Multiple-version champions - inflation growing strong in MCOC



  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    actually, Kamala Khan is the better of the three, it's just that her animations are so very bad.

    and I'm okay with the new captain marvel. It lines up with the hype of the new movie so im good with that. all I ask, and not to sound like a broken record, is that the older champions get buffed is all.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,444 ★★★★★
    edited February 2019
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    DrZola wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Reference wrote: »
    For Cap Marvel case in particular, it’s obviously a money grab decision as they can’t earn more if simply buff the existing cap marvel.

    It is incredibly bizarre to me to call releasing a champion variant a "money grab decision" when that's the actual business MCOC is in. New champions are the product they make, fighting is the playground we use them in. Making new champions and new variations of champions is a money grab in literally the same sense a band making a new song is a money grab. That's what they do.

    More like bands making remixes of the same songs over and over. People eventually get tired of that in music too.

    Dr. Zola

    Edit: Rats! Just saw @JChanceH9 beat me to the punch.

    The post I replied to called making a new champ rather than buffing an existing champ an "obvious money grab." What I said was: that's what Kabam does, make new champs rather than change old ones. This complaint is a totally different one: this presumes that Kabam shouldn't make "new champs" that are too similar to existing ones in general. Except that particular complaint completely ignores the fact that the new Captain Marvel is almost certainly a cross promotion thing with Marvel. It is Marvel that is almost certainly dictating to MCOC to do something new with Captain Marvel to coincide with the movie. That decision has nothing to do with making entirely new champions rather than ones similar to existing ones, because that option doesn't exist in this case. Given essentially a mandate to do something with Captain Marvel, it then becomes obvious that the more likely option is to make a new iteration of the champion rather than revamp an existing one.

    So what I read was: It’s a money grab. Dictated by Marvel. ;)

    Dr. Zola
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Complete overhauls are the best way to revive old champs, but these take time to design and roll out. If you asked what the easiest way is, I'd say it would be regular balance adjustments. Make small, documented adjustments to under-used champions with each update. Increase the speed with which Kamala Khan gains furies when charging heavies. Bump up Groot's attack rating. Things like that. Document these adjustments and make them little by little until older champs are enticing to players again.

    Amen to that! Sometimes only small changes are necessary.

    Take for instant good ol' CM. She only needs some small changes:
    - Give her SP2 either True Damage or guaranteed crit like symbiote spidey.
    - Make her sig truly absorb power: when she hits or gets hit, a stackable amount gained by the opponent is reduced and added to her power meter. This amount is doubled for energy-based attacks.
    - The increase in damage based on her power meter of her sig becomes a regular ability.
    - Give her SP1 an Incinerate debuff that removes perfect block chance and reduces block proficiency by 50% like Hyperion. On robots, it burns their circuits decreasing their ability accuracy by 50%.
    - Energy-based debuffs do not damage her but instead grants her a passive gain of 2% per second for its duration like Mephisto.
    - Her SP3 has 100% chance to recover some power based on the opponent's power meter (like 50%).
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    Yeah but if they just buffed the old Captain Marvels, how would they get COW to chase champs he already has?
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  • TranminhbaoTranminhbao Member Posts: 127
    ON12355 wrote: »
    So I just saw that new Cpt. Marvel is basically confirmed as new character to be add in next month. And I can't help but notice there is something wrong about that.

    So we already have 3 versions of Cpt.Marvel original character. Even if I drop Kamala, there is still 2 versions which are the exact same character with almost exact same abilities, only dressed differently. All 3 versions are now in MCOC for a long time, meaning probably majority of people have them, at least one of them. And let's be honest, they are all VERY mediocre champions, Kamala is actually considered one of the most disappointing (not saying worst) champions of all time.
    And yet, we are getting 4th version. Why, I ask? Why do we need 3th version of THE SAME EXACT CHARACTER dressed differently (dropping Kamala again) ? This seems to me like such a betrayal on both Cpt. Marvel and Ms. Marvel. Kabam, you are creating new, very probably much better version (or at least modern, up-to-date and adapted on current state of game ->none of those things we can say about old versions) of the same Marvel character, this time - wait for it - with loose hair! We really are craving for all those new hairstyles! Sorry about the sarcams but do you even get the point? Are you aware that only message you sent out is "We don't care about all the old Cpt.Marvels, no buff is coming, we created new one instead" ?


    Now seriously, this is becoming very tedious and boring issue in the contest. Kabam is replicating the same champions, new versions are always far better (which would be understandable) with old ones left to rot in inventory forever with no chance to be buffed in the future.
    And this is not the first time it's gonna happen, remember Spider-man anyone? We had Spidey classic. We had Spidey symbiote. We had Miles Morales. For years, those champs are actually unusable for any progress-content except AW defense (maybe except very short period of time when Symbiote was considered good. Very short.) So what did Kabam do? They gave us Starky. And don't get me wrong, I do love him, he is arguably on of the best champs in the game. But we can't ignore the fact that him being created practically doomed all of those 3 other Spider-mans to eternal trash. Cpt. Amreica IW sent both other Captains to vacation-again no chance for them to get better. Iron man IW - same case, classic IM, superior IM, Iron Patriot, they are identical. None of them will be buffed probably cause we have IMIW. Now I'm afraid the same is gonna happen with Cpt. Marvel.
    As I mentioned, what I don't like the most about all this is the message Kabam is sending out - we are not gonna buff your stored champions, we may create some superior version in the future, but those you already have will always be as they are - useless. Wasted pulls.

    With each champion added to crystal pool, chance to get some specific champion you want (just because you simply love the Marvel character which is probably the reason we are all playing this game, isn't it?) is getting smaller. Fact, that we have 4 versionsof for example Spider-man and only 1 on them is actually good and desired meaning you have already very small chance to pull Spider-man character and even if you do pulll him, only 25% chance that you will be able to actually use him in the game.

    Now we have Daredevil twins. Magneto twins. Cyclops twins. Cpt. Colossus twins. Cpt. America - 3 versions. Iron man - 4 versions. Spidey - 4 versions. Captain Marvel...?
    The most of all above champions (except CAIW,IMIW and Starky - who again have very clearly demonstrated best versions of themselves, which is always also the newest version of themselves, leaving others bite a dust) are basically different outfit copies of the exact same character. And we can see very clear on examples of Cpt. America, Iron man and Spider-man what happens to the old versions, when superior comes out. Nothing. What I just mentioned includes more than 20 characters. There is like 140 characters in MCOC now(rounded)? That's not a small %, not a small amount, that's quite a lot of spots in your possible pulls taken by mostly very mediocre, unoriginal champs. Not the way to go, Kabam. Something to think about.

    I'm totally agree with you dude.
    I don't require Kabam to release 2 new champs every month, 140 character is so overwhelming, they can just focus on new nodes, buff old champs if needed, that will make players like me happy.
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    Can we be fair and say that there is no confirmation on this movie captain marvel making it to the game? It hasn’t been confirmed... my guess next month will either be Korath, Mar-Vell and/or super skrull.

    Don’t start a firestorm before we have any confirmation on what is happening.

    No confirmation?
    Please visit Official Marvel Entertainment YouTube channel
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    This is a grand disappointment. Hopefully Kabam hears us out on this one.

    @Kabam Lyra or @Kabam Miike ... an overwhelming majority of people agreed with this post, as shown...

    Please consider passing this onto your team, & consider this for the future. While we all like new versions of characters, it’s gets a little too much at a certain point. This new Capt Marvel is really just a giant kick to the “you know what” when everyone else has the same version they were wanting buffed. IMIW was different, because he was a different version of the already existing character, having the ‘Bleeding Edge’ Armor. Same principle for Cap IW, Gladiator Hulk & Thor Rags. But this new Capt Marvel is literally the same version, with a slightly different suit & hairstyle.

    What you did for Venom, I feel is highly overlooked. You did an amazing buff for him, without creating a new version, & that was AWESOME! I would really hope to see more of that in the future, instead of re-skins of already existing characters.

    I wouldn't really call it "an overwhelming majority" given the thousands of accounts in the game, but more that you have garnered a good bit of support on the forums.

    That being said, I do agree that the game as a whole is getting a bit diluted with too many obscure & variations of champs.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,444 ★★★★★
    edited February 2019
    This is a grand disappointment. Hopefully Kabam hears us out on this one.

    @Kabam Lyra or @Kabam Miike ... an overwhelming majority of people agreed with this post, as shown...

    Please consider passing this onto your team, & consider this for the future. While we all like new versions of characters, it’s gets a little too much at a certain point. This new Capt Marvel is really just a giant kick to the “you know what” when everyone else has the same version they were wanting buffed. IMIW was different, because he was a different version of the already existing character, having the ‘Bleeding Edge’ Armor. Same principle for Cap IW, Gladiator Hulk & Thor Rags. But this new Capt Marvel is literally the same version, with a slightly different suit & hairstyle.

    What you did for Venom, I feel is highly overlooked. You did an amazing buff for him, without creating a new version, & that was AWESOME! I would really hope to see more of that in the future, instead of re-skins of already existing characters.

    Agreed. While the SH and SG beta are nice, those two champs have stunk it up for a long time. And there’s a long line of iconic Marvel characters left to rot in game (Magneto Twins, DPX, Cykes, Iron Fist, Dr. Strange). All of which means we desperately need our fourth Captain Marvel and our third Carol Danvers.

    The real slap in the face would be a nice synergy boost to OG CM...which would apply only if you are among the lucky sots who grind or pull a new Carol. Ka-Ching.

    I realize there may be some direction that a new CM comes out, but that doesn’t change the fact that it feels like crass monetization. I don’t expect it, but I certainly wish Marvel would ask that they do better.

    Dr. Zola
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    IKON wrote: »

    This is why we're getting a new captain marvel. It just is what it is.

    Not every game create a “new Cap Marvel”, some games just created a special mission or events decidated to the new movie.

    Actually some people just mix up the concept (or create a blind spot themselves) that “kabam should create new CM because a movie is coming”. Some people already cite Dr Strange case. Kabam can still have business along with the launch of movie by creating new event quest(s)......and that’s why with Cap Marvel Combat Clash now.

    Marvel is a big comic universe with over thousand of characters. Even in the new CM movie we will have new characters like star force team/skrull. Duplication of character inside the game always result in obsoletation of the old one. In particular for Cap Marvel case, the movie director has mentioned the costume of CM is designed based on the OG comic outlook, and thus it is almost the same as OG CM inside existing MCOC.
  • ON12355ON12355 Member Posts: 144 ★★
    DarthPhal wrote: »
    Yeah but if they just buffed the old Captain Marvels, how would they get COW to chase champs he already has?

    Really, read the thread - we have said here several times we still want and expect 2 new champs every month - nothing wrong about that: COW still get their dose and spend their bucks, but WHY for crying out loud we need another reskin of already duplicated champion? Makes no sense whatsoever, I mean, from Kabam's perspective:

    -Yes, new cpt. Marvel movie is coming , we need 2 new characters related to it
    -so we already have the exact same Cpt. Marvel as in the movie, so which other characters can we use?
    - Nick Fury, Skrull - ding-dong job is done: we have 2 new characters related to movie, we still get our money from COWs and we did not screw the other characters, bring the champagne!

    But really, Kabam IS capable, if they want to : they managed to buff Venom when his movie came out and still release 2 new champions that month, they managed to do the same with Ant-Man...There is no reason this should be any different, actually there is a more reason why it absolutely should'nt be different because we already have surplus of Cpt. Marvel characters even without this new one. We had only one Venom - they did not create duplicate. We had only one Ant-man yet still - they did not create duplicate. We have 3 Ms./Cpt. Marvel based characters so we are getting another one. How is this making any sense I'll never know.
  • DLLMDLLM Member Posts: 21
    New champs can dilute the pool and make us more difficult to get god tier champs.
  • CyberShredderCyberShredder Member Posts: 32
    The only movie version of a character I want is Blade so I can try to ice skate uphill.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    DrZola said:

    DNA3000 wrote: »

    DrZola wrote: »

    DNA3000 wrote: »

    Reference wrote: »

    For Cap Marvel case in particular, it’s obviously a money grab decision as they can’t earn more if simply buff the existing cap marvel.

    It is incredibly bizarre to me to call releasing a champion variant a "money grab decision" when that's the actual business MCOC is in. New champions are the product they make, fighting is the playground we use them in. Making new champions and new variations of champions is a money grab in literally the same sense a band making a new song is a money grab. That's what they do.

    More like bands making remixes of the same songs over and over. People eventually get tired of that in music too.

    Dr. Zola

    Edit: Rats! Just saw @JChanceH9 beat me to the punch.

    The post I replied to called making a new champ rather than buffing an existing champ an "obvious money grab." What I said was: that's what Kabam does, make new champs rather than change old ones. This complaint is a totally different one: this presumes that Kabam shouldn't make "new champs" that are too similar to existing ones in general. Except that particular complaint completely ignores the fact that the new Captain Marvel is almost certainly a cross promotion thing with Marvel. It is Marvel that is almost certainly dictating to MCOC to do something new with Captain Marvel to coincide with the movie. That decision has nothing to do with making entirely new champions rather than ones similar to existing ones, because that option doesn't exist in this case. Given essentially a mandate to do something with Captain Marvel, it then becomes obvious that the more likely option is to make a new iteration of the champion rather than revamp an existing one.

    So what I read was: It’s a money grab. Dictated by Marvel. ;)

    Dr. Zola

    its smart marketing and business dictated by marvel.
    if a promotion and advertising is what you consider a money grab then sure money grab it is.
    but i say good business.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    Thor = CHECK
    Thor Rag = CHECK

    Hulk = CHECK
    Gulk = CHECK
    Joe Fixit = CHECK

    Magneto = CHECK
    Magneto NOW = CHECK

    DD = CHECK
    Netflix DD = CHECK

    Vision = CHECK
    AOU Vison = CHECK

    BP = CHECK
    Civil War BP = CHECK

    Cyclops = CHECK
    Cyclops = CHECK

    Deadpool = CHECK
    Deadpool Xforce = CHECK

    Spidey = CHECK
    Symbiote Spidey = CHECK
    Stark Spidey = CHECK
    (only 3 are peter parker)

    Wolvie = CHECK

    Cap = CHECK
    WWii Cap = CHECK
    CW = CHECK
    (thats right 4 Steve rogers)

    Ironman = CHECK
    Hulbuster = CHECK
    IronMan IW = CHECK
    (thats right 4 tony starks)
    (not to mention the other Iron Armors)
    War Machine and Iron Patriot

    Ms Marvel = CHECK
    Cap Marvel = CHECK
    Cap Marvel MCU = WHOA! WHOA WHOA... STOP RIGHT THERE. We already have 3 ....

    UM WAIT. no we dont.
    These 3 are Carol Danvers.
    but the other is Kamala Kahn. not the same person at all.
    that would be like saying Miles morales is also Peter Parker.

    already so many double and this is the one everyone complains about.
    sounds like people arew jumping on the Brie Larson hate wagon.
    WHICH IS A LOAD OF CROCK BLOWN OUTTA PROPORTION OF NO RELEVANCE TO THE GAME OR MOVIES. and also is no where near as bad as wat other actors have said and done over the years.
  • ON12355ON12355 Member Posts: 144 ★★
    MaatMan said:

    Thor = CHECK
    Thor Rag = CHECK

    Hulk = CHECK
    Gulk = CHECK
    Joe Fixit = CHECK

    Magneto = CHECK
    Magneto NOW = CHECK

    DD = CHECK
    Netflix DD = CHECK

    Vision = CHECK
    AOU Vison = CHECK

    BP = CHECK
    Civil War BP = CHECK

    Cyclops = CHECK
    Cyclops = CHECK

    Deadpool = CHECK
    Deadpool Xforce = CHECK

    Spidey = CHECK
    Symbiote Spidey = CHECK
    Stark Spidey = CHECK
    (only 3 are peter parker)

    Wolvie = CHECK

    Cap = CHECK
    WWii Cap = CHECK
    CW = CHECK
    (thats right 4 Steve rogers)

    Ironman = CHECK
    Hulbuster = CHECK
    IronMan IW = CHECK
    (thats right 4 tony starks)
    (not to mention the other Iron Armors)
    War Machine and Iron Patriot

    Ms Marvel = CHECK
    Cap Marvel = CHECK
    Cap Marvel MCU = WHOA! WHOA WHOA... STOP RIGHT THERE. We already have 3 ....

    UM WAIT. no we dont.
    These 3 are Carol Danvers.
    but the other is Kamala Kahn. not the same person at all.
    that would be like saying Miles morales is also Peter Parker.

    already so many double and this is the one everyone complains about.
    sounds like people arew jumping on the Brie Larson hate wagon.
    WHICH IS A LOAD OF CROCK BLOWN OUTTA PROPORTION OF NO RELEVANCE TO THE GAME OR MOVIES. and also is no where near as bad as wat other actors have said and done over the years.

    Man you couldn't be more wrong about this. I don't really care about hate, I already have tickets for the movie, I'm really looking forward to it just as I do to any other marvel movie as I just a marvel fan. That's really not the case here.

    And you actually summarized the whole point - I'm not saying that new CM in particular is the worst we had so far, I'm actually saying that it's ANOTHER duplicate champion and this whole duplicating is overall wrong for the game when older versions are getting outdated and unusable and only new versions are actually good for something. This is not direct complaint to CM, but the pattern it's confirming. You see now?
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    edited March 2019
    ON12355 said:

    MaatMan said:

    Thor = CHECK
    Thor Rag = CHECK

    Hulk = CHECK
    Gulk = CHECK
    Joe Fixit = CHECK

    Magneto = CHECK
    Magneto NOW = CHECK

    DD = CHECK
    Netflix DD = CHECK

    Vision = CHECK
    AOU Vison = CHECK

    BP = CHECK
    Civil War BP = CHECK

    Cyclops = CHECK
    Cyclops = CHECK

    Deadpool = CHECK
    Deadpool Xforce = CHECK

    Spidey = CHECK
    Symbiote Spidey = CHECK
    Stark Spidey = CHECK
    (only 3 are peter parker)

    Wolvie = CHECK

    Cap = CHECK
    WWii Cap = CHECK
    CW = CHECK
    (thats right 4 Steve rogers)

    Ironman = CHECK
    Hulbuster = CHECK
    IronMan IW = CHECK
    (thats right 4 tony starks)
    (not to mention the other Iron Armors)
    War Machine and Iron Patriot

    Ms Marvel = CHECK
    Cap Marvel = CHECK
    Cap Marvel MCU = WHOA! WHOA WHOA... STOP RIGHT THERE. We already have 3 ....

    UM WAIT. no we dont.
    These 3 are Carol Danvers.
    but the other is Kamala Kahn. not the same person at all.
    that would be like saying Miles morales is also Peter Parker.

    already so many double and this is the one everyone complains about.
    sounds like people arew jumping on the Brie Larson hate wagon.
    WHICH IS A LOAD OF CROCK BLOWN OUTTA PROPORTION OF NO RELEVANCE TO THE GAME OR MOVIES. and also is no where near as bad as wat other actors have said and done over the years.

    Man you couldn't be more wrong about this. I don't really care about hate, I already have tickets for the movie, I'm really looking forward to it just as I do to any other marvel movie as I just a marvel fan. That's really not the case here.

    And you actually summarized the whole point - I'm not saying that new CM in particular is the worst we had so far, I'm actually saying that it's ANOTHER duplicate champion and this whole duplicating is overall wrong for the game when older versions are getting outdated and unusable and only new versions are actually good for something. This is not direct complaint to CM, but the pattern it's confirming. You see now?
    i kinda get your point...
    but also, MEH..

    another champ is another champ.
    aslong as they are good and fun thats wat makes me happy.
    there are some champs we would all like that are not here.
    i just think lets try and enjoy the champs we get and try and suggest the ones we want.
    Marvel would have certainly influenced this particular addition.

    On one hand yes i would like to see less dupes,
    but on the other hand when they get it right like Beardo, I am soo glad they added him.
    CA is my fave and i am glad they did him justice with IW.
    so if they didnt make dupes i wouldnt have gotten the champ i really want. and now enjoy as my number 1.

    and by the way dude CM is a fricken AWESOME MOVIE. saw it last night and loved it.
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