Is this game becoming too difficult and frustrating (and not fun anymore) for the average summoner?

I have been playing this game for over 2 years and I absolutely love it. This is the only game I play on my phone and invest a lot of time in it. But lately I feel that Kabam is raising the difficulty bar in many of the quests so high that this game doesn't feel fun to play sometimes.
For example, the recent Nick Fury's Recon Initiative quest boss fight is designed so poorly that you end up spending a lot of units and yet you can't get past the boss (the final unblockable phase is super frustrating). Ofcourse there are many players for whom this fight is very easy, but again they make up maybe 1% of the summoners. I, like most of the summoners out there, am an average player. So why is Kabam focusing on the top 1% and ignoring the majority? This is really upsetting and frustrating and making many players quit this game. Kabam should know where to draw the line between fun and frustration, and I really hope they do. Because at the end of they day we want this game to be fun and enjoyable and not something that frustrates you and makes you want to throw your phone.
For example, the recent Nick Fury's Recon Initiative quest boss fight is designed so poorly that you end up spending a lot of units and yet you can't get past the boss (the final unblockable phase is super frustrating). Ofcourse there are many players for whom this fight is very easy, but again they make up maybe 1% of the summoners. I, like most of the summoners out there, am an average player. So why is Kabam focusing on the top 1% and ignoring the majority? This is really upsetting and frustrating and making many players quit this game. Kabam should know where to draw the line between fun and frustration, and I really hope they do. Because at the end of they day we want this game to be fun and enjoyable and not something that frustrates you and makes you want to throw your phone.
Nick was easy, searously the easiest of the 4. Most of his damage was minor, his sp1 was a joke as long as you dodged the first hit which was easy. Save your specials for when he goes unblockable and he is dead.
2) you are saying they are making it so only expert players can beat epic difficulty without units and somehow that is a bad thing? You are pointing our your own problems, you are expecting to be able to do the hardest content easily, as in no units, while only being an average player.
2) ofcourse it's a bad thing. cash grab fiesta is definitely a bad thing
2) How is optional content a cash grab fiesta.. It is obvious you do not have the skill level to complete it, and you know this, so why are you still attempting it and blaming them for you not having the skill to complete it?
Neither is likely to happen
Everyone has Champs they struggle with. Those can be different from others. Let's get off the Soapbox.
2. It is only a cash grab Fiesta if you are unable to complete harder content, aren't ready to accept that yet, and try to buy your way through the content.
registrar: have you trained, are you any good
Me: no, I should not have to, an average person should be able to do it...
You are doing the hardest content, content that is not made for the average player, and failing, thinking you should be able to do everything.. You shouldnt.
These posts are endless, but honestly more often than not it is on the player. If you dropped a bunch of units trying to smash through content you couldn’t handle, then that is your own fault.
I farm. I save. I do arena. I collect boosts. I’ve spent time and effort building my roster. I currently have over 100 potions in the stash. Why? Because I prepare for difficult content, and like to minimize my losses.
Challenging content is why I play the game. If you can’t do it, then you can’t do it. Plain and simple.