
I have recently duped my 4 star Electra. I plan to take her up to as she is amazing with deep wounds and has a power gain team with my Daredevil. I understand her abilities for the most part but I am still a bit hazy as to how I trigger her reduced ability accuracy. I am probably confused over something that is really simple but I would appreciate some help here. Thank you.
That's what throws me off I've made him bleed and I take static shock damage whilst he is bleeding I know Electra does not have 100% chance but on every fight seemed a bit off. wasn't sure if there was more to it.
I start with Parry, and hit Electro, no static shock. Repeat until builds up 1 bar power and release it. Continue hitting Elektro until bleed timer stops. Goes back to Parry and repeat everything. At 100% it will mean absolutely no static correct?
Will it be the same against Ant-Man's glancing?
If you want to bypass Ant Man's glancing then use a heavy bleeder like Black Panther, X23 or Electra as the bleed will stack and do the damage even if the hits do not.
Why against Mordo? Champs can't reduce his ability accuracy.
A heavy hit after parry = no astral evade = no degeneration
There seems to be conflicting opinion on BW v Elektra. After the BW nerf, Elektra was supposed to be better but users seems to have varied experience using either one. I have a 3* BW but it may not be representative compared with a 4* which I do not have.
I don't understand Elektra's debuff compared with Magneto's magnetised. The word Magnetised appear or Juggernaut's stagger. Hence, hoping for clearer explanation.
Per your example, you are correct. The only thing that would make your example not true is enhanced abilities nodes which has some funky math. So even if you have 100% defensive ability accuracy reduction, you will still occasionally take thorns damage when fighting electro on enhanced abilities.
Ant Man's glancing is a different story. At this point, there is no way to bypass it at all. His glancing even overrides electra, BW, CB, ect.
Magnetise is triggering on Juggernaut? Haven't come across that it should on work on metal champs. Most people don't like Electra cause it only works when she has a debuff on the opponent. Bw is worse against mutants which she didn't used to be because no class effects it she has 75% normally but against science it becomes 85% on mutants 65% to my knowledge. Don't know if this helps but hope that it does ill have to try the magneto on Juggernaut though.
Magnetise should only trigger on metal champs though or am I wrong ?
Electra's ability doesn't have a debuff symbol with it like magnitize or stagger. It simply takes effect when you have any debuff on your opponent.
That's why a common strategy with electra is to use the resonate mastery which puts a weakness on your enemies which basically allows you to have 85% reduction almost the entire fight.
Yes, but not every champ is obviously metal (although they should have the Metal tag in that box that no one looks at much =P), so it helps to have a visual indicator. And for MMN, his is not permanent, so he has the icon for the timer.
These Howard and Nebula I think are whom Magnetise effects
Right, forgot about her x-23 like two hit heavy
Does it really work with X23? is it the same technique?
Yes, X23 works too