Today's update



  • AngelLordAngelLord Member Posts: 62
    Just had my second Crash after a battle while on the new patch. In Arena, second battle of the set...last time it was on the third....I did NOT lose my streak because of it (the win registered) the past I would sometimes lose my streak when this happened...
    Once again, Galaxy S8, Latest patches from Android and Samsung.
  • AngelLordAngelLord Member Posts: 62
    Arena fight Guillotine 5* vs Rhino 5*....suddenly became a slide-show....but in the background you could tell the game was moving at normal speed...just the display was a slideshow....So from my perspective it was jumping around, but it still registered my swipes and blocks...made for difficult play.
  • AngelLordAngelLord Member Posts: 62
    edited July 2017
    Several times now during fights, my champ will suddenly rush forward in the fight even though I did not tell them to do that...this is a new issue for me since this patch.
    Also had a couple more fights that suddenly became slideshows. Wolvering VS Rhino (this was in a quest not Arena), and Moonknight vs Ultron (in Arena).
  • LegoCrafter517LegoCrafter517 Member Posts: 52
    Hey All,

    What you're seeing is an update that is not available to all players at this time. We are currently running a beta test with some users, for a potential feature we may release in the future. If you have any feedback or are seeing any issues arise, please let us know! Your feedback and information helps us improve this development process, and any additional details you wish to provide us will further aid us in our work.

    If you are a player that is noticing some missing assets or blank spaces, this should resolve itself after a session or two. You may want to try restarting the App as well.

    I got the download and every thing seems fine..for now at least. I would like to know more about what you guys were testing out as it may shed some more light for those who did get it (only android users got it btw).
  • CazccdCazccd Member Posts: 2
    I updated and am in war, lost 3 fights on the same node and spent 300 units plus a rev and a few potions. This is **** all because of a **** update that i didnt ask for.
  • slipNslide51slipNslide51 Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2017
    The thing I'm noticing the most from this update is lag and choppy screen rates. Also my light attacks are registering as heavies. Other than that not noticing anything else. Device is GS7 edge.
  • AngelLordAngelLord Member Posts: 62
    Okay just ran into a MAJOR bug in AW. My R5 wolverine against a 4*r4 Electra... As soon as my wolverine began to heal... Instead of gaining life, I lost life equal to my healing... It was like I took an sp2 from guillotine... At first I thought I was mistaken, but when it happened while I nearly had full power I died in seconds... Not cool...
  • Marvel_boundMarvel_bound Member Posts: 14
    @Kabam Miike what features are you tssting I got the same download screen but see no difference and will there be an announcement
  • WreakingHavocWreakingHavoc Member Posts: 253 ★★
    @Kabam Miike, what is new? Besides a few bugs, I can't see anything new. Come on. We shouldn't have to go out of our way to figure out your riddles.
  • WreakingHavocWreakingHavoc Member Posts: 253 ★★
    What if...

    Kabam isn't testing a new feature, but they're testing us? They're seeing how long we'll go trying to find something new when there really isn't anything. It's a social experiment.

    Nah, that wouldn't make people pay to win. Nevermind.
  • AngelLordAngelLord Member Posts: 62
    Ugh, finding lots of combat bugs now... Blocks that don't happen, sudden jumping forward and backwards which really screwed me up in arena... Enemy pretty much always blocks specials... I can only rarely parry, and when I dodge the enemy just keeps coming at me until I run out of room.... I'm also finding that wierd other bugs like bleed that doesn't kill... Gets them down to almost no health, but they don't die even though there was a lot of time left on the bleed... It's very strange... Nothing is consistent though... Each big halogens randomly.
  • ralmadaralmada Member Posts: 191
    Another update was released. Version (14.0.5) not changed.

  • SirTodd_83SirTodd_83 Member Posts: 177
    I updated the game this morning but only just played recently, i have to see my hatred towards the game hasn't changed. It didn't get any better, if anything it got slightly worse. The unreliable response of my champs movement, the specials randomly connecting or not even though I'm throwing a special at the same moment after a combo within the same fight, lagging of fights and of course the most infuriating bug in constant crashing are all still there. In the space of 45 minutes today the game crashed 3 times. Twice in the space of 1 minute
  • BoltshotburstBoltshotburst Member Posts: 8
    I am facing issues after the strange update. All the faces of champions are gone. Arena and Quest doesn't start. I'm stuck in middle of Cable Arena.
    @Kabam Miike can you please tell me when can this be resolved? I cannot participate in Cable Arena because of this update. The game has been unplayable since last 8 Hours
  • DidothehunterDidothehunter Member Posts: 12
    The game is so Laggy right now I can't even block in duels. Usually if there is an incompetent update it means no blocking in aq and war. This is so crazy it affects all play. I'm on an android tab. No point in playing at all until this is sorted.
    I'm not aware of having updated when I just logged in, unlike the others
  • BreenioBreenio Member Posts: 115
    I'm quite lucky in the sense I had plans over this weekend and decided not to go for cable, hoping it's ok come Monday. I'm finding war a bit tricky due to the inability to parry. Also had one instance of an insta-heavy with no wind up time whilst running in to start the fight. Still no clues as to what the test is yet but the fact I'm hardly playing, must give the some indicator something is wrong. AQ tonight.....that'll be fun.
  • trungst1999trungst1999 Member Posts: 16
    I absolutely agree with u who can ever play like this,this is by far the second worst update ever make grinding for arena impossible also many feature too especially like AQ and AW i mean why Kabam?
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,202 ★★★★
    I noticed the game had automatically updated when I was sleeping and also got hit with mini load screens between fights. It would be nice to know what the update was about, and exactly they are testing. Please shed some light on the matter other then that vague description of a beta test @Kabam Miike
  • DhruvgDhruvg Member Posts: 287
    Hey @kabam mike , if you guys want , I can be a beta user , I don't play in alliance , so I can help you guys out in finding and reporting bugs :)
  • TinyT_WsONLYTinyT_WsONLY Member Posts: 3
    Hey All,

    What you're seeing is an update that is not available to all players at this time. We are currently running a beta test with some users, for a potential feature we may release in the future. If you have any feedback or are seeing any issues arise, please let us know! Your feedback and information helps us improve this development process, and any additional details you wish to provide us will further aid us in our work.

    If you are a player that is noticing some missing assets or blank spaces, this should resolve itself after a session or two. You may want to try restarting the App as well.

    You guys are jokers man...your killing our gaming slowly...
  • TinyT_WsONLYTinyT_WsONLY Member Posts: 3
    How come it wasn't announced and why do we have no say in it!?!?! I'm loosing a war becuase of your "experiments for the future"!!!! You guys messed up a perfectly good gane and now you just "killing it softly" like you was fugees!!!!
  • TinyT_WsONLYTinyT_WsONLY Member Posts: 3
    Ok just needed to get that off my chest =)
    Its not that bad but lately theres always some issue. There was a point I should have got 4star awakening gem and didn't after claiming it, also should have 2 5*'s but don't have 1. And its always something. Would be nice to play the game and not feel like I'm being trolled!!! I'm now loosing in war because this update won't just keeps updating in part and then finishes but yet starts another update again...just ridicules!!!
  • Mana_PotMana_Pot Member Posts: 235 ★★
    So.... still no news on what we're actually "beta testing?"
  • cytwbccytwbc Member Posts: 93
    I got the update and did the update last night, i dont grind arena or even play arena all that much but,
    in AW ive noticed screen jumps and small glitches, im noticed some game lag, but the main problem im having is input lag,
    like i press block or swipe. its slower which is costing me items and or units
  • cytwbccytwbc Member Posts: 93
    Also as others has asked, WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSE TO BE TESTING
  • ARMAGEDDON999ARMAGEDDON999 Member Posts: 123
    After update it's taking time to get into a quest or even upgrading a champ. If I try to upgrade a champ it will take me to loading page at first and this happens to each champ. During crystal openings too when it stops spinning there is a loading bar in bottom.
  • ShackShack Member Posts: 17
    I recieved the update as well and yes it was causing issues at first. After a few restarts it got better. But is still lagging and slow!
  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    edited July 2017
    Hey All,

    What you're seeing is an update that is not available to all players at this time. We are currently running a beta test with some users, for a potential feature we may release in the future. If you have any feedback or are seeing any issues arise, please let us know! Your feedback and information helps us improve this development process, and any additional details you wish to provide us will further aid us in our work.

    If you are a player that is noticing some missing assets or blank spaces, this should resolve itself after a session or two. You may want to try restarting the App as well.

    What?! Why?! Why am I forced to play this 'buggy' beta? This is costing me a buttload of revives and potions for no reason. I want out. Please put back the regular game.

    This 'beta' is way laggier than the previous version (and that one was already laggy with huge frame drops on my Galaxy S8 ever since the small update that came before update 14.0). Now it's just occurring way more frequently.

    How can you force people to opt into a beta that they haven't even signed up for? Regular companies will ASK the people if they want to sign up for a beta. Not force X amount of people in randomly having to play a buggy beta version of the game. This is ridiculous.

    @Kabam Miike
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