Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Gifting Badge Discussion [Merged Threads]



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    V1PER1987V1PER1987 Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★

    You can literally spend a few moments each day and get free units from Arena. Spend like an hour a day and you will get all the units you need. It's not like they're removing free units from the game. Put in the wrench time, you still don't have to spend.

    You’re completely missing the point.
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    TerraTerra Posts: 8,119 ★★★★★
    They're digging such a deep hole for themselves that they make the Mariana trench look like a hole a kid made in a sandbox. Really piling on the negatives quite fast there Kabam.
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    VolumeOneVolumeOne Posts: 97

    VolumeOne said:

    So we had to spend $50 to get this and we are given $10 in "compensation" for an item that has proven to be valuable in me completing content like Act 6 with the help of alliance mates? Look, you take away something like asking for help sure, we get it. But we had to use actual cash to pay you and you throw a 5th of what we paid as a guise for compensation with knowing you've updated ToS after 12.0 that in-game content can change at any time so no one will be able to get a refund. The past month has been a spit in the face for players like me and many others who have been honest and committed for years. You take our 4 stars we spent resources on (when they were 'scarce'), give new players easier access to newer players because the resources are 'easier' for us to get and because we completed them early on we don't have the need for these resources (?) then tell us that "it's only 10 PHC" but still reward us with PHC twice a week for week-long events, and finally just go ahead and take an item that literally only people who have spent on your game own and give some meager 'compensation' because people were abusing it so we are all punished? I've said it before but now I know for a fact:
    you really don't like us anymore.

    The gifting badge was not $50 it was an add on to the tony stark briefcase unit package
    My apologies, it was $30. I am upset because I spent specifically for the item that was included; that is where many people's irritation lies.
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    BluntMacheteBluntMachete Posts: 134
    This unacceptable. This will affect a lot more people that use the GB legitimately than any « fraud » that’s being committed. Stop taking drastic action that affect the rest of the community because you can’t find a way to fix those that are abusing it. Example had we not had gifting badges we wouldn’t have been able to finish our map 6 today because someone had used up all his resources and he needed to take a node out. I hope Kabam will reconsider because this is just not right. Already resources cost so many units for little payoff, now this?
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    Vegas110Vegas110 Posts: 23
    I fully disagree with this action abuse or not... personally I could care less about someone getting items for cheaper or whatever they were doing perhaps we should be being given better unit deals... just saying the last time I saw a 2 for 1 offer has to have been 3 years ago... but anyway back to topic...
    Our Alliance has been gifting things to each other for years to get content finished from energy refills to alliance revives to help us complete it as a group.
    This is a bad choice again...
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    OmiSharmaOmiSharma Posts: 12
    I gave money you gave units. Is it fair kabam. You guys are money maker. Sad for game lover.
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    I see a lawsuit coming to you Kabam I for one will be seeking advice on this.
    Take it away I don’t give a **** but give me back the money I paid for the dam thing not garbage units that I won’t use cause I don’t enjoy you’re garbage game anymore.
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    DukeZmanDukeZman Posts: 604 ★★★
    ZJoeP said:

    Badrose said:

    May someone explain what fraud are we talking about? It's just for people sending stuff to their second account???

    ^This. I never saw examples of what this "fraud" was.
    My guess is people created fake accounts, used said fake accounts to illegally hack units, then gift main account with hacked units from fake account.
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    LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Posts: 1,181 ★★★★
    There is no way i would have bought the $30 offer with the 850 units & gifting badge if it weren't for the benefits of the gifting badge. Offering 300 units in return is not cool. I'll be contacting Apple about a refund if we don't get more details on what you plan to do to reinstate the badge functionality.

    At least consider gifting items that were earned in game vs purchased. Gifting alliance mates and friends items that I grinded my time for to get units/items, etc. The gifting badge should allow that.
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    Vietnb1Vietnb1 Posts: 5
    edited March 2019
    I spent 32,99 euro for the gifting badge. Now, you remove it and give me 300 units. I am wondering if I can return 850 units for you, please give me my money @Kabam Miike
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    DukeZmanDukeZman Posts: 604 ★★★

    To those asking for a refund of their $30 should kabam also take back the 850 units you received in addition to the gifting badge. The badge was an add on to the package. The units were not an add on to the badge.

    Fine come take my 850 units. I'm about done with this game anyway, and $30 in my pocket sounds nice right about now anyway.
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    FluxFoxFluxFox Posts: 15
    If 300 units is all the gifting badge was worth then it should never have been in a deal costing actual money. I’d prefer my 30$ back, thx.
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    ManiacalMeManiacalMe Posts: 57
    edited March 2019
    300 units is kinda crappy. Considering we bought the package that contained 850 or however much it is we should be refunded for that unit pack or a full refund of the money we spent. It’s either or. Throwing a random unit number in there is bogus.
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    Shelbyjojo87Shelbyjojo87 Posts: 13
    I gave a friend a team revive potion (100 units), he is farming to give me this potion, but how can he give it to me? should I forget the 100 wasted units? you do not think it would be better to warn your "customers" (because that's what we've become, not players, but customers) before blocking badges? no it's much easier to take them for idiots ...
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    Stagedear85Stagedear85 Posts: 774 ★★★
    i understand the issue Kabam is having with people being dishonest but, really 300 units when you need to spend 30 dollars to get the gifting badge if my math is correct we should all be given 850 units. I don't want this to come off as non constrictive but whats the different between people being dishonest and Kabam being dishonest... ill wait its like what's worst a guy that stole a nickel or a dime the end of the day its still stealing.
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    ParfanityParfanity Posts: 330
    Kabam you need to give us our 30 bucks back immediately, this is unacceptable.
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    peasantpeasant Posts: 240
    Terra said:

    They're digging such a deep hole for themselves that they make the Mariana trench look like a hole a kid made in a sandbox. Really piling on the negatives quite fast there Kabam.

    nah, they haven't dug a hole at all. To do nothing is digging a hole because it keeps enabling frauds to make money at poor people's expenses. Them taking away the gifting badge to prevent further fraud makes sense. I agree that Kabam needs to catch frauds. They steal from people and use it on this game.
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    Murderbr23Murderbr23 Posts: 38
    I want my money back. I’ve spent and embarrassing amount of dough on this game. That ends today. Who does this??? Sending to Apple.
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    DukeZmanDukeZman Posts: 604 ★★★

    As a serious infraction and real life consequences of fraud, I applaud Kabam for doing the right thing. Gifting if done right and obviously within the legal bounds of not committing fraud is a great idea. However over the past few years there have been many issues with people abusing this method. The valuation of 300 units seems fair for a gifting badge. Would it have been nice to receive what ever unit value you purchased your first gifting badge at? Sure it would. But for the times that the team does something right that has real world consequences, good for them! They did the right thing! #GiftingGate Good job Kabam!

    I'm a F2P player - except for the $30 I spent on the gifting badge 2yrs ago. I wouldn't have spent a penny except for the added function of the gifting ability because I was leading a top 800 alliance back in the day and I wanted to be able to gift players in my ally. So Kabam can have it's 850 units back and I'll take my 30$ back.
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    pktr1ckpktr1ck Posts: 2
    quero meu dinheiro de volta! /I want my money back!/¡quiero mi dinero de vuelta!
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    Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Posts: 838 ★★★★
    VolumeOne said:

    VolumeOne said:

    So we had to spend $50 to get this and we are given $10 in "compensation" for an item that has proven to be valuable in me completing content like Act 6 with the help of alliance mates? Look, you take away something like asking for help sure, we get it. But we had to use actual cash to pay you and you throw a 5th of what we paid as a guise for compensation with knowing you've updated ToS after 12.0 that in-game content can change at any time so no one will be able to get a refund. The past month has been a spit in the face for players like me and many others who have been honest and committed for years. You take our 4 stars we spent resources on (when they were 'scarce'), give new players easier access to newer players because the resources are 'easier' for us to get and because we completed them early on we don't have the need for these resources (?) then tell us that "it's only 10 PHC" but still reward us with PHC twice a week for week-long events, and finally just go ahead and take an item that literally only people who have spent on your game own and give some meager 'compensation' because people were abusing it so we are all punished? I've said it before but now I know for a fact:
    you really don't like us anymore.

    The gifting badge was not $50 it was an add on to the tony stark briefcase unit package
    My apologies, it was $30. I am upset because I spent specifically for the item that was included; that is where many people's irritation lies.
    I bought it as well but I feel the compensation is fair. All this mock outrage is tiresome. Maybe legend runs, aw, and AQ will be a bit more balanced since players will have to use their own resources to get items now that there is one less way to circumvent the system.
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    Shelbyjojo87Shelbyjojo87 Posts: 13
    @Kabam Miike

    I gave a friend a team revive potion (100 units), he is farming to give me this potion, but how can he give it to me? should I forget the 100 wasted units? you do not think it would be better to warn your "customers" (because that's what we've become, not players, but customers) before blocking badges? no it's much easier to take them for idiots ...
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    LolzikLolzik Posts: 1
    I bought GB to help my friends in the game, swap items to help in AW and AQ, and because an idiot closes events in exchange for game items, will my money go to waste ?!

    Is not enough the constant errors in game you invent another reason to abandon the game ?!

    Trade items in game exists in all games, only now that you have decided to wake up to this?

    You will destroy MCoC soon and you will not be able to complain about anything, because it's ur fault.
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    TheRealApocTheRealApoc Posts: 320 ★★
    I can't imagine what it's like to show up at work and at 11 am have to spend all day defending something with real world consequences in a game. Big ups to the staff at Kabam!
This discussion has been closed.