Today's update



  • AppleisgodAppleisgod Member Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    Sucks that there is no support in the weekends
  • LegoCrafter517LegoCrafter517 Member Posts: 52
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Spice @Kabam Valkyrie I found this issue. after the update I randomly experience extreme lag where the game will freeze then unfreeze. I have also noticed that often I will be fighting and my champion will still block after i have swiped forward or started tapping to hit. Please take notice of this asap!!!
  • SirTodd_83SirTodd_83 Member Posts: 177
    We need a fudging answer as to what is happening here. @Kabam Miike or any other Kabam person
  • WreakingHavocWreakingHavoc Member Posts: 253 ★★
    I just sent in a ticket to support asking what they were testing, and they responded by saying it was a test. Really cleared things up. Thanks Kabam.
  • AppleisgodAppleisgod Member Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    Appleisgod wrote: »
    Sucks that there is no support in the weekends

    There's never "support" with Kabam. Have you ever sent in a ticket?

    I've sent in many tickets but only once actually got an answer from an actual person
    And actually got support
    But all the other times have just been the automated message
  • WreakingHavocWreakingHavoc Member Posts: 253 ★★
    Appleisgod wrote: »
    Appleisgod wrote: »
    Sucks that there is no support in the weekends

    There's never "support" with Kabam. Have you ever sent in a ticket?

    I've sent in many tickets but only once actually got an answer from an actual person
    And actually got support
    But all the other times have just been the automated message

    Exactly. It's worse than trying to get mod support on the forums, which is hard to do.
  • Ronin_IIRonin_II Member Posts: 5
    I am dueling and each time I proceed to the next fight it downloads the same material over and over again. This is happening during every change over and causing me to wait between 1-2 minutes between battles which is frustrating to say the least.
  • Ja55Ja55 Member Posts: 155
    Ronin_II wrote: »
    I am dueling and each time I proceed to the next fight it downloads the same material over and over again. This is happening during every change over and causing me to wait between 1-2 minutes between battles which is frustrating to say the least.

    Maybe this beta test is to find out how to slow down the iphone.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Lmao don't yall know when there are issues, they say they don't work weekends? Go create a flame post and you'll notice it disappears tho.
  • LCv2LCv2 Member Posts: 18
    Kabam Miike.... the update is absolutely killing my arena ability...and my battery. 2-3 mins to load each fight? Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot???

    Fix it or give me Cable. Don't send me a couple of refresh charges. 2.5m on day 1 and I can't do anything now. Android already handicapped vs. iPhone....and now this. Ridiculous.
  • jarredsaylesjarredsayles Member Posts: 14
    I was to do the update this morning, as well. So far the game has been running as normal for me, apart from the usual bugs.
  • vaderdamanvaderdaman Member Posts: 20
    I had the update this afternoon when I got home from work. Didn't think much of it. My phone is set to not auto update. So not sure when I got it but I had checked yesterday evening and it wasn't there. The first fight I did after the update was in AQ. Lost my Drax on his first fight. The response time and lag was overwhelming. I just couldn't get him to do what I wanted when I wanted. Was also the most aggressive Hulkbuster I've ever encountered. And I have taken the same path before. The next few fights in AQ and arena were the same as before. Light strikes counting as heavy. Dashes counting as light hits. All the usual B.S. I've kinda looked everywhere I can think of for any new feature. Kinda make me wonder.

    Has anyone considered this isn't a game beta test? As in, it isn't a test of actual game play or features? It could be a tracker or other code specific tool that gives Kabam more info from the user. The one guy did say he got a virus warning from the update. It could be something with account sharing since we had that email and bans. Not sure why it would be only android but it might be that Apple doesn't allow that kinda hidden code in their app store apps.
  • ZerophunkZerophunk Member Posts: 207
    Seems to me that the blocking and parry are actually better.
  • wray1976wray1976 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    Zerophunk wrote: »
    Seems to me that the blocking and parry are actually better.

    iOS or Android? If its android I don't believe you. Game is still running horrible.
  • vaderdamanvaderdaman Member Posts: 20
    5 Minutes after making that post I can't get in game. Just get to the loading screen with Spidey/Vulture and the wheel at the bottom right corner. Spinning for all it's worth to no avail. I've closed the game and restarted but not getting any further. I was in the middle of opening a crystal when it stopped. Had to restart, and can't get back in game.
  • Ronin_IIRonin_II Member Posts: 5
    Now a new issue cropped up. I can't even log in now and losing even more time in arena. WHY!!!!
  • ExHavokExHavok Member Posts: 519 ★★★
    Same here,I got disconnected while I was grinding, well, we'll wait,there is nothing much to do for us ..
  • trungst1999trungst1999 Member Posts: 16
    Yeah me too and it really annoying cos im grinding arena
  • Pulse27Pulse27 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2017
    After the first initial glitches, I wasn't noticing much of any change. Things ran similar to pre-upgrade.

    Then tried to play while waiting for train, ie on cell usage. All previous usage was WiFi. Can't even get logged in now. Spinning circle on initial load splash screen and attempted data use but nothing. Retested with multiple other apps and connection/phone is fine.

    Please give us an update to rip off this unwanted beta patch. Then please find people who actually want to test this junk. Again, NOT ME!

    **Edit: getting the emergency down notice now, may not be patch. Last comment stands though, I don't want to be your unwitting beta tester
  • Ronin_IIRonin_II Member Posts: 5
    What do we receive for being Guinea Pigs in your never ending quest to "make the game better"???
  • FugnastyFugnasty Member Posts: 115
    I got the update yesterday and have been stuck on login screen for 10 minutes now.
  • SirTodd_83SirTodd_83 Member Posts: 177
    And now this is happening


  • vaderdamanvaderdaman Member Posts: 20
    Yeah. It's down for both iOS and Android.
  • HrodstangHrodstang Member Posts: 5
    Since this "beta" update, i can't complete a vs fight without infinite loading time (force to quit the game) i always "lose" the fight because of that... It's complicated to play... seriously with my bad luck in crystal opening, the many problem et bug, and now i'm "selected" for a beta where 2/3 of the fights crashed, are you hating me?
  • Volcanic45Volcanic45 Member Posts: 86
    Hey All,

    What you're seeing is an update that is not available to all players at this time. We are currently running a beta test with some users, for a potential feature we may release in the future. If you have any feedback or are seeing any issues arise, please let us know! Your feedback and information helps us improve this development process, and any additional details you wish to provide us will further aid us in our work.

    If you are a player that is noticing some missing assets or blank spaces, this should resolve itself after a session or two. You may want to try restarting the App as well.

    I have been asking for weeks about this and you have not said anything its dumb I've loss so much on this dumb beta update that I did not ask to be in what's going to happen with all the units we loss in this
  • trungst1999trungst1999 Member Posts: 16
    Hey guys guess what? the Maintenance doesnt fix anything :)))))))))
  • trungst1999trungst1999 Member Posts: 16
    But guys i think the best way to make kabam acknowledge our problem with this update is for all of us to post our own discussion as many as possible so we can make this issue big and they have no choice but to fix the damn thing what do say? are you guys with me?
  • Jtegg007Jtegg007 Member Posts: 29
    Hey all. I'm new on the forum so I understand if you don't have any trust in me or my ability to do this... But I can upload the apk (Android's version of an installer/exe) for version 14.0.0 and link it here so you can revert to the old version.... I'm not sure if it'll let you launch or if it'll ask you to update, but hey, lemme know if you want me to try.
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