When will the t5C crystal shard unit deals be refunded?

I’m wondering when will the deals that came out with Act 6 will be reversed? According to @Kabam Miike there was an error with the deal and it awarded too many t5c shards.
When will this be reversed? And when can we expect our units to be returned to our accounts?
It’s been over a week and no update?
I’m wondering when will the deals that came out with Act 6 will be reversed? According to @Kabam Miike there was an error with the deal and it awarded too many t5c shards.
When will this be reversed? And when can we expect our units to be returned to our accounts?
It’s been over a week and no update?
So it puts us in a tough spot. As I personally wanted to use some of the Tier 5 Basic shards I received to rank up a champion. But cannot do that until Kabam has resolved this.
Can we please get an update?
Sorry for the lack of response here. We'll have some more definite information for you all later today.
We're going to be starting with Part 1 of this Refund today. Part 1 is to remove all unused Offer Items from Summoners that bought the Offers. Once this is done, Any Summoner who has all the purchased items available, will have the offer reversed. You might notice the Rank Up Materials and Resources are gone before you get your Units. Don't worry! You will get them soon after!
For the few hundred of you that used the Offer Items, any Offer Items that you have available in your inventory will be returned, but you won't receive your Unit refund until we have been able to finish Ranking Down your Champions. This will not happen until early next week.
Because these resources may not have all been used on just 1 Champion, we will be ranking down all Rank Ups (5-Star Rank 3 to 4/4 to 5, and 6-Star Rank 1 to 2) since purchasing the Offer(s). You’ll receive more information on this prior to it happening. Of course, we will return all of the resources (Catalysts, Gold, ISO-8) that you used to Rank these Champions up, minus the ones obtained from the offer.
After this is done, we can return the Units used on the offer. Then, we will be able to enable the Offer again for all Summoners. I don't have an exact date on that, but you probably expect it early next week.
We are sorry for the inconvenience that this has caused, and appreciate your patience as we worked to come up with a resolution.
If you haven't used any of the items from the Bundles, then yes, you will have your items returned and your Units refunded today.
That would be the easy way, but that doesn't give Summoners the chance to make an educated decision on the contents of the T5CC Fragment Crystal.
If you have enough T2A to cover the T2A that were purchased/used, then you're good. The ones in your inventory will be removed instead.
I could care less about the t5c. Taking items with no explanation and giving no real time table other than “next week” for their return and no info on what the rank downs look like or their impact is the worst way to treat those that bought this offer. Take the t5c back and quit screwing around with my resources and account.
No timeline yet but at least we know it's still on going.