Kicking Members Before Season Rewards End - Solution



  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    edited February 2019
    Drooped2 wrote: »
    mum_m2 wrote: »
    so thank you, @Drooped2 but you're saying that a basketball player like Quinn cook didn't deserve an NBA Championship ring because he didn't do as much as Steph Curry???? This is a game, a team game at that, and it's not how it works. the team rewards are the same and everyone gets the same thing.

    and you said contribute, and that's exactly what I implied. It doesn't take much to contribute. I've given multiple examples as to how one can contribute.

    it is an issue whether you recognize it or not - that's your prerogative.

    Good players who contribute dont get kicked by any allaince I've seen. how it works if management decided to remove him before the title game (officers and season end)
    He would get nothing

    that's not true at all. your rosters are locked in the NBA after a certain period in the playoffs. meaning everyone on that team, injured or not is awarded a championship ring.

    moving on....
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  • KarnageKarnage Member Posts: 152 ★★
    Can't believe I need to point this out, but: THIS ISN'T NBA!!
    And even if it was, I'm pretty damn sure if someone was giving excuses every week as to why they're late for practice, forgot their gear, late to matches, turning up drunk, etc. They wouldn't be on the team for long!
  • CaramesCarames Member Posts: 284 ★★
    mum_m2 wrote: »
    Carames wrote: »
    Just as an FYI, if your alliance is constantly hounding you to get in the game and move, or to get your donations in, don't be surprised when you are booted before rewards.

    I think everyone should spend some time as leadership in an active alliance. You'd be surprised how much your perspective would change :-)

    sure, so, why wait until the last minute to kick them??????????????

    to be a jerk is all.

    I kind of see it as a "what goes around comes around" thing. We always had very well-defined rules that all members were informed of when joining. New members would get a week of gentle reminders to get their act together. If they still wouldn't get with the program, they were removed. Didn't matter where we were in terms of AQ series or war season. We wouldn't waste our time intentionally keeping a guy for the whole war season then boot at the end, if that's what you're getting at.

  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    you're changing the subject matter @Drooped2 - and the binding contracts of the NBA is just an analogy to give a little perspective. I know it's not the NBA but still something simple can be done

    but again, if you want to remove the cancer then remove the cancers by all means. just don't be a jerk and kick at the last minute to suck as much as you can out of someone (not specifically saying you personally as it could be construed as an attack on you).

    so again,
    I'm suggesting a penalty which is a terrible idea i guess. or
    locking an alliance from kicking AFTER matchmaking has closed.
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  • KarnageKarnage Member Posts: 152 ★★
    All I hear here is boundless entitlement, you're essentially saying "what does it matter to you if we screw up constantly, you're still getting some rewards, let us get ours"
    And my answer to that is a resounding HELL NO!
    If you're screwing up you're holding the rest of the alliance back from better rewards, why should 29 people settle for less rewards than they're capable of so that 1 person can screw up and get better rewards than they deserve?
    And as for letting people have rewards even if they're full of excuses and constantly screw up? Also hell no.
    You cost us our rewards, you lose yours, simple as that.
    As someone said, the amount of people that get unjustly kicked is very small, and the ones who do are most likely in the brackets where the rewards are worthless anyways. Higher up alliances don't act like morons, most realise that people communicate, and you're not going to get good players if you kick good players without rewards for no reason, word gets around...
  • Jh_DezJh_Dez Member Posts: 1,310 ★★★
    Its wrong to kick someone right before aw season rewards arrive
    You say that they only get kicked if they don't deserve the rewards, why didn't you kick the person from the very moment you noticed his/her poor activity?
    What doesn't make sense is why you'd wait till aw season rewards to kick the person. If you didn't kick the person before season rewards it probably means the person was active enough to not warrant a replacement. But you just wanted to be a turd and kicked the player before season rewards pfft
    It's an act of wickedness
    I've once read the chat of an officer room where the officers planned on kicking a member of their alliance simply because he complained a lot about their frequent aw losses simply because they were sure of gold 1 rewards
  • KarnageKarnage Member Posts: 152 ★★
    Okay so clearly you're a noob, there isn't a whole lot of movement in an alliance during war season, good players stay put and move at the end of the season. The closer it get to the end of the season the harder it gets to find good players...
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  • KarnageKarnage Member Posts: 152 ★★
    Just to expand on that so you fully understand, it's better to have 29 good players and 1 useless players defence than it is just to have 29 good players...
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,369 Guardian
    Jh_Dez wrote: »
    I've once read the chat of an officer room where the officers planned on kicking a member of their alliance simply because he complained a lot about their frequent aw losses simply because they were sure of gold 1 rewards

    Actually, I rarely kick people but the last player I kicked was actually for similar reasons: he was disruptive and abusive in coordination chat. I technically didn't kick him, I told him I would replace him effective the end of the AQ/AW day and he immediately quit. But "complaining a lot" can be a valid reason to want someone gone, especially if they are warned not to do that.

    I want every member of my battlegroup to want to be there, and to want to help the others. And then I want them to perform well, and try to get better over time. In that order.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    edited February 2019
    two things @Drooped2

    you need to participate in 5 wars. if the guy never showed up for any of them he doesn't get the rewards (to my understanding)
    secondly - if they guy would to get rewards and i waited until the last minute to boot a guy like this then shame on me for allowing a player to stay around long enough. it's past the cut off point of no return, no going back, dude gets rewards. it's on me to boot him with a war or two remaining to put my alliance in the best possible scenario.

    @Karnage - you're going off rails here guy. and that's fine and all. I'm trying to help you by giving you some insight here to a problem people are having and offering a simple solution to that problem. people who are saying that, are speculating that it happens in one place and not another. it happens at all levels of game play (maybe not so much masters and plat but it does).
    what difference does it make to you whether that person gets the rewards after the last war? it won't. it's self righteous and being a jerk about it.
    next, if an alliance waits til the last minute to kick someone because they just want his defense, then they are wrong for doing that. even if they person doesn't perform well ever. should have kicked them before it got bad.
    costing you rewards??? did member #17 place 5 defenders every war? did they get you exploration in some wins? did they contribute at all to the success of the team??? even if it's a little, then the entitlement is justified because they are playing the game.

    and I can assure you I'm not a noob. I just crossed the threshold of 600k. but if you must know the origin of my thoughts on this, then I can credit D3 and his video for that.
  • KarnageKarnage Member Posts: 152 ★★
    What difference does it make? I don't want to encourage useless players getting rewards they don't deserve...
    Its literally that simple...
    If you join someones alliance, what they say goes, if you don't like the way it is, run solo, find a different alliance or play a different game.
    If you join my alliance, for all intents and purposes, I am God.
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  • KarnageKarnage Member Posts: 152 ★★
    And as Droop said further up, your solution doesn't work, and the issue is that minor that it's not even worth the time thinking of a solution, much less actually coding it into the program
  • KarnageKarnage Member Posts: 152 ★★
    @Drooped2 I think it's about time to give up man, they clearly don't get it, and if they haven't got it by now they probably never will. Apparently just crossed the threshold of 600k but no clue how alliances actually operate during war, Im calling bull****.
    I'm leaving them to their saltiness, I'd recommend you don't waste any more time either lmao
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    edited February 2019
    no I agree with Droop @Karnage - guy is giving a legitimate reason to kick someone in the most extreme ways possible. however, it shouldn't ever get to that point. dude should have been gone a long time ago

    lock the players after the final match making would end that.

    and you're right im wasting my time with you because you dont understand
  • KarnageKarnage Member Posts: 152 ★★
    You're not getting it are you, how are you possibly 600k rated and not understand the concept that good players don't move during war season.
    According to you we should either let **** players get rewards they don't deserve, or lose out on rewards ourselves from being 1 member down for half a season?
    Again, that's just dumb.
    As I said, if you don't like it, find another game to play because that's how it is and it's not going to change.
  • KarnageKarnage Member Posts: 152 ★★
    Wait, I'm the one who doesn't understand? Are you actually serious right now??
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  • KarnageKarnage Member Posts: 152 ★★
    I'm done here, good luck with your nonsense...
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    edited February 2019
    @Karnage again dude, listen to the scenario I'm speaking of because I'm trying to help you. half the season - you have the opportunity to kick a guy who doesn't belong. kick him out. just don't wait until the last minute after the last war is over to kick him because you want to suck him dry. that's the only scenario im speaking about, and it's a problem that's happening.

    despite what some people are saying as it being a minor issue, it can be a minor fix then. I don't think that person deserves the rewards either. that's the kind of people that I dont want. but I'd kick him with plenty of time to spare once we have a reserve on deck.
  • KarnageKarnage Member Posts: 152 ★★
    Dude, stop tagging me I said I'm done. I can't listen to your stupidity and ignorance any longer.
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  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    The only solution to this is to make better friends.
  • KarnageKarnage Member Posts: 152 ★★
    In fact, 1 last comment, if these people didn't lie to get into an alliance that is beyond their skill level, we wouldn't have this problem.
    Stop trying to sneak into alliances you can't compete in to get better rewards, stay within your capabilities and you won't get kicked for not being good enough. That's the only reason someone would get 'unjustly' kicked.
    Now I'm done...
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    Karnage wrote: »
    I think the main problem here is people who barely contribute, or are constantly late, or don't respond when needed, still think they deserve the rewards for the little bit of effort they put in, even if they've cost the alliance some wins, I've kicked people before they can get rewards. But Ive done it because they didn't deserve the rewards.
    I think the rewards should be distributed based on points earned for the alliance during the season, so if you did next to nothing you get next to nothing, if you were an MVP, you get the best rewards. Everyone should be participating equally (roughly) and therefore should mostly come out with a similar amount of points.

    The problem is the timing. If you see a guy who barely contribute since the beginning, I'm with you, that guy deserve to be kicked immediatly. But if you allow him to participate in 5 or more wars (specifically until the end of the season), and then you kick him out before getting the rewards, well, you are an idiot. I know a lot of greedy leaders who are just impatient to get something/someone new with absolutely no respect for anyone, especially if they need new players before AQ starts... I now refuse to stay in very big alliance because of this, as I saw people who thinks they rule the world just because they are leaders in a stupid game.
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  • _tokio__tokio_ Member Posts: 79
    See the problem is not why but WHEN you kick some1. If he underperforms kick him. If he doesnt Play by the rules kick him BUT

    Dont wait untill last Minute to teach a lesson/vent your anger.

    And on a side node. If hes good enough to have his 5 defenders hes good enough to recieve rewards. Because his 5 defenders are making a difference right ? It doesnt matter that 9 ppl in his BG have to put in more work. Without these 5 defenders all 29 would be screwed if no replacement could be found...
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