I'll get on getting Yondu ( power suppression really?!)

    SW her Dupe or she hits too soft (and only her crits Null last

    GR doesn't drain fast enough and I've actually tried that and found out the AI can get out of block and use L3 while it's flickering between the Gain and the drain (L1 is a 1 off and has shaky ability accuracy against HEROES) L3 is also 3x harder to use and also he's in my AQ team

    Dormammu also defense
    WS is NOT reliable
    Rogue (L2 issues)

    Psyolcke SHE has reduced ability gains and I physically don't even have her 3*

    Loki… is really rare somehow and I'd still need a dupe to strip Hype fast enough

    CW (AGAIN L2)

    GP: NOT POWERLOCK… ENERVATE only applies to our attacks

    HE… used him and couldn't even get an opening to charge L1 which is the MAIN issue

    Hype NEEDS a punishment for blocking or have his AI block less

    People have given you great options but you still seem pretty inexperienced to harder content, you just need to work in baiting an keep dueling Hyperion to get better.

    Your coming across as bit of a cry baby cos your not good enough to use the champs to counter Hyperion that everyone else uses to beat him with.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    have you heard of a power drainer. I've seen people defeat 5* on the same node with no deaths. Just because you don't know how to bait his specials doesn't mean he needs a nerf.
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Jaffacaked wrote: »
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    Jaffacaked wrote: »
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    Jaffacaked wrote: »
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    Heartless wrote: »
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    The fact that everyone defends this u godly bad designed champion mostly for Act5 reasons just shows the bias that blinds them to the issues. HE DOES NOT BAIT! Even piwer control champs are at MAJOR risk due to pushing him to L3 being extremely easy when he almost never baits. The way he's designed with his power gain being 1 of 3 most controversial OP BS things in the game along with Limbo and MD. His AI plays like he's on a defensive mode from Event quests except even Heavy attacks don't work making getting your power meter insanely hard so you can't control his power. Not to that his heavy has such a GOD AWFUL range that makes even blocking halfway across the screen a death sentence.

    What if he didn't gain power while blocking?

    If you had any skill it wouldn't be a problem. Just because you suck at fighting him doesn't mean he needs to be nerfed. Step your game up and stop whining.

    Right vs the guy who blocked and only attacked when I tried to break his block! ILL GET RIGHT ON THAT YOU ELITIST! The fact I lost my Hawkeye 3 times to this demon who all he did was stand there arms crossed charging up the L3 has nothing to do with the fact Hyperion is OP…

    5.1 100%
    4 master titles (including 100% power gain bosses)
    Web Slinger

    Yeah it's my SKILL that's the issue

    Only 4 master titles. Please stop crying about Hyperion it's getting really pathetic now. They are not going to nerf him do either learn how to fight him either the right champs, or quit the game an go play Pokémon go or something

    Yes 4! Hyperion on power gain stopped me in November. Cable stopped me in January as I was still building my roster and my best champs were mostly Bleed based to keep up with 5* armor stats. And Dormammu… was a really good fight but the paths too him were stacked with some amazing champs and the insane power flood meant the single slip insta-killed which was daunting as my best counter was only Joe Fixit and his L2 at the time

    I could have gone for March but Iceman was daunting and by the time I actually tried the event was over.

    It was also during March that I got my first 3 r5s as I was working with a weaker alliance before a Glory was a thing. But as of late I don't even flinch at 5.1 and basically strolled through itnonly reviving twice for AA when ICE and Cable got the better of me

    Honestly only 4 titles means your still a bit inexperienced, so how about learning to fight better instead of crying nerf. Just except defeat on this cos it's not happening

    I've played for well over a year but only due to the changes of master EQ getting added and then Glory was I able to get champs to a point where I can compete with stronger alliances and then also have champs to beat masters fully
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    OGHeRRo wrote: »
    @Mr_Otter ,

    I'm not sure if you gotten the picture yet. Several people here are trying to help you get there. For a champ that you deem requires a nerf here's a list of counters.

    Counter to hyp:
    magjik (nullify, power lock)
    Doc ( nullify , fate seal)
    Voodoo( power burn, power drain)
    OG vision( power burn/ steal)
    Vision( power burn/steal)
    Yondu( -50 decrease power gain)
    SW (nullify, power lock)
    GR( fate seal, damnation)
    Dorm( power drain)
    WS ( sporadic power drain)
    Rogue( power steal)
    Pyslocke(power lock)
    Loki( buff steal)
    CW( power drain)
    HE ( power drain)
    gwenpool( powerlock)
    I know I am missing a couple more but that's 16
    champs that can stop hype's power gain. Literally 16 different characters in the game. Here's a suggestion for you AW is a team event let another team member with OG vision take that power gain node, he builds power the fastest in the game period ( synthesis). Hype can be tough but is definitely beatable. He doesn't have automatic damage like :
    Iceman(cold snap)
    Magik ( limbo)
    Dorm( degen)

    He's not a master evader like : NC, or any spidey variation. You're using your experience against hype which others have learned to handle ( more effectively and efficiently than you have) to make a blanket cry out for a nerf. I don't see the sound logic here. So do yourself a favor take the advice , practice, watch videos, if you have significant skills as you claim you'll beat hype the next time you see him in AW. A skilled player always finds a way to get better at this game we love and beat tough opponents , not petition for heroes to be nerfed just because they are "difficult " to get past.

    Magik is defense
    DS is trash these days Seal is also L3
    Voodoo is my AQ runner
    Wanna gimme money for OG Vis?

    AoU is ok but gets REKT easy and lacks a lot of damage to end him

    I'll get on getting Yondu ( power suppression really?!)

    SW her Dupe or she hits too soft (and only her crits Null last

    GR doesn't drain fast enough and I've actually tried that and found out the AI can get out of block and use L3 while it's flickering between the Gain and the drain (L1 is a 1 off and has shaky ability accuracy against HEROES) L3 is also 3x harder to use and also he's in my AQ team

    Dormammu also defense
    WS is NOT reliable
    Rogue (L2 issues)

    Psyolcke SHE has reduced ability gains and I physically don't even have her 3*

    Loki… is really rare somehow and I'd still need a dupe to strip Hype fast enough

    CW (AGAIN L2)

    GP: NOT POWERLOCK… ENERVATE only applies to our attacks

    HE… used him and couldn't even get an opening to charge L1 which is the MAIN issue

    Hype NEEDS a punishment for blocking or have his AI block less

    People have given you great options but you still seem pretty inexperienced to harder content, you just need to work in baiting an keep dueling Hyperion to get better.

    Your coming across as bit of a cry baby cos your not good enough to use the champs to counter Hyperion that everyone else uses to beat him with.

    Most "counters" rely on Sp2 or even Sp3 which if you haven't noticed is literally impossible when the discount Superman just floats with his arms crossed… until you try to Heavy and he smacks you around like a rag doll for even trying

    The only halfway decent suggestions have been:



    "Yeah man disnantle your AW defense or AQ offense on the odd chance someone gets sick or oversleeps"
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    have you heard of a power drainer. I've seen people defeat 5* on the same node with no deaths. Just because you don't know how to bait his specials doesn't mean he needs a nerf.

    I bait his specials… the issue is he stands there just gaining power holding his arms folded like he's pretending to be Quake when a player is trolling heroic

    Do you SEE the issue? It's not being unable to bait it's the ass of an AI that knows you're trying to bait and instead says "LMFAO NOPE!"
  • AlCapone2727AlCapone2727 Member Posts: 428 ★★
    I have one maxed out I could do with a cap on 2 bars with power gain
  • CheyneedCheyneed Member Posts: 95
    edited July 2017
    Dude. Hyperion is really not that hard. Learn to bait his specials. You keep asking for his ai special to be more aggressive. It is already aggressive, you just have to know how to bait him. Every now and then you might get unlucky and push to a l3, however, I fight him almost every AW (often on power gain) without dying.

    I'm not out here calling your a noob or anything like that, but I am saying you are assuming your difficulty with Hyperion is the same thing everyone else is experiencing. I don't think he is that hard without a power steal/lock champ. Throw in vision or Magik and he is easy.
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    have you heard of a power drainer. I've seen people defeat 5* on the same node with no deaths. Just because you don't know how to bait his specials doesn't mean he needs a nerf.

    I bait his specials… the issue is he stands there just gaining power holding his arms folded like he's pretending to be Quake when a player is trolling heroic

    Do you SEE the issue? It's not being unable to bait it's the ass of an AI that knows you're trying to bait and instead says "LMFAO NOPE!"

    If this is ur problem then bring champs that degen r even magik dorm works as well u have options u just don't want to use them so instead u say nerf people have posted countless tips and counters yet u seem to not care about any of that and simply want the champ nerfed so u can have a easier fight that is not what aw is about at this point best advice I can give u is dont do aw if they nerf hype for the reasons u state then u fill find another ai you don't like are another champ that u struggle against and beg them to nerf instead of practice against them
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    edited July 2017
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    Haha, too bad Strange, SW, and Thor are pretty much unusable in AW now, they all would have been a greater counters before they got nerfed.

    Strange and Witch are still great counters. Nothing happened to their Nullify and Counterspell.

    Not in tier one they aren't. Maybe SW if you get lucky on regen or do not get touched at all. She can at least still hit hard. Both are too frail and get killed in 3 hits or less otherwise, so unless you fight perfectly they aren't usable. Anyways point was maybe nerfing offensive champs is why some of the defensive ones seem so OP to some people now. Bottom line don't nerf any more champs. It rarely benefits the player base when that happens. If anything undo previous nerfs.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    Haha, too bad Strange, SW, and Thor are pretty much unusable in AW now, they all would have been a greater counters before they got nerfed.
    Thor is still very useful, always has a spot in AW for me, and I've seen some SW users, I think her nullify on crit is one of the reasons.

    Haven't seen anybody use Doc though, and probably for good reason...

    Yeah Thor is still useful but he wasn't between 12.0 and 12.1 and he is still not as bad ass as he used to be. Main point of my comment was that nerfing champs is never good. This is game of patience, if you don't have all the dominant champs, don't cry nerf, keep playing until you get them.
  • SpiritSpirit Member Posts: 224
    edited July 2017
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    Mr_Chris wrote: »
    There is always a degree of random behavior in the ai otherwise you could just memorize a move order for every fight. Even the best of players will sometimes fail to bait a special but Hyperion, when a player knows how to fight him, is manageable even on that node most especially with a power control champ.

    I had Hawkeye…

    And u thought takin Hyperion out on a walk with Hyperion!! Idiot use the S1 and power drain him. Stop ranting for nerfs. its completely useless and irritating all the time
  • SpiritSpirit Member Posts: 224
    edited July 2017
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    Xthea9 wrote: »
    Please close it with this we don't need any more nerf and people showed videos and said enough, we are just keeping this thread alive with comments which doesn't make any sense as we have so many issues related to game which still need attention. Make this fourm worth for discussion for some meaningful issues.


    All seriousness though Kabam MADE A MISTAKE that benefits only a small amount of people who have him

    Ok guys its decided!! Its nothing not nerf!! :wink:
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Sirnoob wrote: »
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    have you heard of a power drainer. I've seen people defeat 5* on the same node with no deaths. Just because you don't know how to bait his specials doesn't mean he needs a nerf.

    I bait his specials… the issue is he stands there just gaining power holding his arms folded like he's pretending to be Quake when a player is trolling heroic

    Do you SEE the issue? It's not being unable to bait it's the ass of an AI that knows you're trying to bait and instead says "LMFAO NOPE!"

    If this is ur problem then bring champs that degen r even magik dorm works as well u have options u just don't want to use them so instead u say nerf people have posted countless tips and counters yet u seem to not care about any of that and simply want the champ nerfed so u can have a easier fight that is not what aw is about at this point best advice I can give u is dont do aw if they nerf hype for the reasons u state then u fill find another ai you don't like are another champ that u struggle against and beg them to nerf instead of practice against them

    I have champs but if I take them off Defense then the enemy has a MUCH easier time as they have to deal with much weaker defenders as both Magik and Dorm are very painful to attack. As for Voodoo/GR (aside from their power drain being L2 which is insanely hard to use vs Hype and GR's being tied to L2 THEN to his L3) is that both of them are constantly in AQ in an AQ focussed alliance.

    Now I can bait him in Event Quest and Duels but his WAR AI feels dramatically different and often times refuses to bait which renders any skill or practice utterly useless…

    and a more aggressive AI would benefit both defense and attack:

    Attackers would be able to bait and drain more often but they'd also have to be more careful as Hyperion would not be forgiven to ANY mistake you make!

    AI like Spidey, NC and Mordo are arguably bad as Spidey and NC have the advantage of split second Computer input with Evade and Mordo plays SUPER defensive!

    However Spidey and NC are both aggressive which allows plenty of parry potential and Mordo plays overly defensive at first but after a little exploiting it he will act more aggressive.

    From my experience: Hyperion seems to have odd quirks that don't add up as only when getting beat up does he act super aggressive and when taking a defensive role Hyperion will form an iron defense of blocking and punishing Heavies with combos and even chaining specials. This seems to make the first few seconds the deciding factor in whether he'll be easy to bait or if he's gonna be a total troll

    Would a more aggressive and punishing AI actually be a bad thing? Making him more inclined to attack and punish defensive behavior (instead of mimicking it) would actually make him a more consistent fight but also Force WAY more caution as once he gets you close to a corner you'll be hard pressed to get out again…
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    edited July 2017

    I have champs but if I take them off Defense then the enemy has a MUCH easier time as they have to deal with much weaker defenders as both Magik and Dorm are very painful to attack. As for Voodoo/GR (aside from their power drain being L2 which is insanely hard to use vs Hype and GR's being tied to L2 THEN to his L3) is that both of them are constantly in AQ in an AQ focussed alliance.

    This would be something to discuss with ur ally maby ur not at the point u think u are and need to let someone else who has the roster handle him it is an alliance event not everone can be expected to be boss killers
    Now I can bait him in Event Quest and Duels but his WAR AI feels dramatically different and often times refuses to bait which renders any skill or practice utterly useless…

    His ai in aw is defensive and it makes sense look at his abilitys if they made it a offensive ai then it would be a easy fight
    and a more aggressive AI would benefit both defense and attack:

    Attackers would be able to bait and drain more often but they'd also have to be more careful as Hyperion would not be forgiven to ANY mistake you make!

    AI like Spidey, NC and Mordo are arguably bad as Spidey and NC have the advantage of split second Computer input with Evade and Mordo plays SUPER defensive!
    I find spidey and mordo to play extremely agro in aw evade just makes them more annoying for me but I can handle it takes time and practice honestly I'm happy to see mordo and hype at times as long as I play smart i normally can handle and if I can't I know il have someone to back me up
    However Spidey and NC are both aggressive which allows plenty of parry potential and Mordo plays overly defensive at first but after a little exploiting it he will act more aggressive.

    This would make Hyperion a easy kill if he was popping specials off easy like mordo tends to then it becomes a easy fight non predictable so makes things interesting if u have a hard time taking this champ on in a game mode like aw let someone else hit

    From my experience: Hyperion seems to have odd quirks that don't add up as only when getting beat up does he act super aggressive and when taking a defensive role Hyperion will form an iron defense of blocking and punishing Heavies with combos and even chaining specials. This seems to make the first few seconds the deciding factor in whether he'll be easy to bait or if he's gonna be a total troll

    Would a more aggressive and punishing AI actually be a bad thing? Making him more inclined to attack and punish defensive behavior (instead of mimicking it) would actually make him a more consistent fight but also Force WAY more caution as once he gets you close to a corner you'll be hard pressed to get out again…[/quote]

    It's the principle of the matter when will it end u find hype annoying to fight and instead of practicing expect them to change his ai to suit ur fighting style which is not the point of aw
    Then u fight another champ notice ur struggling to fight him and want the same to happen
    The ai for every champ shouldn't be agro some champs should play aggressive u shouldn't be going in to this game mode expecting to one shot champs and expecting kabam to make rights easier for you

    Finally I have said it quite a few times let someone else hit him if u do not have the champs to spare for him take another lane let someone else hit him this is a alliance event after all

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