Kicking Members Before Season Rewards End - Solution



  • Little_Crocodili29Little_Crocodili29 Member Posts: 347 ★★★
    edited August 2019
    The original post attributes the responsibility to leaders and officers for recruiting someone bad.

    It's impossible to know how people play (unless you know them or they're coming with a reference) until they've done a few Aqs and Aws. And even then, sometimes they do fine the first week or two but then it goes downhill from there.

    If I had a penny for the number of people who assured me - prior recruitment - that they were super active, then went on to be leeches or ghosts. Or the ones who had a nice profile but had no idea how to play team modes or were mindboggingly bad... I'd be whaling it right now lol

    Leaders and officers get nothing extra from this game to do a massive job which holds alliances together. Personally I'm happy to do the best for my team. But don't penalise us on top of everything... c'mon lol

    This has been suggested many times before but, yes, it would be great and save a lot of time and grief to have more info on players pages to help us in the filtering process and avoid picking those bad apples :)
  • CyborgLuffyCyborgLuffy Member Posts: 8
    Kicking Someone before he gets his season reward, its really Suck. Just punish the one who kick him the same as the one he kicked. he does not have his season reward too.
  • CyborgLuffyCyborgLuffy Member Posts: 8
    Kicking Someone before he gets his season reward, its really Suck. Just punish the one who kick him the same as the one he kicked. he does not have his season reward too. @Kabam Miike Please give your attention to this matter
  • CyborgLuffyCyborgLuffy Member Posts: 8
    Kicking Someone before he gets his season reward, its really Suck. Just punish the one who kick him the same as the one he kicked. he does not have his season reward too. @Kabam Miike Please give your attention to this matter
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Sounds like someone just got kicked lol
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,119 ★★★★
    edited August 2019
    Kabam can tell the difference between a player being kicked and a player leaving his alliance.

    So if a summoner is leaving his alliance before the rewards, he should not get any as he renounced them by freely leaving its alliance.
    But a kicked summoner, after the cutoff, should still be eligible for the rewards he earned while with in its alliance.
  • BriceMiesterBriceMiester Member Posts: 282
    Gotta Admit I find it Annoying to have some Leech sit in the Alliance and wait for Rewards that other People are working for, many times I've looked into the Alliance Awards and see me and a few other players put in all the work and others did the minimum to collect the rewards, than you have 2 or 3 Black Sheep leave the Alliance right after the Season Rewards come in leaving you to fill the spots
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