Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    There could be a number of reasons. Could be to target a certain demographic of progression, could be that they aren't going to be nearly as effective so people won't have to burn through stores of Resources, could be anything, really. One thing that occurs to me is it will be hard, you probably wouldn't want to.
  • _Chaos__Chaos_ Member Posts: 143
    edited March 2019
    Kabam DK said:

    In a new turn of events, we’ll also be featuring a Legends Run for all Chapters of Act 6, and a special Act Legends Reward throughout the release of Act 6! The top times for each Chapter’s Legends will be collected, and awarded with a new Champion never before owned by any Summoner!

    is this new Champion never before owned a 6* champ?

    This Champion has never been obtainable at any Rarity whatsoever
    Maestro (Most likely)
    Carina (probably not)
    Hydra Adaptoid
  • nilaebrannilaebran Member Posts: 106
    Act6 is not for noobs and people will probably have to handle it the hard way.. Don't have 5* heimdall? Wait for him or don't try to cheat death at all, find other ways.. Can't dash back? Don't use starky (ghost will probably still smash it).. You need 100 revives to finish a path? Stash them, grind arena for units or buy them with money, act6 isn't going anywhere.. We'll face 23-28k pi champs and you're complaining about 4*.. Would like to see how many of those complaining about 4* used any 3* in act5, even if for synergy purposes only..

    That being said.. Kabam.. Rewards suck balls..
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  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    nilaebran said:

    Act6 is not for noobs and people will probably have to handle it the hard way.. Don't have 5* heimdall? Wait for him or don't try to cheat death at all, find other ways.. Can't dash back? Don't use starky (ghost will probably still smash it).. You need 100 revives to finish a path? Stash them, grind arena for units or buy them with money, act6 isn't going anywhere.. We'll face 23-28k pi champs and you're complaining about 4*.. Would like to see how many of those complaining about 4* used any 3* in act5, even if for synergy purposes only..

    That being said.. Kabam.. Rewards suck balls..

    The champs are only around 30k pi 4* could be easily and as a matter of fact I have used 3* in act 5
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  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    Act 6 has been described as the last part of this current storyline, i.e. the "end game" of the story. It only makes sense that it's essentially reserved for those players who are at the end of the game.

    Not that I agree, but that's my theory.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    It's just like any content, really. If we don't have the right Champs, or have them Ranked, we will have to work on it. It's the same with other content. It's permanent, so there's lots of time. There's nothing that says we have to finish it on the first day.
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  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    Very excited about act 6. I think the rewards are fine for a chapter 1. I'm not going to complain about nodes I haven't tested yet. It's been ages since we had new story content and I can't wait. I agree with everyone complaining about restricting this to 5*s and 6*s though. I have a decent roster so I'm not worried I will need 4*s, but I'd like to hear the reasoning behind this. This is permanent content. Why shouldn't we be able to practice with 3*s if we want to? Why shouldn't we be able to play around with different synergy teams? There may be a good explanation (or at least an explanation, good or otherwise). If so I think we'd all like to hear it. @Kabam Miike could we get a little transparency here? Maybe something from the dev team?
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  • ThemadpotatoThemadpotato Member Posts: 58
    Unpopular opinion: The ban of 4 star champions for act 6 is beneficial for those who want to further progress. Yes it sucks that 4 star synergies are going to heavily restrict a lot of people's roster when going in to complete act 6, but people are now being pushed to further progress their rosters. How often are people ranking up three stars and using them to complete new content? There is an obvious push towards 6 stars and higher ranked 5 stars that Kabam is trying to make and it seems that they will continue to want to push that moving on, so it is better to start somewhere. The only short term issue I see again lies with the resources. It is terrible that people were only given a one week notice that they won't be able to enter with their four stars and now have to focus on their five stars, considering the ongoing discussion that lots of four stars are still worth the rank ups. And now those people will also have to start ranking up their 5 stars which is extremely expensive and will deplete plenty of players' inventory and resources, which I hope there are changes being made to obtaining gold other than just buying it. Again, for the people who are extremely concerned for the decision to exclude 4 stars, I guarantee you that Kabam will try to make higher tiered champions more accessible than they already are and that they are trying to make decisions that will in turn benefit the contest.
  • edited March 2019
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  • HanzumHanzum Member Posts: 15
    edited March 2019
  • OdachiOdachi Member Posts: 1,146 ★★★★

    It's just like any content, really. If we don't have the right Champs, or have them Ranked, we will have to work on it. It's the same with other content. It's permanent, so there's lots of time. There's nothing that says we have to finish it on the first day.

    Why should you need the "right champ" if you can replace it with skill? My main team is mostly 5* but my 4* cap IW is just as useful as the rest of them
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    nilaebran said:

    Would like to see how many of those complaining about 4* used any 3* in act5, even if for synergy purposes only..

    I used a 3* GR and a 4* sparky for Blade synergy for a lot of act 5 chapter 4 until I got better options.

  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★

    Unpopular opinion: The ban of 4 star champions for act 6 is beneficial for those who want to further progress. Yes it sucks that 4 star synergies are going to heavily restrict a lot of people's roster when going in to complete act 6, but people are now being pushed to further progress their rosters. How often are people ranking up three stars and using them to complete new content? There is an obvious push towards 6 stars and higher ranked 5 stars that Kabam is trying to make and it seems that they will continue to want to push that moving on, so it is better to start somewhere. The only short term issue I see again lies with the resources. It is terrible that people were only given a one week notice that they won't be able to enter with their four stars and now have to focus on their five stars, considering the ongoing discussion that lots of four stars are still worth the rank ups. And now those people will also have to start ranking up their 5 stars which is extremely expensive and will deplete plenty of players' inventory and resources, which I hope there are changes being made to obtaining gold other than just buying it. Again, for the people who are extremely concerned for the decision to exclude 4 stars, I guarantee you that Kabam will try to make higher tiered champions more accessible than they already are and that they are trying to make decisions that will in turn benefit the contest.

    I have to disagree what if your 5* and 6* luck is just isn’t great then why should you not be able to do act 5 even if your skilled enough

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  • nilaebrannilaebran Member Posts: 106
    6* unstoppable colossus.. Hihihi
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,742 ★★★★★
    Inimico said:

    Guys, read the no retreat node properly. When you dash back, a degen timer starts for 1.2 seconds but you DON’T get damaged. Only if you dash back again while it’s active will you get damaged. It’s possible to avoid it by just not dashing back twice in quick succession?

    AI will be aggressive attacker lol
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,445 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    No 4-stars was probably to help keep the forum from flooding with posts about the cash grab Act 6 because "Cheap Kabam made it too hard for mid-level players to beat without using any potions or revives! Cash Grab, Feed the Whales, Rich get Richer, I'll never catch up, etc. etc."
  • ThemadpotatoThemadpotato Member Posts: 58
    Kobster84 said:

    Unpopular opinion: The ban of 4 star champions for act 6 is beneficial for those who want to further progress. Yes it sucks that 4 star synergies are going to heavily restrict a lot of people's roster when going in to complete act 6, but people are now being pushed to further progress their rosters. How often are people ranking up three stars and using them to complete new content? There is an obvious push towards 6 stars and higher ranked 5 stars that Kabam is trying to make and it seems that they will continue to want to push that moving on, so it is better to start somewhere. The only short term issue I see again lies with the resources. It is terrible that people were only given a one week notice that they won't be able to enter with their four stars and now have to focus on their five stars, considering the ongoing discussion that lots of four stars are still worth the rank ups. And now those people will also have to start ranking up their 5 stars which is extremely expensive and will deplete plenty of players' inventory and resources, which I hope there are changes being made to obtaining gold other than just buying it. Again, for the people who are extremely concerned for the decision to exclude 4 stars, I guarantee you that Kabam will try to make higher tiered champions more accessible than they already are and that they are trying to make decisions that will in turn benefit the contest.

    I have to disagree what if your 5* and 6* luck is just isn’t great then why should you not be able to do act 5 even if your skilled enough

    Just looking at the average PI of what was given in announcement, it seems that act 6 will be significantly more difficult. No one knows yet how difficult it will be other than beta testers, but I don't think skill will be enough to complete act 6 content. I agree that it sucks for people who don't have a roster filled with good champions, but it seems very clear that 5 stars will be easier to get. Just completing Act 6 once and you already have an huge increase in chance to get them. I'm sure if one has completed act 5, they will be able to at least get the new title and start getting more 5 stars
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